June 28 1054 AD Cansolar

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June 28 1054 AD Cansolar

Post by SteveS »

I recently finished a Cosmic Conference mainly about “earth sciences.” It was most interesting for me and I made some new contacts (my Natal Jupiter/Node). I was able to demonstrate a few Sidereal Mundane Astrology charts to a couple of speakers and other quests at the conference---it was fun stuff--- Mercury-Uranus communications with my partile cnj June 3 SLR Me-Ur angular on June 3 SLR DSC. One afternoon there were a lot of discussions about “Supernovas”, and one of the quests ask me to calculate a Cansolar for 1054, asking me if I saw hard nose WORLD symbolism for the Crab Nebula Supernova which occurred or was seen worldwide on July 4 1054. I responded there was a rare unique Mars-Sun partile conjunction with the June 28 1054 Cansolar. Since I got home from the conference I have been digging deeper into this Crab Nebula Supernova and found this:
Connection to SN 1054
The Crab Nebula was the first astronomical object recognized as being connected to a supernova explosion.[11] In the early twentieth century, the analysis of early photographs of the nebula taken several years apart revealed that it was expanding. Tracing the expansion back revealed that the nebula must have become visible on Earth about 900 years before. Historical records revealed that a new star bright enough to be seen in the daytime had been recorded in the same part of the sky by Chinese astronomers on 4 July 1054, and probably also by Japanese observers.[11][15][16]
Could we Siderealists contribute this partile Mars-Sun conjunction with the June 28 1054 Cansolar as symbolizing a Supernova explosion (Mars) showing worldwide on planet earth a new Star seen in daylight with out Solar System Sun?
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: June 28 1054 AD Cansolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I can't think of any way that any geocentric astrological pattern could be credited with light reaching Earth from an explosion thst occurred 6,500 years earlier (far, far away).

If the EFFECT of thst was the outbreak of war, people feeling Earth was being invaded, volcanoes suddenly erupting, or widespread, otherwise unexplained fires breaking out, then our REACTTION to that event 6,500 years earlier could be attributed to something like Sun-Mars.

We're there observed widespread terrestrial consequences?

Meanwhile and more importantly: Did you have a fabulous time?
Jim Eshelman
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Re: June 28 1054 AD Cansolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

In the 11th century, the capital of China was Chan'an aka Xi'an. I wish we knew where the astronomers were who wrote about it, but at least we can at least center the looking on the cultural and governmental center of China.

Probably the most culturally significant astrological factor of the time was Uranus opposite Neptune. Uranus was even stationary on July 4, 1054. BTW, Solar Fire is still pretty accurate in calculating ingresses for that date: SF and TMSA give Capsolar MC in the same degree. If this citing was in or near the capital, Xi'an (Chan'an), then it signaled an incredibly happy, celebratory event:

Capsolar: Sun-Venus partile conjunction minutes from EP
Cansolar: Venus 0°10' from Descendant.
Caplunar: Venus 2° from MC opposite Pluto.
Arilunar: Venus 1° from IC

Party time!
Jim Eshelman
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Re: June 28 1054 AD Cansolar

Post by Jim Eshelman »

At the center of the Crab Nebula, as the residual object left broadcasting after the star went supernova, is the Crab Pulsar: RA 5:34:31.95, Dec 22N00'52.2" for epoch 2000.0.

The Crab Nebula's coordinates are given as RA 5:34:31.94, Dec 22N00'52"2 for 2000.0. These are indistinguishable.

This converts to Sidereal longitude 29°22' Taurus, essentially the same place as one of Steve's favorite stars, Alnitak (Zeta Orionis).
Jim Eshelman
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Re: June 28 1054 AD Cansolar

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
I can't think of any way that any geocentric astrological pattern could be credited with light reaching Earth from an explosion thst occurred 6,500 years earlier (far, far away).
I hear you Jim and agree. But if light from this Supernova did reach earth on July 4 1054 AD seen by certain astronomers in the daytime, we can only image the effects on the people who witness it. A super explosions had to come to their minds. I know nothing about Supernovas, but know of certain mythological storytelling of two Suns seen in our daytime skies.
Jim wrote:
If the EFFECT of thst was the outbreak of war, people feeling Earth was being invaded, volcanoes suddenly erupting, or widespread, otherwise unexplained fires breaking out, then our REACTTION to that event 6,500 years earlier could be attributed to something like Sun-Mars.
What I tried to explain to the few people (knowledgeable about geometry) who were listening to me about SMA was: It was an excellent forecasting tool which at times described certain important events on earth only seen/understood with reliable know planetary symbolism at certain locations. I told the few who were listening: For major worldwide events SMA relied on aspects only to the two lights---the Moon & Sun. I handed out charts of the 1939 Cansolar showing how the Cansolar Moon was severely afflicted with very malefic symbolism which timed the declarations for War World 11. They were impressed with the partile geometric aspects the 1939 Cansolar Moon received from Mars, Saturn & Pluto. This is when a man (Ed) asked me if I could generate a Cansolar Chart for 1054 AD. I said sure-- not knowing why he asked me about 1054 AD. I computed the 1054 AD Cansolar explaining it had almost an exact conjunction of Mars to Cansolar Sun symbolizing explosions, wars, disputes, fires. Then I asked him why he was interested in 1054 AD and he said that was when astronomers on earth first recognized the daytime light from the Crab Nebula Supernova. Driving home from the Venue I kept reminding myself to do some research on the Crab Nebula Supernova.
We're there observed widespread terrestrial consequences?
If there were, I have not seen any written records yet. The only thing I have discovered is there are written China records of seeing a “new star” in the heavens in daylight on July 4 1054 AD.
Meanwhile and more importantly: Did you have a fabulous time?
I would not describe it as a “fabulous time,” but an interesting discovery time for my main objectives to learn more about certain earth sciences that certain independent earth scientists are discovering when the megafauna & Clovis culture went extinct app 13,000 BC. And, more importantly what Event caused this extinction. I was led to a book published in 2007 which I am in the middle reading now. So far, the authors favor the effects of a Supernova passing through out Solar System for this extinction cycle.
This converts to Sidereal longitude 29°22' Taurus, essentially the same place as one of Steve's favorite stars, Alnitak (Zeta Orionis).
:shock: There it is again!!! I knew the Crab Nebular was in Taurus but had no idea it was at 29,22 Taurus. That’s one of the main reasons I like hanging out with you on this forum, you have an expert/scientific astronomical mind which teaches me things for my further learnings. Ever since I learned about the proven sidereal astronomy with monuments on the Giza Plateau in 1992, I keep going wherever this Mystery leads me. BTW Jim, I gave full credit to you and your SMA book to the few who were interested in my chats with em about SMA. One person told me if you were ever interested in publishing a book about SMA to contact "Bear & Company"--Rochester, Vermont.
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