Dynamic SLR'S

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Jim Eshelman
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Dynamic SLR'S

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Apr 23, 2009
SteveS wrote:An example of a Dynamic SLR. Natal Chart Data: 10/20/1950, 11:07 PM EST, Columbus Ga. SSR relocated to Springville, Al.

The native has always had a severe phobia of taking school tests beginning with grade school. To achieve her present Career she had to go to a special 1 week class, years ago, to learn material required for her job. She had to achieve a passing grade of 70 in order to achieve her job status. She made a 71 but in the process of class preparation and testing she experienced stressful trauma with her heart and was later diagnosed with micro value prolap and put on heavy medication to control this condition. A month ago she was informed she had to go back to a 1 week class for continuing education to maintain her career status. First day of class was Monday April 20th.

Note her SLR that began on Monday April 20th. Saturn and Pluto are angular partile the IC & DES. Angular Saturn is partile 135 Sun—she is exhausted, mentally and psychically from staying up late hours studying—she is depressed & inhibited with fear she will not pass the test. Demi Solar features a tight 135 Moon Saturn with Demi Pluto bodily on the IC. Says she feels like a heavy weight has been placed on her shoulders. Note SLR angular Pluto tight 135 to SLR Mercury. The course material involves statistics and she was always weak in math. Says the course material is the most intense difficult material she has ever had study in her life—the first time she has ever dealt with statistics. In many cases, dynamic Pluto symbolism denotes ‘Firsts’ in life. Partile angular SLR Saturn Pluto has placed a heavy burden on her.

The pure astronomy of ones mundane sphere (scopes) with Solunars never ceases to amaze me! Clinck in open space to enlarge chart.

Regards, Steve
Jim Eshelman
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Dynamic SLR'S

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote:Birth Data: Oct. 3rd 1955, 5:24 AM EST, Flint Michigan. Source: Birth Certificate.

Current SLR of a native who had his two and only bank accounts frozen by the tax revenue department of North Carolina citing he underpaid his state taxes in the year 2005. The native lost his career job in NC of 15 years in 2005 and has been forced to move four times in the last four years—3 times to different States. His last move was back to the locale of his 2005 career employment. Because of his frequent moving over the last 4 years the State revenue department of NC could not find an address for the native.

Note the angular placement of Mars & Pluto with a tight 90 aspect. In fact, Mars-Pluto are in Paran formation bodily on the Descendant & IC. Mars sets with a local sidereal time of 6:07:30 and Pluto anti-culminates with a LST of 6:13:21. Fagan recognized Parans as the most potent of any aspect.

As usually the case, I find Bradley’s delineations from his book Solar & Lunar Returns very interesting. He states under Mars-Pluto symbolism: “Swift meting out of justice is the surest token of strong aspects between Mars and Pluto. Suspense, as tense as a fictional serial chapter-ending, clutches the native’s senses sometime during the period covered by the chart. A crisis which calls for the native’s taking of the initiative and responsibility is in the offing, for a keyword of Mars-Pluto is “the blame.” The combination is essentially criminogenic, and the native may actually perpetrate misdeeds for which retribution follows swiftly and mercilessly.”
Jim Eshelman
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