Saturn & Neptune transits to my Natal

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Saturn & Neptune transits to my Natal

Post by SteveS »

These two recent/future outer planet transits have been causing all kinds of havoc for me achieving my objectives pertaining for my immediate environment.
t Neptune partile 180 natal Sun
t Saturn partile cnj natal IC
Got to put-up with em off/on for several more weeks/months.
The Saturn transits has to do with structural problems with our old house (much needed repairs). The Neptune transits has to do with getting sub- contractors to follow-up on what they said they will do for these structural problems in a timely fashion, they keep setting constructions dates-- then cancelling after weeks of waiting citing labor problems, angering me to hell and back.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Saturn & Neptune transits to my Natal

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Sympathy, Steve. Those two in tandem are really difficult emotionally and practically.

Are you headed to Moab for your birthday? That may take a lot of the pressure off. Although your SSR for home isn't too bad, it's just not the Wow of the one you found in Utah. Here's what I get for the one at home (I'm not crazy about Moon-Venus-Saturn-Pluto. Your natal Moon-Saturn even move into close mundane square.)

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Ur 27Ar47'15"  0S19 - 1' 7"  50°33' 18N11  76°50' +13°17' 346°23' 100% E 
Me 15Le 6'29"  0N31 +48'12" 161°54'  8N14 335°29' -44°54' 112°36'  98% N 
Mo 12Sc 8'30"  3S31 +13° 5' 244°45' 24S59 243°46' - 5°52' 173°27'  89% D 
Ve 22Cn 9'34"  4S27 +32'27" 138°18' 11N26   8°42' -44°24'  81°13'  80% I 
                            Radical Planets                             
Mo 15Sc22'23"  1S15 +12°16' 248°38' 23S15 243° 7' - 1°59' 177°46'  99% D 
Ju 29Li42'26"  0N44 + 9'52" 232°36' 18S16 255°42' -11°39' 167°59'  97% Wa
Sa 24Cn 2'47"  0N49 + 6'35" 141°48' 15N52   3°34' -40°17'  85°48'  95% I 
Pl 20Cn13'48"  6N54 + 1'24" 139°58' 22N49   5° 9' -33°14'  82°12'  84% I 
    Class 1 Aspects      Other Partile Aspects                          
tMo sq tMe  2°58' 83%   tSu op tNe  0°23'100% M                         
tMo sq tVe  2°14' 90% M tMa sq tPl  0°31' 99% M                         
----------------------   ----------------------                         
tMo sq rSa  2°21' 89% M tSu sq rUr  0°44' 99%                           
tMo sq rPl  1°15' 97% M tMa co rMe  0°44' 99%                           
tMe sq rMo  0°16'100%   tJu sq rPl  0°11'100%                           
tVe co rSa  1°53' 93%   tSa sq rUr  0°40' 99% M                         
tVe co rPl  0°59' 98% M tNe op rSu  0°23'100% M                         
tUr op rJu  1°36' 95% M tNe sq rUr  0°57' 98%                           
----------------------  tPl sq rMe  0°35' 99% M                         
rMo sq rSa  1°58' 93% M  ----------------------                         
                        rSu sq rUr  0°44' 99%
Jim Eshelman
Posts: 6670
Joined: Mon May 08, 2017 5:11 am

Re: Saturn & Neptune transits to my Natal

Post by SteveS »

Jim asked:
Are you headed to Moab for your birthday? That may take a lot of the pressure off. Although your SSR for home isn't too bad, it's just not the Wow of the one you found in Utah. Here's what I get for the one at home (I'm not crazy about Moon-Venus-Saturn-Pluto. Your natal Moon-Saturn even move into close mundane square.)
I am pretty sure I will not be headed to Moab for a relocation. I don’t like that angular SSR Venus on my Natal Saturn-Pluto in Moab because I have no one but Gayle to ask and go to Moab with me. I have several astrological reasons for staying home which I will try to explain later when I open-up a thread in SSRs. So far, I think I have a pretty good grip on these two difficult transits---but they are wearing on me in certain ways, but may get worse this fall. No choice but to deal with em the best I can.
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