Sun enters Cancer today (July 17) at 5:49:49 PM EDT. The chart is dormant for Washington, meaning that there are no angularities that distinguish particular effects for the U.S. The Arisolar will persist another three months as the effective Quarter chart.
Worldwide, we have strong luminary connections with each other that also aspect Pluto. (Eris is also involved). In Washington, the Moon-Pluto is much more important (the most important thing to carry away from this chart): Moon opposes Pluto 0°08' in mundo. Here are the longitudes worldwide:
0°00' Can - Sun
0°11' Ari - Eris
1°31' Can - Moon
4°10' Cap - Pluto
Progressed Cansolar Moon move exactly 12°00'/year for this chart, which means about 1° per month. That means that in not quite three months - say, early October - the world will experience progressed Moon opposite Pluto.
Even though dormant, the Cansolar is equal to the Capsolar for major timing by transits to its angles, Moon, and progressed Moon.
I haven't looked at the rest of the world for this chart but wanted to start the thread to allow for discussion (and for further digging).
2023 Cansolar
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
2023 Cansolar
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: 2023 Cansolar
One main effect of a new ingress- even a dormant one - is that it expires the prior version of the same ingress. Last year's Cansolar was also dormant for Washington, so there's not a lot to lose in that sense.
The current one, with Mon-Pluto, duplicates the Moon-Pluto square in the Capsolar. For that reason it's important. The main Moon-Pluto promise for the world from the Capsolar is likely to manifest under this current chart, especially in that early October period.
The current one, with Mon-Pluto, duplicates the Moon-Pluto square in the Capsolar. For that reason it's important. The main Moon-Pluto promise for the world from the Capsolar is likely to manifest under this current chart, especially in that early October period.
Jim Eshelman