“First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

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“First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by SteveS »

I have recently demonstrated the outstanding effects of seeing/understanding the main principles of Sidereal Astrology with a Timed Chart for the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) using an “outstanding incident” partile Mars 180 Jupiter Oct 27, 2023 Sidereal Lunar Return (SLR). Now I want to eventually demonstrate the same for a newly discovered Timed Chart for the Comex Gold Exchange:

Dec 31, 1974; 8:45 AM EST; New York, New York

Here’s the Natal: https://ibb.co/8527CTT

Clearly the main Sidereal Astrology Planetary Signature for this Mundane Chart is angular Uranus partile cnj it’s Zenith. AFAIC, Uranus rules this Natal by simply reading its symbolic meaning as: Sudden Unexpected Price Changes! For any Gann students who may tune into this thread, there is no doubt in my mind with my Gann experiences: The future price of Comex Gold vibrates to Gann’s Square of Four Chart with its 24 Gann Dates! WHY? I don’t exactly know. As I have stated the legendary Gann is a deep rabbit hole, but the Gann’s Master Square of Four Chart has to do with even numbers squared with Gann’s main discovered Principle of: Squaring Price with Time!

Next, I want to go into the WHYs Comex Gold was created. I have a special interest in Gold because all of my main economic education was taught to me by a retired Admiral, and the fact the Admiral made the Company I was working for a small fortune by investing all of their investment $ into the Gold Market way back in 1976. Colleges teaches nothing about the truths of personal economics! Probably a greater truth how I got connected (Node) with the Gold Market through the Admiral is this Comex Gold Chart's MC is partile cnj my Natal Jupiter and tightly 180 my North Node, all on my Natal Horizon.
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by SteveS »

In 1971 there were 3 Conjunctions of Jupiter-Neptune; Feb 1 1971 8,26 Scorpio; May 21 1971 7,23 Scorpio; Sept 6 1971 6,16 Scorpio. What did these 3 conjunctions of Jupiter-Neptune time for the World? It timed and perpetuated the single most important thievery event onto all US citizens with Nixon closing the Gold Window where anyone in the world could take their US dollars and convert 42 $ into 1 ounce of Gold. Now today it would take app 2,000 $ to purchase 1 ounce of Gold. What actually happened in 1971 is a-lot of foreign governments started converting their US $ into Gold with the US owning the largest hoard of Gold in the World. The closing of the Gold Window was a necessary evil; otherwise, the US would have had to trade all of their Gold hoard for US $. In effect, this turned Gold into a tradeable Commodity and 3 years later in 1974 with 3 90s of Jupiter-Neptune timed the Birth of the Comex Gold Exchange.

The Admiral who taught me true economics of things sat in on the Britton Woods Agreement after WW11, he was a very wise man economically speaking. The Admiral knew nothing about astrology nor did I in 1976 when he taught me economics, but the Admiral knew damn well what Nixon closing the Gold Window to the World in 1971 was going to do to the price of Gold in the near future and for everyone’s economic future for their entire futures as long as this Gold Window remains shut. It put the US on a continuing spiral of inflation with bursts of the inflation rates, probably with all Jupiter-Neptune aspects into the future. You can read a paragraph here with Nixon’s actions in 1971:


Basically boring stuff, this is a Sidereal Astrology forum and as a Sidereal Astrologer, I want to investigate the birth of the Comex Gold Exchange to see if it could maybe give a Sidereal Astrologer some clues as to the Soul/Life of Gold Prices, no different than the Natal of the NYSE offers interesting and at certain times important clues what the future holds for its financial prices. "Timing is Everything"
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by SteveS »

When I obtained this “First Trade” chart of the Comex Gold Exchange, my first test chart to prove to me I had an accurate timed Natal was the Comex Gold Natal’s Sidereal Solar Return (SSR) for 1979. Why 1979? Because it’s solar year for 1980 was the year when Gold PriceS went absolutely bonkers with all kinds of panic buying and selling. It was something to behold for the investor in the Gold Market like the Company who employed my services with the Admiral’s recommendation for the Company to buy Gold with all of their investment $ in 1976. Jim has done the best research of any financial astrology material I have ever studied, and believe me, I have studied a-lot of financial astrology material. Jim’s Report with Sidereal Solar Ingress Charts for Washington DC nails the few years when US has been under a financial panic only with the DOW, not Gold. But, one of the Jim’s proven main astrological signatures for financial panics in his Report is Moon-Neptune. And, the Comex Gold 1979 SSR featured one of Jim’s “outstanding incident” angular partile Moon-Neptune 180 SSRs. “Outstanding Incident” SSRs or SLRs charts don’t happen that often but when they do “Get Ready” for some truly “outstanding incidents” to be timed with the market with an accurate timed natal chart! And we can clearly see an "outstanding incident" Moon-Neptune event manifest with Gold Prices on the Comex Gold Exchange for the year 1980. This will go down in my Sidereal Astrology book as one of my most important discoveries pertaining to financial astrology. I have already posted about the 3 Gann Dates in 1980 which called the all time historical high (Jan 21 1980) and the yearly low for 1980, as well as a secondary important high in 1980. Anyway--a truly "outstanding incident" remarkable 1979 SSR for the Comex Gold Natal.

Comex Gold 1979 SSR:

A chart of Gold Prices for 1980:

Jim’s Report pertaining to financial panics in US:

Next, I want to take a look at some astrology for the all-time high of Gold up to this point in history (850 $) on Jan 21 1980.
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by SteveS »

SHAZAM! Wait until I post/explain the COMEX GOLD Sidereal Lunar Return (SLR) for Jan 4th 1980, which covers the time period for its all-time high on Jan 21 1980, which was the all-time for over 22 years, its mind blowing for the principles of Sidereal Astrology with SLRs!!! Got to handle some stuff for the rest of the day.
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by SteveS »

Here is a snapshot (link below) of the stunning “outstanding incident” double whammy of angular Saturn symbolism for Comex Gold’s Jan 4 1980 SLR which topped the Gold Market on Jan 21 1980. Note SLR Saturn partile cnj SLR IC in Paran to the partile 180 of Natal Mercury-Saturn partile on the Horizon of the SLR. This is classic Sidereal Astrology teaching principles which would have forewarned a financial astrologer using Sidereal Astrology’s principles to expect a major depressing Saturn event on the Comex Gold Exchange within the Jan 4 1980 SLR time period (27 days). Gold topped on Jan 21 at app 850 $ an ounce, and this top was its all-time high for over 22 years. This is priceless knowledge for anyone who is interested in financial astrology, and is solid proof that this “First Time Trade” Natal Chart of the Comex Gold Exchange is an accurate timed birth of an international Gold Market, but only a Sidereal Astrologer would know in a knowing way he/she was witnessing the natural laws of a profound branch of astrology—Western Sidereal Astrology. If it was not for the father of Sidereal Astrology—Cyril Fagan, this branch of important astrology would have remained lost as it had been lost for a couple of thousand years. The Key knowledge that Cyril Fagan rediscovered was the ancient astrologers were working with the Sidereal Zodiac which when revived by Cyril Fagan allowed accurate Solar & Lunar Return charts to be computed. Its accurate computed Solunar Charts which allows the serious astrologer a very unique sight into the true mathematical “Art” for natural laws that are operating in the accurate birth of anything—if known. The one and only best books that I have had the pleasure of seriously studying for the application principles of Solunars is Jim’s book “Interpreting Solar Returns”. Without Jim’s teaching principles for Return Charts, I never would have discovered the natural timing laws operating at times in the NYSE & now for the Comex Gold Exchange.

Jan 4 1980 SLR (inside wheel); Natal Comex Gold (outside wheel).
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by SteveS »

For sure If Gold is either trading below 1613$, its low on the 5 year chart or its all-time high of 2072$, I will become most interested in it’s May 14 2024 SLR for maybe a low risk-high reward trade for a possible important bottom or top. Or, no matter where the price of gold, provided I see extreme oversold or overbought technicals. This SLR features some “outstanding incidents” angular configurations.
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by SteveS »

Rings, I have a pointed question for your mind/research work with Sun-Mercury conjunctions in the marketplaces. Below is a bi-wheel chart—inside wheel Comex Gold Chart; outside wheel Transits for the all-time high made in spot gold futures Comex Jan 21 1980 at 850 $ an ounce. This high contained the all-time high for over 22 years.


Note the conjunction of Sun-Mercury partile cnj Comex ASC!!! This Sun-Mercury conjunction is in transiting Paran to Comex Gold Uranus partile cnj Comex Gold Zenith. Also note t Uranus partile cnj Comex MC! All of this symbolism is par-excellent symbolism for a major change (Uranus) in trend, and it indeed occurred on Jan 21 1980 with a major top.

But what peaks my interests is the Sun-Mercury conjunction partile cnj Comex Gold ASC!!! I remember you doing quite a bit of research work with Sun-Mercury conjunctions in markets. Could you summarize your work again with what your mind was correlating with Sun-Mercury conjunctions in the marketplace? Thanks
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by RingsOfSaturn22 »

SteveS wrote: Sat Dec 02, 2023 7:43 am But what peaks my interests is the Sun-Mercury conjunction partile cnj Comex Gold ASC!!! I remember you doing quite a bit of research work with Sun-Mercury conjunctions in markets. Could you summarize your work again with what your mind was correlating with Sun-Mercury conjunctions in the marketplace? Thanks
That chart is interesting! Having the first time trade info is helpful!

To tell you the truth, I honestly don't fully remember what I was doing with the Sun-Mercury stuff. :lol:

After I get an idea, I have to completely forget about it in order to make space for the next idea to come. Luckily I have notes to refer to. Let me read back over them and then I'll come back within a couple of days with a brief summary.
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by SteveS »

I will try and go back and reread.
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by Mikejames2021 »

Hi Steve,

I’ve just seen this thread regarding the Comex Gold Contract. Could you provide the exact source for this natal data – specifically the time of 8:45am EST – for the start of trading.
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by SteveS »

Mike James asked:
Could you provide the exact source for this natal data – specifically the time of 8:45am EST – for the start of trading.
Only this: Recently I have been going through my storage unit and I found in my Gann notes from 40 years ago:
First trade: Comex Gold; Dec 31 1974; 8:45 AM EST; NY, NY.
Back then I did not know anything about astrology and I did not have a source for this “First Trade” Comex Gold birth (didn’t really care back then), but since, I have learned the profound knowledge for Sidereal Astrology Return charts with accurate timed births which are some of the best, if not the best, accurate symbolic charts known in the entire field of Astrology. IMHO, you can only prove to yourself the accuracy of a “First Trade” birth with Sidereal Astrology charting, and I have proved to myself with over 30 years of experience with Sidereal Astrology that this "First Trade" birth for Comex Gold is an accurate timed chart recorded 40 years ago in my Gann records. Are you an experienced Sidereal Astrologer? What astrological program do you use?

Here are a couple links for historical references on Comex Gold Trading:
Although the Commodity Exchange (COMEX) was founded in 1933, COMEX began trading gold futures on 31 December 1974 when the prohibition on private ownership of gold in the US was lifted.
https://www.bullionstar.com/gold-univer ... old-market

https://www.upi.com/Archives/1984/12/26 ... 472885200/

If I find any other reliable sources for the opening trade on Dec 31 1974, I will post.
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by Mikejames2021 »

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the detailed reply to my question. The date is certainly correct for the first trade, it was the time I had some questions about. I'll do a little more research and get back to you as to the veracity of the time - A total of five gold contracts on five different commodity exchanges (CBT, CME, MACE, COMEX, NYME) were launched on the day -two at New York area exchanges - COMEX & NYME. I guess it's possible that the time you have quoted is from the long defunct New York Mercantile Exchange (NYME) Gold contract that was launched on the same day. The COMEX time data I have is for a later time (9:45am) and is sourced from a half page advertisement placed by COMEX in the New York Times (page 31) Tuesday, December 31, 1974, introducing the new contract to the US public. I can send you a copy of the page if you would like to see it. I've spent many years sourcing accurate financial data and I really want to see at least two high quality, documentary confirmations before I feel completely sure the time is good - at least historically speaking. It's always possible that the New York Times made a typo and thus I'll seek out another source for the data to confirm the exact time.
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by SteveS »

I understand Mikejames and appreciate. I am pretty sure the Comex Gold had its first trade at 8:45 AM EST, but like you will keep looking for more confirming sources. Have you had any experience with Sidereal Astrologer’s Solar Quotidian Charts, which are daily charts? If not, they are excellent tools for confirming an accurate timed chart for “out of the ordinary” days!!! The angles of any Quotidian charts are changing app 1 degree per day.

I thought the Comex Gold Natal’s Solar Quotidian (SQ) Daily Chart today with its transits were most interesting with its angular planetary symbolism for today’s very volatile price action (link below):
Inside wheel Comex Gold Natal; outside wheel transits:


Note all of the angular Moon-Mars-Uranus symbolism for this “outstanding incident” Solar Quotidian (SQ) Chart!!! SQ Mars partile cnj SQ ASC; SQ Moon-Uranus partile 90 SQ MC. Transiting Moon & Mars on SQ IC/DSC. With this par-excellent symbolic price volatility for the SQ chart, the traders didn’t know what hit them today, but a Sidereal Astrologer would have been forewarned if looking at this SQ Chart for good possibilities for a rare day for price volitility.

We had a price range in Feb Comex Gold of over 110 $. High 2,152 (new all time high); Low 2,038; Close 2,044--down 45 $. Lets see how the weekly charts close out the week with this all-important 4th test of important highs on the 5 year chart.
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by RingsOfSaturn22 »

SteveS wrote: Sat Dec 02, 2023 7:43 am But what peaks my interests is the Sun-Mercury conjunction partile cnj Comex Gold ASC!!! I remember you doing quite a bit of research work with Sun-Mercury conjunctions in markets. Could you summarize your work again with what your mind was correlating with Sun-Mercury conjunctions in the marketplace? Thanks
Ok, I see what I was doing now.

I was trying to see if there was an astrological source behind Gann's 7 year pattern (and also 10 year pattern). Gann broke down this 7 year pattern as:
  • 3 years + 4 years (from a major bottom to the next bottom)
  • 3.5 years + 3.5 years
For the 10 year pattern, he broke it down as 3 years + 3 years + 4 years (from a major top to the next top). (There were other sub patterns for this 10 year pattern, but they were only going from top to bottom or bottom to top, so I see that as only being half of a cycle. For wheat, he even extended this to say it might be 10 years, 10.5 years, or 11 years!)

With that in mind, I noticed that Mercury-Sun conjunctions often returned to a very close place in the zodiac around every 7 years, 3 years, 4 years, or 3.5 years. Mercury has a very erratic behavior, so it's hard to predict exactly when these will occur, so you just have to check the ephemeris. Also, the nature of the conjunction might change. For instance, if it starts out as a superior conjunction, the next time it returns to nearly the same degree, it might be an inferior conjunction, or vice versa.

So, on Jan. 21, 1980, we had a superior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun.

The next one was a partile inferior conjunction of the descendant on Jul. 23, 1986.

After that, we see an inferior conjunction within 2 degrees of the ascendant on Jan. 18, 1996.

There were other conjunctions that occurred between these intervals, but they were within approximately 5º of the ascendant or descendant.

On the 1986 date, it seems correlated with gold breaking out of its sideways pattern that it had been in for a year. For the 1996 date, it's around 2 weeks off from the high right before a major decline.

I don't think that the Mercury-Sun conjunction by itself is enough to cause significant changes. What I was also noticing, at least with the DOW chart, is when more than one of these conjunctions occurred within a 2 week time frame of each other, either within 1 week of a full moon or within 1 week of a new moon. For the 1980 date, I didn't see anything else significant that immediately jumped out at me (in terms of conjunctions or oppositions).
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Rings,I appreciate your Sun-Mercury research in the marketplace. Even though I am like you-- I don’t quite understand how to apply Sun-Mercury conjunctions to the marketplace, I am going to start paying attention to em when other important astro things are grouped with em. :)
Rings wrote:
So, on Jan. 21, 1980, we had a superior conjunction of Mercury and the Sun.
A Gann Date one day off since Jan 20 1980 was a Sunday (non-trading day). And we just so happened to see a transiting Sun-Mercury conjunction on Comex Gold’s ASC in Paran with transiting Uranus on Comex Gold’s MC; as well with Sun-Mercury conjunction partile 90 Comex Gold’s Uranus on Comex Gold’s Zenith seen with the below link:


For sure Rings, this Sun-Mercury conjunction played an important astro role for this Jan 21 1980 all-time high which held the highs for over 22 years. All of these partile aspects is par-excellent synchronicity screaming we have an accurate "First Trade" Comex Gold Chart. Thanks again Rings for your insights.
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by SteveS »

Massive weekly reversal in the Gold Market this week. With a 4th test top failure on the yearly charts since the Gann date top in Aug 2020, high % market will enter a bear market with possible new low below 1617 on the yearly charts occurring with the “outstanding incident” (OI) May 14 2024 SLR. I will look for a significant reversal in trend sometime within the OI May 14 SLR time period, possibly the May 21 or June 6 Gann Dates. Time only knows for sure. :)
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Doesn't gold usually go down as stick market goes up and vice versa? It seems they are reciprocal. Am I wrong about thst?
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Re: “First Time Trade” of Comex Gold.

Post by SteveS »

Yes, except in recessionary type periods but I don't see that on the horizon with 2024 Capsolar. Gold will confirm a rare monthly reversal if Feb Gold closes below 2038 by the end of Dec 2023. I only expect the stock market to track down with Gold if we see a 2 year anniversity date top in the Dow on Jan 5 2024. Otherwise, the Dow can wait at anytime into 2024 to make all-time new highs or could make new all-time highs anytime before. We are still in a Mars-Jupiter trending DOW which could last to the Mars-Jupiter conjunction in Aug 2024 which would be very 8-) .
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