Since this SSR (1976) reflected
stunning Jupiter symbolism for what happened in my life in a material manner, I wanted to take a look at the potential parans for this 1976 SSR, here they are:
I had
Regulus MC Ceres MC 1,01; and Regulus IC Ceres IC 1,01. Why Ceres? Because in Greek/Roman Mythology Ceres has something
big time to do with agriculture (grains), and I was put into close contact with the floor trader of Reffco Brokerage Company who was recognized among
all floor traders from
all major Brokerage Company’s as the
KING (Regulus) of floor traders (Henry) for soybeans (Ceres). To make a long story short. I borrowed 2K and by patiently listening to Henry’s
only two one minute recommendations over a squawk box in Boaz Alabama, covering a 4 month period, Henry turned my 2K into 88K, more than 3 times my annual salary. This 1976 SSR was the most surreal SSR I have ever experience in my entire life!
I want to eventually check and see how many SSRs in my adult life I have had a Regulus-Ceres potential paran.
Other notable potential parans for this 1976 SSR:
Sun MC Sirius Set 1,46 (for sure, this lit my life afire, the broker in Boaz was more stunned than me)
Mercury MC Sirius Set 0,35 (my mind/thoughts were stunned)
Regulus Set Neptune MC 0,04 (For sure a Kingly (Regulus speculation (Neptune) and a dream (Neptune) come true in a material way.
Mars IC Pluto IC 0,04 (Ebertin COSI—Superhuman power, great ambition)
Uranus Set Pluto Set 0,01 (Ebertin—The process of transformation. Attainment of great objectives)
The female figure standing 45 stories above LaSalle Street is an iconic image for most Chicagoans. It depicts Ceres, the Roman goddess of agriculture, in honor of the commodities exchanged in the Chicago Board of Trade building below.
Statue of Ceres sitting atop the Chicago Board of Trade (CBT): ... n-h-storrs
CBT is recognized by the
World as where all major grains (Ceres) are traded.
I love studying my Natal Chart/SSRs with the methods of Sidereal Astrology!

But understand, Western Sidereal Astrology does not use other bodies in the heavens in their methodology, as far as I know, maybe Ken Bowser. But Fagan recognized several important Stars recognized by the Ancient Egyptians & Babylonians as important.