U.S. Solar Return 2022 and 2023

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Jim Eshelman
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U.S. Solar Return 2022 and 2023

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The current SSR for the Declaration of Independence occurred July 8, 2022, 1:57:55 PM EDT in Washington, DC. Here is what it says the last year was like. Whether it is Caprsicorn or national SSRs, we usually get an angular Pluto, which makes it harder to distinguish the years, but this year has some distinctive markers. Do they fit the year we've had?

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Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Pl  2Cp34'23"  2S 7 - 1'24" 300° 9' 22S43 356°33' -73°47'  91° 0' 100% I 
Ma  7Ar23'17"  1S48 +41'41"  30°53' 10N38 277°13' + 8° 1' 188° 5'  98% Wa
                            Radical Planets                             
Me  2Cn40'26"  3S50 -26'48" 119° 1' 16N52 180°14' +67°58' 269°54' 100% M 
Pl  5Cp56'26"  3S 7 - 1'22" 303°57' 22S58 344° 5' -73°33'  94°38'  94% I 
Sa 23Vi10'59"  2N31 + 1'47" 197°47'  4S49 100°55' + 5°43' 354°11'  91% A 
    Class 1 Aspects     
tMa sq rPl  1°27' 96%   
tPl op rMe  0° 6'100% 
Here is its successor: The new year begins July 8, 2023, 8:13:59 PM EDT, Washington, DC. Puto doubles up and we switch from nata; Saturn to natal Jupiter. Even with background Mars opposite natal Moon, this looks like a much more positive year:

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Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Pl  4Cp22' 8"  2S40 - 1'23" 302°12' 22S52 108°43' -13°25'  14° 9'  99% Ea
Ju 15Ar32'52"  1S 9 + 9'31"  38°34' 13N55 353°24' -36°57'  98°41'  81% I 
                            Radical Planets                             
Pl  5Cp56'26"  3S 7 - 1'22" 303°58' 22S58 107°47' -14°47'  15°30' 100% Ea
Ju 14Ge16'15"  0S 4 +13'34" 100° 9' 23N 2 302° 3' - 1°57' 177°42'  99% D 
Su 21Ge30'39"  0S 0 +57'11" 107°59' 22N25 296°41' + 2°56' 183°17'  97% D 
Ve 11Ge14'14"  0N 5 + 1°14'  96°52' 23N23 304°25' - 3°51' 175°20'  94% D 
Me  2Cn40'26"  3S50 -26'48" 119° 2' 16N52 285°44' + 7°24' 187°41'  85% D 
    Class 1 Aspects     
tJu sq rMe  1° 0' 98% M 
tPl op rMe  1°42' 94%                                                   
tPl co rPl  1°21' 96% M                                                 
rVe co rJu  2°22' 89% M 
Jim Eshelman
Posts: 6670
Joined: Mon May 08, 2017 5:11 am

Re: U.S. Solar Return 2022 and 2023

Post by SteveS »

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