[The following article, from one of Garth Allen's "Pow Wow Corner" installments may be of great importance to eventually confirming the astrophysical basis of the Sidereal zodiac. It's one of is most overlooked articles, never reprinted etc. - I have just tonight ordered the book that he read in 1960 or so that set off the discussion below. Hopefully I'll have the book in hand in a couple of weeks and can start the admittedly rigorous task of assimilating its 600 pages of technical papers.]
Nature's Geometry
by Garth Allen
"Pow Wow Corner," American Astrology, February 1961
Ever hear of a terella? Neither had we until we braved the formidably technical pages of the 56 scientific papers bound together as a book named Electromagnetic Phenomena in Cosmical Physics. With financial help from UNESCO, the International Astronomical Union was able to publish the full set of papers presented during the several sessions of the last world-wide contention of astronomers in 1956. The IAU Symposium on Electromagnetic Phenomena in Cosmical Physics was held in Sweden as one of six different conclaves devoted to various subjects.
One of the papers described laboratory experiments with a terella. Well, a terella turns out to be a metal ball used as a model of the planet Earth. The experiments showed how neatly such a model actually duplicates the known natural reactions of the Earth to internal electro-magnetism and external radiation forces. Photographs of the terella taken in the light of its own glow-patterns impressively illustrate the characteristic seasonal changes in auroral activity, proving the eccentricity of the auroral zones to be a result of the obliquity of the ecliptic. There is also a diurnal variation in the frequency of auroras which the metal ball faithfully reproduces.
Such demonstrations are of interest to astrologers chiefly for what light they may shed on the problems of planetary influences. The terella stunt, for a good example, proves that it would be an error to try to causally connect seasonal patterns with the tropical zodiac framework, or the sidereal for that matter, unless astrological concepts are given a drastic overhaul. The reason: the Earth's magnetic field is not aligned with the standard geographical coordinate system, but with geomagnetic latitudes and longitudes which differ considerably from their geographical counterparts. Perhaps one day a form of magnetic-field astrology will come into use, though not in our lifetimes, and when it does, it will bear little or no resemblance to present-day horoscopy.
Other revelations in that same volume, however, are more immediately helpful to our present understanding of astrology. Papers 36 through 40, each by a different scientist, are awesomely to the point. To give you an idea of their topics, and perhaps whet the curiosity of the brainier sort of reader, consider these titles: The 27-Day Variation in Cosmic Ray Intensity and in Geomagnetic Activity; Correlation between Cosmic Ray Intensity and Geomagnetic Activity; Solar Production and Modulation of Cosmic Rays, and Their Propagation Through Interplanetary Space; The Anisotropy of Primary Cosmic Radiation and the Electromagnetic State in Interplanetary Space; Separation of Extraterrestrial Variations in Cosmic Ray Intensity and Atmospheric Effects.
Forbidding titles, true, but what each exposition is trying to put across can be grasped by the nontechnical reader who reads slowly and carefully. What they all boil down to is that there definitely are interlinking geometric phenomenal fields through which forces (influences, to you) are propagated through space from one body to another, all hooked up with a backdrop field to which all the lesser fields are subordinate. This is the interstellar field, aligned with
the universe of stars and having natural coordinates arising from the galactic layout. In plainer words, the structure of all radiative activity in space is sidereal. There is not scientific evidence of any kind, not even when it comes to study of seasonal effects, for a tropical-based system of reference. To scientifically-minded students of astrology, of course, this is no surprise. No particle, plasma, beam or "vibration" of extra-terrestrial origin can possibly "know about" the tropical zodiac until its strikes the Earth and look back, as it were, for the tropical zodiac is a purely man-made scheme of things.
Guess where on the celestial sphere physicists found the lines of magnetic force to be emanating from? Yes, just ninety degrees from the SOLAR APEX - at that point in great-circle square aspect from both the center of the Galaxy and the Apex! Readers will recall that in a
recent installment of [Your Powwow Corner] we proved that the position of the Solar Apex agrees exactly with the fiducial point of the sidereal zodiac. Now scientists come up with the fact that serves as another missing link in celestial geometrics. Lo and behold, Fagan's
reconstructed zodiac is independently given all-out corroboration by scientists to whom the very word zodiac is apt to require a cuss for an adjective.
Where to get hold of Symposium No. 6 of the IAU? It sells for $10.00 through the publisher, Cambridge University Press, whose American branch office is at 32 East 57th St., New York 22, N.Y. We doubt, however, that many astrologers will want to part with half a sawbuck for something that is guaranteed to puncture any and all equinoctial balloons. Not even those effects known to be of a seasonal nature, and hence apparently tied in with the global gimmick that gives rise to the equinoxes and solstices, have any real connection with the
geometric scheme that has come to be accepted as the zodiac.
Nature's Geometry (Garth Allen)
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Nature's Geometry (Garth Allen)
Jim Eshelman
Re: Nature's Geometry (Garth Allen)
But….do we know the true degree of the Solar Apex? We have discussed this before Jim. Do you think the true degree of the Solar Apex is known?Guess where on the celestial sphere physicists found the lines of magnetic force to be emanating from? Yes, just ninety degrees from the SOLAR APEX - at that point in great-circle square aspect from both the center of the Galaxy and the Apex!
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Nature's Geometry (Garth Allen)
No, I don't. But they might not have been measuring it that way. It might have been a more general measurement (some data splatter effect).
That's mostly why I ordered the boo: I want to read this for myself. He also said it was 90° from the galactic center, so they may have been using the "classic Apex" which is not too far from the GC, or some intersection of two different great circles... there isn't enough to be sure what this means.
That's mostly why I ordered the boo: I want to read this for myself. He also said it was 90° from the galactic center, so they may have been using the "classic Apex" which is not too far from the GC, or some intersection of two different great circles... there isn't enough to be sure what this means.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Nature's Geometry (Garth Allen)
Looking forward to your conclusion after reading the book Jim. When Matthew put me onto the Capsolar with its Master Chart Mundane qualities, and even more so when I seriously studied your book SMA, a “knowing” swept through my mind---Got to be 0 Cap as the Solar Apex which would beatifully explain the WHY for the Capsolar as the Master mundane chart. IMO, this Apex issue is another one of those 50 years into the future before possibly being proven by the scientific astrophysicists, which I feel you will address in your CSA book on the section of mundane astrology. But some things will always only be known in a gnostic manner.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Nature's Geometry (Garth Allen)
I got the book. I don't know when I'll have time to read the seven critical papers, but they're all here in my hand with all 56 original papers.
The book is pristine: It came in original shrink wrap.

Jim Eshelman