The "Dominant Idea" of the Sun Signs

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The "Dominant Idea" of the Sun Signs

Post by SteveS »

Jim, back when I first started studying astrology I ran across a piece of writing which stated the “dominant idea” of the Sun Signs. I was mightily impressed when I read the “dominant idea” of a Virgo was “I analyze” and immediately realized ---Indeed, I am employed primary with my natural analytical skills for contracting the right movie for the right theater to gross the most $, it was kinda-like one of those “wow” moments in my beginning astrological life. After I married a Libra for 52 years in 1971, I read from the same source where the “dominant idea” for Libra’s were, “I balance”, and realized my wife was indeed a natural balancer of things when it came to groups of people. Here are the other ‘dominant ideas” written from same source (old notes) for the other Sun Signs.
Aquarius: “I know”
Sag: “I see”
Scorpio: “I desire”
Leo: “I will”
Aries: “I am”
Taurus: “I have”
Gemini: “I think” (Another great hit for me since I have come into many contacts with Gemini’s, all women for some reason, and we can converse with each other for hours).
Cancer: “I feel”
Capricorn: “I use”
Pisces: “I believe”
Would love to hear feedback from other members if the above key words attached to “I” have any resonances with their psyche. :)
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Re: The "Dominate Idea" of the Sun Signs

Post by Jim Eshelman »

These were always fun in Tropical astrology - for which they were created - but become a problem (like any other Tropical interpretations) when you try to apply them to the Sidereal zodiac.

It's not that they're wrong. Some of them (as you noticed with Virgo) can be quite right. But some of them are entirely wrong, and some of them are misleading at best.

Some examples of wrong to seriously misleading: Taurus "I have" is as wrong as one can get, being based on Tropical Taurus equated to the 2nd House (mistaking it for the traits of Sidereal Aries). Scorpio "I desire" is similarly mostly an expression of Sidereal Libra traits trying to be interpreted in Scorpio language. I haven't any idea what "I see" for Sagittarius might even mean (I could make something up). Some others are... awkward at best.

And then a few of them are pretty good, especially the Analyze vs. Believe Virgo-Pisces polarity.

In The New Instant Astrologer, I gave single-word tags for each sign and, in hindsight, they were not very good. At present, I think one word is too little, but I'm happy with the three-word summary principles I've given here for each Sun-sign:

TAURUS Charming, Devoted, Erotic
GEMINI Reason, Play, Pluralism
CANCER Imagination, Emulation, Mystery
LEO Centricity, Dignity, Perfection
VIRGO Strategic, Analytical, Curious
LIBRA Beauty, Enticement, Justice
SCORPIO Freedom, Combat, Sex
SAGITTARIUS Elevation, Heritage, Tribe
CAPRICORN Independent, Discontent, Wild
AQUARIUS Scientific, Unconventional, Inclusive
PISCES Theatrical, Mysterious, Romantic
ARIES Contrary, Libertarian, Imperial
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Re: The "Dominate Idea" of the Sun Signs

Post by SteveS »

I hear you Jim, kinda what I expected you to say. I think I was fooled by em since I related so much to my “I” with Virgo and the “I” with Gemini; also with my wife’s “I”. But I do agree with you--- the “I” does not fit all Sun Signs. I have never actually tested on other Sun Signs I know in a close way. I like your 3 word descriptions much better. :)
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Re: The "Dominate Idea" of the Sun Signs

Post by James Condor »

I can relate to both Sidereal and Tropical ‘Dominate ideas”.
I have to respect JE’s investment in Astrology. He made this forum. He has allot of knowledge, expertise, experience. And he’s top dog. You can’t use just one word.
My statement doesn’t mean I’m playing favorites. It’s like a trust and faith thing.

If we had to use only these single terms, then
I could see

Cancer. “I Feel”. I doubt” I Pretend”
“I form”” I imagine”

Aquarius “I Know” “I’m Right”

Sagittarius “I See” “ I perfect” “ I Try”
I extend”

Capricorn “I Use”. “ I manipulate” “I struggle” “I oppose”

Pisces “I believe”. “I confuse” I distort

Virgo “ I analyze “ Could be “I think”

Libra “I balance” “I don’t fit in”

Aries “ I am” this could be Aries Dominate nature
“I dictate” “I dominate “

Taurus “I have” “I am vain” People might envy Taurus

Leo “I will” Could be “I Stay”. “I rule” A certain royalty

Gemini “I Think” “I Multiply” “I play”

Scorpio could be “I compete” ” “I present” “ I show”

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Re: The "Dominant Idea" of the Sun Signs

Post by SteveS »

I hear you James. When I first got into astrology everything was Tropical dominated. I was trying to understand my Natal chart as to who I was as a spiritual being and I ran across the one words descriptions of the Sun Signs and read where Virgo’s analyze, “I analyze.” It just so happens I am a Virgo in both the Sidereal & Tropical so even thought I started with the Tropical system I was least starting out with my true Sun Sign. This "I analyzed" resonated so strongly with my being because I knew in a personal spiritual way by simply living my adult life as it had unfolded that I was born to truly “analyzed.” Does not mean I am right on everything I anakyze :). This is probably when I first started to believe in Astrology when I read that “I analyze” because I knew it was the truth about the core being of myself. If I am not analyzing something I am in discord with myself. I can’t speak/know for other Sun Signs for I am not living their lives, I can only “know myself” trough my personal study of astrology and accept myself as to who I truly am, “I am.” And to be true to myself (my core being), I must/have to "analyze." :)

When I discovered Sidereal Astrology through Jim’s teachings with Return charts, I started learning the truth of “why” certain important events were happening around me. This helped my psyche immensely to accept certain negatives around me and move on, time changes. Sidereal Astrology has truly taught me that “Timing is Everything,” TIME pervades all beings. I don’t use Sun Signs in most of my astrology work, I don’t read other people natals for em, but I know Sun Sign astrology is most important and that every living being are living their Sun & Moon Signs with true essence. But I know with my study of Sidereal Astrology where the true divisions of the Sun Signs are in our Zodiac. I stopped a long time ago when someone asked me to read their natals because to be true to myself I would have to start with their Sidereal Sun Signs and in many cases I knew they already knew their Tropical Sun Signs, and if different... No way would I want to start a reading with discord if I told someone their true Sun Sign and possibly cast doubt into their mind by then believing in their Tropical Sign for years. I simply told em I was not qualified to read their natals but was very qualified to read their all-important Solar Returns. I didn’t have to explain their Sun Signs to em reading their Solar Returns. Anyway, thanks for your feedback James.
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Re: The "Dominate Idea" of the Sun Signs

Post by RingsOfSaturn22 »

James Condor wrote: Wed Feb 21, 2024 3:52 pm Capricorn “I Use”. “ I manipulate” “I struggle” “I oppose”
Could you explain a bit more of what you mean by "manipulate"?

That is a quality I always associated with Scorpio, at least in the negative sense of the word. Scorpio strikes me as intuitive and shrewd, and at its worst, cunning/plotting/manipulative.
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Re: The "Dominant Idea" of the Sun Signs

Post by James Condor »

Yes, thank you. Good question!

First off, I want to apologize for offending anyone on the forum. I can be bias like any human. I don’t know everything!

My experiences with Capricorn are both positive, negative and in between. And the same goes with many people over the years.
I know people have got me wrong, and it’s not fair.

One of my best friends from kindergarten and elementary school, was a Cap male. He didn’t offend me.
I used to fall in love with Capricorn females often.
And I’m not saying they are bad at all. They have skills. They have qualities I admire.

Manipulation isn’t necessarily a bad word. It’s relative to context.
Each planet or sign, may show manipulation.
Objects like wood, metal, and people, can be manipulated for good or bad.

As a synonym of the word in question, ——Exploit, Deceive, Trick, Play, Maneuver.

Capricorn is Saturn/Mars and opposes Jupiter/Venus
Scorpio is Mars (maybe Uranus) and opposes Venus/Moon.
Both, can be dark, negative traits. So can any other sign.

Capricorn is more afflicted than Scorpio, at face value. They strive more socially(my assumption).
Capricorn is more of a “player”. More of a bully mentality.
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Re: The "Dominant Idea" of the Sun Signs

Post by RingsOfSaturn22 »

This is so interesting.

I see a bit more of where you are coming from now.

The synonyms you used for manipulate are all qualities I would connect with Scorpio rather than Capricorn. For Capricorn, IF I were to use the word "manipulate", I would say it's more about CONTROL. A need to dominate and be in control of things. The image of a boss comes to mind. This is more of an explicit, external, overt kind of control. It's plain, obvious, and clear for all to see. They don't hide about it.

The Scorpio flavor of control is more hidden, behind closed doors. They don't want it to be seen or known. They tend to be more private in their matters. And that's where deceit, exploitation, and trickery can come into play if there is a negative influence. With their intuition, they can sense (either consciously or subconsciously) the inner workings of things and people. They have great insight. It's just the negatively influenced people use this extra insight in order to manipulate and deceive people; the positively influenced Scorpios I've come across are keenly aware of deep, hidden things, but they just don't have a desire to use it to manipulate. The image I get for Scorpio is someone who is very comfortable and/or proficient in operating in hidden places, shadows, or with knowledge that is not readily known. Think of how a cat behaves. That's like Scorpio to me. A dog would be closer to Capricorn to me. A dog will announce its presence and let you know it's in charge right from the start. (The cat would be secretly in charge, running the dog. :lol: )

At least this has been my experience with Scorpios.
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Re: The "Dominant Idea" of the Sun Signs

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Since I wouldn't generally use these words for either of them (without a lot of qualifying), I'll just intrude to mention that Capricorn has a definite secrecy element - probably from staying safe by not really disclosing anything. The basic social tactic of Capricorn luminaries (either one, really) is to appear to be open, candid, and disclosing while really not saying anything that gives anything away. Perhaps "engaging without divulging" is the best way to summarize.

Under Capricorn Sun, I've written (sticking to approximately this "private" or "sneaky" theme):
  • Survival and autonomy needs (physical and psychological) underlie most of their traits. Cautious, tenacious of life.
  • Sociable and likable; yet private, not deeply forthcoming or self-disclosing. Hard to get to know them deeply. – Emotions are cautious, constrained, withheld.
  • Aloof, individual, “goes it alone,” not naturally a team player.
  • In romance, initially aloof, tests people for loyalty and safety; then, when very sure, grabs hold hard.
Under Capricorn Moon, I've written the following similar things:
  • Playful, mischievous. Cultivates a “bad boy” or “bad girl” image (though usually is fundamentally wholesome).
  • Lives on the uncultivated fringe of social convention.
  • Communications often are indirect or withholding.
  • Socially entertaining, usually much-liked (yet private, reticent, emotionally cautious).
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Re: The "Dominant Idea" of the Sun Signs

Post by RingsOfSaturn22 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Feb 23, 2024 12:51 pm Perhaps "engaging without divulging" is the best way to summarize.
I think that is a good way to word it.

I will have to think more on the Capricorn moon.
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