Historical Financial Panics in the NYSE Radical Chart

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Historical Financial Panics in the NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

Since I have excellent proof we have an accurate timed NYSE Radical, I am going to start this tread on all the historical financial panics for the NYSE pertaining only to NYSE Sidereal Solar Returns (SSR). Jim has written about these financial panics in his “Publications” for Sidereal Mundane Astrology (SMA) found in the following link; Chapter 29; beginning page 881.


NYSE Radical Chart: May 17, 1792 7:52 LMT NY, NY.
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Re: Historical Financial Panics in the NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

I am going to start with the latest panic and work backwards into history using first SSR charts and then maybe later SLR charts. After first doing the Return Charts I will bi-wheel with NYSE Natal.

1: First up, the March 15 Covid Shut down panic sell-off. 2019 NYSE SSR showed me absolutely no panic symbolism for its 2019-2020 solar year. The only SSR chart showing me a hint of panic symbolism was the Demi SSR (DSSR) for Nov 2019 which would have covered the Covid Shut down period. It featured DSSR Neptune tightly cnj DSSR MC 1,29 sesquiquadrate Mars. Technically, we could fudge a little and classify this as an angular “outstanding incident” Mars-Neptune chart, and Mars-Neptune is par-excellent symbolism for panics but I doubt if I would have expected a full-blown panic with this DSSR, I doubt I would have even looked at this DSSR. I see no “outstanding incident” SLRs which timed the start of this NYSE panic. Hell, maybe this was really not an emotional financial panic!! Uncle Sam bailed everyone out, big and little guy.

2: BINGO!!! The Sept 2008 Subprime Mortgage Crises. For sure this was a blatant 2008 “outstanding incident” 2008 SSR! Let’s take a look at the 2008 SSR (link below):


We see SSR Mars partile cnj SSR MC with partile octile/sesquiquadrate aspects to Mercury & Uranus, but this is not enough to warn us of a possible financial panic but watch what happens when we do exactly what Jim has taught us to do after we first read the SSR chart. We then bi-wheel the 2008 NYSE SSR (inner wheel) with the NYSE Natal (outer wheel) to see how the angular NYSE Natal symbolism will react to the SSR symbolism (link below):


OMG in the heavens!!! Look at SSR MARS ON SSR MC IN PARAN TO NYSE SATURN-NEPTUNE ON SSR HORIZON!! This is clear panic symbolism and would definitely forewarned the Sidereal Astrologer to take profits and sit on the sidelines till this solar year was at least over. For sure, but only, if the speculator could have maybe isolated a SLR to take some short action---look for low risk to fast high reward trades. I will try to remember and take at the 2008 Sept/Oct SLRs later. Too be contimued…
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Re: Historical Financial Panics in the NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

3: Going back into history with the next NYSE panic known as Black Monday for its Oct panic, another BINGO for the NYSE 1987 SSR! SSR Moon-Neptune Paran with SSR Saturn partile square SSR MC; Saturn square Moon with Moon square PV Sun. The Sidereal Astrologer would have easily been forewarned with this “outstanding incident” NYSE SSR for NYSE malefic market problems for NYSE 1987 solar year.

4: Next panic---1929 known simply as the Crash which kick started The Great Depression. There is actually no “outstanding incident” configurations on the surface for the NYSE 1929 SSR, but we do see a partile mundo Moon-Mars 90 combined with transiting Pluto partile conjunct NYSE ASC for the first and only time in NYSE history. Prominent Moon-Mars-Pluto symbolism is serious stuff and indeed the NYSE witness/experienced the single worst Crash event in its history timing the beginning of a serious economic depression.

5: Next panic-up going back into NYSE history, the panic of 1907. This NYSE panic is completely hidden with all conventional means of reading a SSR. It can only clearly be seen with Jim’s new possible valid discovery for seeing important aspect symbolism with mundane aspects involving the Vertex. 1907 NYSE SSR Mars Azi 89,44; SSR Uranus Azi 92,20; SSR Neptune Azi 272,22 square SSR Sun on DSC. This indeed is a serious malefic hidden aspect in NYSE 1907 SSR symbolism for the financial panic of 1907. As Jim says we need more historical event examples for his PV aspects with mundo aspects to Vertex related symbolism. Transiting Saturn partile conjunct NYSE MC in the 1907 SSR is indeed serious malefic symbolism just as t Pluto partile cnj NYSE ASC was for NYSE 1929 SSR, offering prominent Sun, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune for this 1907 panic.

Five historical panics down—five to go. I already see enough proof certain malefic symbolism in NYSE SSRs are timing panics. I have become distracted by jumping over and looking at NYSEs 2024 SSR and will pause here to go to the NYSE thread to discuss certain possibilities.
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Re: Historical Financial Panics in the NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

6: Next historical panic in NYSE: The Feb 1893 Panic was not symbolically seen in the NYSE 1892 SSR, but was clearly seen in the NYSE 1892 Demi SSR (link below)


Note the angular “outstanding incident” partile Uranus—Node 180 (eclipto too). Nodes in any particular market symbolizes the “connections” traders/investors to the market (NYSE), and of course Uranus symbolized “unexpected changes.”

BUT, the par-excellent symbolism for this panic was the mundo partile 180 of Moon-Neptune. Again, one of the best planetary combos are partile Moon-Neptune aspects for panics. This is second Demi SSR which picked off excellent symbolism for panic type market conditions.

7: Next historical panic in the NYSE: Sept/Oct 1873. This panic was only hinted at with NYSE mundo 1873 SSR (link below), but not seen as an “outstanding incident” SSR chart.


Note the partile Mars-Neptune 180---a classic signature for financial panics. Always remember any malefic aspects or the lights with Neptune are signals for possible panics, just look for extreme overbought market conditions. Also we see both a mundo & eclipto partile 180 of Saturn-Uranus for NYSE 1873 SSR. Partile outer planetary malefic aspects of 0 90 180 with Uranus are always warning signals for possible drastic market changes (trend changes).

I never would have been able to conclude with high % there would have been a panic foretold with NYSE SSRs for 1873. I need to see clear “outstanding incident” constructed SSRs like NYSE SSRs for 2008 and 1987.
3 more panics and their SSRs to look at…
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Re: Historical Financial Panics in the NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

8: The Aug 1857 Panic featured SSR Pluto partile cnj SSR Nadir with a 4 degree SSR Moon-Neptune cnj on NYSE MC with NYSE ASC receiving a conjunct transiting Saturn during the solar year for this panic and economic depression. Par-excellent symbolism for this panic/economic downer solar year. Angular Saturn-Neptune hits are well known for depressing prices and economic activity.

9: May 10 1837 panic. The 1837 NYSE SSR feature only one main aspect: SSR Moon partile cnj Saturn. The Moon is moving app 13 degrees a day and it just so happens at the exact time for NYSE 1837 SSR, the market experienced severe contraction of prices.

10: Jan 1819 panic. There are no features for the 1818 NYSE SSR. For this panic we have to go to the NYSE Natal Chart with t Pluto partile cnj NYSE MC and t Neptune 90 NYSE MC.

I am glad I did this research exercise which tells me again we have a very accurate timed Radical Chart for the NYSE. I will later start a separate thread for the NYSE 2024 SSR with SSR Moon on the axis of NYSE 180 Saturn-Neptune. I think I see the “outstanding incident” Sidereal Lunar Return SLR which will fire-off this SSR Moon—Natal Saturn-Neptune symbolism, which could time sharply falling prices with some type of dramatic bearish Saturn-Neptune news.
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Re: Historical Financial Panics in the NYSE Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

For some time I have been very aware that the NYSE 1987 SSR with its partile cnj of Moon-Neptune-Saturn to the SSR angles symbolized there would be very high % there would be some type of financial panic in NYSE 1987 solar year. But I was perplexed as to what chart timed to the month when this financial panic would occur, I could not find a chart to symbolize the monthly time frame when this financial panic would occur. I think I have now found that chart by my recent study with New Moon charts. The 1987 NYSE panic occurred within the time frame of the Oct 22 1987 New Moon.

New Moon (NM) Oct 22 1987. This Mew Moon chart tells me nothing for NY, but when I compare it to our NYSE chart it reveals:

NM 04 Lib 12
NYSE Saturn 04, Ari 31; Neptune 05 Lib 51
McWhirter’s NYSE work concluded not to ignore New Moon charts to the NYSE.
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