Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023 ... 213046.png
This is my birth chart,if anyone want to give a read,fine.
This is my birth chart,if anyone want to give a read,fine.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Hi, Element. That's a Tropical chart, so nobody here will read that directly. To make things easier for anyone who wants to answer, I'll give the birth data you gave earlier: September 20 1986, 5:25 AM EEDT, Thessaloniki, Greece. (You're still living at your birthplace, correct?)
In response to your request, I don't remember if I ever did a general workup on your natal chart. I'll do this in the next few minutes and post it in the next comment. (These are just pieces of your birth chart, but give a start in having a conversation about the whole of it.)
In response to your request, I don't remember if I ever did a general workup on your natal chart. I'll do this in the next few minutes and post it in the next comment. (These are just pieces of your birth chart, but give a start in having a conversation about the whole of it.)
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
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- Posts: 19572
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Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
These notes on your Sidereal Natal Horoscope are provided for your reference and study. They are not a full interpretation of your birth chart. Rather, they are building blocks from which a full interpretation can be built. Each factor below contributes to your character. The paragraphs may repeat or contradict each other (we all have contradictions). While it does not take an astrologer to fuse these factors into a balanced picture of you and your life, it does require knowledge of human behavior and how we support and sabotage ourselves. Your astrologer can help you in this life-long undertaking of knowing yourself. Read these notes slowly: Feel your way through the interweaving ideas, reflecting on what you know of yourself.
Character is destiny. Who you are determines the life that is yours to unfold. “Know thyself” is the key.
The paragraphs are brief. We have sought to pack in everything essential, to use few words to imply much more. Not every phrase will apply, of course. Some will be more important than others; but the gist of each section should clearly reflect truth about you. When you have spent time with this and have new questions, consult your astrologer to discuss them.
Saturn and Mars are your strongest planets. You are a Virgo with a Piscean style.
Saturn on Nadir (0°01’)
INDEPENDENCE, RESERVE, STRUGGLE. Needs to be independent, self-sufficient, self-reliant, private. Survival instincts drive much of the behavior. Industrious, conscientious, methodical, driven (works hard). Struggle (hardship especially in youth, struggle for security, burdensome life demands, or struggling on others' behalf): some are beaten down, most gain strength and endurance. Cautious, prudent, emotionally reserved and careful (may shut others out). Strong parent themes.
More detail: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=38#p188
Moon in Pisces
Distinctive characters: actors in a personal legend (oriented and secure within its familiarity). Satiates senses, excites imagination, fascinated with the unknown and enchanting (explorers), relishes having a secret side. Seeks storybook relationships. Faith (spiritual), optimism, inspiring, motivating, yet haunted. Aesthetic, drawn to the fanciful. Music, artistic. Eros vs. morality.
More detail: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=34&p=153#p153
Moon octile Saturn (0°08’)
Proud, self-made. Hardworking, persistent, self-driving. Usually emotionally reserved, private. Seeks to control situations and relationships. Parent issues (nourishment-deprivation). Judgmental, intolerant, distrustful, resisting. Can be pessimistic, feeling inferior, anxious, depressed.
Moon trine Uranus (0°51’)
Intellectually rebellious, roving, curious, inquiring. Not wholly comfortable with outside guidance. Original, futuristic, needing variety. Free-spirited: psychologically lives outside convention. Subject to tensions, emotional stress.
Moon square Mars (1°13’)
Active and reactive, temperamental, thinks and acts rapidly, restless. Driven, competent, ambitious. Impatient, acerbic, irritable. Frank and sharp-tongued (hence friction in close relationships). Needs physical, emotional, and mental “room to breathe” (little domestic instinct). Substance abuse not uncommon. Sexual needs are strong, almost irrepressible.
Sun in Virgo
Curious, mentally sharp, strategic, tactical, analytical, logical, scrutinizing, encyclopedic, preserves information. Favors trees over forest. Bashful yet brazen. Respectful, tolerant, sociable, serious. Courageous in word and deed. Service-minded, conscientious. Active toward social progress (rarely radical). Androgynous traits.
More detail: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=35#p160
Sun octile Uranus (3°25’ M)
Go their own way, unapologetically following their own paths, persuaded that they are a special case. Easily bored. Loves freedom: bows to no outside authority. Progressive, future-oriented, uninhibited by convention. Self-perspective usually founded in objectivity.
Mars in Sagittarius
Passionate beliefs and interests (moral courage). Idealist foremost (yet pragmatic). Sincere, devoted, studious (what seems like diligence is really love or zeal for a subject). Innovative, ambitious, strategic, exacting. Generous and encouraging expanding others' worlds. Thrives in vintage styles. Branded social identities (air of mystery or fantasy). Often identified with ideologies, -ists, & -isms.
Mars octile Saturn (0°01’)
Struggle marks these lives (from prejudice or early hardship). Hardened, tough survivors, self-sufficient, seeking control. Some accept the hardship and focus on “getting through;” some act meek, unthreatening; others overcompensate as bullies (feelings of weakness, shame, inadequacy). Conflicts with authority. Serious, reserved, cautious about enthusiasms.
Mercury in Virgo
Curious, observant, methodical, analytical. Quiet, almost soft-spoken, good-natured (maybe too passive). To-the-point communication (journalist). Logical, strategic: Wants the facts before deciding, considers all sides.
Mercury square Neptune (1°09’ M)
Dreamers, storytellers. Can enthuse, enroll, and convince someone of almost anything. Hyper-responsive to environment and perceptions, extreme sensitivity to sense impressions (may include psychism). Magnifies trivialities, fixates on particulars (often perfectionists); thus, often uncanny memories. Loves puzzle- or problem-solving, often in fantasy modelling; gets much pleasure and psychological relief from fantasied problem solving. However, commonly avoids real problems by obsessing over fantasy problems. Many adapt readily to systematized thought modes of math and science.
Venus in Libra
Social graces (courteous, polite, approachable, entertaining). Desires romantic partnership (its absence is a wound hard to heal). Requires and gets loyalty and faithfulness. Sexual extremes of indulge-gratify or deny-withhold. Secretive (closeted) about sex life except in an established relationship. Acclimates to imperfect circumstances, can “make things work.”
Venus conjunct Pluto (3°32’ M)
Instinctively rejects arbitrary (moral and other) values on love, sex, art (may inadvertently challenge social codes). “All or nothing” intimacy: In human connection, the feeling is, “go cosmic or go home.” Seeks deep connection (sometimes overwhelming intimates) or withdraws from others innocently (or due to rebuke and exclusion). Few intimates: most are of unfiltered intensity. Sexual development may come late (adolescent social rituals seem perplexingly arbitrary). Eruptive trouble in relationships. Can be commandingly charismatic.
Jupiter square Uranus (1°56’)
Mind interested in and well-suited to science, philosophical inquiry, and self-inquiry (knack for astrology). Success through unlikely paths (likely to succeed and distinguish themselves). Committed to progress, instinct for exceptionalism. Ingenuity, insight (sees outside the usual maps, pathways, and systems; thinks on a broader scale). Respectful while unbeholden to artificial rank, class, or caste (it is unimportant to them); gently resists authority (conflict with authority), speaks truth to power, stands against injustice, egalitarian (social activist).
Character is destiny. Who you are determines the life that is yours to unfold. “Know thyself” is the key.
The paragraphs are brief. We have sought to pack in everything essential, to use few words to imply much more. Not every phrase will apply, of course. Some will be more important than others; but the gist of each section should clearly reflect truth about you. When you have spent time with this and have new questions, consult your astrologer to discuss them.
Saturn and Mars are your strongest planets. You are a Virgo with a Piscean style.
Saturn on Nadir (0°01’)
INDEPENDENCE, RESERVE, STRUGGLE. Needs to be independent, self-sufficient, self-reliant, private. Survival instincts drive much of the behavior. Industrious, conscientious, methodical, driven (works hard). Struggle (hardship especially in youth, struggle for security, burdensome life demands, or struggling on others' behalf): some are beaten down, most gain strength and endurance. Cautious, prudent, emotionally reserved and careful (may shut others out). Strong parent themes.
More detail: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=38#p188
Moon in Pisces
Distinctive characters: actors in a personal legend (oriented and secure within its familiarity). Satiates senses, excites imagination, fascinated with the unknown and enchanting (explorers), relishes having a secret side. Seeks storybook relationships. Faith (spiritual), optimism, inspiring, motivating, yet haunted. Aesthetic, drawn to the fanciful. Music, artistic. Eros vs. morality.
More detail: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=34&p=153#p153
Moon octile Saturn (0°08’)
Proud, self-made. Hardworking, persistent, self-driving. Usually emotionally reserved, private. Seeks to control situations and relationships. Parent issues (nourishment-deprivation). Judgmental, intolerant, distrustful, resisting. Can be pessimistic, feeling inferior, anxious, depressed.
Moon trine Uranus (0°51’)
Intellectually rebellious, roving, curious, inquiring. Not wholly comfortable with outside guidance. Original, futuristic, needing variety. Free-spirited: psychologically lives outside convention. Subject to tensions, emotional stress.
Moon square Mars (1°13’)
Active and reactive, temperamental, thinks and acts rapidly, restless. Driven, competent, ambitious. Impatient, acerbic, irritable. Frank and sharp-tongued (hence friction in close relationships). Needs physical, emotional, and mental “room to breathe” (little domestic instinct). Substance abuse not uncommon. Sexual needs are strong, almost irrepressible.
Sun in Virgo
Curious, mentally sharp, strategic, tactical, analytical, logical, scrutinizing, encyclopedic, preserves information. Favors trees over forest. Bashful yet brazen. Respectful, tolerant, sociable, serious. Courageous in word and deed. Service-minded, conscientious. Active toward social progress (rarely radical). Androgynous traits.
More detail: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=35#p160
Sun octile Uranus (3°25’ M)
Go their own way, unapologetically following their own paths, persuaded that they are a special case. Easily bored. Loves freedom: bows to no outside authority. Progressive, future-oriented, uninhibited by convention. Self-perspective usually founded in objectivity.
Mars in Sagittarius
Passionate beliefs and interests (moral courage). Idealist foremost (yet pragmatic). Sincere, devoted, studious (what seems like diligence is really love or zeal for a subject). Innovative, ambitious, strategic, exacting. Generous and encouraging expanding others' worlds. Thrives in vintage styles. Branded social identities (air of mystery or fantasy). Often identified with ideologies, -ists, & -isms.
Mars octile Saturn (0°01’)
Struggle marks these lives (from prejudice or early hardship). Hardened, tough survivors, self-sufficient, seeking control. Some accept the hardship and focus on “getting through;” some act meek, unthreatening; others overcompensate as bullies (feelings of weakness, shame, inadequacy). Conflicts with authority. Serious, reserved, cautious about enthusiasms.
Mercury in Virgo
Curious, observant, methodical, analytical. Quiet, almost soft-spoken, good-natured (maybe too passive). To-the-point communication (journalist). Logical, strategic: Wants the facts before deciding, considers all sides.
Mercury square Neptune (1°09’ M)
Dreamers, storytellers. Can enthuse, enroll, and convince someone of almost anything. Hyper-responsive to environment and perceptions, extreme sensitivity to sense impressions (may include psychism). Magnifies trivialities, fixates on particulars (often perfectionists); thus, often uncanny memories. Loves puzzle- or problem-solving, often in fantasy modelling; gets much pleasure and psychological relief from fantasied problem solving. However, commonly avoids real problems by obsessing over fantasy problems. Many adapt readily to systematized thought modes of math and science.
Venus in Libra
Social graces (courteous, polite, approachable, entertaining). Desires romantic partnership (its absence is a wound hard to heal). Requires and gets loyalty and faithfulness. Sexual extremes of indulge-gratify or deny-withhold. Secretive (closeted) about sex life except in an established relationship. Acclimates to imperfect circumstances, can “make things work.”
Venus conjunct Pluto (3°32’ M)
Instinctively rejects arbitrary (moral and other) values on love, sex, art (may inadvertently challenge social codes). “All or nothing” intimacy: In human connection, the feeling is, “go cosmic or go home.” Seeks deep connection (sometimes overwhelming intimates) or withdraws from others innocently (or due to rebuke and exclusion). Few intimates: most are of unfiltered intensity. Sexual development may come late (adolescent social rituals seem perplexingly arbitrary). Eruptive trouble in relationships. Can be commandingly charismatic.
Jupiter square Uranus (1°56’)
Mind interested in and well-suited to science, philosophical inquiry, and self-inquiry (knack for astrology). Success through unlikely paths (likely to succeed and distinguish themselves). Committed to progress, instinct for exceptionalism. Ingenuity, insight (sees outside the usual maps, pathways, and systems; thinks on a broader scale). Respectful while unbeholden to artificial rank, class, or caste (it is unimportant to them); gently resists authority (conflict with authority), speaks truth to power, stands against injustice, egalitarian (social activist).
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Regarding future trends, here is a look at the most important.
As you know (as we discussed last year), your "birthday chart" (Solar Return) for the year beginning 20 September 2022 was really rough. Saturn was the strongest factor. Though your Venus was rising, Saturn squared it: We knew in advance it would be an emotionally hard, disappointing year requiring you to work hard, with lots of demands, etc. if you were at birthplace for your birthday.
This next year will be kinder. It suggests LOTS of change. It isn't entirely easy - there will be struggles to face (especially emotionally) - and you won't necessarily be kind to yourself. (The world will treat you better than you treat yourself.) But the overall impression is DEFINITELY more positive than last year. Here is the breakdown of the chart:
t Venus on Dsc -4°53'
t Pluto on Asc -0°37'
t Uranus on IC +1°43'
r Mars on Asc +2°42'
t Moon-Saturn sq 2°10'
t Uranus sq r Mars 0°59' M
Notice that you don't have last year's Saturn (or its square to your Venus) but does have transiting Venus strong. The hard part is the Moon-Saturn square.
Separate from your Solar Return, the most important thing in your chart is Neptune's transit opposite your Sun. I told you about this last year: It marks about two years when the major life experience (the major developmental step) starts with dissolving your sense of who you are and where you're going in life. (That is: People under this aspect tend to stop having any certainty about who they are and where they're going.) I know this feels pretty unbearable to you, yet we need this sort of thing sometimes (tend to emerge from it with greater clarity and refreshed purpose). The major time of your Neptune-Sun transit is approximately April of this year through February 2025 (almost two years).
The most emotionally challenging, discouraging periods are likely to be when crosses your Descendant and squares your Midheaven. You're already in this phase (you've been through a lot of these Saturn transits this year). Saturn will return to square Midheaven late October through November. It will cross your Descendant in January. For most people (especially with strong Uranus-Pluto in the Solar Return) I'd say this is just a time of a lot of work and maybe starting to say good-bye to some things in preparation for big change. (We never get BIG CHANGE without saying good-bye to some things - never get a NEW LIFE without surrendering the old one.) I'm more concerned for you because of how you have described your psychological condition: Saturn on your angle (as it has been all summer) while Neptune is opposite your Sun can be very hard emotionally: You should be in therapy right now, or otherwise having a strong emotional support system of someone who will call you on your wrong ideas.
The Saturn-Descendant transit is also Saturn square your Saturn. This is always a turning point, a time when we face the limits we've placed on ourselves and have to struggle with them (and hopefully give some of them up to make more room in life to move about and do new things).
So... these transits sound rough. (They are.) But they occur under a Solar Return that has two planets angular that mean MAJOR CHANGE AND RENOVATION in your life - breaking things up, going a new direction - plus one benefic planet (Venus). That's better than last year's return!
You have a nice Moon-Venus progression in two months (November) which should ease some of the psychological stress (perhaps giving you that support system you need).
As you know (as we discussed last year), your "birthday chart" (Solar Return) for the year beginning 20 September 2022 was really rough. Saturn was the strongest factor. Though your Venus was rising, Saturn squared it: We knew in advance it would be an emotionally hard, disappointing year requiring you to work hard, with lots of demands, etc. if you were at birthplace for your birthday.
This next year will be kinder. It suggests LOTS of change. It isn't entirely easy - there will be struggles to face (especially emotionally) - and you won't necessarily be kind to yourself. (The world will treat you better than you treat yourself.) But the overall impression is DEFINITELY more positive than last year. Here is the breakdown of the chart:
t Venus on Dsc -4°53'
t Pluto on Asc -0°37'
t Uranus on IC +1°43'
r Mars on Asc +2°42'
t Moon-Saturn sq 2°10'
t Uranus sq r Mars 0°59' M
Notice that you don't have last year's Saturn (or its square to your Venus) but does have transiting Venus strong. The hard part is the Moon-Saturn square.
Separate from your Solar Return, the most important thing in your chart is Neptune's transit opposite your Sun. I told you about this last year: It marks about two years when the major life experience (the major developmental step) starts with dissolving your sense of who you are and where you're going in life. (That is: People under this aspect tend to stop having any certainty about who they are and where they're going.) I know this feels pretty unbearable to you, yet we need this sort of thing sometimes (tend to emerge from it with greater clarity and refreshed purpose). The major time of your Neptune-Sun transit is approximately April of this year through February 2025 (almost two years).
The most emotionally challenging, discouraging periods are likely to be when crosses your Descendant and squares your Midheaven. You're already in this phase (you've been through a lot of these Saturn transits this year). Saturn will return to square Midheaven late October through November. It will cross your Descendant in January. For most people (especially with strong Uranus-Pluto in the Solar Return) I'd say this is just a time of a lot of work and maybe starting to say good-bye to some things in preparation for big change. (We never get BIG CHANGE without saying good-bye to some things - never get a NEW LIFE without surrendering the old one.) I'm more concerned for you because of how you have described your psychological condition: Saturn on your angle (as it has been all summer) while Neptune is opposite your Sun can be very hard emotionally: You should be in therapy right now, or otherwise having a strong emotional support system of someone who will call you on your wrong ideas.
The Saturn-Descendant transit is also Saturn square your Saturn. This is always a turning point, a time when we face the limits we've placed on ourselves and have to struggle with them (and hopefully give some of them up to make more room in life to move about and do new things).
So... these transits sound rough. (They are.) But they occur under a Solar Return that has two planets angular that mean MAJOR CHANGE AND RENOVATION in your life - breaking things up, going a new direction - plus one benefic planet (Venus). That's better than last year's return!
You have a nice Moon-Venus progression in two months (November) which should ease some of the psychological stress (perhaps giving you that support system you need).
Jim Eshelman
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Hi,i'm sorry i posted a wrong chart.🥴
Well,i'm optimistic you read about a more positive year than the previous one.
About mental health,yeah,i'm on therapy from july and still continue,i will join next week a group therapy which will be the road to healing,cure,treatment of mental health issues,it's the third therapist i try as two previous failed to deliver me serious and quality help.
From mid 2020 it was an emotional hell for me and till now i'm fighting to recover and get some balance in life,from restrictions of covid,from negative gossipers,slandering and betraying to workplace,from issues with a bad boss and bad company.Sandess from then still exist,emotional hurt was a big hit back then,i feel angry cause i was weak to face all this.
My parents weren't supportive,father is strict and cold,mother bossy and overcritical,with conflicts,still remain same as described.
Career improved in some way,not something so good still but at least i get a better program and more money than before,i have some free time for rest i need.However degree exams failed.
Financially,i'm stable and waiting next month to extend my contract with company.
Still struggling with lack of friends and relationships,this turning into anxiety sometimes,i worry about life in general,if will make it to succeed in life.Loneliness really is hard and rough,as it seems to be chronic.
I fear changes,i feel more comfortable to know i am in a known and safe enviroment.
Well,i'm optimistic you read about a more positive year than the previous one.
About mental health,yeah,i'm on therapy from july and still continue,i will join next week a group therapy which will be the road to healing,cure,treatment of mental health issues,it's the third therapist i try as two previous failed to deliver me serious and quality help.
From mid 2020 it was an emotional hell for me and till now i'm fighting to recover and get some balance in life,from restrictions of covid,from negative gossipers,slandering and betraying to workplace,from issues with a bad boss and bad company.Sandess from then still exist,emotional hurt was a big hit back then,i feel angry cause i was weak to face all this.
My parents weren't supportive,father is strict and cold,mother bossy and overcritical,with conflicts,still remain same as described.
Career improved in some way,not something so good still but at least i get a better program and more money than before,i have some free time for rest i need.However degree exams failed.
Financially,i'm stable and waiting next month to extend my contract with company.
Still struggling with lack of friends and relationships,this turning into anxiety sometimes,i worry about life in general,if will make it to succeed in life.Loneliness really is hard and rough,as it seems to be chronic.
I fear changes,i feel more comfortable to know i am in a known and safe enviroment.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Understood. Change can be scary.Element wrote: Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:13 am I fear changes,i feel more comfortable to know i am in a known and safe enviroment.
And, yet, you want your life to change. (This is the main thing you write about: You want your life to change.) That's your dilemma, I think: You want a new life, but don't want anything to change.
Life doesn't get better if the circumstances remain the same. Instead, life stays the same.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
I want a better life but i fear to face the challenges and go for major life changes,due to fear of uknown circumstances.
Yeah,i think i have done some small steps forward,at least i have tried even if didn't worked sometimes.I keep the positive reading overall.Group Therapy will help somehow i suppose.
Also have fear will remain single,without soulmate or family,without friends or people that care about me.
Yeah,i think i have done some small steps forward,at least i have tried even if didn't worked sometimes.I keep the positive reading overall.Group Therapy will help somehow i suppose.
Also have fear will remain single,without soulmate or family,without friends or people that care about me.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
I hope you have a happy birthday and a surprisingly good year!
Jim Eshelman
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Sep 20, 2023 11:20 am I hope you have a happy birthday and a surprisingly good year!

Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
From Feb 2023 my physical health(expect mental health) is not going so well,i count a fainting episode unexpected,five chin stitches with a visible scar,two infections in last six months,one respiratory infection(no covid there),last two years fighting with overweight with high cholesterol value and can't easily lose pounds,i got hashimoto disease and trying to normalize it with thyroxine therapy.I'm trying to boost my immune system with vitamins,some nutrition and stuff,but when i started again to lose some of the weight slowly,then got infected and now i have to wait till two weeks to pass so to get out of this suffering,i feel like someone cursed me without reason.

My house of health how is it this period and till december?

My house of health how is it this period and till december?

- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
I'm sorry to hear all that. (There's a lot of that going around.)
We knew in advance that your September 2 lunar return would be rougher than usual. It's main features were Saturn 0° from MC and Neptune 0°59 from the Zenith. Unfortunately, that pair can e very debilitating. Furthermore, the Neptune was exactly opposite your Sun (health and vitality) and seems to have eroded it. Natal Saturn and Neptune were also prominent, so it was overall a Saturn-Neptune-tinged month.
Your new (September 30) lunar return lightens this a lot. Some similar planets are angular, but not VERY angular. (For example, both Saturns are moderately strong.) Moving from a chart with close, strong indications to one with milder, wider indications looks like an "aftermath" - getting better as the acute symptoms relax. (The strongest planet is transiting Uranus which indicates change and increased freedom.)
The Hashimoto's is unfortunate, but also interesting. I recently published a survey of autoimmune diseases including Hashimoto's. While there was no consistent pattern with this specific disease, there was a tendency for Moon afflictions (as in most autoimmune diseases) and a focus on the throat as a vulnerable body area (e.g., a surprising number of Scorpio Moons). You do indeed have an afflicted Moon (close Moon-Mars square) suggesting more vulnerability to inflammation and to having the immune system turn on itself somehow (Moon corresponds to the immune system) as in an autoimmune disease. (I'm forgetting... did you also say you are diabetic?) I don't see the throat emphasis unless your PRECISELY angular Saturn being in Scorpio is a factor.
I hope they are able to bring this under control quickly. Don't neglect getting treatment. It seems Neptune's transit to your Sun is working out in terms of health and you are right to suggest a psychological tie-in to this.
I hope things lighten up with the new, less acute lunar return tomorrow.
We knew in advance that your September 2 lunar return would be rougher than usual. It's main features were Saturn 0° from MC and Neptune 0°59 from the Zenith. Unfortunately, that pair can e very debilitating. Furthermore, the Neptune was exactly opposite your Sun (health and vitality) and seems to have eroded it. Natal Saturn and Neptune were also prominent, so it was overall a Saturn-Neptune-tinged month.
Your new (September 30) lunar return lightens this a lot. Some similar planets are angular, but not VERY angular. (For example, both Saturns are moderately strong.) Moving from a chart with close, strong indications to one with milder, wider indications looks like an "aftermath" - getting better as the acute symptoms relax. (The strongest planet is transiting Uranus which indicates change and increased freedom.)
The Hashimoto's is unfortunate, but also interesting. I recently published a survey of autoimmune diseases including Hashimoto's. While there was no consistent pattern with this specific disease, there was a tendency for Moon afflictions (as in most autoimmune diseases) and a focus on the throat as a vulnerable body area (e.g., a surprising number of Scorpio Moons). You do indeed have an afflicted Moon (close Moon-Mars square) suggesting more vulnerability to inflammation and to having the immune system turn on itself somehow (Moon corresponds to the immune system) as in an autoimmune disease. (I'm forgetting... did you also say you are diabetic?) I don't see the throat emphasis unless your PRECISELY angular Saturn being in Scorpio is a factor.
I hope they are able to bring this under control quickly. Don't neglect getting treatment. It seems Neptune's transit to your Sun is working out in terms of health and you are right to suggest a psychological tie-in to this.
I hope things lighten up with the new, less acute lunar return tomorrow.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
I'm not diabetic,but my doctor warned that should try to lose 4-5kg next months so to get out of pre-diabet stadium and be safe.
I got already treatment as yesterday went to family's doctor and started defence with algofren,trebon,multivitamins so to fight back the infection/inflammation before it gets worse.
I continue group psychotherapy,it goes well and therapist looks good to me,i think it will help me to get out of psych issues at some point as the disorder and its symptoms are difficult to cured from one day to another.
Ι got hurt emotionally from some people behavior back in 2020 and still cannot get out to think of some of the past things,behaviors and decisions are made.
I got already treatment as yesterday went to family's doctor and started defence with algofren,trebon,multivitamins so to fight back the infection/inflammation before it gets worse.
I continue group psychotherapy,it goes well and therapist looks good to me,i think it will help me to get out of psych issues at some point as the disorder and its symptoms are difficult to cured from one day to another.
Ι got hurt emotionally from some people behavior back in 2020 and still cannot get out to think of some of the past things,behaviors and decisions are made.
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
When you see to get out of the current job of guard,is any chance next year to change job,it's too stressful sometimes for me and i'm getting into anxiety.
I'm in group therapy,i will try to overcome my fears and insecurities but it's tough.
I'm in group therapy,i will try to overcome my fears and insecurities but it's tough.
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Also,i'm started gym last month,i really struggle to keep a plan and lose overweight,last 2 years it's difficult to do that,even if i'm in treatment for thyroid and stopped long ago drugs.
Why now it seems to me so hard when at past i have lose overweight with success? 

Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Man,sometimes i feel social anxiety,in workplace and this cannot be hided from my face,i fear will make false or wrong and then will get punishment from company.

- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
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Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Good-morning (or, in Greece, good-afternoon), Element. All of this has to be hard. The long-term period (a couple of years) that I've mentioned before is the two-year Neptune transit opposite your Sun. However, RIGHT NOW you have the Saturn transit that is going with this - Saturn square MC. (I've mentioned before how Saturn is going back and forth across your angles for many weeks / a few months.)Element wrote: Thu Oct 19, 2023 1:50 am Man,sometimes i feel social anxiety,in workplace and this cannot be hided from my face,i fear will make false or wrong and then will get punishment from company.
My own local Ascendant is connected to your Midheaven degree so I'm getting the Saturn transit, too: Saturn is slowly backing through the sixth degree of Aquarius and will become stationary (seem to stop in place) early November, then come back across. I have this happening in the midst of otherwise good charts and it's strenuous (but manageable). You, however, have this with otherwise tough charts, so I know it's rough on you.
I suggest you persevere (that's a GOOD Saturn trait). Keep working on your therapy, keep breathing (learn breathing and stress release exercises if you don't know them), keep sorting objective fact from the other ideas that arise in your mind... you will develop new skills as you go.
For the next week, Mars crosses your Pluto issue. Anger issues are likely to erupt. These may just originate in how your body feels - almost have nothing to do with actual circumstances. (Or, if there are genuinely angering circumstances, it will make them worse.) Diet affects this a lot, especially blood-sugar levels and the amount of carbohydrate in your diet. Just be forewarned, power struggles and anger issues (especially around issues of other people trying to make you do things you don't want to do) are going to be more common for about a week. Pay attention to this and you should be able to navigate around it.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
generalized anxiety disorder for job and for life in general,i think i not going to get out easily from this,therapy and diet wont do much in this area.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
This is a particularly tough period with the combined Neptune and Saturn. Do what you can with the suggestions above and other ideas you have on your own.Element wrote: Fri Oct 27, 2023 12:35 pm generalized anxiety disorder for job and for life in general,i think i not going to get out easily from this,therapy and diet wont do much in this area.
How was the Mars-Pluto this last week?
Jim Eshelman
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
It was a tired and stressful week,i had some difficulties at workplace as i lack knowledge still to so some stuff.
Home life is with it is uncomfortable.
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Also,got just a 2 months contract extension at job,no stable indefinite employment contract so far from company.

Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Ι face struggles to lose overweight last 2-3 years,i'm fat 12kg up normal,i'm dissapointed.
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Is a possible way to do karma cleanse,do you know to suggest any method about this? 

- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
That would be outside my expertise.Element wrote: Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:23 am Is a possible way to do karma cleanse,do you know to suggest any method about this?![]()
Jim Eshelman
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Alright,nevermind,will search info in general.I'm interested to see another view,from palmistry side,chinese astrology view.Sidereal readings were accurate too.
I'm sorry if i'm asking much,it's just the anguish of when will get out of the deadlocks i'm in.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
The difficult transits (as discussed with you over the last year or so) will last another one to two years. The acute Saturn add-on to the Neptune will last through about February.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Will do patience and will try to fight back the obstacles,i'm since last june into psychotherapy with a good therapist i think,i'm paying this alone with a basic salary i have,no help from family,parents and they don't know it actually that i'm doing this.Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 1:30 pm The difficult transits (as discussed with you over the last year or so) will last another one to two years. The acute Saturn add-on to the Neptune will last through about February.
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Well,look,i have a mountain to climb as my first part of life was wasted time and ruined.
The current situation,
Mental Health,a personality disorder and mental health issues to resolve,i really feel tired of this and out of energy
Personal life,no friendships,no relationships,no prospects of a marriage,still in parents house,only loneliness and sadness
Career,failed deliver and success to studies,improving skills,basic job,small salary
Financials,i earned some money but not enough yet to get out of parents house and buy my own new car for example

But as you said above,2025 will start to take my life back and feeling the changes.
The current situation,
Mental Health,a personality disorder and mental health issues to resolve,i really feel tired of this and out of energy
Personal life,no friendships,no relationships,no prospects of a marriage,still in parents house,only loneliness and sadness
Career,failed deliver and success to studies,improving skills,basic job,small salary
Financials,i earned some money but not enough yet to get out of parents house and buy my own new car for example

But as you said above,2025 will start to take my life back and feeling the changes.
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
If i could enumerate the struggles by priority of importance to be solved:

- New career,change of job,better salary,improve skills,stability in financials.
- Healing Mental health issues,physical health issues such as overweight,get out of past sadness,old traumas,releasing past,cut and clear of past to move forward.
- Leave toxic parents house,independence,new house,inner peace,taking own decisions.
- Making stable friendships,meeting a soulmate,gain experiences through relationships with women,having sex life,doing hobbies that taking plessure back.

- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Interestingly, you wrote and posted this post about struggles just as Saturn was crossing an angle where you live - and your natal Saturn, too! Double Saturn... you were feeling the struggle... also facing reality.
Tomorrow, Sun squares your Jupiter. I suspect the next 24 hours will feel more optimistic. Please keep us posted.
Tomorrow, Sun squares your Jupiter. I suspect the next 24 hours will feel more optimistic. Please keep us posted.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Not at all,i'm struggling a lot to face all the issues,i have been hurt a lot last 3 years and healing isn't easy even with psychotherapy,i cannot find support,how to feel happy,in every area of my life i have to overcome obstacles,it's not just the mental health,or just the low salary at my job,it's all together combined.Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 1:45 pm
Tomorrow, Sun squares your Jupiter. I suspect the next 24 hours will feel more optimistic. Please keep us posted.
Actually,i feel lack of energy to try,like i'm surrended to fail and not worth to try for anything,all hope it's gone.2024 it seems to be a crucial year for me,i have to succeed where i failed this year.

Jim,loneliness is killing me,i have no friends(maybe just 1),no companioship too for whole life,it sucks really to feel so alone without to have choose it.2024 must deliver me something better and positive,i expect that to be done.
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
You had mentioned in a previous reading,that you read into my chart about major changes coming into near future,do you believe will start from 2024 or later? 

- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Can you give me a link to the post where I said that? That way, I can know what I was seeing rather than having to start all over from the beginning. Thanks.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
I'm saying about the below prediction reading you had wrote back at september i think.I'm going to procceed further with reiki,at level 2 next months,to have a "tool" more for self help therapy in my hands,i like it even if don't have proper time for practice as i wanted.Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 8:40 am Can you give me a link to the post where I said that? That way, I can know what I was seeing rather than having to start all over from the beginning. Thanks.

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Sep 10, 2023 10:31 am
Separate from your Solar Return, the most important thing in your chart is Neptune's transit opposite your Sun. I told you about this last year: It marks about two years when the major life experience (the major developmental step) starts with dissolving your sense of who you are and where you're going in life. (That is: People under this aspect tend to stop having any certainty about who they are and where they're going.) I know this feels pretty unbearable to you, yet we need this sort of thing sometimes (tend to emerge from it with greater clarity and refreshed purpose). The major time of your Neptune-Sun transit is approximately April of this year through February 2025 (almost two years).
The most emotionally challenging, discouraging periods are likely to be when crosses your Descendant and squares your Midheaven. You're already in this phase (you've been through a lot of these Saturn transits this year). Saturn will return to square Midheaven late October through November. It will cross your Descendant in January. For most people (especially with strong Uranus-Pluto in the Solar Return) I'd say this is just a time of a lot of work and maybe starting to say good-bye to some things in preparation for big change. (We never get BIG CHANGE without saying good-bye to some things - never get a NEW LIFE without surrendering the old one.) I'm more concerned for you because of how you have described your psychological condition: Saturn on your angle (as it has been all summer) while Neptune is opposite your Sun can be very hard emotionally: You should be in therapy right now, or otherwise having a strong emotional support system of someone who will call you on your wrong ideas.
So... these transits sound rough. (They are.) But they occur under a Solar Return that has two planets angular that mean MAJOR CHANGE AND RENOVATION in your life - breaking things up, going a new direction - plus one benefic planet (Venus). That's better than last year's return!
You have a nice Moon-Venus progression in two months (November) which should ease some of the psychological stress (perhaps giving you that support system you need).
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
I cannot lose overweight last 2 years,drugs and anxiety drove me to gain much weight and feel weak.

- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
The major change shown by your Solar Return for the year beginning last September 20 was an opportunity for you to decide to change things in your life. I was encouraging you to ride this change-prone energy and uproot the structure of your life as much as possible to break up the things holding you in place.
The larger picture, though, is what I mentioned way back at the beginning: Neptune opposes your 2°17' Virgo Sun for a couple of years through spring 2025. During this time, your sense of who you are and where you are going in life will be vague and hard to grasp - dissolved, diffused. Since you are experiencing depression, this has a larger sense of continuing. Since you are suffering chemical imbalances already, these have a large sense of continuing. There is another difficult aspect at the end of this, May-June 2025 (Saturn opposite your Sun).
You have to find your way through this. Astrologically, the best we can do is identify the time periods and also tell you when and where to relocate - to get out of your geographic area entirely - and I know that is difficult for you.
The good news is that at the END of this two-year Neptune (+Saturn) period, things will lighten. I'm not sure how - surely it will require you making changes in yourself, your view of things, and your conditions. While the Neptune period is confusing and disorienting, it seems to serve the purpose of dissolving old ideas about yourself - reducing your certainty about who you are and where you are going - and when the transit passes, there is new clarity and the chance to start a new path. Furthermore, when it ends (summer 2025), Uranus is crossing your Midheaven which is a signal of very significant change (perhaps especially in career, but not entirely).
This same period (beginning about spring of 2025) is when progressed Sun starts a two-year conjunction with your Pluto. This is another dramatic signal of change. By then, your old ideas about self will have been dissolved and you will be primed to reconceive who you are and what your life is about, as if walking through a one-way door to your future.
Furthermore, you might get a head start on his since your September 2024 Solar Return has Jupiter rising and Uranus on another angle. This is a year to definitely be near your birthplace town for your birthday (though there are even better places around eastern and central Europe to make the positive effect stronger - ask if you want to know). I don't see things lifting fully until after spring 2025, but you definitely get some shifts and improvement beginning with your 2024 birthday.
The larger picture, though, is what I mentioned way back at the beginning: Neptune opposes your 2°17' Virgo Sun for a couple of years through spring 2025. During this time, your sense of who you are and where you are going in life will be vague and hard to grasp - dissolved, diffused. Since you are experiencing depression, this has a larger sense of continuing. Since you are suffering chemical imbalances already, these have a large sense of continuing. There is another difficult aspect at the end of this, May-June 2025 (Saturn opposite your Sun).
You have to find your way through this. Astrologically, the best we can do is identify the time periods and also tell you when and where to relocate - to get out of your geographic area entirely - and I know that is difficult for you.
The good news is that at the END of this two-year Neptune (+Saturn) period, things will lighten. I'm not sure how - surely it will require you making changes in yourself, your view of things, and your conditions. While the Neptune period is confusing and disorienting, it seems to serve the purpose of dissolving old ideas about yourself - reducing your certainty about who you are and where you are going - and when the transit passes, there is new clarity and the chance to start a new path. Furthermore, when it ends (summer 2025), Uranus is crossing your Midheaven which is a signal of very significant change (perhaps especially in career, but not entirely).
This same period (beginning about spring of 2025) is when progressed Sun starts a two-year conjunction with your Pluto. This is another dramatic signal of change. By then, your old ideas about self will have been dissolved and you will be primed to reconceive who you are and what your life is about, as if walking through a one-way door to your future.
Furthermore, you might get a head start on his since your September 2024 Solar Return has Jupiter rising and Uranus on another angle. This is a year to definitely be near your birthplace town for your birthday (though there are even better places around eastern and central Europe to make the positive effect stronger - ask if you want to know). I don't see things lifting fully until after spring 2025, but you definitely get some shifts and improvement beginning with your 2024 birthday.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Υou mean,that i don't have clear image of my personal identity and searching to understand what person i am?Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue Dec 26, 2023 9:26 am The larger picture, though, is what I mentioned way back at the beginning: Neptune opposes your 2°17' Virgo Sun for a couple of years through spring 2025. During this time, your sense of who you are and where you are going in life will be vague and hard to grasp - dissolved, diffused. Since you are experiencing depression, this has a larger sense of continuing. Since you are suffering chemical imbalances already, these have a large sense of continuing. There is another difficult aspect at the end of this, May-June 2025 (Saturn opposite your Sun).

Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Not able to change location,town,country and don't want to actually.

A positive is i got indenfinite contract with current company and job,now i have a stable job without be anxious if will lose job or won't renew me.
Don't remember if you had predicted this positive outcome for career.

A positive is i got indenfinite contract with current company and job,now i have a stable job without be anxious if will lose job or won't renew me.

- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
That's excellent news.
I scanned back over the thread. I don't think we've forecast the short-term periods throughout the year. There is the generalization that the current birthday year would be better than the one before (and still struggling). - If we had done the sort of two-week breakdown I did for you last year, we'd have noticed your Demi-lunar return the night before (Thursday night) with Jupiter shining highest in the sky and suggested this would be an unusually positive, lucky two-week period.
Congratulations on earning this wonderful result.
I scanned back over the thread. I don't think we've forecast the short-term periods throughout the year. There is the generalization that the current birthday year would be better than the one before (and still struggling). - If we had done the sort of two-week breakdown I did for you last year, we'd have noticed your Demi-lunar return the night before (Thursday night) with Jupiter shining highest in the sky and suggested this would be an unusually positive, lucky two-week period.
Congratulations on earning this wonderful result.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
I believe i should congratulate you cause you seem too supportive to me and answering all my questions and worries,even if this takes personal time to read a chart.Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 7:11 am That's excellent news.
Congratulations on earning this wonderful result.

I have still an issue,an ex-colleague owes me some money,not much,i have loan him to help him a period back into mid 2020 due to financial problems he had,back then we have trust each other,but after we retired from the job we were,a bad company and workplace,after many promises he return back the money,he didn't and when i ask him to do it,he did badmouth to me.I have his birth and place,but the time is uknown,is any chance to ask a horary or read his chart and take an answer for this behavior and if still chance to get money back? I felt betrayed and cheated.

- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Let's give it a try. (Remember, though, I'm not all that convinced horary works, just that we've gotten some interesting results.)Element wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 12:58 pm I have still an issue, an ex-colleague owes me some money, not much, i have loan him to help him a period back into mid 2020 due to financial problems he had, back then we have trust each other, but after we retired from the job we were, a bad company and workplace, after many promises he return back the money, he didn't and when i ask him to do it, he did badmouth to me. I have his birth and place, but the time is unknown, is any chance to ask a horary or read his chart and take an answer for this behavior and if still chance to get money back? I felt betrayed and cheated.
You posted your question 10:58 PM your time, just as Neptune was setting and a Mercury-Neptune square crossed the angles. I think you've intuited your answer: This doesn't just show confusion, it shows dishonesty.
If I have your coordinates right, the last few minutes of Leo were rising. By traditional horary rules, this makes the chart unreadable on the grounds that "It's too late for the question to matter." I'm not sure that this rule is valid, but I come to a similar conclusion simply noting that Leo is rising and it seems to have nothing to do with the question.
The only positive note: Moon is in the 2nd House, suggesting the nature of the question - it's about money - and applying by 2°23' to oppose Mars in the 8th House. This suggests a major surprise (on the subject of inquiry) in about two and a half months. I'm not going to guarantee you get your money back but, if you do, it will be in the last half of March and will be a complete out-of-the-blue surprise.
Did you encounter him recently? I'm trying to figure out what the partile, separating Moon-Sun sextile is, and my first intuition was it means "encounter with the man." Sun also trines Uranus, applying by 3°, making the element of surprise a major part of the future.
Separating aspects show recently passed circumstances that may allow us to track what happened and "prove" the chart. Venus is 6° separated from square Saturn, suggesting that some loss of friendship or betrayal occurred 6 months ago. (Is this true? Perhaps either on public transit or at a place of employment?) Mars separates from sextile Saturn 2°, suggesting a mild but definite conflict (a fight) either two weeks or two months ago.
If these events match, then we can have more confidence in the applying aspects telling us the future: Besides the Uranus trigger in two and a half months, Mercury applies to square Neptune by 1°28', so in either a week and a half or a month and a half there will be deception (probably lying to you). But something comes from that encounter, because just after (2 weeks or 2 months) Jupiter's sextile to Saturn activates.
You posed this question as your natal Sun rose: You wanted to take affirmative charge of the conditions. But it's your Sun opposed by transiting Neptune in the 7th, so you are being opposed by deception and fog.
Looking at the other aspects, including your transits at the time of the question, I think nothing will come of this - it's too late. But if that's not correct, the chart says you'll get your money by some significant surprise in the last half of March.
Provided, of course, that there is anything of substance to this technique.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Our last talk was last may,were he promised he will try to return some of the money back,and before last january of 2023 where i had tried to ask my money back but he did badmouth to me without reason and said he don't want to see me again etc.Dishonest as you said and betrayal from his side i felt,h said lies and postponed many times his promise.Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 2:20 pm
Did you encounter him recently? I'm trying to figure out what the partile, separating Moon-Sun sextile is, and my first intuition was it means "encounter with the man." Sun also trines Uranus, applying by 3°, making the element of surprise a major part of the future.
Separating aspects show recently passed circumstances that may allow us to track what happened and "prove" the chart. Venus is 6° separated from square Saturn, suggesting that some loss of friendship or betrayal occurred 6 months ago. (Is this true? Perhaps either on public transit or at a place of employment?) Mars separates from sextile Saturn 2°, suggesting a mild but definite conflict (a fight) either two weeks or two months ago.

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 2:20 pm
If these events match, then we can have more confidence in the applying aspects telling us the future: Besides the Uranus trigger in two and a half months, Mercury applies to square Neptune by 1°28', so in either a week and a half or a month and a half there will be deception (probably lying to you). But something comes from that encounter, because just after (2 weeks or 2 months) Jupiter's sextile to Saturn activates.
You posed this question as your natal Sun rose: You wanted to take affirmative charge of the conditions. But it's your Sun opposed by transiting Neptune in the 7th, so you are being opposed by deception and fog.
Looking at the other aspects, including your transits at the time of the question, I think nothing will come of this - it's too late. But if that's not correct, the chart says you'll get your money by some significant surprise in the last half of March.
Provided, of course, that there is anything of substance to this technique.
The guy was/is toxic,nervous and with aggressive behavior.I know his date of birth and where he lives.I just want money back and nothing more,i feel hurt from this dude,i gave him help and he not respected that.But if you read there is some hooe,lets wait till march.
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
It's a good idea to wait till mid april and then try to communicate with the guy to see what happens,what is his response? He gave probably fake promises to get some time to his side and take advantage of "good guy" of mine behavior back then,then he just moved away time by time,supposing that i haven't again asked him to give the money back he owes,so he may thought,"oh,he don't ask his money,so he is fine with that,why return em back?"
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
We have entered into march as the reading suggested,the dude haven't communicated yet.I got decepted?.Will try to communicate next two months,i'm not ready yet to make any move.

Last edited by Element on Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 2:20 pm ...I think nothing will come of this - it's too late. But if that's not correct, the chart says you'll get your money by some significant surprise in the last half of March.
Provided, of course, that there is anything of substance to this technique.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
I still have the secold half of March to wait a response.It feels o got cheated or that guy behaves as he owes nothing or that i gave him a favor not pushing him give the money back.Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2024 7:47 amJim Eshelman wrote: Sat Jan 06, 2024 2:20 pm ...I think nothing will come of this - it's too late. But if that's not correct, the chart says you'll get your money by some significant surprise in the last half of March.
Provided, of course, that there is anything of substance to this technique.
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
I got in my hands last checkup about health,cholesterol,insulin were higher than previous,so that means my situation gone worse.Doctor warned that i should try harder and lose next 3 months 6-8kg,otherwise there is danger about prodiabet stage.I'm a bit scared,as most of my tries last year failed to deliver results.
Is this period affect me something so i struggle more? I will push my self to do calorie deficit,control eating more healthy foods and hit the gym at least 3 days per week,after easter,i'm already stressed and not feeling physical and mentally good now.

- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
I think most of the recommendation doctors and others give about losing weight is antiquated science and mostly wrong. Nonetheless, I don't want to get between you and your doctors.
Saturn is on your Jupiter now, so there is short-term reason (two to four weeks) to feel things are going against you. The worst days will be when Mars joins Neptune opposite your Sun about April 28 - say, that day and a couple of days either side. Be careful physically and emotionally. You may be prone to infections, deflated health, or over-sensitized, angry emotions, or feel attacked or singled out for negative attention. These are worst-case matters - it probably will be easier than that - I just wanted you to be prepared for it.
Then you have a distinctly positive period: Late May and early June, Jupiter crosses your Midheaven. This can be a time of personal triumph, either success at something important to you or improvement of your life-standard. (The only negative side, given your goals, is that you may be prone to celebrate harder and neglect eating well
Saturn is on your Jupiter now, so there is short-term reason (two to four weeks) to feel things are going against you. The worst days will be when Mars joins Neptune opposite your Sun about April 28 - say, that day and a couple of days either side. Be careful physically and emotionally. You may be prone to infections, deflated health, or over-sensitized, angry emotions, or feel attacked or singled out for negative attention. These are worst-case matters - it probably will be easier than that - I just wanted you to be prepared for it.
Then you have a distinctly positive period: Late May and early June, Jupiter crosses your Midheaven. This can be a time of personal triumph, either success at something important to you or improvement of your life-standard. (The only negative side, given your goals, is that you may be prone to celebrate harder and neglect eating well

Jim Eshelman
Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Man,look,last 3 years both mental and physical health not going well,i lack courage to fight back,i feel weak to get on right road,also i have into house a bossy mother about pushing and overcritisizing about overweight i gained,that's putting on me extra pressure.
If after Easter period,will start to recover from difficult situation,my doctor said i need to lose pounds and do re check next 3 months,she tried to warn me to take action,she is a good doctor and cares for me.
I need self discpline,strong motivation,stable nutrition and basic gym action,but lacking confidence and faith that i can make it with success,despite i have done it with success other times back in near past.

If after Easter period,will start to recover from difficult situation,my doctor said i need to lose pounds and do re check next 3 months,she tried to warn me to take action,she is a good doctor and cares for me.

I need self discpline,strong motivation,stable nutrition and basic gym action,but lacking confidence and faith that i can make it with success,despite i have done it with success other times back in near past.

Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Ηοw we can do a synastry chart combined mine chart and both parents charts,to see where there are conficts and tensions and how they reflect negative up on me? I think both father and mother in same house together,they affect me in a very negative way in my own life,from early childhood years till nowdays.

- Jim Eshelman
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Re: Birth Natal Chart Reading 2023
Please provide full birth data of both of your parents.
Jim Eshelman