Midheaven in the Constellations - interpretation resources

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Midheaven in the Constellations - interpretation resources

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The Midheaven sign is given scant attention by Siderealists. For the most part, this is warranted, though there are places where it should receive more attention.

For example, the traditional association with career seems justified. Although vocational selection is far more complicated than a single factor, nonetheless almost every significant statistical result for the Midheaven sign in the Gauquelin professional data was a "fit" as literally as if the ruling planet of the sign were on the Midheaven instead.

Statistical studies of character traits for the Midheaven do produce significant, but they are minor in comparison to primary factors such as the luminaries or Mars. At least, the Midheaven tends to show better results than the Ascendant sign. Since the Midheaven and Ascendant signs are inherently (mathematically) connected, it only makes sense that, if you are going to interpret them at all, you do so only as a pair.

Mostly, only the findings derived from the Gauquelin data are given below.

Midheaven in Taurus viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76&p=414#p415
Midheaven in Gemini viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76#p417
Midheaven in Cancer viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76#p417
Midheaven in Leo viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76#p420
Midheaven in Virgo viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76#p422
Midheaven in Libra viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76#p424
Midheaven in Scorpio viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76#p425
Midheaven in Sagittarius viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76#p428
Midheaven in Capricorn viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76#p430
Midheaven in Aquarius viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76#p431
Midheaven in Pisces viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76#p432
Midheaven in Aries viewtopic.php?f=13&t=76#p433
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Midheaven in Taurus

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Significantly high: Powerful, dreaming, witty, combative
Significantly low: Traveller, active, methodical
Occupations: Painters, Politicians, Aviators (Actors); LOW for scientists, musicians

(Italicized traits also showed for Ascendant in Leo.)

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Midheaven in Gemini

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Significantly high: Mystic, traveler, devoted, methodical
Significantly low: Witty
Occupations: Military (physicians)

(Italicized traits also showed for Ascendant in Virgo.)
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Midheaven in Cancer

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Significantly high: Sensual, tenacious
Significantly low: Witty, combative

(All of the above traits also showed for Ascendant in Libra.)
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Midheaven in Leo

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Significantly high: Active, idealist, traveler, courageous, authority, powerful, sincere
Significantly low: Poet

(Italicized traits also showed for Ascendant in Libra. Underline traits also showed for Ascendant in Scorpio.)
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Midheaven in Virgo

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Notebook #93 observations: Personal traits include a very marked sense of personal loyalty.

Significantly high: Methodical
Significantly low: Imaginative, traveler, generous, dreaming, mystic
Occupations: LOW for writers

(Italicized traits also showed for Ascendant in Sagittarius. Underlined traits are for Ascendant in Scorpio.)
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Midheaven in Libra

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Significantly high: Pessimistic
Significantly low: Poet, traveler, passionate, idealist
Occupations: Military musicians. LOW for politicians.

(All traits listed above also showed for Ascendant in Sagittarius.)
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Midheaven in Scorpio

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Notebook #93 observations: Very sensitive types, feeling either anomic and atypical, or grossly misunderstood by others (manifest either as being a little withdrawn, or by belligerence).

Significantly high: Sensitive, charming, kind, passionate
Significantly low: Powerful, poet, dreaming
Occupations: (Politicians)

(Italicized traits also showed for Ascendant in Aquarius. Underlined traits also showed for Ascendant in Capricorn.)
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Midheaven in Sagittarius

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Significantly high: Stubborn, combative, mystic
Significantly low: Talkative, witty, devoted

(Italicized traits also showed for Ascendant in Pisces. Underlined traits also showed for Ascendant in Aquarius. Red traits also showed for Ascendant in Aries.)
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Midheaven in Capricorn

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Notebook #93 observations: Fairly private individuals. A little hard to "pull out" and get them talking about themselves at first.

Significantly high: Poet, witty, talkative, courageous
Significantly low: Sensual, imaginative, dreaming, sincere
Occupations: Physicians

(Italicized traits also showed for Ascendant in Taurus.)
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Midheaven in Aquarius

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Significantly high: Ambitious, charming, poet
Significantly low: Sensual, passionate, mystic, pessimistic
Occupations: Scientists. LOW for writers.

(All traits above also showed for Ascendant in Gemini.)
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Midheaven in Pisces

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Significantly high: Traveler, sensual
Significantly low: Sincere, devoted, combative, pessimistic
Occupations: LOW for sports champions (New Champions), military, military musicians, actors

(Italicized traits also showed for Ascendant in Cancer.)
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Midheaven in Aries

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Notebook #93 observations: A strong sense of leadership, strength, courage, and willingness to assume responsibility. Generally quite effective in their practical lives, often (but not always) representing the greatest economic strength in their household (especially the women).

Significantly high: Sincere, generous, traveller, talkative, imaginative, witty, devoted
Significantly low: Ambitious, stubborn
Occupations: Sports Champions (New Champions)

(Italicized traits also showed for Ascendant in Cancer. Underlined traits also showed for Ascendant in Leo.)
Jim Eshelman