2024 Prez Election

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2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

Across the pond where betting on USA Presidential elections are legal, the latest Aug 10 betting odds for US Prez (link below) has Biden & Trump virtually Even, Biden a slight favorite. I will try to remember and start tracking these betting odds on a monthly basis at the beginning of 2024 calendar year.

https://www.empirestakes.com/ny-sports- ... ction-odds
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

Here are the updated 2024 presidential election odds as of the news late on Monday night that former president Trump had been indicted in the state of Georgia, along with 18 others, for efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in that state. The grand jury voted to bring 13 total felony charges against Trump.
Biden + 180
Trump + 250
What is his outlook for his election tampering charges in DC? Not good according to the political futures.
Trump Odds Of Being Found Guilty On One Or More 2020 Election Results
Yes -300
No +220
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

Latest 2024 Prez election betting odds:

https://www.reviewjournal.com/sports/be ... n-2911743/

Another betting establishment:

https://www.ladbrokes.com.au/sports/pol ... 4ca7b849aa
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

Trump widening his wagering lead over Biden but Newsom is making the most wagering noise jumping to + 600 to Trump’s + 137. This indicates to me Biden may drop out of Election 2024, kinda interesting. Jim, are you hearing/reading anything strongly indicating the possibility Biden may be out for Election 2024, since I don’t follow political news?
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Nothing clear. The main talk this week is recent polls showing Trump and (even more so) Nikki Haley leading Biden in the states thst might tip.

This of course is too early. I'm not going to take seriously anything before February 1 when the Capsolar is settled in.

The real game changer here is whether Trump gets convicted in any of the trials. Polling also shows that Trump's lead on Biden is heavily fed by his being prosecuted, but would be undercut by convictions.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

I am going to try to find betting odds Biden drops out.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

I wrote:
I am going to try to find betting odds Biden drops out.
Can't find any betting odds Biden drops out but found this:

https://www.gambling.com/uk/news/bettin ... cy-2369600
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Biden's next (2023) SSR has two Neptune angular for Washington and a Moon-Saturn square. This doesn't make for a good year.

The 2024 SSR (a couple of months after the election and - depending on how close things are - perhaps just before the results are known) has transiting Saturn 0°27' from Nadir, two Saturns and two Neptunes angular, and a touch of Jupiter (with Moon conjunct Mars opposite Pluto that is also atop natal Moon). It sounds fatally bad for his health but, in any case, not good for his reelection. (Neptune transits square natal Saturn 0°44' mundo).)

So how about the lunars in between?

DSLR February 1. Two Saturns closely angular.

SLR March 12. Venus-Mars-Uranus plus natal Mercury-Venus-Uranus angular. Interesting, a lot commotion. He's definitely motivated and in motion (following several lackluster returns).

DSLR March 27. A blast of moderately angular planets that produce a Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto major structure near angles as Pluto exactly squares his Moon (and also his Mars). This is definitely a dramatic fortnight, probably positive and dignified.

SLR April 9. Similar transiting planets plus close natal Saturn and Neptune and a foreground partile Mars-Saturn conjunction aspecting natal Saturn. Not a good month! (Health and esteem are both at risk.)

DSLR April 23. Under that terrible SLR, the Demi has two Saturns closely foreground in near-partile mundane square. This second half of the month is probably the hard-fall period. (Pluto squares his Moon 0°02'.) If there is a tragedy to hit, this is when it happens.

DSLR May 20. Natal Jupiter and Neptune exactly angular. No aspects except non-foreground (but Jupiter is opposite his Sun 0°08' mundo and his Venus nearly as close). This is a very positive fortnight.

DSLR June 17. Transiting Saturn closely conjunct MC.
SLR June 30. Transiting Saturn 0°36' from Descendant.

DSLR July 14. Transiting Mars-Uranus partile conjunction most angular with natal Mars 1° from Ascendant. This is either severe combat, a physical attack, or a bad accident. (It covers the July 15-18 Republican convention, so may just be a lot of rage at what he sees.)

SLR July 27. Transiting Jupiter closely angular, but a mix of good and bad foreground aspects: Transiting Jupiter-Neptune to his Saturn and Neptune. (This is just after the July 15-18 Republican convention when his opponent can be expected to have a surge in the polls and covers the time of the Democratic convention August 19-22.)

DSLR August 10. This directly covers the August 19-22 Democratic convention. Natal Jupiter is on Nadir so there is great dignity but not any sign of external praise. One wonders if he is the one being nominated or the honored senior appearing to launch someone else.

SLR August 23. The day after the Democratic convention. Natal Sun-Venus exactly angular, transiting Uranus exactly angular (opposite his Sun 0°42'). A stunning, happy turn-around.

DSLR October 4. Transiting Jupiter is most angular, plus natal Uranus (but lots more angularity, all moderate-to-wide). Despite this Jupiter, the closest foreground aspect is t Saturn square r Sun 0°11'. With Saturn-Uranus to his Sun, a heart attack is not out of the question.

SLR October 17. Includes the November 5 election. A mix of angularities, the closest of which are the two Moons and natal Mars. Mercury-Pluto's transit to his Moon and Mercury, Mercury to his Jupiter, foreground Uranus-Pluto square could mean almost anything, but certainly that it will be heavily competitive.

DSLR October 31. Covers the actual election. Nothing clear so I don't expect a final result. Transiting Sun and Moon are most foreground, with Sun conjunct natal Moon 0°15' - a great sign of attention and elevation. Natal Mars is next most angular, so this whole period is a fight, but he seems in the limelight. [VP Harris' DSLR for the same day has transiting Saturn exactly on Nadir, transiting Neptune close to IC.]

SLR November 14. They're still fighting it out. Both Marses are closely angular with natal Pluto the most angular. Moon-Mars and Moon-Pluto.

DSLR November 27. A mix of many angularities. I think, though, the main message is in foreground Sun-Saturn square (1°48').

SLR December 11. Again it is still Moon and Mars most angular, plus a little natal Jupiter. It can't possibly still be going on, can it? These are aspects of law suits. December 11 is the date by which states have to certify election results. The electoral college votes December 17.

Nothing here suggests a massive health crisis or fall other than the April 9 SLR.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Nothing here suggests a massive health crisis or fall other than the April 9 SLR.
Thanks Jim for your excellent analysis. What is really peaking my interest now is the tremendos wagering gains on Newsom across the pond where it is legal to wager on Prez Elections---makes me think something may be leaking out of the power base of the Dem Party, but probably wrong--just my perception with following wagering trends most of my life. :)
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

Latest Vegas Betting Odds for Prez:
Trump 11-8
Biden 15-8
Haley 15-2
Newsom 10-1
RJK Jr 22-1
Michelle Obama 25-1
Desantis 40-1
K. Harris 45-1
Vivek 60-1
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I'm primarily interested in this thread in tracking possible Republican candidates. Nonetheless, I should take at least a preliminary look at the two possible Dem candidates I mentioned.

Kamala Harris meets the minimal astrological criteria for being electable: Her Aries Moon matches the Aries Moon of the president she would succeed. Similarly, Pete Buttigieg (though, if he runs, I think would be for VP) has a Scorpio Moon that matches the current president's Sun sign and prior president's Moon sign. They both pass the first filter.

Comparing Harris' nativity to the chart for the U.S. presidency, there are few connections, the strongest being the presidency's Mercury exactly on her Moon-Sun. I've see this most often for people who thrived better in lesser offices than the president (even if they were eventually elected president) such as a cabinet post or, I suppose, VP. But almost as close, the presidency Jupiter squares her Sun-Moon (about 2°) which is an excellent omen. It's Pluto squares her Jupiter (this could go either way). I'm unclear whether its Saturn is close enough to her Zenith to count her out. (Her Asc is minutes from square FDR's Asc and the Saturn is even closer to his MC: The presidency killed him, but only after he nobly, powerfully began his fourth term. Trump's Sun is in the same spot. I think this doesn't rule her out.)

Pete has similar Presidency Mercury and Jupiter aspects to his Sun and Pluto and then presidency Mars opposite his natal Mars - quite a struggle, a real fight. But Presidency Venus is on his natal IC opposite his Jupiter, typical of the best president-to-presidency match-ups. I still think he might be president some day, though I don't know that it's in the near future.

The presidency Saturn is closely square U.S. natal Mars, so this also means VP Harris has U.S. Mars on her Ascendant (partile). As with the presidency chart, the U.S. chart has Mercury exactly square her Sun-Moon (and Pluto probably in orb). However, her Saturn is 2° from natal Moon: I'm inclined to think this means that the U.S. populace will never accept her (or that there would be much hardship if they did). This U.S. Moon degree is all over numerous presidents' charts, and sometimes hits malefics - like Trump's Mars (and Washington's Mars and Grant's Mars, but they were both selected as successful warriors). Also the Mars of Jimmy Carter (rejected in part because he wasn't a warrior), Papa Bush's Mars (he tried to be a warrior and made a great show), etc. Saturn seems worse, though, for the issue of electability: There has never been a president with the Saturn aspecting U.S. Moon within a degree or two except... Richard Nixon.

Buttigieg has U.S. Pluto conjunct his Sun, almost partile. This means he has the upcoming U.S. Pluto return on his Sun! Heh as U.S. Moon square his Moon (26') for natural sympathy with the American public (the only precedent is James Madison with the same Moon degree). U.S. Mars-Neptune aspects Pete's natal Neptune (1°19' Sag). Its Sun and Jupiter straddle his Descendant. Most is good, and the rest puts him right in the middle of what is most happening astrologically in 20254. The one real concern is his Mars at 19°19' Virgo square U.S. Sun (2°16') and conjunct U.S. Ascendant (2°40'). This Sun and Asc are also the presidency's Mars. Normally we closer contacts for serious action, such as the Mars of Madison or Eisenhower, among man numerous presidential luminaries and angles. I don't see any examples of planets quite that far from U.S. Sun-Ascendant having a significant effect unless you want to count Bush Jr.'s Sun, so I'm not too concerned about that.

From a pre-screening perspective, Pete Buttigieg comes out surprisingly strong and tied directly to the main aspects (Pluto to Pluto and Neptune to Mars-Neptune) that the U.S. is undergoing this year. So that's interesting.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

In a year when most candidates could and will be more or less everywhere around the country, it's hard to look at do return charts. Let's start with transits to these two charts.

HARRIS for ELECTION DAY: t Saturn is within 1° of octile her Sun-Moon. How much weight to give this minor aspect? Not sure, but it's not a good start. Uranus conjoins her Jupiter, Mercury squares her MC most of the day, Venus crosses her IC in the immediate aftermath. Other than the Saturn, it's all quite good, but the Saturn is worrisome. -- Progressed Venus-Saturn square could go several ways (win, lose, or suggest Biden's death in surrounding months; and by Election Day it's nearly out of orb). -- Her Solar Arc Saturn to Sun-Moon is thoroughly ever before then, and more representative of 2023 than 2024. Similarly, d Asc sq r Jupiter is just leaving orb.

HARRIS for INAUGURATON: [We look at the inauguration chart and see Moon exactly on Trump's Jupiter and wonder if there is any further one needs to look. Nonetheless...] Venus-Saturn opposite her Pluto is emotionally brutal. (I don't think she's doing fancy balls that night.) Pluto squares her Mercury. That's all.

Neither of these supports a Harris win.

BUTTIGIEG for ELECTION DAY: Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Sun 0°05' is stunning. But that's also a night of a Mars-Pluto opposition, and Mars is still opposite his Sun when the polls close, so this could be either a route or violence aimed at him. Saturn is octile his Pluto (could mean many things, and weaker than the rest). Mercury exactly conjunct his Uranus shows news that gives him quite a surprise! -- His worst sign: Progressed Sun 17°54' Aquarius, transiting Saturn 17°41' Aquarius. People have won under this transit (it shows taking on an enormous burden) but I think we have to judge it negatively. -- Solar Arc Mars conjoins his Moon within 0°24'.

It's impossible to judge this positively. What's most gripping, though, is the showing violence against his person exactly on Election Day.

What's even more interesting is that his charts are this active at all! This is a LOT of exact transit, progression, and direction activity. A LOT, It doesn't seem typical of someone standing on the sidelines.

BUTTIGIEG for INAUGURATION: There are no actual transits to his natal, as if to say he's not part of whatever is going on.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

We don't know where they will be as various return charts set up. For the election, they might both be in Washington, and if Harris can manage to be in DC for her birthday then her SSR has natal Jupiter on Descendant conjoined by transiting Uranus - which is really great! It does have a foreground Venus-Saturn square, like her Venus-Saturn progressions and the Inauguration Day Venus-Saturn conjunction, so there is some great emotional loss for her under these influences. There is also the position of the SSR Moon at 29°39' Taurus - the U.S. Mars-Neptune and transiting Neptune - so there is a lot of cause for concern. Her natal Saturn-Neptune mundane square is foreground (though not closely angular) which normally goes with resignation but might just mean grief. In any case, that Uranus-on-Jupiter closely angular is fantastic if she's in DC for her birthday.

We don't know where she'll be for Election Day or when her lunar returns set up. The main chart is the October 31 Demi-SLR which has transiting Sturn exactly angular in DC but has a foreground Venus-Jupiter opposition. Very mixed. I hesitate to draw conclusions from this chart of unknown location, especially since there are signs of emotional loss that could be the election or could be Biden's health.

HOWEVER, WE DO KNOW WHERE SHE'LL BE ON INAUGURATION DAY if she were to run and win. Her January 7 SLR for Washington has transiting Jupiter, Saturn, and (closest) Uranus closely angular along with natal Mars, Pluto, and some Jupiter and Uranus. It's volatile, explosive, with eleven foreground close aspects. It's hard to sort all this out, and there is a lot of sadness, but the only aspects that seem to speak to the political outcome are a transiting Jupiter-Sturn square, Jupiter to her Mars-Uranus, and Uranus to her Mars-Jupiter. Those actually look like she's fighting and winning. I wouldn't knock her out just from this chart (though the earlier charts looked bad).

We don't have a way to seriously look at BUTTIGIEG charts for election day. I have no idea where he'll be for his birthday in two weeks. If he's in Washington for Election Day, he has transiting Uranus opposite natal Moon most closely foreground and a partile Venus-Jupiter opposition closely angular. That looks pretty good! But remember the other charts seemed to show pointed violence against him.

For Inauguration Day we have the benefit that his birthday is the day before. If he runs and wins, he likely already will be in Washington. (Transits, progressions, and directions look like nothing is happening involving him.) His new SSR for DC has transiting Mars and Pluto most angular (and aspecting his Sun closely) and natal Moon and Jupiter even closer. This is a good chart! It does have a Moon-Neptune opposition wherever he is, and the Sun-Mars-Pluto foreground looks explosive. Pluto squares his Moon mundanely and conjoins his Sun and Venus ecliptically (all foreground). It's a brutal chart - combative and seeming to be winning the combat like Harris' charts (but the transits, progressions, and directions disagree). His January 9 Demi-SLR for Washington emphasizes transiting Venus and Jupiter but also Neptune to his Neptune foreground.

They are not making these charts easy...
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Venus_Daily »

I doubt Trump will even get to the primaries, but his Lunar Return is quite telling for exactly Nov 4, 2024. If he's in Palm Beach, there will be a Venus/Jupiter opposition right on his Natal moon in the foreground. If he's in NY, it just turns into a Moon/Venus Conj in the background. This may just indicate a republican candidate winning that Trump supports.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

IMO, this election call is simple only using transits with Venus & Jupiter falling on Trump’s Full Moon. If Trump has not been assassinated, it would not surprise me if Trump wins more votes than expected with this hit the lottery transit. If the corrupt power establishments (both parties) in government today figure out a way to keep Trump out of office through corruption rather than being defeated in a fair election by the people of this Country, Trump’s supporters will never accept the results of the election. This would probably mean the Country would become ungovernable. The World is living in very troubled times. :(
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

8-1 Vegas odds Michelle Obama will replace Biden for 2024.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sun Feb 25, 2024 5:10 am 8-1 Vegas odds Michelle Obama will replace Biden for 2024.
That's bizarre - since she has been adamant it's NFW.

Which is just as well since, as a Capricorn-Aquarius, she doesn't have a chart that could succeed Biden. She would lose. (That would be true even if it weren't also true that the nation has always avoided electing an Aquarius Moon as president. Nikki Haley has the same astrological vulnerability.)

It IS fascinating, though, that Michelle Obama and Nikki Haley have the same Sun and Moon signs.

The president nominated January 20, 2025 will have either a Taurus-Scorpio luminary or a Libra-Aries luminary. That could, of course, be either Biden or Trump, and could be others.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

I think its just Vegas trying to grab all the money who think she will enter the race. :)
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

Betting odds after the Debate last night:
Trump -235 (not much change from his favorite odds the last few week)
Biden + 300 (has been around + 100 the last few weeks)
Newsom + 500 (dropped from +900 to + 500)
My question: Can the Dem Party name whoever they want as their nominee at their convention in Aug?
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:19 pm My question: Can the Dem Party name whoever they want as their nominee at their convention in Aug?
Biden has enough delegates (from the primary process) to be guaranteed the nomination.

However, he could decline to run (or to accept the nomination). There is a lot of talk about this today (a flurry that may or may not pass), though none of it is coming from Biden or people super-close to him.

I suggested months ago that his best move might be to continue acquiring delegates, continuing carrying his message of his successes, come into the convention with a full head of steam and, on the first night, announce he's stepping down and wants the convention to pick the new candidates. He can either endorse Harris or leave it open to the entire convention.

Characterologically, he's not likely to do this at the present time. But he has a bad run of lunars between now and the convention and this might change his mind. Strategically, it would be the most dynamic, positive thing he could do from different ways.

I'm skeptical this could keep Trump from winning. Biden's next SSR is worse than his current one. It looks deeply despondent. It could, of course, just be failing health, though it's also consistent with facing up to the fact that whoever he wanted to win (himself or a selected heir) has lost and the country is in dire straits.

But, just for the heck of it - since Biden and Harris have conjunct Moons and the convention runs from August 19-22 in Chicago - set TM at August 19 and run Biden's Demi-SLR for Washington and then Chicago. (I am certain you will agree that his Demi-SLR for Chicago is inconsistent with him accepting the nomination, and the same chart for Washington does little to contradict it.) Then run Harris' Demi-SLR active August 19 for Washington and, especially, for Chicago. It will be... interesting.

The only chart that puzzles me is Harris' April 23 SLR the day AFTER the convention ends. If she goes straight back to Washington, it shows nothing at all - not a bloody thing good, bad, indifferent. So, if she comes away nominated for either office, one supposes that she hits the road and is somewhere else. (BTW, you will see a lot of Saturn-Venus in Harris' lunars along with other stuff. This gets even stronger near, especially after, the election. This might not be political - it might be a loss, which might even be the loss of Biden.)

Steve, you know I don't like to handicap a sports game until I know who's playing. I've been blunt since last year that Biden has terrible charts and it's hard to see how he can win. I'm mindful that the next inauguration occurs with transiting Moon in the exact degree of Trump's Jupiter. I know they are both under life-changing Uranus transits this year and next. But we don't really know who will be on the ballot. Trump has sentencing coming up, and many wise people are advising Biden to step down. We might have both, one of them, the other, or neither. I suppose the odds are that we'll have both of them... but we simply don't know.

Harris' January 7 SLR for Washington is weighted positive but complex. The morning after inauguration she has a Demi-SLR that is toxic and extremely difficult, not what we'd call a good chart at all (but could be managing difficulties).

Biden's January 7 SLR for Washington has two Venuses minutes from angles and tied to natal Sun and Uranus. It's a pretty happy chart! The afternoon after inauguration he has a Demi-SLR that is a brutal malignancy of hurt and difficulty. Again, is this a personal matter, the effects of being out of office, or a major problem to handle while still IN office? (I've half-joked elsewhere that it looks like the Gestapo are knocking at his door.)

Trump's December 29 SLR - where might he be (win or lose)? - for Washington has two Marses most closely angular with a lot of brutality in the chart. His January 11 Demi-SLR, though, is quite negative, Moon and Saturn being most angular and in paran square (but also with Venus). His strong natal Sun-Moon is foreground, but with Sun transiting by Saturn and Neptune, Moon aspected by the combination of Venus and Saturn. This certainly isn't positive!

We'll be much better after we know who the candidates are.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

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A few thoughts on Harris as a presidential candidate:

Let's start with the most quoted thing: Her favorability numbers are in the sewers. Conventional wisdom says she can't win. - Against that, the idea that the party stands a chance of winning if they dump a woman of color (especially one with her experience) from the ticket is... nonexistent.

I'm a huge fan of Kamala Harris before she became VP. She's been throttled. The woman who served as my states' attorney general and my state's senator is a brilliant, ferocious, precise, piercing prosecutor - and there is probably nothing that would shake up Trump more than to have another prosecutor come after him (especially her!).

Odds are still against her, although having only a two-month campaign, bursting out of the box with little warning, and exciting everyone who is looking for "anyone to vote for except these old guys" and everyone who is looking for youth, energy, and diversity - she has advantages that might overcome the disadvantages.

Furthermore - an argument for her nomination if he steps down - is that the Biden-Harris campaign has raised hundreds of millions of dollars. Legally, they can't just give it to another campaign while the election cycle is in process. It has to sit there! - unless somebody whose name was on the fundraising (either Biden or Harris) uses it to campaign for president. (Hundreds of millions of dollars!)

And the closest thing to an exciting return chart to come out of any of these three during campaign season would happen if Kamala Harris went home to Oakland for her birthday and placed her natal Sun-Moon opposition widely across the horizon exactly squared by transiting Pluto. (It would be quite exact if she were in Phoenix instead.) And she has a moderate-orbed Moon-Jupiter conjunction.

But it's a big country and she could be anywhere. If she stayed in DC for her birthday, it gets even better: Natal Jupiter is precisely setting conjoined by transiting Uranus! There are signs of emotional loss, though; and a widely foreground Saturn-Neptune (natal) mundane square that could be either political or personal-emotional in its meaning.

There's a lot going on. Here, though, is the area around the Washington, DC SSR Descendant with mundoscope positions:

29°18' H6 - r Jupiter - 29°46' Ari
0°00'/30°00/ ------- SSR Dsc - 29°50' Ari
1°11' H7 - t Uranus - 1°12' Tau
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

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Finally, look at next year's Capsolar for Washington: It has nothing going on except Moon 0°27' from EP-a and Uranus very widely on Zenith. Basically, it's just angular Moon.

What does this mean in a Biden administration? A Harris administration? A Trump administration? How does that work out.

With Harris, a "Moon angular - that's all you've got" chart marks this as "The Year of the Woman" in Washington. (Could be?)

With Trump, you get perhaps popular uprising - the voice of the people surging against autocratic tyranny. But it really doesn't look like the chart of a Trump presidency. (Even though - I'm not forgetting - Moon at inauguration exactly conjoins his Jupiter.)
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Ember Nyx »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Jun 28, 2024 5:31 pm (Even though - I'm not forgetting - Moon at inauguration exactly conjoins his Jupiter.)
Perhaps this is just some more favors coming in from people in high places to delay, reduce, or disappear consequences for him.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim for analyzing the possibilities. By far, this is the most bizarre Prez election cycle I have ever witnessed, it reminds me of watching episodes of “The Twilight Zone” when I was a teen.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Arena »

We still can not be sure that Biden will be on the ballot since it is getting more and more obvious that the man is senile with dementia and is probably not far away from his final days in life.

Did you consider the possibility that RFK gets so many votes that neither Biden (or dem candidate) nor Trump will get enough to win, so neither candidate will get 270 electoral votes? That would mean the House of reps will need to pick a president.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Third party presidential candidates simply don't have that much draw in this country. They can draw votes away from given candidate more than another, but that's about it.

Because of the electoral college system, to make it impossible for either candidate to win a third party candidate would have to win entire states - several of them. With two tiny exceptions (nor more than 2 electoral votes total), he gets no electoral votes at all unless he wins the majority in the entire state. That's so unlikely as to approach impossible.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

This election cycle is proving to me how brainwashed all the American voting public has become by all the various forms of Media sources. It is bizarre & troubling for my mind to comprehend to what it might mean for the future of this Country. Its a Political Circus!!! Definition of Circus:

...."a traveling company of acrobats, clowns, and other entertainers which gives performances, typically in a large tent, in a series of different places".

The word "media" somehow needs to be inserted in the above defintion.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Veronica »

SteveS wrote: Wed Jul 03, 2024 1:14 am This election cycle is proving to me how brainwashed all the American voting public has become by all the various forms of Media sources. It is bizarre & troubling for my mind to comprehend to what it might mean for the future of this Country. Its a Political Circus!!! Definition of Circus:

...."a traveling company of acrobats, clowns, and other entertainers which gives performances, typically in a large tent, in a series of different places".

The word "media" somehow needs to be inserted in the above defintion.
It should go somewhere right in the middle.

From observation of other countries "news" I think it's actually non Americans that are being washed more then us.

Thank you Steve for this. My dream job was to be a circus performer, I practiced tight rope walking in my back yard as a child, and almost ran away with carnies one summer, such a happy thought for me to start this day. Ladies and gentlemen I bring you the greatest show in the milky way...badabada.....the beautiful night sky filled with millions of dazzling stories of great deeds and deep love and puppies and of course the mystical monoceros!!!
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

V wrote:
It should go somewhere right in the middle.
V wrote:
From observation of other countries "news" I think it's actually non Americans that are being washed more then us.
Could be V, but I am thinking a-lot of people of other countries are laughing at today’s America’s political candidates for Prez. That’s what a Circus is for: to entertain and laugh in a light hearted manner—but Politics use not to be a Circus, it’s become maddening in concerning ways. The Political World has changed on me, I am too old to comprehend. :)
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

There has been some significant psychological movement in the betting odds:
Trump about the same – 235

Biden has become less favored by dropping from +300 to +500, meaning Trump has widen his winning odds over Biden, to be expected after the cooperate companies who own most of the media and their talking heads have turned against Biden.

Harris has made a significant jump from + 1200 to + 500, now tied with Biden at + 500. Makes much more common sense if you think about it, meaning Harris is now tied with Biden as a possible candidate vs Trump.

Newsom is now back to + 900 from + 500, meaning if Biden steps down Harris is the clear favorite to take his place as the candidate, as Jim has stated.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Verrrrry interrresting.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

Today's (July 4) betting odds:
Trump -220
Harris +400
Biden +500
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2024 6:35 am Today's (July 4) betting odds:
Trump -220
Harris +400
Biden +500
:o :shock: 8-)
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

I would expect Biden to release his delegates to whoever the DNC choses as their Prez Nominee, most likely Kamala Harris by today’s betting polls. The DNC begins Aug 19 and ends Aug 22. The DNC Convention is in Chicago so let’s look at the weekly Sidereal Lunar Ingress for Chicago which just so happens to be the Master Chart of the Month, its Caplunar. It is dominated by angular Class 1 Mars-Jupiter conjunction with a Class 1 90 to Saturn. I find it very interesting from Ebertin’s book COSI he offers for the Combination of Mars-Jupiter-Saturn symbolism:
Inhibitions and difficulties in decision making, great difficulty in making up one’s mind, tendency to let good opportunities slip away. Termination of a relationship.
There is no way the DNC can expect Biden to defeat Trump in the 2024 Prez Election, after the display of Biden’s mental capacity in the debate. Surely Biden will be persuaded to release his delegates to whoever the DNC chooses to represent their party as the Prez nominee; otherwise, Ebertin’s above Ma-Jup-Sat Tones for Chicago’s Caplunar could be suggesting possibilities for some kind of contested DNC Convention.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It gets more complicated: I just learned that this can't wait until the convention. In fact, there seems now no way that the convention could select someone that late. Ohio changed its law so that, to qualify for the ballot, nominations need to be 90 days before the election. With a November 5 election, that means no later than August 7.

Therefore, months ago the DNC decided to hold a virtual rollcall ahead of the convention - I don't know when, but obviously sometime before August 7 - to make their formal nomination. It will all be settled and done a few weeks before the convention with no option for changing the nomination at the convention unless you want to abandon the critical swing state of Ohio.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

We're there new numbers?
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

Trump -226
Harris +325
Biden +625

Surely Biden and his team are not going step down???
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Probably not... though the lunars upcoming allow that possibility. In the critical late July, early August period, Biden has a rise in esteem and a specific message that "all is forgiven."

A friend in the press corp in DC told me this morning that the question everybody is chatting about this week isn't whether Biden should step down... Rather, it's who Harris' running mate should be. But the campaign sounds like they're doubling down on his staying in.

But Harris' lunars don't look great in the meantime. My hope for her is that she's not in Washington when they set up or for most of the month (she's on the road a lot). Then, her Demi-SLR moved to Chicago for the convention is quite remarkable (but would be similarly for the VP nomination, perhaps).
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
But the campaign sounds like they're doubling down on his staying in.
Exactly, I hear you Jim, but this would be insane. If he stays in no way the voting public votes him a win over Trump. I just feel there is no way he can recover his “esteem” after that disastrous debate. He gains his self-respect (esteem) back by stepping down and pledging his delegates to Harris, it’s the only way which presents a possible opportunity for the Party to defeat Trump.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Ember Nyx »

Not that discussion on Reddit is really indicative of anything, but there's a lot of people hoping that Gretchen Whitmer steps up, maybe as Harris's running mate or something. She is seemingly really popular in states that really matter.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

All true. I've skeptical, tho, that a ticket with two women can win. This country is barely willing to consider electing a woman in the first place, let alone two of them. I have been looking at the possibility of the governor of Pennsylvania, which is an even more vulnerable important state than Michigan. My thought, especially after seeing his timed short, is that the Democratic governor of Kentucky, who has won two terms in Mitch McConnell's very red state, is the best balance.

But this may all be moot now. As of tonight, Biden is doubling down that he's not budging from the ticket.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Ember Nyx »

He is doubling down, but we’ll see if any others around him force him to stand down.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

If they put out even betting odds he will stand down, I am 10% my small bank account he has to stand down, and very rarely I bet 10% of bank account on anything!
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

New betting odds after Stephanopoulos TV interview with Biden:
Trump -225
Harris +350
Biden +400
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sat Jul 06, 2024 6:57 am New betting odds after Stephanopoulos TV interview with Biden:
Trump -225
Harris +350
Biden +400
Interesting. I didn't see the interview - just heard others' reactions - heard one or two things that disturbed me but I knew could just be news distorting (or could be true). I didn't expect a positive reaction.

But this shows Biden improving his standing quite significantly for only a day or two, and Harris slipping a tiny bit in comparison. Trump unchanged. Biden-Trump gap narrowed 226 points, Biden-Harris narrowed +250 (to be almost tied).

These things fluctuate, of course.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
These things fluctuate, of course.
Yes. The betting odds reflect public sentiment as well as the odds makers psychological reactions to the news. For example: With the UK wagering markets before the interview with Stephanopoulos, Biden odds for stepping down were 82%; after the interview Biden odds for stepping down were 62%. I didn’t watch the interview either, but I like tracking the wagering odds, because in a way it is a good filter for discerning the flood of news from all the media sources. Yes, from a wagering standpoint Biden improved his status somewhat with the TV interview, but somewhere down the line I still feel he will step down. It’s a most bizarre/confused political situation, and I also feel DC’s 2024 Capsolar is reflecting most of the symbolism for this DC bizarre political situation with all its Neptune symbolism. I also feel your last SMA mundane report forecasted this ongoing debacle for Biden/DC. But we never know the specifics, only psychological tones. For sure, your reports saw trouble coming for Biden in July, and now we can really see the brunt of how all his Neptune symbolism from his current SSR is manifesting. Again, it is most bizarre.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

I just watched a rerun of Stephanopoulos TV interview with Biden. It is obvious Biden is in complete denial of what is happening to his cognitive faculty, so sad. I may be entirely wrong since I don’t know the exact rules for the DNC, but if Biden does not step down before the DNC Convention, then I think Chicago’s Aug 17 Caplunar is probably symbolizing a very messy Convention proceeding with Biden being taken out as the DNC’s candidate, maybe something similar to the 1968 DNC proceedings. DC's Aug 17 Caplunar with its PVP aspects are in some respects even worse for some type of separating exile for Biden, only TIME knows for sure. If the delegates at the convention allow Biden to be their candidate, then they are surrendering and throwing in the towel for this Prez election cycle. But they can't give up on the down voting for their Congress/Senate candidates. The Party obviously has major problems with this election cycle.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Remember, the nomination will not occur at the convention. To qualify for the Ohio ballot, they will hold a virtual convention sometime between July 21 and August 7. The nomination has to be finalized before August 7.
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
Remember, the nomination will not occur at the convention. To qualify for the Ohio ballot, they will hold a virtual convention sometime between July 21 and August 7. The nomination has to be finalized before August 7.
So, Ohio have to pledge their delegates during this time frame. I am guessing that if Biden does not step down, Ohio pledges their delegates to Biden, but I don’t understand how they could in good faith do this for a candidate with serious cognitive deficiencies.

Jim, check me out here with my labeling for this type planetary picture for DC’s Aug 17, 2024 Caplunar. I see in ML with TM:

Venus 1,1
Saturn 180,32
Neptune 360, 0

All 3 within 3 degrees on the Vx-Av axis. Is this planetary picture what we would label a triple Paran of Venus-Saturn-Neptune on the Vx-Av axis, with Neptune 99% angular? Thanks
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Re: 2024 Prez Election

Post by Jim Eshelman »

No it means the DNC has to officially nominate their presidential candidate before August 7, not at the convention. The nomination will be a done deal two weeks or more befire the convention.

The "how they can do this" is that pledged delegates are required - no choice - to cast their pledged vote on the first ballot. (After that, they're free to vote as they will, but Biden has more than enough to win on first ballot.)

I'm on the road today and may not be able to check thst right away. You calculated it for Chicago, right?
Jim Eshelman
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