Making an offer on a new home

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Making an offer on a new home

Post by Arena »

Hey guys.
Me and my man are really longing to move to the country side. To sell our house in the city and go to a quiet place with a huge art studio for both of us where we can also grow some food. We believe that the economy and the real estate market is coming to a deep dive/serious trouble so we want to make sure to sell and change before it's too late.

So, we've just made an offer on a house in the country side and if this offer doesn't work - we will make another offer on a property we recently viewed. The offer will be delivered tomorrow and my lunar return is tomorrow. My man's demi-lunar or lunar opposition return is tomorrow as well and his has Moon & Uranus angular.

Very interesting to note that my lunar return has the Moon tightly sandwitched between Jupiter and Uranus and I'm reminded of that "thank you lord" aspect that Ebertin mentions in his COSI book. The aspect has the Moon in the middle in the ecliptic view, but Jupiter in the middle in the mundoscope. However, it isn't angular and both Jup & Ur are now retrograde.

Would you guys think that this kind of aspect has something to do with making a house purchase / moving houses?

Jup-Ur/Moon : A good intuition, an optimistic outlook, a fortunate grasp and understanding of things, prudence, far-sightedness, a sudden feeling of happiness.

Moon-Ur/Jup : Aims and objectives on a grand scale, ambitious aspirations, a lucky hand in enterprises, sudden successes.

Moon-Uranus : The attainment of sudden successes, the accomplishment of a change in one's circumstances.
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by SteveS »

IMO, lots of good solid exciting (Uranus) symbolism. :)
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by Arena »

Yes indeed. The Uranus symbolism is certainly suggesting something sudden and exciting. And since it is not associated with malefics, I suspect and hope it is something we will enjoy and be pleasantly surprised by.

But the thing is that IF you want to see whether a person is moving houses you would want to see that in the solar return and transits as well, not just the lunar return. Moving houses is rather a big thing for most people, especially when you are selling and buying a house.

For me there are a few different charts to consider since I'm exploring an alternative birth time and also because my solar return was set up abroad. So I have to consider those angles as well as home angles.

There is "outstanding incident" symbolism since there are three different planets to consider within 1° angularity and it is the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus - which could very well be a symbolism for moving houses or making a big change in my life's circumstances in more than one way. The Uranus and Jupiter transits to the natal Moon can also be an indicator.

So, is there an outstanding incident indicated for my man in his SSR or transits?
Well, yes there is. He is currently going through his Uranus opposition when most people go through some kind of changes in their lives, sometimes major changes are made. T. Uranus has already made it's first opposition to his r. Uranus and we actually did make an offer on another property at that time in the summer. Now I see that the next time Uranus will be partile his r. Ur is from the middle of Oct in retro and until the beginning of Dec and then again in forward motion from the middle of March next year until the end of April when Jupiter will also join the picture. I've already told him that's when I find it most likely that we'll make our move since it's around the same degrees as my natal Moon will experience those transits. His Ur is at 26.05 Libra sidereal and my Moon is at 25.01 Aries sidereal which is why I find it very likely that we will make major changes during the last hit of Uranus and perhaps most likely to be a "thank you lord" move/change when they hit together, Jupiter and Uranus, which is in the beginning of April for me. That means I must check his next SSR in January.

I remember Jim has also said that when the planets go back and forth, it is likely to be a period of experiencing it, but making the move or change at "the last partile hit".

My man has his next SSR '24 as an "outstanding incident" SSR with Venus 0,09° from the SSR IC. No other planet is within 5° from angles, but the Moon is on the midpoint and in opposition to Mer-Mars conj. which can mean thinking and acting strongly influenced by feeling or quarrels or talking it out in an argument, clearing the air. This current SSR, Jan '23 he does not have the "outstanding incident" by partile aspects to angles. But he does have the SSR nodes partile square to the ASC, Uranus close by and within 5° sq the ASC as well as Jupiter within 5° from zenith and the SSR ASC within 5° from r. Jup.

So now I just ran a few months of lunar returns for him in solar fire to see if I spot any "outstanding incident" returns with partile aspects to angles. It's weird. His current SLR shows a Mars-Neptune opposition where Mars is partile the IC! He has not been angry about anything at all ... but IF the demi is prevalent now as we speak, it is the Moon-Uranus angular symbolism. I don't know what to think. :D

Anyway, this is what I see for partile angularity for him until his next solar return:

Sep 18th: SLR MC partile his r Sun and the IC partile his r Jup. This might mean something good! Perhaps a deal will be made and signed in Sept.

Oct 16th: Biwheel shows SLR ASC, Mars & Jup partile his r. Saturn. The SLR has Jupiter 0,06° ASC, Mars 0,45° ASC and Saturn 0,52° IC. Perhaps a move and lots of money in and out of accounts with Jup-Mars?

Nov 12th: SLR Sun 0,41° ASC (followed by the Moon at 1,35° ASC). This time the t. Jup is partile his Nnode and almost partile his rel. MC.

Dec 9th: T. Sun partile his r. Venus and rel. MC.

Jan 6th: T. Sun 0,07° and Pluto 0,15° partile SLR IC and partile his rel. ASC.
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by SteveS »

Arena, I don’t see any “outstanding incident” aspects in your mate’s next SSR for Rek, but I do see that potent SSR Venus partile cnj his SSR IC. This alone combined with t Ur partile 180 his n Ur should indicate creative changes for a possible new house. I also see lots of Mo-Me symbolism for him, both mundo & ecliptic which to me indicates lots of exchanges of thoughts with you, more so than normal, which could mean these exchanges of thoughts may have something to do with a new home. Keep us informed. :)

Arena, looking at your mate’s next 6 months of SLRs from his Jan 23 2024 birthday, I only see 1 “outstanding incident” lunar---July 2 2024 DSLR. It’s only seen with the mundo chart. It features a Jupiter-Saturn Paran which is excellent symbolism for making any kinds of sound structural changes. Link below shows this Jup-Sa Paran. With Uranus flirting with his Natal Moon in July---this could indicate exciting (Uranus) structural changes (Jup-Sat). Does he know anything about doing renovation construction?
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by SteveS »

Arena asked:
So, is there an outstanding incident indicated for my man in his SSR or transits?
I see very important “outstanding incidents” lunars for your mate Arena looking to the end of this year. Does your mate have an AA birth time? If so, I will post these “outstanding incidents” lunars for our learning purposes. :)
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by Arena »

Yes his birth time is AA. Please don't publish the data though. :)

I took my partner's lunar returns until his next bday, so during this fall to see if there might be any outstanding incidents indicating a possible deal being made, and there are a few. I'm curious about the one on Sept 18th and Oct 16th. These two may indicate a deal and some work involving renovations. Yes, he's handy and good at that. We will need to get some work done in our home before we put it to market as well, so there might be some renovations ahead in our current home and possibly in our next home. We have peculiar dreams about our next home in the country side and we want to make the deal as quickly as possible, or at least sell our home while the market value is still high. We believe the market will soon be crashing.

He also has a lot of partile symbolism in his solar arcs and sec pr. :)

Sec pr. Sun is now partile his EP and sec. pr. Moon will be coming into a partile conjunction in Dec.
Solar arcs are interesting as well. D. Sun partile EP while d. Jup partile WP and Nnode. D. Ur partile n. ASC.
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by SteveS »

I will not publish his data Arena. By far, the most important SLR I see for you mate is his Dec 11 SLR, but kinda see other very important lunars beginning on Oct 30 culminating with his Dec 11 SLR. These "other" lunars have a-lot to do with excitement. Below is a link to his mundo Dec 11 SLR.

Arena, we see here a very rare triple paran of a T-square with Ve/Ju = Sa, for sure high % for an outstanding incident involving the symbolism. What we don't know is: Will this involve something to do with selling the present residence and/or buying a new home; or, maybe have something to do with achieving the artist grant for you? Anyway, for sure, keep us informed what happens relative to his immediate environment during the time period of this Dec 11 SLR.
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by Arena »

Well, that Ven-Jup & Sat seem to have more to do with relationship matters... although the Saturn on IC might have to do with establishing/buying a home. I had Saturn touch my IC as I purchased my first home.
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by SteveS »

I understand where you are coming from Arena. Arena, you would be in a much better position than me to be able to read the symbolism correctly, since you are the one who understands his immediate environment than me. I don’t know anything for sure but I do understand certain symbolism with prominent Sidereal Astrology charts and their timing mechanisms. The way I see things looking in from the outside is: Your mate will enter a much more harmonious (Venus) time frame when his new 2024 SSR begins with both eclipto and mundo Venus is partile cnj his SSR IC, a most potent Venus effect. Since you are working with 2 possible times of birth, it is much easier for me to understand you and your mate’s coupling as a whole by analyzing his AA birth time. In other words, if he is happy, you are happy. Maybe his powerful 2024 Venus SSR is symbolizing when everything comes together for you and him as a couple; therefore his new solar year will be when everything comes together for a new home with the sale of the present residence. Selling a home and buying a new home needs patience since it’s such an important life decision. But, you know yours and his situations much better than me looking at it from the inside and me from the outside. All I really know with a high degree of certainly is your mate will be in a very harmonious (Venus) position with his new solar year, so this must mean you will feel this in comparable manner as well. It could be with his Dec 11 Venus/Jupiter = Saturn “outstanding incident” SLR he feels disappointment for you as his mate with your grant $ failing, but again I don’t know this for sure. Is this the first time you have applied for an artist’s grant?
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by SteveS »

Arena, here is your mates bi-wheel of his “outstanding incident” Dec 11 SLR (inside wheel) with his Natal (outside wheel).

blank to protect data

Note his Natal Jupiter almost partile 90 his SLR ASC. Arena, I believe you will be right and during this SLR Time frame benefic things will be timed for him. Wishing you and your mate the best. :) The SLR is mixed but overall benefic. Maybe Jim's TMSA could offer a better overall analysis for benefic/malefic influences.
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by Arena »

Looks great Steve :) Very potent times indeed. Thank you so very much for your input.
He's also participating in a musical contest, so maybe this will also be a good omen for that competition.

I wonder if there are possible "outstanding incidents" for his upcoming lunar returns when it comes to his natal planets partile conjunct to SLR angles and also the EP or secondary angles?

F.ex. I see on Sept 20th return his natal Mercury is partile the return angle.
Nov 13th has SLR ASC almost partile r. Jup, or 1,05°and t. Nep is partile the zenith or partile sq the EP.

PS. I suddenly realized that I made mistakes in the second post I posted in this topic about his lunar returns. Once again I had so many open that I was looking at another year :D ... but now I'm not able to edit it to avoid confusion. Sorry about that.
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by SteveS »

No problem Arena, I understand. I will later be posting more about your mates SLRs for Oct 30 & Nov 13, lots of potent exciting symbolism for him, and I am very curious what they will bring into his life. Thanks for sharing wth us for our learning purposes. :)
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by SteveS »

Arena, below is the mundo chart for your mate’s Oct 30 Demi-SLR. It’s an “outstanding incident” Mercury-Venus-Mars DSLR.

Note the elevated DSLR Venus partile 90 his Mercury & Mars, with Uranus angular. Actually t Uranus partile 180 his Natal Uranus almost partiles squares his DSLR MC for mucho excitement. I am very curious: Will this 13 day period for his Oct 30 DSLR cover the time period for his musical competition? Has he ever won a musical completion? Really doesn’t matter---if this does cover the time period when his musical completion occurs—it will be an “outstanding incident” in his mind which will excite him greatly. Mercury-Venus signatures has much to do with artists of all kinds. :)
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by Arena »

I'm curious to see if any of these lunar returns will give us a clue to something out of the ordinary happening. Yes, the beginning of November could be a time for results of the contest. However, we don't know if it's in the beginning or end of November. I'll keep you informed.

It's highly likely that we will be travelling in the end of October. We celebrate two dates every year, the end of August marks our first meeting/kiss celebrations and the end of October is when I decided to come back from my travels back then and get to know him better. It was a conscious decision for us to start our formal courtship and see where it would take us. So we decided to celebrate both and this time in the end of October will mark four years since I moved in with him and we want to celebrate it with a few days abroad. :) But it may also coincide with other events. :)

Since the t. Uranus started to come back and forth into opposition to his natal Uranus he's been wanting to change his life. He's been wanting to quit his 9-5 job and become more independent as well as making our own more independent lifestyle in the country side... I believe this decision/willpower is getting stronger and stronger and although we've been thinking about it for a long while, it seems like we're very decisive and ready now... which is very fitting with the back and forth movement of Uranus - almost as if it's stopping our forward motion with this. Which is why I'm now looking forward to the last retro move and then forward move of Ur which is why we're searching for our new home and making offers on properties to move at this right moment in time. It seems like it took too long ... but now Ur is retro and will turn forward in the end of January. I wonder if we'll make the move when it takes it's last retro spin on us, or if it's when it will take it's last forward spin on us. :D
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by SteveS »

I understand Arena, keep us informed. If you/he has options, I would try to arrange for his Oct 30 DSLR to set-up in Rek. Maybe to your/his benefit for a trip to celebrate the love ya’ll have for each other. :)
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My demi lunar sep 19th

Post by Arena »

My demi lunar return is taking place later today. Both birth times look quite interesting.
Not sure I would consider this mundoscope, but we'll see. IF I would consider it, then it looks quite horrible for the 23.40 bt with the Moon-Sun-Mer all partile the DSC and then those malefics in wider conjunction to the angles. IF that birth time is the accurate one, this demi lunar would also have my n. Ven-Jup partile the MC/IC... which looks like an interesting development within my relationship (although those malefics look quite scary). There is a partile Sun-Nep opposition near the EP.

The alternative is a bit different, it would make that Sun-Nep opposition as the most prominent aspect partile the EP and then my n. Mer partile the DSC. That sounds like it could possibly be signing a contract relating to something I'm dreaming of (Nep). I'm guessing Jim would put that into the realm of illusion and warn me to be careful what I sign. :) Might be a bit of both.

As I've stated before and also iterated to Steve regarding this demi lunar (and other charts when they simply seem very distorted in the mundane view) I always cast the Azi chart to make sense of the chart - and I'm not quite sure it is the pv that we should be looking at in high latitudes. I think the EP may be of greater importance.

We will be making another offer later this week.
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by SteveS »

Arena wrote:
As I've stated before and also iterated to Steve regarding this demi lunar (and other charts when they simply seem very distorted in the mundane view) I always cast the Azi chart to make sense of the chart - and I'm not quite sure it is the pv that we should be looking at in high latitudes. I think the EP may be of greater importance.
Arena, I understand where you are coming from about the high latitudes. I have looked at some of your mundo lunars and the way it bunches all the planets together—it confuses hell out of me. Maybe Jim and his expert astronomical mind could offer some of his comments on this high latitudes issue pertaining to the mundoscope.
Arena wrote:
My demi lunar return is taking place later today. Both birth times look quite interesting.
Not sure I would consider this mundoscope, but we'll see. IF I would consider it, then it looks quite horrible for the 23.40 bt with the Moon-Sun-Mer all partile the DSC and then those malefics in wider conjunction to the angles. IF that birth time is the accurate one, this demi lunar would also have my n. Ven-Jup partile the MC/IC... which looks like an interesting development within my relationship (although those malefics look quite scary). There is a partile Sun-Nep opposition near the EP.
Arena’s DSLR Mundoscope 23,40 bt:

If I had this DSLR for my mundoscope, I would not under no circumstances sign any important contracts. I probably would put duct tape over my mouth and not leave the house :) . Let’s look at your 23,27 time for the DSLR:

Arena’s DSLR Mundoscope 23,27 bt:

A very nasty malefic mundoscope as well. Keep us informed Arena. Maybe Mundoscopes at high latitudes are giving a false read, I don’t know.
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Obviously we need more (hundreds more with confirmed birth data) examples to test whether high latitudes behave structurally differently.

But I do remember that it was from a partile mundane Moon-Sun conjunction in your Icelandic SLR - something not existing at all ecliptically - that I correctly predicted the exact start of your current relationship when you thought it wouldn't be a big deal date. That's pretty good, right? <g>

I've been ignoring this thread because of bouncing between variant birth times. If you want a specific 'read' on a chart for a specific date and a specific birth time, let me know and I'll give an opinion. (TMSA is the only way to do this easily, though there are other ways to do it that are less easy.)
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by Arena »

Yes indeed, those mundoscopes look like the coupling might be undone with the opposition to Sat, Nep & Pluto which can denote a total loss of something - in this case the malefic aspect is towards the Sun-Moon-Mer.

However the charts don't really look malefic at all in the ecliptic nor Azi view.
Let's see what happens.

Anyway - I don't remember what TMSA stands for Jim?
Do you still have that lunar return you're talking about for my prediction?
I can not see any Sun-Moon mundane conjunctions around the time I met my partner and started in my current relationship. We met on Aug 30th-31st 2019. We had a few dates in Sept 2019 before I left for Scotland and Spain. I then returned on Oct 29th when we decided to see if we wanted to be together. I stayed for a few days in his apartment and then went to a friend's house for a few days. I then returned back to his apartment (which is now our home) and we've lived together ever since. I just checked my lunar return on Nov 12th and it has a partile Sun-Moon opposition close to the MC, but not partile (although it comes within the 3° mark for 23.27 bt). That SLR has Jup on ASC (partile with 23.40, 1,16° with 23.27 bt).

There are a few different reasons I'm currently looking into an alternative birth time Jim. I can send you my thoughts in pm.
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Arena wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 10:08 am Anyway - I don't remember what TMSA stands for Jim?
Mike Nelson's free astrology software. You can download it from here:
Do you still have that lunar return you're talking about for my prediction?
I don't save them. It would be in one of your threads (perhaps a thread tracking month by month lunars?). Or give me the date and city of (I think it was) your first date and I can recalculate it.
I can not see any Sun-Moon mundane conjunctions around the time I met my partner and started in my current relationship. We met on Aug 30th-31st 2019. We had a few dates in Sept 2019 before I left for Scotland and Spain.
Your August 22 SLR for Reyk had the following foreground mundoscope positions. Notice that (among other thing) your natal planets rotated so that you had a 0°33' NATAL Moon-Sun opposition with slightly wider involvement of transiting sun and Pluto.

6°21' (H1) - t Pluto
8°09' (H7) - t Sun
8°42' (H1) - r Moon

9°43' (H7) - t Sun

Meanwhile, in right ascension:

153°29' - SLR WP
154°17' - t Venus [PV 11°17' H7, 6°46' Leo]
155°17' - t Mars [PV 11°07' H7, 7°55' Leo]

And at the Ascendant:

4°54' Sag - r Jupiter [0°17' above Asc in PV]
5°01' Sag - SLR Asc
5°44' Vir - r Pluto
(I didn't include r Venus because it was 12° from the horizon)

Narrowing the angularity orbs a bit (leaving out the widest angularities, past 7°, and narrowing aspect orbs to under 2°), here is the full breakout of that SLR besides the 0°33' mundane opposition of natal Moon and Sun. It's quite a chart!

t Pluto on Asc -6°21'
t Saturn on Asc -4°05'
t Mars on WP-a -1°48'
r Mercury on Dsc -3°53'

t Venus op WP-a -0°48'
r Pluto on Z -0°43'

t Jupiter on Asc +0°17'
t Sun on WP-a +1°56'

t Venus-Mars co 0°11' M
t Saturn op r Mercury 0°12' M
r Jupiter-Pluto sq 0°50'

t Sun-Mars co 1°23' M
t Sun-Venus co 1°34' M
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by Arena »

Yes it's quite a chart. Those were shifting times in my life. That lunar took place in Edinburgh, just after I had left my children with my ex over there and then stayed with a friend over there for a few days. I think I arrived here on Aug 29th and met my love at a friend's party on Aug 30th. Our first kiss and initiating contact was that night, after midnight, so Aug 31st. It wasn't a date per sé, we had never met until at that party.
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by Arena »

Jim, if you were to predict what might take place during each of the two different demi lunars, with the two different birth times, what would you emphasize and what is your belief in terms of what could happen IF the PV charts are dominant or Azi dominant?

The lunars to pay particular attention to are when we see partile connections with the angles. They are bound to show us "outstanding incidents". Like I've stated before, I'm not sure that demi lunars play any role at all - I think the lunars are more predictive, but I know both you and Steve believe they do play a role.
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Arena wrote: Thu Sep 21, 2023 4:20 am Jim, if you were to predict what might take place during each of the two different demi lunars, with the two different birth times, what would you emphasize and what is your belief in terms of what could happen IF the PV charts are dominant or Azi dominant?
I'm going to have to pass on this, Arena (with apologies). I have too much going on and this would take an enormous amount of time - nursing my wife coming back from a broken ankle, trying to put 100% of my time into the book, and my regular job - and then adding an azimuth reinterpretation requires working across two different software platforms to get everything right.

My offer stands that for a single birthtime give me a date and I'll look at the lunars. (I do think your given birth time is correct, it has always seemed to click off like clockwork, but I admit you've watched it more meticulously than I have.)
The lunars to pay particular attention to are when we see partile connections with the angles.
Those are certainly very strong, though - absent partile contacts - the most angular seems to have just as strong a voice. There's a dance of angularities peaking at small orbs interlocking with aspects peaking at small orbs, with the strongest "eruptions" of events being when those two things converge - but it's the close aspects (provided they are close enough to the angles) that seem to have the most distinctive, demanding voices.

Take my wife's Demi-SLR for her recent accident as the most immediate example. The planets and aspects involved are quite clear (and all foreground) but not partile and only partly in the vague "immediate foreground." All up and down the coast, we knew natal Mars and Saturn were nearest the angles but (wrongly) didn't think it was a big deal because they were only moderately angular. - There was one partility of sorts, though, that caught us by surprise: Though the return occurred the night before north of Paso Robles, we were in Los Olivos when she injured herself and, with natal Mars 4°06' on one side of the meridian and natal Saturn 3°09' on the other side, their midpoint was 0°28' from the angle. (Oops!)

She also "acquired" a mundane square of natal Sun and Saturn that does not exist in her birth chart. Natal Sun was on the outside edge of "moderately strong" - 6°00' from Ascendant for the place of the accident - but this brought the "discovered" natal Sun-Saturn aspect into the foreground. It was not only the closest foreground aspect but the only aspect within 3°.
Like I've stated before, I'm not sure that demi lunars play any role at all - I think the lunars are more predictive, but I know both you and Steve believe they do play a role.
In practice, I usually can't tell the difference between the SLR and Demi-SLR and talk about them almost interchangeably. ("Almost" because the SLR does have a voice, even if a diminished voice, for the whole four weeks.) It's a rare month (and usually a weak demi) when I see a full lunar have dominant voice all four weeks.

It helps (or hurts) when they have more or less the same message, though. My wife had a rough SLR two weeks earlier with transiting Mercury and Mars straddling MC, natal Sun exactly setting, and Neptune widely on IC. It primarily manifested in the first two weeks as a concentrated period of interaction with a known difficult person and having to navigate the business relationship (which she did very well since she was prepared for it). We could say that this Mercury-Mars at MC SLR was also related to her accident except I like the symbolism of natal Mars and Saturn foreground in the Demi better than the transiting Mars of the SLR: She hurt herself (wasn't struck by an outside factor, although the environmental factor of severely uneven pavement was part of the picture). Mercury-Mars and a little Neptune in the SLR fits navigating potentially treacherous business relationship waters better, and the combination of Mars-Saturn and Sun-Saturn in the Demi better describes broken bones.
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by Arena »

I understand Jim. 👍 No problem. I didn't know about your busy-ness. I will keep monitoring with alternative birth time. I might even start a thread at some time to explain my thoughts and insights with a few charts for 'outstanding incidents'. Such as weddings, births, moving long distances, life transformations of some kind. I can see a few of them in hindsight since I'm getting older and wiser. 😉😊 I can see when my life took a turn or was transformed somehow.

Sometimes it's better to see things clearly in hindsight, like you just demonstrated with your wife. It's not an example that I would have expected to have a partile angularity though. I wish her well with a quick recovery. ❤️
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Re: Making an offer on a new home

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Thanks :) She has her first post-op doctor visit a week from today when we probably will get a better estimate of how long she's down. Pre-op estimates were that she is to have no weight bearing for six to eight weeks, then slowly using it over another couple of months.
Jim Eshelman
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