Ominous SLR 4/29/24

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Ominous SLR 4/29/24

Post by Venus_Daily »

Features a paran square with tr. Saturn on the MC and N. Neptune setting.
Partile Mars/Neptune square Neptune on Zenith. Venus partile Semisquare Saturn. This seems very scary. It always feels like I havery little control in these situations.
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Re: Ominous SLR 4/29/24

Post by Ember Nyx »

It does seem rather unpleasant. Any chance you can get out of town for that one?
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Re: Ominous SLR 4/29/24

Post by Venus_Daily »

Mike wrote: Fri Dec 22, 2023 5:56 pm It does seem rather unpleasant. Any chance you can get out of town for that one?
Thank you, Mike. Even worse, Pr. Saturn is partile, Pr Moon with tr. Pluto making a 150 degree aspect to Pr for that time period. I cannot lose another job. I don't think I'll be able to pull through if worse comes to worse.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Ominous SLR 4/29/24

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Thu Dec 21, 2023 5:02 pm Features a paran square with tr. Saturn on the MC and N. Neptune setting.
Partile Mars/Neptune square Neptune on Zenith. Venus partile Semisquare Saturn. This seems very scary. It always feels like I havery little control in these situations.
I had missed this thread. I agree with Mike: This is a good time to leave town to get something positive. You'll still have this to face when you return, but you also get to "keep" however it first sets up somewhere else.

Transiting Saturn, Mars, and Neptune - Mars-Neptune conjunction partile - Mars 0°00' from square natal Neptune - and the transiting Saturn paran square to natal Neptune - with transiting Saturn and natal Neptune the MOST angular planets. Yeesh!

Here is a printout from TMSA of the highlights. If you like, I can look for a better spot.

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Sa 21Aq26'18"  1S44 + 5'20" 348°17'  6S56 178°22' +55°33' 271° 8' 100% M 
Ma  4Pi 8'14"  1S16 +46'16" 359°47'  1S28 155°33' +58°38' 284°10'  99% Z 
Ne  3Pi48'33"  1S14 + 1'50" 359°28'  1S34 156°11' +58°40' 283°49'  99% Z 
                            Radical Planets                             
Ne  4Sg 8'18"  1N11 - 0' 9" 269° 9' 22S16 244°57' - 0°24' 179°34' 100% D 
Su 18Le16'40"  0S 0 +58'10" 164°40'  6N32   4°45' -55°51'  86°47'  97% I 
Ju  8Sg39'57"  0S 5 + 1'11" 274° 5' 23S28 241°35' + 2°53' 183°17'  97% D 
    Class 1 Aspects    
tMa co tNe  0°20'100%  
tMa sq rNe  0° 0'100%  
tSa sq rJu  2° 9' 87% M
tSa sq rNe  1°34' 93% M
tNe sq rNe  0°20'100%  
rSu sq rNe  2°46' 79% M
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Re: Ominous SLR 4/29/24

Post by Jim Eshelman »

One possibility: You expressed interest in the Albany area. A scouting mission? Though Albany's SLR is much improved over home, Burlington, VT is even better.

The tradeoff is that Venus exactly opposes natal Pluto. Burlington (more than Albany) puts this Venus-to-Pluto right on the Zenith axis, with transiting Pluto also setting. This isn't a guaranteed blessed chart because a common way it manifests is major open-and-shut-doors shifts in an important relationship - what I often call "divorce, elopement, or both" (or some equivalent). It could be a definite variation such as a beautiful experience of the area and a firm decision to break away from your current environment and go there, but I can't guarantee that this is how it would tip.

The strategy would be to get the Venus so overwhelmingly angular that it necessarily dominates. For that, Burlington is much better than Albany (a trip could cover both areas, of course), and the closest town for the Venus is Poultney, VT.

I wish we had an easier tool for seeing where natal planets were angular in these charts. You probably would get at least some improvement (maybe a lot) by going a little east to where your natal Venus-Jupiter is angular, especially if it's the later part of that range (you probably could lose the Saturn and keep Mars-Neptune-Neptune backed off a bit). With Venus 10°22' Virgo and Jupiter 8°40' Sagittarius, I'd try to get Venus as close to square Asc as possible. (That may take some trial-and-error work given our limited tools.) This would at least be a shorter trip, but the options aren't as good as in New England.

I thought Houston might do it, but no: Saturn is still too close and the Venus doesn't come in enough. Lance's home town of Beaumont, TX is close - would do in a pinch - but a little east of there (half way between there and Lake Charles?) is better. For example, here is Vinton, LA - I like the improvement of the angularities a lot, but I don't like the aspects that are still foreground - how to choose between all these options is up to you, of course.

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA    Decl    Azi     Alt     PVL    Ang G
                           Transiting Planets                           
Sa 21Aq26'18"  1S44 + 5'20" 348°17'  6S56 185°29' +52°45' 265°51'  95% M 
Mo 21Sg15'14"  5S14 +13°26' 288°26' 27S38 232°43' + 6°26' 188° 4'  83% D 
Ne  3Pi48'33"  1S14 + 1'50" 359°28'  1S34 165°20' +57°22' 279°13'  78% M 
Ma  4Pi 8'14"  1S16 +46'16" 359°47'  1S28 164°43' +57°24' 279°34'  77% M 
                            Radical Planets                             
Ve 10Vi22'21"  1N 1 + 1°14' 185°24'  1S14 333° 6' -58°13' 105°40' 100% N 
Ju  8Sg39'57"  0S 5 + 1'11" 274° 5' 23S28 243°38' - 1°40' 178° 8'  99% D 
Ne  4Sg 8'18"  1N11 - 0' 9" 269° 9' 22S16 247° 3' - 4°54' 174°40'  92% D 
Su 18Le16'40"  0S 0 +58'10" 164°40'  6N32  11°26' -52°40'  81°24'  81% I 
Mo 21Sg15'14"  3S32 +12°33' 288°11' 25S57 234°11' + 7°20' 189° 1'  79% D 
    Class 1 Aspects    
tMo sq tMa  1°30' 94% M
tMo sq tNe  1° 9' 96% M
tMa co tNe  0°20'100%  
tMa sq rMo  0°33' 99% M
tMa sq rNe  0° 0'100%  
tSa sq rJu  2°18' 85% M
tSa sq rNe  1°10' 96% M
tNe sq rMo  0°12'100% M                                                 
tNe sq rNe  0°20'100%                                                   
rVe sq rJu  1°42' 92%
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Re: Ominous SLR 4/29/24

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Venus_Daily wrote: Sat Dec 23, 2023 1:59 am Even worse, Pr. Saturn is partile, Pr Moon with tr. Pluto making a 150 degree aspect to Pr for that time period. I cannot lose another job. I don't think I'll be able to pull through if worse comes to worse.
I don't know what this means. Do you mean progressed Saturn? And it's partile what?

Don't worry about the 150° as a transit (and maybe not as anything at all) - that's just inflating the drama in your mind. - But, again, I don't see the progressed aspect you mean. - Wait, I just got it, you meant a 135° aspect of progressed Moon to natal Pluto, right? (No transits meant at all, right?)
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Re: Ominous SLR 4/29/24

Post by Venus_Daily »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Dec 23, 2023 2:54 am
Venus_Daily wrote: Sat Dec 23, 2023 1:59 am Even worse, Pr. Saturn is partile, Pr Moon with tr. Pluto making a 150 degree aspect to Pr for that time period. I cannot lose another job. I don't think I'll be able to pull through if worse comes to worse.
I don't know what this means. Do you mean progressed Saturn? And it's partile what?

Don't worry about the 150° as a transit (and maybe not as anything at all) - that's just inflating the drama in your mind. - But, again, I don't see the progressed aspect you mean. - Wait, I just got it, you meant a 135° aspect of progressed Moon to natal Pluto, right? (No transits meant at all, right?)

Hey, Jim I was referring to Tr. Saturn / Tr. Pluto being over my progressed moon. I was under the impression that no matter what for SLRs, when you retutn, the original SLR is set up.

I know I have that Sun/Jupiter paran coloring my perception, but this year has just seemed unnecessarily evil and aggressive. Although there are general life lessons to ne learned, I don't see how thos is helping me personally or setting me along my destined path. It feels like my life has been devoid of actual synchronicity for over a decade even when good things do happen.
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Re: Ominous SLR 4/29/24

Post by Jim Eshelman »

When you return (or go somewhere else), you get the chart for thst location, but you also always keep the chart for where it sets up.
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Re: Ominous SLR 4/29/24

Post by Venus_Daily »

Sounds like it will be Lafayette. Plane ticket isn't too bad either. How long do I have to be there. I'm just scared. I know the SLR is temporary, but the chart with progressions seems pretty bad. Like job loss bad.
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