W.D. Gann & L. Edward Johndro

Q&A and discussion about Synastry, i.e., relationship analysis through the comparison of two horoscopes.
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Jim Eshelman
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W.D. Gann & L. Edward Johndro

Post by Jim Eshelman »

This was a mutually beneficial, successful business and intellectual relationship, lasting for decades, between two men who may never have met in person. The charts are quite remarkable: Each chart reinforces what is best in the other, and deflects or minimizes what is worse. You really can tell that they would make each other better in significant ways. - I leave it to you to check out the charts (it's quite an adventure).

Gann was born June 6, 1878, 10:34 AM LMT, Lufkin, TX (A data).
Johndro was born January 30, 1882, 12:30 AM LMT, Franklin Centre, Quebec (A data)
Jim Eshelman
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Re: W.D. Gann & L. Edward Johndro

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
I leave it to you to check out the charts (it's quite an adventure).
Will do Jim—much appreciated. :)
Posts: 6670
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Re: W.D. Gann & L. Edward Johndro

Post by SteveS »

Indeed Jim, Bingo for Johndro’s class 1 Mercury-Pluto 90 falling on Gann’s angles/planets. Synastry reads are so easy when we see angles involved with two people. And I can see how Johndro’s near partile Moon-Mars cnj in Gemini offered his a soul a natural gift for putting so much energy/work into his astrological research in his time. No disrespect to Johndro, but it is obvious to me that Gann was more of a natural genius between the two with their natals, but both together investigating natural laws in the market places with their super inherent born powers of Me-Pl---there is no telling what they discovered…. :)
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