Gayle's current nasty SSR

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Gayle's current nasty SSR

Post by SteveS »

Gayle’s nasty current Moon/Pluto SSR/ Natal Mars angular-- timed by sp SSR Moon 1,10 cnj her SSR Pluto 90 her Sun; Nov 20 Saturn SLR manifested last Monday. She was on a short ladder dismantling a tall hall armoire. It was an antique armoire which came in pieces. Normally I would have helped her but was laid-up with a bad back. I told her to wait till I was able to help—to no avail. As she lifted one of the top corners off in order to remove a door—the whole armoire came crashing down on her, destroying the armoire—a very freak bizarre (Pluto) accident. Put a huge gash in her leg right above the ankle but required no stiches. Doctor ordered bed rest staying off the leg as much as possible to allow gash to heal-up. Two old people banged-up-- mostly confined to very little movement, downer, but could always be worse.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Gayle's current nasty SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Ugh, I'm sorry to hear this happened to er... and glad it was no worse than it was. (As you know, I understand!) I hope she gets better soon.

Besides the ripening "we knew it would be rough" SSR, transiting Pluto has been squaring her Sun and Uranus square her Pluto - some big changes were expected and perhaps this will give time to contemplate a few things.
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Re: Gayle's current nasty SSR

Post by SteveS »

I hear you Jim. You knew it was going to be a rough SSR for her and it sure is in a couple of different ways with much more of her solar year to go.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Gayle's current nasty SSR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Meanwhile, I didn't know your back had you down. (Saturn crossing your IC? Uranus square your Saturn?) Take care of that!
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Gayle's current nasty SSR

Post by SteveS »

In 2021 I steped in a gopher hole while mowing the grass and really screwed up 2 disk, down for six weeks. I have the same problem now but it is not as bad as 2021---just in lots of pain with limited movement. I am sure when I start PT tomorrow it will begin to get better. Gayle is and has been well aware of her nasty current SSR.
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