Pluto transit to Jupiter-Uranus success

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Pluto transit to Jupiter-Uranus success

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I have an astrology story to tell that climaxed this morning (10 Aug 2023) at 6:05 AM at my home.

I've been undergoing transiting Pluto's opposition to natal Jupiter-Uranus last year and this year (and it will be a big part of my next SSR, so around and effective for another year). Pluto first entered partile orb of the natal conjunction February 2022 and will last leave partile orb October 2024, a couple of weeks after the next SSR ends, so this 32 months is the primary duration of the transit's time of reshaping something in my psyche and circumstances.

The basic meaning of Pluto to Jupiter is a radical, transformative shift in Jupiter matters (such as title, prestige, finance, esteem, etc.). That basic definition is neither positive or negative - it could go either way - so (based on life circumstances and other planets involved) it could (in theory) theoretically mean either financial devastation or very positive financial breakthroughs. (Most people don't win the lottery under this aspect, but it's one where you could expect to win the lottery.) The same extreme good OR bad effect is theoretically possible on all the other Jupiter areas.

My standard interpretation for transiting Jupiter and Pluto aspecting in a return chart foreground (a slightly different aspect, but still similar), reads:
Turning a corner, reversing the tide, recovery (correcting what's wrong). Shifting circumstances regarding career, finance, and prestige stunningly make or break one's reputation, uplift or debase one's station, or reverse economic conditions (fortune or ruin), perhaps forcing issues into the light for all to see and judge.
My usual interpretation of this aspect - transiting Pluto to natal Jupiter - is summarized as:
Major shifts in status, finances, rank, or reputation. Significant shifts in career or life-direction (usually positive). Being more in charge of one’s personal affairs. Possible alienation through superiority.
While the effects could be (in theory) either positive or negative, I have seen over the last several years that the usual expectation is that it is positive. For example, we all got to see Donald Trump move through his entire presidency with one chance after another of taking him down - many opportunities he could have caved in or been dragged down - only to come out unscathed. Yes, he was impeached twice and history will judge that, but it had little negative practical impact on him. He seemed to have a protective aura: Little (nothing?) could touch him during this time that Pluto was in nonstop transit to his Jupiter. Then, that transit passed and Joe Biden showed up with Pluto transiting his Pluto and dethroned Trump - taking the 'throne' himself.

In other cases, it seems to work the same way: Generally, the aspect is positive though, of course, we have to leave room that it could go the other way.
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Re: Pluto transit to Jupiter-Uranus success

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With this background, I was a little apprehensive of the aspect as it approached. However, as it settled in and began operating, especially around the time of the first exact hit, it started looking pretty good.

I suppose positive SSRs don't hurt... though, as mentioned above, I've been used to seeing usually positive results from Pluto-to-Jupiter overall.

Various things began happening last year that I'd put under the broad category of "clearing up financial karma." For example, I had no bad credit history because I had no credit history at all - I'd stopped using any credit about 20 years ago and only dealt with cash on hand. This, of course, gives you a very low credit score (lower than if you had bad credit, for reasons that still mystify me). So, about the time of the first exact transit pass last year, a series of two or three accidents tumbled into my being told I could get a decent credit from my long-term bank and thought I probably should say yes. This started about a year of the process many of you may have gone through of "walking up your credit score."

Then, a couple of months ago, our now aging (but long-reliable) car started showing various problems. (This was during the time SQ Moon was opposing natal Saturn.) Little things going wrong was no big deal, but then the catalytic converter went out just as the car's registration was due - meaning it couldn't be re-registered until that was fixed. It's an expensive fix. The car is old and Blue Book trade-in value was a little less than the cost of the repair. Nor was this likely to be the last repair (but, more likely, the start of more and more little repairs). So, we started looking at needing to get a new car (and fast, because now we have expired tags). I asked Marion to take the lead on researching our best move.

What happened next now feels like a series of tumblers falling into place to open a lock.

We take a lot of road trips While we have been able to lay back the seats of our small car to almost horizontal and use it as a sleeper, it's still small; and we've done this less since our cat, Kali, has been travelling with us. Marion had long wanted a minivan that, besides day-to-day use, would serve us as a travel and sleeping vehicle, give Kali lots of room on the road, be usable to take people on wine excursions, and perhaps do other things. Over a couple of days, she did the research and we had several options. We got ready to pursue a car loan and juggle finances around that (including plans for her to immediately turn the new vehicle into revenue producing to more than cover the payments).

Then the ruby slippers started dropping as an interesting set of puzzle pieces started coming together.

In the middle of this, I suddenly learned that money invested toward retirement etc. had reached a certain maturity and could be tapped. I could borrow against it to pay cash for the new car and, though I'd pay it back with interest, I'd be paying the interest to myself, not to a third party (and paying it at a higher rate than the market has been earning the last two years, so increasing the value of the account). By borrowing a small bit more, we could pay have essentially 100% of existing debt, which will jump the improved credit scores a very large amount. We'd be left with the new vehicle, an expanded lifestyle better suited to travel, debt free, credit numbers leaped up, increased income that covers the repayments and ups our shared income further, and more. (Still a couple of small 'money karma' things to clear up, but essentially done.)

We set that in motion... moved the paperwork... as it started to mature, I noticed this is the week Pluto retrogrades across the exact opposition to my Jupiter and told Marion that it was going to be close enough to make an astrologer smile anyway, but it just might bring everything to a head exactly at the transit, meaning on Wednesday or Thursday of this week (Pluto opposing my Jupiter about 1 AM today).

Then I woke up this morning and a 6:05 AM saw that the loan (of my money to me) had been processed and transferred fully. (It had processed overnight, probably the exact hour of the 0°00' transit.)

Today or tomorrow, depending on such things as new insurance getting finalized, we'll pickup the slightly used higher end minivan we locked down Monday, completing the process.

The astrology of all of this is quite interesting to me.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Pluto transit to Jupiter-Uranus success

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For one thing, this is the most positive use of Saturn I've ever seen (which I take mostly to mean the fact that I do have a lot of money going out the door, plus the fact that it's being highly structured); but, especially, the Pluto-to-Jupiter comes dramatically to a head today.

First, I'm under a very positive SSR, which, among other things (like an exactly angular Venus) highlights the Pluto to Jupiter-Uranus:

1°04' Cap - t Pluto - RA 118°34' + 180°
3°20' Can - r Uranus - RA 120°36'
3°37' Can - r Jupiter - RA 120°49'
3°38' Cap - s WP-a - RA 120°49'

My SLR would not normally be considered a positive chart, with the dominance of transiting Saturn. Marion observed I was using Saturn better than usual, including (as mentioned above) structuring debt. The SLR seems to be working most from its foreground aspects - more than the foreground planets per se - and boils down to transiting Venus-Uranus to natal Venus-Pluto, which describes our move as a couple quite well. But there's even more Saturn than at first obvious because, away from the angles, transiting Sun squares natal Saturn mundanely 0°01'!

t Mercury on Asc -4°30'
t Saturn on Dsc -0°40'
r Venus on IC +5°47'
t Venus on Asc +7°09'
t Uranus on MC +8°51'
r Pluto on Asc +9°48'

r Venus-Pluto sq. 0°13'
t Uranus sq r Pluto 0°57' M
t Venus sq r Venus 1°22' M
t Venus co r Pluto 1°39'
t Venus-Uranus sq. 1°42' M
t Uranus op r Venus 3°05' M

My Anlunar (the lunar return of the solar return) showed the overall happiness much better (though the aspects in the SLR show it well). Here is the Anlunar August 6:

s Sun on WP-a +0°04'
s Venus on WP +0°53'
t Moon on Asc -2°52' [s Moon 4°03']
s Pluto on Z -1°35'

s Sun-Venus co 0°37' M

My Kinetic Demi-Lunar Return (Moon returned to progressed Moon) highlighted the Pluto transit quite closely:

3°20' Can - r Uranus
3°37' Lib - p Neptune
3°37' Can - r Jupiter
3°44' Cap - t Pluto
4°16' Can - p Jupiter
4°49' Lib - DKLR Asc

My brand new Ennead (NSR) from 1:43 AM this morning, didn't say much other than have Mercury angular ("paperwork went through"?), but the Novienic Lunar Return at 4:47 AM did pretty well, especially with EP-a 4°52', within a degree of opposite transiting Pluto. (Other things going on in case anyone wants to look at the chart.)

The SNQ was interesting. I thought it had transiting Saturn exactly angular. However, it did not: Remember I've been complaining that all of our software calculates secondary progressions by the wrong rate, that it should be one mean solar day to one sidereal year (not one tropical year)? Well, I have a spreadsheet for checking these things carefully and my SNQ angles at 6:05 AM this morning were MC 8°34' Taurus, Asc 11°18' Leo, both more than 1° from transiting Saturn 10°01' Aquarius. If I'd calculated this conventionally, it would have seemed a bad fail, but it was a totally neutral chart (nothing to say).

The PSSR, though, was the interesting chart. In tandem with the NLR, it brought everything to a head (even then including the "debt" Saturn symbolism). Calculating by the mean solar rate I think is correct:

3°20' Can - r Uranus
3°36' Cap - t Pluto
3°37' Can - r Jupiter
4°36' Cap - PSSR Asc
4°40' Ari - s Moon

22°36' Can - t Sun
22°58' Ari - s Uranus
23°38' Cap - s Saturn
23°39' Lib - PSSR MC

SSR EP (for the original location) had RA 300°49'. Transiting Pluto for the event, which was precisely opposite natal Jupiter, was also at RA 301°24', within 1° of SSR EP-a (but not of the SSR relocated back to my home: I continue to find those angles not valid).

Just to be clear, I think the Pluto to Jupiter transit, exact overnight, marked the hour the money transfer went through. For the moment I learned about it, I'm happy with the 0°01' orb, but exactly how close was it?

3°36'26" Cap - t Pluto
3°36'45" Can - r Jupiter

It was only 0°00'19" wide!

One thing that worried me during all of this is that we are also making this move as transiting Neptune returns to exactly cross my natal angles. I've double checked and triple checked everything, and relied on Marion's sensibilities to filter against deception and error, and it seems all clean. Otherwise, my transits for 6:05 AM this morning (including minor ones just for the record, but I don't rely on them):

t Pluto op r Jupiter 0°00'
t Pluto op r Uranus 0°16'
t Neptune op r Asc 0°08'
t Neptune oc r Mercury 0°09'
t Neptune tr r Venus 0°19'
t Uranus sx r Moon 0°28'
t Sun sx r Sun 0°08'

Transiting Jupiter was near MC when I got the news, though natal Saturn was even more angular, within 1° of IC. When I told Marion at 6:16, transiting Jupiter was 0°02' from conjunct her Venus.

I found all this... quite fascinating!
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Pluto transit to Jupiter-Uranus success

Post by Jim Eshelman »

We took possession of the last car new March 28, 2012, 12:31 PM PDT, Corona, CA. That's almost to a degree one Jupiter cycle ago. Today, with its engine straining and about to get an overhaul after we trade it in, transiting Saturn is exactly opposite the natal Mars at 10°28' Leo. That event/acquisition also has a lunar return this afternoon. For Glendle, CA it portrays a happy new life and honorable send-off with Sun-Venus at MC paran Jupiter on Dsc and the culminating Venus partile square Uranus:

26°19' H9 - Sun
27°48' H9 - Venus
29°09' 6H - Jupiter

Or, to display it differently:

17°44' Ari - r Jupiter
19°41' Ari - t Jupier
19°57' Lib - SLR Asc

22°53' Can - t Sun
26°34' Can - SLR MC
27°01' Can - t Venus
27°52' Can - t Uranus
29°39' Ari - r Venus

The Solar Arcs, though, presumably show the end of the road - at least, with us in tow:

2°36' Lib - r Saturn
2°46' Can - d Asc

21°16' Tau - r Moon
21°40' Leo - d Mars

10°38' Leo - r Mars
10°45' Tau - d Venus

28°54' Ari - d Jupiter
29°39' Ari - r Venus
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Re: Pluto transit to Jupiter-Uranus success

Post by SteveS »

8-) watching the BIG SHOW, the heavens with Sidereal Astrology in action with your life :) .
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Re: Pluto transit to Jupiter-Uranus success

Post by Jim Eshelman »

We're picking up the car tomorrow.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Pluto transit to Jupiter-Uranus success

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The deed was complete - check handed over and keys placed in our hands - at 1:02 PM today at the coordinates below. We picked a general time of day and knew we couldn't control it precisely - but look at that chart!
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Re: Pluto transit to Jupiter-Uranus success

Post by SteveS »

:) "Timing is Everything"
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