Solar Quotidian (SQ) by Morin Villefranche.

Q&A and discussion on progressions of Sidereal Solar Returns.
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Solar Quotidian (SQ) by Morin Villefranche.

Post by cris25 »

A few years ago, I read a book by Morin Villefranche where he narrates his life using solar and lunar returns to explain the main events of his life. If I understood correctly, he used Solar Quotidian (SQ) long before Cyril Fagan; perhaps he was the first to use SQ.

The difference is that he also progressed the planets; if the MC moved 20 degrees, he moved the planets 20 degrees too. I found it interesting.

Perhaps he was the first to use SQ?

The title of the book is : Ma vie devant les Astres
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Solar Quotidian (SQ) by Morin Villefranche.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Since he didn't use sidereal returns, this wasn't the SQ.
Jim Eshelman
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