10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

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10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

Both returns are terrible.
I'm already feeling the effects of the SSR. The first DSLR is dominated heavily by an angular Mars/Pluto, and the second is dominated by Sun, Mercury, Pluto, and some Mars. Once again, I'm just afraid of losing my job. I really don't know what to do.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by SteveS »

Why do you think you may lose your job? If this were to happen--I would strongly suspect there would need to be strong angular Saturn (seperation) symbolism in a lunar.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:01 pm Both returns are terrible.
I'm already feeling the effects of the SSR. The first DSLR is dominated heavily by an angular Mars/Pluto, and the second is dominated by Sun, Mercury, Pluto, and some Mars. Once again, I'm just afraid of losing my job. I really don't know what to do.
Are you afraid you are losing your job because of the returns? Or is something else going on that independently gives you that idea? - I agree with Steve, that's not the tone I get from these charts.

The October 6 Demi-SLR has transiting Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto most angular. Natal Saturn is the most angular 0°03'), plus Moon and Pluto. Natal Saturn doesn't mean someone lowering the boom on you, it means you lowering the boom on yourself, dwelling on your own darkness, letting demons out of your own closets, and tending to feel more or less whatever happens.

But the world around you (transiting planets) has Jupiter strongest (1°25' from IC).

For aspects, transiting Mars-Pluto and Jupiter-Pluto lead. This might mean getting blamed for something, or having someone want to take you down a notch. You also have Jupiter square your Saturn, though - not typical for someone losing their job, since it tends to show alleviation of difficulties. Pluto aspects your Saturn, too: By itself, this can show shaking your security (emotional, economic, or other ways), but here it's with Jupiter.

My conclusion about this chart: If something is going on that makes you think you're in trouble (something objective), that troubler may indeed break out into the open under this chart. You probably will have to deal with a lot of stuff. It won't be calm time. Things may be rearranging But Jupiter is the strongest natal planet and, among other things, opposes your Saturn. Your own negativity is the worst thing showing strong the chart, so you have to master it and muster some trust.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The October 21 SLR may show conflict. Transiting Pluto is the strongest planet (both Plutos are angular). Transiting Mars comes next (and there is Sun and Mercury). No benefics alleviate. There will seem to be a sense of danger in the air, perhaps (that's common with transiting Mars being very strong and some Mercury for nervousness). Your basic instinct is to withdraw or run away (natal Pluto).

Transiting Sun-Mercury-Pluto all aspecting partile (very strong) likely means confrontation, having tough conversations with someone - the sort that make people uncomfortable because they have to be no-{bs}, no dancing around things. This could be in any part of your life: I don't think the chart can tell us what part but, if I were to further a guess, I'd say Sun-Mercry on IC means its in your personal life (family, close to home). We can't count on the exact angle meaning all the time, but that would be my first guess.

Besides that partile transiting Sun-Mercury-Pluto (the real hallmark of the chart), three planets transit your Pluto (Mercury, Mars, Pluto; also Sun, but more widely). The focus is communication and you probably want to withdraw. If ties are cut, you want to cut them as much as anyone else.

I can't guarantee what will or won't happen because I don't know the fine points of what's happening in your job or other parts of your life. This seems like a big deal SLR but "lose my job" is not where my brain goes in looking at it.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It might be worth looking at what you were feeling when you posted this last night.

First of all, transiting Pluto is sesqui-square your Sun (16' last night). This is a long-term transit likely reinventing areas of your life. It shows strong any needs to break out of yourself, do something else, go a different path, become unrecognizable to yourself almost - "depart" yourself as you've previously known yourself. It's important not to mistake your own any desires for reinvention and escape with someone else's (fantasized or real) desire to get rid of you.

Transiting Saturn is coming back to square your Ascendant - almost within a 1° orb. Your subconscious may be apprehensive about this. I'm actually more concerned about this than anything in the return charts. Often under Saturn transits like this, work is harder, people are less supportive, or there is some kind of loss (including loss in connection or closeness).

Moon and Venus were hovering around your IC last night. Maybe relationships were on your mind and you were feeling emotional (weepy, vulnerable) about things in general?

You just began a two-year solar arc of Jupiter square your Saturn. It's not usual for economically bad things to happen under Jupiter-to-Saturn.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

Thank You, Jim.
Actually, there's something I didn't tell you. That same day I was ghosted by a potential love interest, I was also written up and threatened with termination just because I accidently threw away a narcotic into a locked sharp container. I was extremely distracted with what happened. Travelling, although it was a relief, it made me sad. I love where I'm from, but I've always felt so unwanted by my own community. I always feel as though people always treat me as though I impose myself on them. It's very strange, with such well aspected luminaries, I have a very nurturing and inviting personality and only attack when being attacked. People in my immediate environment have always refused to see the intrinsic good in me and instead seek to spin narratives about me, which makes me retreat further, and even that is used against me. This all came to a head last weekend with some drama that happened at work. I know that I eventually need to move, but I just don't understand what aspect of my personality people are so threatened by. It's been so hard to find romance and friends my entire life, while watching evil people get everything they want in life.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

You might just be too good for them. Jim Morrison had to leave Kingsville... so you wouldn't be the first ;)

I don't know how you draw the reactions, and am not sure you're really asking. I'm not sure how strong, imperial women are treated in that part of Texas, but that could be part of it. I don't know you personally, but your chart has Leo-Sagittarius luminaries trine each other, Leo Sun square Jupiter closely, and a foreground Mars in Scorpio partile conjunct Uranus, so odds are you naturally come on strong, at least somewhat imperial, and bold. Besides, you're smart!

Not that you shouldn't. I just don't know how that comes across.

Sun square Uranus doesn't always treat authority figures the way they want to be treated.

New York City is a pretty powerful place for you.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Tue Sep 12, 2023 6:46 pm You might just be too good for them. Jim Morrison had to leave Kingsville... so you wouldn't be the first ;)

I don't know how you draw the reactions, and am not sure you're really asking. I'm not sure how strong, imperial women are treated in that part of Texas, but that could be part of it. I don't know you personally, but your chart has Leo-Sagittarius luminaries trine each other, Leo Sun square Jupiter closely, and a foreground Mars in Scorpio partile conjunct Uranus, so odds are you naturally come on strong, at least somewhat imperial, and bold. Besides, you're smart!

Not that you shouldn't. I just don't know how that comes across.

Sun square Uranus doesn't always treat authority figures the way they want to be treated.

New York City is a pretty powerful place for you.
Thank You, Jim. Maybe, I should just focus on getting through this year and making bigger plans. After this year, I actually have 3 SSRs with Venus/Moon symbolism, then after that I have an SSR with great Jupiter/Uranus symbolism, which coincides with a great solar directed arc of Jupiter conjunct my MC. I wonder if I should begin investing in something. As for NYC, I think my imperial personality traits are steering me away from that. Syracuse seems to be a bit more balanced.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by SteveS »

Venus wrote:
…which coincides with a great solar directed arc of Jupiter conjunct my MC.
:o :) I would suggest asking yourself: What do I want for my career/objectives and then work my tail off to achieve those objectives with positive attitudes for my future with this “great” solar arc. :)
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Update 10/6 DSLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

Wow, nothing really too much to report. On the day of the 6th, several of my colleagues and I were called in for a debriefing for what appears to be CATHATER ASSOCIATED URINARY TRACT INFECTION. Nobody was in trouble, but our documentation was highly scrutinized. Basically, the last 11 days have been extremely stressful with needy and sometimes aggressive patients, who shouldn't be in the hospital in the first place. Since the DSLR started, I got the sense that we're bringing in a lot of overly entitled patients who want to treat us like slaves instead of nurses.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by SteveS »

I tip my hat to you Venus, in these times it just keeps on getting more stressful for medical care personel.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

I think I'm losing my job today. All I have to say is thank you to everyone.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 9:53 am I think I'm losing my job today. All I have to say is thank you to everyone.
Did something new happen?

Your Nov 2 Demi-SLR is a minor, positive-leaning chart. Your Nov 17 SLR is back to "the world is positive, while you bring the negativity" with natal Saturn 0°24' from Dsc, transiting Jupiter moderately foreground, transiting Uranus 0°11' from WP-a, and Jupiter opposite natal Saturn.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

Well, I got fired today. I just knew it. I've kind of lost my faith in everything. I just don't want to be around anymore.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:41 pm Well, I got fired today. I just knew it. I've kind of lost my faith in everything. I just don't want to be around anymore.
I'm sorry to hear this. You knew this would be a rough time and you know there are positive upswings in your future (discussed above) - besides what surely will be a mostly positive trend of the year. But this was a rougher two weeks (besides the longer transiting Saturn square to your Ascendant and opposite your Mercury).

Be especially good to yourself at the end of this week and through the weekend when that Saturn is stationary (and Sun conjunct your Saturn Saturday-Sunday). It will then start the slow progress back across your Ascendant one more time, peaking on December 7, perhaps fully discharging at that time; then finally clearing the partile orb before Christmas.

Mars is still (barely) in orb of conjunction with your Saturn. Did something happen yesterday or the day before?
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by SteveS »

:( So sorry Venus--dont ever give up.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

SteveS wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 4:05 pm So sorry Venus--dont ever give up.
Thank You,
It's just so hard.
This just validates everything wrong in my life. I've never ever felt like I've been able to do anything right with in my life. People have always treated me as such.
In a way, I do feel like I was targeted.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by SteveS »

Believe me Venus, I understand and agree with you. If you would like, I will go over with you the main astrological symbolism I see and explain to you why you felt "targeted". It mainly has to do with Solar Arcs and your 7H.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

Yes, Steve probably that whole Mars/Uranus. I probably attract evil and nasty people by being a weirdo.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by SteveS »

Venus wrote:
I probably attract evil and nasty people by being a weirdo.
If so, you have a choice for stopping your associations with em. What exactly caused you to get fired in your opinion? You have been taking about the possibility of getting fired before in a few of your posts.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

It's just a lot of BS at work. Although I do make mistakes, I
noticed the predominate clique always covers for eachother.
I always treated my patients very kindly but there was a CNA at work who had been there for 7 years treating her patients like crap, *refusing* to do her job, and always gossiping about people. Despite all of this, she's never been fired and her friends all cover for her. So, there was a significant double standard.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

LOL, feel much better. With my Sun/Neptune mundane square, I would say it's much easier for me to spiral. I have Neptune SA less than 20 minutes from my Eq. Venus/Jupiter less than 30 minutes away from my my minor Saturn/Neptune aspect. I hope this doesn't stop me from reaching gainful employment.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by SteveS »

Venus wrote:
I always treated my patients very kindly
I have no idea of the situation with your superior, but see if you can get her/him to write you a commendation for this “kindly” treatment that you gave to your patients. If so, this would go a long way for your future in seeking other means of employment in your profession.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

SteveS wrote: Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:55 am Venus wrote:
I always treated my patients very kindly
I have no idea of the situation with your superior, but see if you can get her/him to write you a commendation for this “kindly” treatment that you gave to your patients. If so, this would go a long way for your future in seeking other means of employment in your profession.
I seriously doubt it Steve. I also seriously doubt I'll be able to find another job anytime soon. I have a really bad SLR coming up on Apr 29, which features all three malefics prominent and 2 aspecting each other and N. Neptune partile foreground. Then I have multipe outer malefics transiting my natal chart that don't clear until late 2025. Honestly, my 2024 SSR Moon/Venus may just indicate the few sympathetic friends and family I still have left. I can't say it was all bad. I got to travel a few times. Now, I'm just worried about making my money stretch as far as possible. The money I have left anyway.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by SteveS »

Venus, IMO, you are looking too far out for malefic charts for yourself and this is causing negative long-term attitudes to defeat yourself in the present. No astrologer knows specifically what a far off malefic future chart means for their life. I was fired one time in my life from a very responsible position but soon found work in another gig which I enjoyed much more than the responsible position. Life is tough at times, we get knocked down but we have no choice but to pick ourselves-up and move on with life. Life is full of ups & downs, we have to get through the downers of life in order to get back to our good time cycles. My wife has just been diagnosed with a fatal fast acting disease, but I don’t blame this on my Saturn cycle. I know it is just part of my natural life cycle right now, and I have to deal with it and move on with the best positive attitudes I can for being around my wife for her remaining life. Sure, I will get hurt deeply if my wife dies before me which now it looks like she will pass before me, but I will not let this defeat the rest of my life. I will never give up on the rest of my life.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus, I ran your birth data (without any background) past a friend who practices human design - just to get another perspective. Her first reaction was similar to what I often think: "What in the world is she still doing in that town? She has to get out. She'll never find her tribe there."

From an HD perspective, you're almost a paradox. According to that system (which I occasionally find fascinating), your aura is wired to draw your best spontaneous opportunities from your "tribe" - the like-minded people who cluster in connection to you. Absent such a tribe, energies get out of whack and chaotic. Though you are fully capable of acting independently and self-sufficiently, HD says your wiring in the universe is that you never get opportunities or a real "fit" that way - they only come (often as "out of the blue") through others.

The paradoxical part to me is that this is something you've complained about: You're not accepted by groups, you're not "let in." From an HD point of view, it seems this makes total sense: It's a matter of geography and local culture: You need your tribe and "your people" don't live where you have always lived. The HD guidance is to go out into the world and find where they live and put yourself there.

I don't know the exact culture of your part of Texas, and I don't know you in a face-to-face way. I've often thought, though, that you're just too damn grand a game for where you live, that they'll never let you be big enough. Your luminaries are naturally grand, creative, and contributing; but, when blocked, they can become grandiose, demanding, even condescending. (That's what comes from having a refined sense of perfection.) Your powerful Mars-Uranus is innovative and effective but also challenges the world to knock you down - as if something inside of you is saying, "I need you guys to show me that you love, accept, and admire me EVEN THOUGH I don't fit the mold and push boundaries." Meanwhile, you probably live around people that want small, safe, conservative lives and really hate anyone who lives outside the lines.

My HD friend and I separately concluded that the best advice (I know you're not asking for advice) is to do something so disruptive that it destabilizes the entire closed-loop "holding things in place, depressed and blocked" that you may be repeating in your life. In other words, pack up and get far from where you have spent your whole life and into a disruptive, "I had no idea life could be so different" sort of place. I've long thought you just need to move to where your Sun and benefics are dominant and, similarly, my friend said you need to move to where the psychological and cultural environment is strongly different from where you've been all your life AND where you become a natural magnet for people ("your people") that, in time, would form your tribe.

So we're saying the same thing from different perspectives.

Boston and New York City have different, overlapping advantages.

Unsolicited free advice is worth every penny you pay for it, of course.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by SteveS »

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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Nov 05, 2023 8:18 am Venus, I ran your birth data (without any background) past a friend who practices human design - just to get another perspective. Her first reaction was similar to what I often think: "What in the world is she still doing in that town? She has to get out. She'll never find her tribe there."

From an HD perspective, you're almost a paradox. According to that system (which I occasionally find fascinating), your aura is wired to draw your best spontaneous opportunities from your "tribe" - the like-minded people who cluster in connection to you. Absent such a tribe, energies get out of whack and chaotic. Though you are fully capable of acting independently and self-sufficiently, HD says your wiring in the universe is that you never get opportunities or a real "fit" that way - they only come (often as "out of the blue") through others.

The paradoxical part to me is that this is something you've complained about: You're not accepted by groups, you're not "let in." From an HD point of view, it seems this makes total sense: It's a matter of geography and local culture: You need your tribe and "your people" don't live where you have always lived. The HD guidance is to go out into the world and find where they live and put yourself there.

I don't know the exact culture of your part of Texas, and I don't know you in a face-to-face way. I've often thought, though, that you're just too damn grand a game for where you live, that they'll never let you be big enough. Your luminaries are naturally grand, creative, and contributing; but, when blocked, they can become grandiose, demanding, even condescending. (That's what comes from having a refined sense of perfection.) Your powerful Mars-Uranus is innovative and effective but also challenges the world to knock you down - as if something inside of you is saying, "I need you guys to show me that you love, accept, and admire me EVEN THOUGH I don't fit the mold and push boundaries." Meanwhile, you probably live around people that want small, safe, conservative lives and really hate anyone who lives outside the lines.

My HD friend and I separately concluded that the best advice (I know you're not asking for advice) is to do something so disruptive that it destabilizes the entire closed-loop "holding things in place, depressed and blocked" that you may be repeating in your life. In other words, pack up and get far from where you have spent your whole life and into a disruptive, "I had no idea life could be so different" sort of place. I've long thought you just need to move to where your Sun and benefics are dominant and, similarly, my friend said you need to move to where the psychological and cultural environment is strongly different from where you've been all your life AND where you become a natural magnet for people ("your people") that, in time, would form your tribe.

So we're saying the same thing from different perspectives.

Boston and New York City have different, overlapping advantages.

Unsolicited free advice is worth every penny you pay for it, of course.
Thank you, Jim. I was looking at Albany. It has Venus partile angular with Jupiter close in the foreground. I guess the only thing holding me back is my mother. For all intents and purposes, we really don't have any family, and it's very hard to leave her behind.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Chimera Orchestra »

Hello Venus,

So sorry that you’re going through a tough patch.

Saw this thread by chance last night; normally I don’t poke around solar returns because it’s far above my study level.
Venus_Daily wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:18 amI always treated my patients very kindly but there was a CNA at work who had been there for 7 years treating her patients like crap, *refusing* to do her job, and always gossiping about people. Despite all of this, she's never been fired and her friends all cover for her. So, there was a significant double standard.
From the way you described that CNA, she sounds like a narcissist. (Ugh, hate those.) She clearly lacks empathy: “treating her patients like crap” even though they’re already suffering; slacking off and forcing her coworkers to take on her burden. Feeling so superior to everyone else that she’s too important to handle menial tasks.

Treating your patients with kindness made you a threat. Your competence messed with her delusion that she’s the best CNA in the universe. It wouldn’t surprise me if she actively sabotaged you, took credit for your work, pinned her mistakes on you, etc. She most likely used her gossip time to spread nasty rumors about you, to push you out of her way.
Venus_Daily wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 4:39 pmIn a way, I do feel like I was targeted.
If it’s any consolation, she will target someone else — the new hire or another coworker. Narcissists like her can’t help themselves; if you stranded her on a deserted island, she would figure out a way to taunt a passing dolphin. Narcissists destroy everything in their wake.
Venus_Daily wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 4:39 pmThis just validates everything wrong in my life. I've never ever felt like I've been able to do anything right with in my life. People have always treated me as such.
I know it’s hard right now, but try to see this as an opportunity. This is your chance to leave and live without people who intentionally set you up for failure. Walking away is easier than dealing with jerks who treat you like garbage.

I’ve seen my friends go through this situation time and time again; it’s like watching them struggle with a beached whale on their shoulders. If they’d drop these dead weights, they could thrive and let their talents shine.

The key here is to get out and get gone.

Once you find a community where people appreciate you, value you for who you are, see your gifts as a treasure and not a threat — that’s when you’ll know you’re in the right place.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Nov 05, 2023 8:18 amFrom an HD perspective, you're almost a paradox. According to that system (which I occasionally find fascinating), your aura is wired to draw your best spontaneous opportunities from your "tribe" - the like-minded people who cluster in connection to you. Absent such a tribe, energies get out of whack and chaotic. Though you are fully capable of acting independently and self-sufficiently, HD says your wiring in the universe is that you never get opportunities or a real "fit" that way - they only come (often as "out of the blue") through others
ROFL, apologies for the moment of levity, but I’m actually taking a break from HD. Started studying it before the pandemic. Haven’t gotten too far, but that’s the nature of my design :lol: It is pretty eerie how my HD description matches Sidereal Astrology’s.

As for Venus: Looking at your profile (2/4), I can see that you’re immensely talented. You pick up skills without any effort. HD says that you’re a homebody type that requires friends to pull you out of your shell. That’s what to look for: Friends who recognize your gifts, celebrate your awesomeness, and call you out to experience the world. If you feel frustrated instead of satisfied, angry instead of peaceful, then you’re not in the correct environment.

Whenever you feel down, remember that there's people thousands of miles away rooting for you. One day you'll find amazing friends within the same neighborhood.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Albany has a lot of great stuff happening:

18°17' Leo - Sun (3°42' before)
15°09' Sco - Uranus
15°41' Aqu - MC
15°56' Sco - Mars (0°15' past)

21°15' Sag - Moon (7°02' above)
10°22' Vir - Venus (0°09' before)
10°13' Gem - Asc
8°39' Sag - Jupiter (1°21' below)
4°08' Sag - Neptune (3°51' below)
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by SteveS »

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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by SteveS »

Venus wrote:
For all intents and purposes, we really don't have any family, and it's very hard to leave her behind.
I definitely understand Venus! I know of an exact situation with another daughter and her Mother—no way she can psychologically leave her Mother behind alone. When your Mother passes just do your best to follow Jim’s/Chimera’s lead and get the hell out of Kingsville for a better environment.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Chimera Orchestra wrote: Sun Nov 05, 2023 12:25 pm ROFL, apologies for the moment of levity, but I’m actually taking a break from HD. Started studying it before the pandemic. Haven’t gotten too far, but that’s the nature of my design :lol: It is pretty eerie how my HD description matches Sidereal Astrology’s.
They seem to show different and related things - something we're looking into and trying to articulate (if for no other reason, than so it's clear when somebody could benefit from a consultation of one vs. the other). It seems clear that HD is talking primarily about energy patterns (quantity and mode of physical and psychological energy, how one responds to energy in different situations), but perhaps it be defined more exactly.

The one thing I wanted to say is that, though some people are using Sidereal positions for HD, that's not working very well. It's pretty random. For HD purposes you need to use Tropical calculations. I'm certain that's because the gates are defined against the Tropical zodiac, so it's just a matter of reading the map right. Unfortunately, the people who sell the software are absolutely silent about the process of calculating these, and nobody asked has been able to find a spot in the transmissions that actually explains it. It seems to be treated as a proprietary secret. My suspicion is that somewhere Ra gave exact Tropical definitions suitable for 1987 but, in the intervening 36 years that framework has shifted half a degree due to precession and will progressively get out of whack. If that's so, we'd like to know so... and we could unlock the actual code of the gates' definitions if we could only get hold of the proprietary information that the gates wheel is based on.

Anyway, meanwhile, use the default Tropical way of calculating. Maybe one day we'll know more.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

SteveS wrote: Sun Nov 05, 2023 1:28 pm Venus wrote:
For all intents and purposes, we really don't have any family, and it's very hard to leave her behind.
I definitely understand Venus! I know of an exact situation with another daughter and her Mother—no way she can psychologically leave her Mother behind alone. When your Mother passes just do your best to follow Jim’s/Chimera’s lead and get the hell out of Kingsville for a better environment.
I spoke to my mother about it, and she said she's willing to move. Good thing the only thing that comes angular for her in Albany is Uranus, which isn't all too bad. She already has Uranus rising, not foreground, which matches her rebellious nature. I actually started to feel much better this afternoon. I absolutely love nursing, but I discovered that that there's only room for sensitivity and nurturing in only certain areas of nursing. It has long ceased to be the dream of Florence Nightingale and is now dominated, at least in the hospital setting, by aggressive women with deep seated inadequacies. Women very much driven by what Jung would call the "negative animus". Jealous, petty, competitive without cause, egocentric, pushy, and overly opinionated. My local hospital has become a dying star despite the fact that our CNO is misguidedly keeping it on life support.
The problem is our current cohort of leaders also started out as a terrible clique, and they're perpetuating the same behavior only it's worse than the previous generation.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

You really should at least go to the top of the Empire State Building some time. For that precise location, your Jupiter is 0°00'09" from Descendant. :)
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by SteveS »

Venus wrote:
I absolutely love nursing, but I discovered that that there's only room for sensitivity and nurturing in only certain areas of nursing.
Exactly!!! I can relate to your words here Venus. Back when Neptune was starting its long transit over my IC (2-3 yeas) I ran into a thick fog bank with hospital care for my Mother, she had two major operations in the process of dying during this 2-3 years. I noticed when you go fired you had t Neptune playing tag with your Solar Arc MC!!! Luckily I had a doctor who understood exactly what I was going through with hospital care for my Mother. He explained to me how the Medicare Systems worked in this Country and told me it is near impossible for a good conscious nurse to do her job properly in hospitals, they were overworked and understaffed. So I made the decision to not use certain care facilities and use a private company called Alacare, Ala meaning Alabama. My Doctor told me the history of this Company which was formed and started by a Man when he saw the appalling care his Mother was getting in Hospitals and Rehab centers. So I learned how to work the health care systems (insurance) to provide my Mother with much better In- Home- Care. Here is what I learned by asking questions to the nurses who worked for Alacare. They told me they left their jobs in hospitals because they were working for incompetent A-hole bosses and didn’t have enough time to properly care for the patient with proper nursing care—so they left for much better paying jobs with a private care company with much more time to properly care for In-Home-Patients. But you must understand they were working for a person who owned Alacare who formed his Company realizing he could perform a much better service than the hospitals. I could tell these nurses were like you---they truly cared about helping their patients. Understand—I am not saying all State Privately owned care businesses are like Alacare—they may and probably are some that are worse than the nursing care of hospitals. I am just saying I think understand where you are coming from—you got caught-up by working with a terrible boss and the company systems who owned the hospital. As a Whole and by what my Doctor explained to me it’s the entire healthcare systems which have deteriorated to the point where a true caring nurse can’t really do the caring job she signed-up to do, it’s a crime, IMO.

Like I said: I got fired by a chain of bosses who damn sure didn’t know what they were doing and laying way too much responsibility on their managers (me). It turned out to be one of the best things to ever happen in my life because it got me out of a system that was being ran by idiots and these idiots were neglecting their responsibility. I had no choice but to move on and made-up my mind I would never seek employment again in those same type systems and found much better/enjoying employment in a complete new system with caring bosses for their managers. Sometimes bad things happen to us for good reasons---it’s just we don't see/understand it till we move on from the downer of being fired. Anyway, I feel for you Venus—I think I was at one time in my life in the same shoes you were in with your former employers/bosses.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Chimera Orchestra »

Yay on your future move, Venus! I will look through the Better Business Bureau in my free time to suss out the bad eggs. Such as Consumer Directed Choices Inc, which received an angry Yelp review:
“It was so difficult that I was the only one that was able to do the 24 hour shift. Stepping up to the plate and being responsible and the care and safety of my mother was my priority however I was harassed on a weekly basis by this company because they didn't want to pay overtime and threatened to throw us off the program if we did hire additional aides, yet this is a non-prophet organization and collect funds from the state to pay for overtime. They managed to throw us off the program without notice, blaming the insurance company passing the buck so to speak instead of taking the blame for their greed. In my personal opinion they may be aligning their pockets. They put our family at risk. They did not care one bit about the care that was needed for the elderly. The Director and Founder harassed me personally about overtime. It was all about money for these thieves. They deserve absolutely no recognition for what they claim they represent. They have no dignity for the elderly. They have no dignity for anyone including their own personal being. Unprofessional to say the least. I would never recommend working with this company they should be shut down.”
Definitely out of the running :shock:

There's 13 BBB pages... I'll narrow down the choices to companies closest to the Empire State Building.

Venus_Daily wrote: Sun Nov 05, 2023 9:04 pmIt has long ceased to be the dream of Florence Nightingale and is now dominated, at least in the hospital setting, by aggressive women with deep seated inadequacies. Women very much driven by what Jung would call the "negative animus". Jealous, petty, competitive without cause, egocentric, pushy, and overly opinionated. My local hospital has become a dying star despite the fact that our CNO is misguidedly keeping it on life support.
The problem is our current cohort of leaders also started out as a terrible clique, and they're perpetuating the same behavior only it's worse than the previous generation.
SteveS wrote: Mon Nov 06, 2023 2:39 amI got fired by a chain of bosses who damn sure didn’t know what they were doing and laying way too much responsibility on their managers (me). It turned out to be one of the best things to ever happen in my life because it got me out of a system that was being ran by idiots and these idiots were neglecting their responsibility. I had no choice but to move on and made-up my mind I would never seek employment again in those same type systems and found much better/enjoying employment in a complete new system with caring bosses for their managers. Sometimes bad things happen to us for good reasons---it’s just we don't see/understand it till we move on from the downer of being fired. Anyway, I feel for you Venus—I think I was at one time in my life in the same shoes you were in with your former employers/bosses.
Out of curiosity, I ran your charts in a tropical Human Design calculator. Interestingly, Venus and SteveS both share the same nodal environment: Gate 20 (North Node) and Gate 34 (South Node).

Choice quotes from Ra’s Scenes From the Cross of Life — The 32 Nodal Environments:
The power of the 34 is only great when its display or use serves the common good. Now it’s only great, and the action is only right, and it’s all about the same thing. It’s about awareness.

Awareness is the deepest key to understanding this Nodal environment. In other words, if you come into this life and you come into a 20/34 Nodal environment, you come into an environment that lacks awareness. It is a world of action not guided. It is a world of the display of power, but not necessarily or even ever to the benefit of the common good. In other words, this can be a kind of treadmill environment that one goes into in which there is all of this frustrated attempt at action, and that the frustrated attempt at action leads to the frustrated display of power, and all of that is coming out in the now and none of that is correct because there is not the recognition and awareness…

But remember, as a Nodal environment you’re coming into a Nodal environment where there is incorrect action and incorrect displays of power, and it’s on that stage that you have to fulfill your purpose if this is your Nodal polarity.
Does this ring a bell?

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Nov 05, 2023 1:28 pmThe one thing I wanted to say is that, though some people are using Sidereal positions for HD, that's not working very well. It's pretty random. For HD purposes you need to use Tropical calculations. I'm certain that's because the gates are defined against the Tropical zodiac, so it's just a matter of reading the map right. Unfortunately, the people who sell the software are absolutely silent about the process of calculating these, and nobody asked has been able to find a spot in the transmissions that actually explains it. It seems to be treated as a proprietary secret. My suspicion is that somewhere Ra gave exact Tropical definitions suitable for 1987 but, in the intervening 36 years that framework has shifted half a degree due to precession and will progressively get out of whack. If that's so, we'd like to know so... and we could unlock the actual code of the gates' definitions if we could only get hold of the proprietary information that the gates wheel is based on.

Anyway, meanwhile, use the default Tropical way of calculating. Maybe one day we'll know more.
I ran the HD Sidereal Calculator, then calculated my gate positions by hand using Fagan/Bradley. Neither chart suits me at all. I wonder if the Cosmic Human Design guys would let you take a crack at their calculator code. Here’s their email if you’re interested: truesiderealhumandesign@gmail.com (via their facebook page, last updated on July 2022).
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by SteveS »

Chimera quoted/ wrote:
Awareness is the deepest key to understanding this Nodal environment. In other words, if you come into this life and you come into a 20/34 Nodal environment, you come into an environment that lacks awareness.
Does this ring a bell?
Before I begin with my repy to "ring a bell", understand I am old 76, lots have changed in the working/job worlds since my times. Early in my first gig (1971-1980) with commercial theaters as it progressed, no, maybe, definitely yes, I resigned. In my 2nd gig 1985-1987 with commercial theaters a no, left with my own theater. In my 3rd gig 1987-1991 commercial theaters (owned my on theater) —a definite no. In my forth gig (1996-1998) commercial theaters—a definite yes, left the commercial theater business never to return—their systems became totally unaware with their management needs. 5th gig different part time jobs under retirement—all simple jobs with no responsibility---loved em.

So, kinda a mixed bag with HD with my nodal placement. IMHO, the corporate worlds have gotten so big and much more greedy---they are ran by upper echelons of people who don't care about human needs, who are completely out of touch with the reality of what is happening between their management teams and the public—they could care less. My best advice to Venus: Follow Chimera advice—learn to shop very, very, carefully where you want to be free enough to put your skills and philosophy of putting your skills into action with patients. I would first try to get with the smallest private nursing care company possible who truly cares about providing their patients with quality care. My Doctor told me a few years ago: Stay out of Hospitals if at all possible. Told me if my wife ever had to take me to an emergecy room at a hospital for my wife to call him as soon as possible. He told me health care in hospitals are becoming more and more corrupted by the systems of healtcare.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by LeiLei »

Just a head's up, when you see 'true' sidereal astrology sites online, typically they are practicing 13 sign astrology NOT Sidereal Astrology. Pretty sure that's the case with the link shared.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

After reading more about Pluto, I now realize this was a clearing of BS. If people want to engage with BS they're welcome to do so, but it's kind of like running on a treadmill going nowhere. I think Sedna was active in this situation. The quote I kept getting randomly from people was "Vengance Is Mine, I will repay". Although I do believe in God on a Catholic and non specific level, I've never been vindicated of anything in my life.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Chimera Orchestra »

Venus_Daily wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 3:16 pmAfter reading more about Pluto, I now realize this was a clearing of BS. If people want to engage with BS they're welcome to do so, but it's kind of like running on a treadmill going nowhere.
Yeah, like go ride a bike. Take up hang gliding. Anything but a boring treadmill.

Narcissists are a strange bunch of BS artists. That's why I bolt as soon as I see them. Best to leave before their treadmill antics result in a twisted ankle or a freak wall smash.

If you follow SteveS' excellent advice, you could check out two home care companies in the Albany area:
The other companies seem to follow the collapsing corporate mode you're all too familiar with.
LeiLei wrote: Tue Nov 07, 2023 8:58 amJust a head's up, when you see 'true' sidereal astrology sites online, typically they are practicing 13 sign astrology NOT Sidereal Astrology. Pretty sure that's the case with the link shared.
Ah, good to know. Thanks for the head’s up, LeiLei! I knew something was way off :D
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

OK, my fault for opening a bag of worms mentioning HD. I meant a one time quick remark to Venus without having to explain it, go into it, or involve the site in it , and that was a mistake. (HD is totally off-topic for the site.) - I've deleted a long section on HD in the above post and let's please keep it off the site in the future.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim is kind of right. Nothing economically bad has happened yet. I even got my check last week and have just a little bit over 51,000 dollars in the bank. The only thing I'm missing is insurance for my chronic health problems, which are thankfully stable for the moment. I don't want to use any of that money because I have other intentions for it. I'm not blind to the suffering of others right now, and understand that this amount of money could be life changing for some people.

I have to keep telling myself that nurse Charles Cullen killed patients and hospitals knew about it, yet he was still able to get a job and murder what is estimated to be in the hundreds. My mistakes were probably galaxies away, and I have a feeling my termination was motivated by the jealousy of one particular nurse. I was even criticized by people at my former job for being to well spoken.

As for Mercury's relationship to money, I've been unable to sell anything through my side hustle of luxury goods since Saturn has been over my Mercury. Hopefully, that changes soon as well.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim, I'm wondering if a legal fight with my former employer would turn out well based on my Solar Arcs/SSR. I was bullied, bullied out of lunch breaks, exposed to racism, exposed to racist/homophobic jokes made by staff about patients. Experienced favoritism, witnessed gossip. Was gossiped about. Exposed to disgusting sexual conversations and jokes. I'm thinking about calling cooperate after finding a job, but I don't know if astrological indicators are favorable. I don't know if I should just cut my losses and run.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Sun Nov 19, 2023 1:24 pm Jim, I'm wondering if a legal fight with my former employer would turn out well based on my Solar Arcs/SSR. I was bullied, bullied out of lunch breaks, exposed to racism, exposed to racist/homophobic jokes made by staff about patients. Experienced favoritism, witnessed gossip. Was gossiped about. Exposed to disgusting sexual conversations and jokes. I'm thinking about calling cooperate after finding a job, but I don't know if astrological indicators are favorable. I don't know if I should just cut my losses and run.
While the Moon-Saturn this year may drag things back a bit, overall your returns and forming directions are optimistic. That puts your chances for success significantly above the norm, I think. OTOH "the norm" is that these are hard cases to win.

Given the positive trend in your charts, I suggest you consult with an ethical, credible attorney who takes this sort of case. They are likely to encourage you and take the case if they think they can make a lot of money from it (based on a percentage of what they win for you). You want an ethical, credible lawyer not only for the obvious reasons but because there are a lot of ambulance chasers that make their money on volume without necessarily giving proper attention to the odds of succeeding for your benefit. A good, experienced lawyer will be able to assess your odds best, I think.
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Re: 10/6 DSLR, 10/21 SLR

Post by SteveS »

Venus, right after you got fired I wanted to suggest to you about the possibility of a legal case, but thought otherwise for I have had my own experiences (total failure) of fighting a legal issue with a big corporation. My attorney told me I was definitely in the right for wanting to sue but explained to me the real probabilities of winning justice for myself unless a wrongful death or physical injury is involved. Long story short: Our Justice System is rigged against us regular working people! I know no better words of advice than what Jim has recommended.
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