Jimmy Hoffa

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Jim Eshelman
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Jimmy Hoffa

Post by Jim Eshelman »

From the old forum...
SteveS wrote:Jimmy Hoffa AA rated: 2/14/1913 6:52 AM Detroit, Michigan
On July 30, 1975, Hoffa drove away from his summer home in the Detroit suburb of Lake Orion, reportedly on his way to a meeting with two Teamster officers in an attempt to gain support for a 1976 bid for the Union presidency. He hasn't been seen or heard from since.

Note on July 30 1975 transiting Saturn partile cnj his Natal Neptune opp Natal Mars. Mr Donald Bradley, a great Siderealist researcher, writes about Saturn-Neptune:
A real throne-toppler, this aspect. Among its paramount keywords is “removal,” for Saturn-Neptune surely takes first prize for forcing resignations, exiles, deportations, and firings from jobs.
July 30 1975 Natal Quotidian: Q Neptune partile 90 Q Asc along with t. Saturn.

His 1975 Lake Orion final SSR main Sidereal Astrology features:

1: Mundo & Eclipto SSR Mars partile cnj SSR Asc! (Leaves little to our imagination to know the nature of his Saturn-Neptune “removal.”)

2: Mundo SSR Saturn 4,37 cnj SSR Dsc (The main angular themes of his last SSR were the two malefics, Mars & Saturn.)

3: SSR Moon partile 90 SSR Saturn

4: SSR Moon partile 120 SSR Neptune

5: SSR Moon opp SSR Pluto

6: His Solar Quotidian (SQ) on July 30 1975: SQ Moon partile 90 SQ Mars. SQ Sun partile 135 SQ Saturn.

By Nature, it was TIME for Jimmy’s “removal” from his sojourn.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Jimmy Hoffa

Post by Jim Eshelman »

t. Sun 0°47' conj. r. Neptune (partile), op. r. Mars (2°) - basically, Sun is where Saturn was for the event. Saturn is 2° away, also conj. Neptune but a bit long for Mars.

Basically, for transiting planets, the chart is:
t. Sun (Asc 1°53')
t. Saturn (Asc (3°57')
-- Sun-Saturn conj. (2°04')
t. Mercury (EP 2°07')
t. Pluto (IC 6°58')
-- Mercury-Pluto sq. (3°19')

His natal planets were:
r. Mars setting (< 1° - Dsc 2°50' Cap, Mars sets 2°10' Cap)
r. Neptune rises (2° - Asc 2°50' Can, Neptune rises 0°40' Can)
r. Venus culminating (2°+ - MC 15°11' Pis, Venus culminates 17°46' Pisc)

Overall a harsh, confronting event that drew not necessarily the best out of Jimmy. I suspect themes of outright betrayal and also deep concern for his family. All sorts of scandals and threats come to mind from these planets.

Ennead July 29
One day before the event. Right planets, not necessarily close orbs. Certainly appropriate for a mystery story!

t. Pluto (MC 8°45')
t. Neptune (Asc 5°43')
No natal planets close enough (maybe a distant r. Venus)
No Moon aspects close enough (about 4° from a Jupiter-Saturn 0°04' square)
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Re: Jimmy Hoffa

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The SNQ is interesting. Steve mentioned it in passing, here are some harder numbers. The particular way Jupiter is involved seems like a dethroning, though I see why one would be justified in thinking this should have been a more positive event. Using 8 PM that night as a guess-timate:

SNQ Asc 29°12' Virgo
p. Neptune 29°44' Gemini
t. Jupiter 29°55' Pisces
t. Saturn 0°05' Cancer
r. Neptune 0°18' Cancer

SNQ MC 3°43' Cancer
p. Sun 3°49' Aries
t. Uranus 4°12' Libra

It "involved the king." It has the Saturn-Neptune removal and the similar Jupiter-Saturn removal (often seen for departures from office - I think it's mostly "afflicted Jupiter," though it likely also has the "what price do you have to pay for what you want" political factor of Jupiter-Saturn: "What do I have to lose in order to win something else?" - And, of course, the angular Sun shows "it involves the king." Uranus to Sun can be "overthrow," and it certainly took him by surprise. It was a coup.

The SQ angles are better than usual. First, though, the SQ progressions themselves score big, with the progressed Moon-Mars square Steve mentioned (0°37' to SSR Mars, wider to SQ Mars). The most important planet on an angle is t. Saturn conj. SQ EP < 1°. We also get s. Mercury on Dsc (not overly obvious what this means) and t. Uranus on IC (but this time we don't get the benefit of that Uranus aspecting his progressed Sun - that only exists in the SNQ). I think we can treat the co-angularity of the two transiting planets as a Saturn-Uranus square on the angles, "sudden removals" etc.

With charts like this, I don't think we can consider that he took a voluntary retirement to a lovely island somewhere.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Jimmy Hoffa

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Hoffa's death was not only a personal event - it was a public event affecting millions of union members, connected to events in Washington, and capturing the public imagination. Do mundane charts for Detroit show the events? (Again, I'm using 8 PM as a guess, not that it matters much for these charts.)

Year & Quarter: Cansolar
The Capsolar is dormant. The Cansolar has Neptune on IC (2°33'). (Venus is very distantly foreground, and too-widely square Neptune.) The least we have here is a confusion and a mystery.

Month: Caplunar
Totally appropriate for a local violent event with political & economic overtones. (The Arilunar is dormant, so the Caplunar also persists as "chart of the week.")
Mars sets (2°30')
Moon-Jupiter sq. (0°33')
Moon-Saturn op. (0°58')

Day: Capsolar Quotidian & Transits
Nothing is quite close enough in the CapQ. Transiting Saturn-Jupiter are in 0°09' square straddling the 0° cardinal point, and therefore on Capsolar Sun, but this is not quite close enough to the angles. The main impact would have been a couple of days later, and perhaps this is when the news was hitting; but I think we have to consider the CapQ a dud for the actual event. We also have the strangeness of a Mercury-Venus conjunction just barely within orbs of square CapQ Ascendant.

OTOH, transits to the Detroit Capsolar itself are superb:

t. Pluto conj. s. Asc (0°03')
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Re: Jimmy Hoffa

Post by SteveS »

Jim, your ISR book opened the door for me to see so much truthful precise symbolism. And when Matthew Q (RIP) spent much time with me showing me how to calculate Sidereal Astrology charts, the symbolic truths of these Sidereal Astrology charts astounded me!
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