Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

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Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by Arena »

Because I'm exploring the possibility of a rectified birth time, I continued to look at all the lunar returns for this year to see if there's anything outstanding coming up for each of the birth times. I will list them here since I have a couple of lunar returns in the upcoming months with "outstanding incidents" with the alternative birth time. And even though those two birth times are just a few minutes apart, it changes the scenario with the stars a whole lot. I guess I will possibly see it soon since both the Nov and Dec lunar returns offer such a different symbolism, and in one case malefic and the other case benefic.

Outstanding incidents are with partile hits - but I will list if there is anything within the 3° mark just to keep a record of them.

Bt. 23.27:

Oct 2nd - no outstanding incidents
Jup 2,33° above DSC in PV
Double Sun symbolism with natal within the 3° mark
T. Sun sq lr MC
R. Sun sq lr ASC
T. Pluto partile 135° r. Venus

Oct 29th - nothing partile or within 3° from angles.
Although I might be travelling to Porto, Portugal that weekend, which will bring Nep-Ven closer to angles.
T. Mer&Mars partile sq r. Sun.
T. Pluto partile 135° r. Venus

Nov 26th Mars-Saturn partile square partile conjunct the EP and Nadir!
T. Jup 2,07° above DSC
T. Ur partile Moon
T. Sun partile r. Nep
T. Pluto partile 135° r. Venus

Dec 23rd:
Venus partile 0,04° from SLR DSC!
T. Mars 1,10° above DSC
T. Jup & Ur within 3° from ASC
T. MC partile local MC
T. Mer partile r. Jup
T. Pluto partile 135° r. Venus

23.40 birth time:

Oct 2nd:
R. Sun partile ASC
T. Jup 1,07° above DSC

Oct 29th:
Nothing partile or within 3° mark except the transiting planets as above.

Nov 26th:
T. Sun & r. Nep partile EP
T. Jup partile DSC
T. Sat 2,34° from IC

Dec 23rd:
T. Mars partile DSC
T. Ven 1,25° DSC

It's amazing how both scenarios have outstanding incidents but some of quite a different nature.

The return I'm going through now is not very good on me. I feel confused and unsure about so many things and I feel lack of energy and lack of enthusiasm. Kind of dread in a way. Nep is close to zenith. T. nodes are partile square r. nodes and t. Pluto has locked into the 135° aspect that will continue in upcoming returns. It almost feels like our relationship is being tested. I'm glad to have the t. Ven partile r. Sun - it probably helps getting me/us through this one. I'm simply waiting it out for a few days until Oct 2nd takes over as that one seems quite nice. :) It will take place on Monday as I'm on a set having an interview about current events and about politics. Pew, I will be glad when the current return is over!

I guess I will have to follow up on these as they unfold.
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by SteveS »

Glad to see you isolating the “outstanding incidents” lunars for your solar year Arena. I have found em very helpful in managing my life with psychological expectations which manifest in an “out of ordinary” manner. Also never forget to note the partile aspects to your lunar return moon (they usually manifest in a potent manner), and note when any Natal Planets with their aspects fall near the lunar return angles---this will help you determine how you will REACT to the “outstanding incident” aspects in the lunar return. Keep us informed.
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by Arena »

I'm sorry, I made a mistake in the above post. The time period for edits is way too short ... and perhaps there should not be any time limit for that dear moderators. It's not a 135° aspect I'm noting where that is stated, it is a quincunx, a 150° aspect in all those cases. I never pay attention to any semi or sesqi aspects. I don't even pay attention to anything under a square except for a conjunction. Only conj, sq, opp, trines and quinc enter into my picture.

Thanks for your response Steve. Yes, I did note all those you mentioned. I just recently bumped into the thread where you were pointing out the importance of the partile aspects of transits to natal planets in returns, so I am paying attention to them as well as the interplay of the returns to the natal angles.
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I've adjusted the time periods for editing and deleting.

This was originally implemented by Jupiter Sets at Dawn with my approval because she was completely fed up with people on the forum devoting hours and days of helping someone only to have the person delete their posts (or edit them to be empty), leaving no value to the forum itself for the sometimes enormous efforts devoted to them. I approve of this idea.

The time limit for both deletions and edits was 24 hours.

Understanding that sometimes people need to update or correct information, I've extended this to 48 hours. At the same time, since the legitimate reasons for deleting a post are few (e.g., seeing that your browser accidentally double-posted) and usually evident within a few minutes, I've reduced the time within which a post can be deleted to 12 hours.
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by SteveS »

Arena wrote:
I just recently bumped into the thread where you were pointing out the importance of the partile aspects of transits to natal planets in returns, so I am paying attention to them as well as the interplay of the returns to the natal angles.
Excellent! I actually pay more attention to angular partile aspects in a return chart to my natal planets more so than just the partile aspects in a return chart, both are important though. But when you see an angular partile aspect of a return planet to a natal planet, you are actually seeing those most important partile transits to a natal planet. There is truly something special about the date & time of a true return chart when they exhibit partile aspects to a natal planet, IMHO.
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by Arena »

Pew! My lunar return has just taken place and I feel a sense of relief. :) A relief to be done with the last one and to see that angular Jupiter take over the scene. :) It took place this morning while I was being interviewed along with my partners from a political movement a decade back. It's for an online broadcast that will be published tonight. I was not sure whether to take part in that when I was asked last week, since I haven't been willing to debate or even talk much about politics for years now. But when I saw this positive symbolism in this lunar return I decided "what the heck, let's just do it"! :D

I see I forgot to mention the partile Moon-Uranus conjunction in both cases of bt. It is within 10° from the DSC, so I guess we can call it foreground although not the closest aspect. Maybe some kind of a joyful surprise element this month. :) That might be something to look forward to, some sudden advancement or something fun might happen. :) Perhaps it's simply planning a trip abroad at the end of this month.
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by Arena »

Only ONE of the abovementioned lunar returns (periods) turned out to fall into the category we call "outstanding incidents" - or something out of the ordinary happening and it is the current period when I'm so thrilled and happy to have got the news yesterday that my man won quite big in the lottery he plays with his regular ticket. So his return for Dec 11th and my return for Dec 23rd are covering this. He has never won this kind of amount before in his life. He's very calm and down to earth about it while I'm feeling that Uranus-Jupiter partile Moon excitement! :D

Even though he is the winner and now has $ 30.000 more in his bank account, this does also affect me since we now are already planning travels and a health treatment that is very expensive and we both see this as "a sign" to go ahead and do it.

Since I believe in the alignment of the stars I see this as an opportunity that is here maybe only for this particular moment in time, or perhaps for a couple of weeks. So I'm telling him to play the lottery a few more times while he's still in this lunar return and has partile aspects from t. Jup to r. Jup and the nodes partile r. Pluto. That's what I see standing out in his chart.

Since I possibly also have "a lucky element" for a couple of weeks as well, I might try my luck with the lottery.
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by SteveS »

Go for it. :)
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by Arena »

So, I think we might be able to agree that from all of the above mentioned (in 1st post) SLR's, the only one that was outstanding was the Dec return and it seems much more fitting with the 23.27 birth time.

Let's see what we get for Jan-July for those two birth times. Let me tell you that I consider both the Jan and Feb SLR being "outstanding" in a way since they both had events that were out of the ordinary for me. The Jan return brought a trip to Germany where we got a major blood cleanse / aspheresis which is a unique and very effective way to remove toxins and gain better health, which we both did. We probably took a decade or two of aging off. ;) ... and for the Feb return I sold the biggest piece of artwork I have ever made and it will be hanged where it will be publicly available for years to come. Don't know yet, but this might become an important incident for my career as an artist.

Outstanding incidents are with partile hits - but I will list if there is anything within the 3° mark just to keep a record of them. I will make a note for the luminaries as well.

Bt. 23.27:

Jan 19th: "marked outstanding"
Sun-Pluto partile conjunction partile SLR WP.
T. Mars partile 0,04° rel. MC
T. Uranus partile conj. r. Moon
T. Jup 1,11° from MC ecl. (or 2,21° PV)

Feb 16th (took place in Frankfurt, just before we left to go home from there):
Nothing partile in the SLR in Frankfurt - but relocated to back home I get a partile conjnction 0,07° of t. Sun to SLR IC - "marked outstanding"
t. Ur. partile r. Moon
SLR ASC 1,04° r. Nep
SLR MC 1,10° r. Pluto

March 14th:
T. Pluto partile 0,14° SLR zenith (not sure if "outstanding")
T. Uranus exact r. Moon
T. Node partile conj. r. Uranus
SLR MC partile r. Nnode
SLR Asc 1,28° conj. r. ASC

April 10th: "outstanding" or not?
T. Node partile conj. r. Uranus
T. Jup partile r. Moon
T. Nep partile sq. r. Venus
SLR MC partile r. Nodes
SLR ASC 1,07° r. Uranus

May 8th: "marked outstanding"
T. Mars partile 0,12° square SLR ASC
T. Pluto partile conj SLR MC ecl.
T. Node partile r. Uranus
T. Nep partile sq r. Ven-Jup.
T. Venus partile sq. r. Sun.
T. Sun 1,48° conj. r. Moon.

June 4th:
Nothing partile angles.
T. Venus-Sun cazimi, exact conjuntion in the SLR!
T. Sat partile sq. r. Saturn
T. Nep partile sq r. Jup

July 1st:

Nothing partile angles.
T. Nep partile sq. r. Jup.
T. Jup 1,04° rel. ASC
T. Venus 2,29° r. IC

For the 23.40 bt. it looks slightly different.

Jan 19th:
T. Uranus partile r. Moon
T. Jup 2,25° ecl. MC and 2,17° zenith.

Feb 16th Frankfurt:
Nothing partile angles.
T. Ur partile r. Moon.
SLR MC 2,45°conj. r. Pluto

March 14th: "outstanding"?
T. Pluto partile zenith
T. Uranus partile r. Moon
SLR Asc 1,02° conj. r. Asc

April 10th: "marked outstanding"
T. Sun partile SLR EP and t. Mer within 2°
T. Jup partile r. Moon
SLR Asc 2,57° conj. r. Uranus
T. Pluto 1,41° conj ecl. IC.

May 8th: "marked outstanding"
T. Mer partile SLR EP
SLR Asc 2° conj. r. Asc
T. Venus 2,08° conj. EP
T. Mars 2,50° sq. ASC
T. Pluto 2,09° conj. ecl MC.
T. Sun 1,56° conj. r. Moon

June 4th:
Nothing partile angles
SLR MC within 2° from r. IC
Venus-Sun cazimi within 2° from rel. ASC
Mer-Jup partile

July 1st:
Nothing partile angles in SLR
T. Venus 0,32° partile rel. IC. ("outstanding" or not?)
T. Sat partile sq. r. Moon
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by SteveS »

The Jan return brought a trip to Germany where we got a major blood cleanse / aspheresis which is a unique and very effective way to remove toxins and gain better health, which we both did. We probably took a decade or two of aging off.
I need to check this out! :)
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by Arena »

SteveS wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:58 am
The Jan return brought a trip to Germany where we got a major blood cleanse / aspheresis which is a unique and very effective way to remove toxins and gain better health, which we both did. We probably took a decade or two of aging off.
I need to check this out! :)
Oh yes, indeed you must. I hope you can find a clinic near you.
Here is some information for those interested:
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by SteveS »

Most interesting link Arena! I have made an appointment with my doc to discuss this matter with him to see if he recommends a good one in USA. When you have time offer as many details as you can with your experiences with this procedure. Thanks. :)
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Using April LR to get published?

Post by Arena »

I was just taking a look at the upcoming lunar return, starting on April 10th, just after the solar eclipse.
I can see it has the potential to be in the "outstanding incident" category.

I want to try to get a media interview and I can see the close proximity of both Sun and Mer to the angles and Jupiter being partile the Moon. I also would like to send some of my work to enter into Art competitions.

Would you think this lunar return is predicting success with those kind of endeavours?
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I think there will be surprises - things that spin your head around a bit.

I wouldn't underestimate a close Sun-Mercury conjunction on an angle (Sun 2° from Descendant) getting attention from people you consider important.
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by Arena »

Thanks Jim. I will report in here if anything of importance happens and/or if my head goes spinning around. :)
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by Arena »

Ok, so I was just checking out these returns and the comparison above.
So far there are no outstanding incidents except for the abovementioned.
It turned out that the May 8th return is not outstanding at all (unless a meeting I had will turn out to be important and it will result in something later).

It turned out that I did not get published in a bigger paper, but only a very small local paper because of an exhibition I was doing outside the capital. I can possibly see the Mars and Saturn effect since I did not sell one original piece of artwork. So I kind of decided not to exhibit there again. They seem to only want to buy from local artists (which I'm not to them). However, I do wonder if a meeting I had there with one of the richest man in that town will turn out to be important later. I went into his company and asked to meet him and he was walking in as I stood there. I had a big painting with me that I offered him to buy and he did actually really like it - but he said he had to consult someone because he didn't want to buy it unless there was room to hang it up. He didn't want it in storage. However, it turned out that the consultant said there was no room for it. So no sale. I was rather disappointed with that exhibition in terms of not selling - but I must admit that lots of people came to see it because of the local paper interview and many of them did actually express how much they love my work.

Now I'm well into the June 4th return.
What has happened? Well, the first few days went into being down and disappointed. But then I went to a hypnotherapist and an alternative healer. Quite interesting. I think something did happen within me, although I can't pinpoint exactly. Today I sent a request to the city to have a huge exhibition on August 24th with a few other artists that I would organise. I've been thinking about it for months - but maybe I lacked the guts, but today I just decided to go for it - just do it! I hope for a positive outcome. :)
I noticed this morning that I will have the Sun on my side in the July 29th return!
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by Arena »

Alright, so now the June SLR is over and I'm heading into my next one tonight.

Turns out that this June return was mostly just self care/health and my Norway trip, which was really nice. I did not succeed in getting the exhibition hall from the city - but now I'm exploring other options. Crossing fingers that this will succeed.

Overall June was ok - interesting to meet the healers I met and to take this unexpected trip to Norway, - but not in terms of artistic successes. That side of it is fairly disappointing. Also I feel heavy to come back home. Norway was sunny and nice, energising and just really good. Coming home feels dreadful.

SLR for bt 23.40:
July 1st:
Nothing partile major angles in SLR
T. Uranus partile nadir.
T. Venus 0,32° partile rel. IC. (might mean something outstanding).

Alternative bt. 23.27
July 1st:
Nothing partile angles.
T. Jup 1,04° rel. ASC
T. Venus 2,29° r. IC

For both charts:
T. Nep partile sq. r. Jup (stationing).
T. Sat partile sextile. r. Moon (not a great omen for feeling good).
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I forget: Where were you when the SLR set up? - And was there a main place you mostly were in Norway, or all over? (Angles change very rapidly in that area.)

And where were you for your June 18 demi? (For Reyk it has a partile - 0°42' - mundane conjunction of natal Venus and Saturn 3-4° above Descendant, the strongest factors, though transiting Jupiter is almost as strong on the opposite side of the angle.)
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

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The June 4th SLR setup was at home (Rvk) and the demi as well.
In Norway, the first day was in Oslo, the second day was the trip to Arendal with a few stops along the way. The third day was in Arendal and south from there to Kristiansand in the south and then back to Arendal. The fourth day was the trip from Arendal to Oslo. We didn't like Kristiansand. But it was nice to go there just to see the contrast - that it's not all the same. We both really loved Arendal and Grimstad. Such nice places, just next to each other on the map and both very beautiful with a good atmosphere. We were actually contemplating on how we would really feel if we were living there. But of course there's no way to know that from visiting a place for just a couple of days. The trip was surprisingly nice though. :)
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Lunar returns are flexible - adaptable - take on different characteristics as you move, although I think where they first set up as at least a small edge on strength.

For Reyk, I see the lunar as having nothing angular except natal Uranus just over 3° from Ascendant. That's great for a vacation (Venus-Uranus is even better) - it sounds like refreshment, renewal, and exposure to new experiences were big parts of this. The SLR also has the remarkable detail of a 0°00' Sun-Venus conjunction - remarkable and hardly inconsistent with your month, but deeply background.

The Demi for Reyk is more complex. Transiting Jupiter is moderately foreground (4°). Then you have that natal Venus-Saturn mundane conjunction within 0°42'. Jupiter to your Neptune is worth noting. The main thing, I think, is that things are objectively good (transiting Jupiter), especially there is some sense of renewal or forgiveness or recovery that probably is just the vacation (Jupiter-Neptune), but really strongly feeling a natal Venus-Saturn aspect you normally don't have.

Checking all those places against two charts starts getting complicated, but a few spot checks may be worthwhile. Sticking with the SLR mostly, Oslo gives very strong transiting Pluto and natal Mercury, and some transiting Uranus. This sounds more like "discovery and really ignited curiosity" along with refreshment idea. I'm much taken with the 0°33' Moon-Uranus mundane conjunction.

A measurement of how fast the angles change, Arendal is notably different. Mercury and Pluto are still up but you lose the Uranus and replace it with Mars (Mars conjunct your Sun being the main aspect). Kristiansand keeps the Mercury, but loses the close Pluto (Pluto moves to the angularity outskirts) - was the difference perhaps related to not having transiting Pluto angular there? (It could, of course, just been natural to Kristiansand and not your lunar. (Otherwise my only explanation would be to guess that the rest of the country felt otherworldly - alien in a positive sense - and Kristiansand did not. Was this so?) You did acquire a foreground Jupiter transit to your Sun there, which I would have expected to make it a grander place. (In fact, your natal has Jupiter only 0°23' off Descendant for Kristiansand.)
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Re: Comparison SLRs - outstanding incidents?

Post by Arena »

It is hard to make judgements based on only 3-4 days of travel. But some of what you are stating are in fact some truths. However, that Mars I would have expected to be in Oslo - that was the only Mars experience. :) All the way from Oslo and then down south to those two towns I mentioned was pleasure and maybe pleasantly surprising in a way. We were simply (both) so fascinated by the atmosphere and the cosy feeling of being there. I'm not sure I would use the term "alien" since all the Nordic countries do have a sense of familiarity to us, from what we know already at home. I'm not quite sure how you're connecting Pluto into this - I don't see any Pluto lines around there. Oh, I see you're wondering about the lunar chart. I would go for the natal relocated lines as an absolute first way of feeling into this place. Pleasantly surprising and friendly is more descriptive which is most likely my Jupiter and his Uranus lifting our moods and having that experience of the area.

But the reason Kristiansand felt different was maybe that it was just like any other city - nothing fascinating, cozy, cute nor new about it like those other places. I did think of the possibility of reaching out to a gallery there at some point since it is a bigger city and has lots of art and a one of the biggest art museums in Norway.
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