Applying for grants

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Applying for grants

Post by Arena »

I will be writing applications for artist's grants this fall and in the new year.

The first one will close on Oct 2nd, which is the day my lunar return starts that month.
However I think I will be sending it in a bit earlier, so I checked out my demi lunar on Sept 19th.
It looks promising.

For both birth times it has my natal Venus-Jupiter on the MC angle of the return.
The ASC angle is different for the two birth times, but both fall in interesting places. For the 23.40 bt it falls on the Sun-Nep opposition, while for the 23.27 bt it falls on natal Mer and close to t. Venus.

The 23.40 SLR on Oct 2nd has t. Jup 1,08° from the SLR DSC while the 2.27 SLR has t. Jup slightly further out at 2,33° on DSC.

Now I wonder if it matters when I send it in for review, if it's better to send it during the demi lunar or on the last closing day on Oct 2nd. What do you guys think?
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Re: Applying for grants

Post by SteveS »

Arena, I have done close work with a colleague who has applied for different business grants in his life. I will check with him on the processes but they may be much different here in USA than Iceland. If you have someone you think is dependable in the Artist Grant department in Iceland, ask em this question: How long does it generally take before one knows if they (you) receive the grant? If you feel you have a good idea how long the processes take, I will scan for any “outstanding incidents” lunars for you with the 23,27 time.
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Re: Applying for grants

Post by Arena »

The closing date for applications is Oct 2nd and then they publish the names of those who receive the grants sometime around the middle of Dec-middle of Jan.

Last year it was Dec 16th
The year before it was Jan 13th.

For me the mundoscope for the end of Nov has Jup partile for 23.40, but slightly wider for 23.27.

The next SLR is Dec 23rd and
Mundoscope for 23.27 bt has Venus 0.04 on Dsc and a Jup-Ur conjunction within 3 from Asc!
For the 23.40 bt it has Mars as the only partile connection with angle, it's conjunct Venus on Dsc whereas the Jup-Ur conjunction on Asc is slightly wider, or outside the 3 degr mark for significance.
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Re: Applying for grants

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Arena, the dates help a-lot. On a scale of 1-10 with the highest # being more important, how important is it for you along with your mate to receive this artist grant? If you receive this grant--is it long lasting as a monthly payment, or just one lump sum payment. Is receiving this grant more important than selling you present residence and finding a new country side home. I ask--because we see here what appears to be two very important objectives for you and your mate to try and achieve before the end of the year, which demands a careful analysis for any possible "outstanding incidents" lunars.
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Re: Applying for grants

Post by Arena »

Aha, I see what you mean.
Both are very important.

We need to sell our place to get rid of all or most of our loans with the bank and take out our capital and it needs to happen before next spring when the interest rates will skyrocket. This is why I see the "thank you lord" aspect as so important. The grant is another issue, it would be monthly payments next year, comes as "artist's salary". It would be great to get it, both as an acknowledgement of becoming "an established" artist and because I have no regular salaries. I'm now using my capital gains to help me live as an artist. :)

The sale of our home is more important though, as it is a HUGE deal whether we cash out our capital gains before the market crashes.
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Re: Applying for grants

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Arena, this allows me to understand priorities better. Most of the time prominent symbolism manifests with priorities.
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