Transits of Neptune to USA’s Boyd Chart

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Transits of Neptune to USA’s Boyd Chart

Post by SteveS »

“What goes around—comes around.” It takes Neptune app 165 years to return to its same degree in the Zodiac. As I write this with an approaching 2024 Prez election cycle, transiting Neptune will partile transit 180 the National July 4 1776 Chart’s Neptune. This means Neptune will “return” to its same position preceding the beginning of USA’s Civil War which began in 1861. This also means transiting Neptune activates the all-important partile 90 aspect in USA’s July 4 Chart of Mars-Neptune-- which I believe is the primary aspect in our National Radical Chart symbolizing internal strife.

But what I find most interesting too is the same Neptune transiting “return” to Boyd’s July 6 1775 11:00 AM LMT Chart for 2025-2029, the same for USA’s 1861-1865 Civil War time period. Boyd's Radical Chart was struck when USA declared War on Great Britain, and has been looked upon by other Sidereal Astrologers as having much to do with symbolizing war type atmospheres. This means Neptune will return to the same place in the Zodiac partile 180 Boyd’s Radical Mars (another important dangerous Mars-Neptune cycle), and 180 Boyd’s ASC, and 180 Boyd’s Saturn. These are also very dangerous transiting Neptune cycles and angular in the Boyd Chart. Also with Boyd’s SSR for 2026 we have a partile transiting Saturn-Neptune conjunction landing on Boyd’s DSC! These dangerous transiting Neptune returning cycles scare me from a historical standpoint looking at the 1861-1865 Civil War time period! And we really don’t need the main principles of Sidereal Astrology to know if Trump is elected Prez in 2024 there will be high % there will be political internal strife in the USA-- with the most divided political landscape we have seen since the 1861 Civil War, IMHO.
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