USA Declaration of Independence Radical Chart

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USA Declaration of Independence Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

I am opening a thread here to note some of my observations/speculations with the July 4 1776; 12:10:43 LAT Declaration of Independence USA Chart. I am using Jim’s knowledge/experience time for this radical chart. All charts except for Solar Arcs will be relocated to Washington DC from the birth of Independence, Philadelphia, Pa. Let’s see if we can learn/discover anything new with these most interesting times we are now living in.
USA Declaration Radical:

Let's start off with the 2020 USA pandemic. IMO, the 2019 USA SSR offered par-excellent symbolism for the complete pandemic shutdown of the nation for Covid beginning in 2020.
1: SSR Pluto 00,44 partile cnj East Point in RA (“stunning/shocking” event)
2: SSR Saturn partile 180 r Sun (The worst the nation has ever been inhibited in its history). This partile transit of Saturn to r Sun also activated the class 1 angular r Sun-Saturn square.
3: The all-important secondary progressed SSR Moon was partile 90 SSR Saturn & Sun as the Covid shutdowns began. Also most important sp SSR Moon partile cnj r Saturn for a double whammy of Saturn.
4: Natal partile Mars-Neptune 90 (“Infections”) had directed to partile aspects (0 90) to Natal Moon (the people).
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Re: USA Declaration of Independence Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

Jim pointed out in another thread how this radical USA chart has some very auspicious Solar Arcs maturing. involving partile aspects I would like to further elaborate on these starting with this election year-- with probably the most hatred political divisions the USA has seen since the 1861-1865 Civil War. Mainstream Media & Social Media (both political parties) are experts for adding psychological fuel (hatred) to this politicalized fire raging in the Media, it sells their news for profits.

Inner Chart wheel Radical; Outer Chart wheels Solar Arcs:

I have just begun researching this USA Radical Chart, and have discovered it most fascinating for catching the really big events in USA history with various chart methods, I am still learning. But, I can say this with my own individual confidence: The really big USA malefic events in USA history are coming from two primary aspects in this USA Radical Chart when it’s angular class 1 Sun-Saturn 90 is activated and when it’s partile non-angular Mars-Neptune aspect is activated by various methods. I will be posting more about these historical events with these two important Radical aspects later. But, let’s take a look at what is happening to this chart’s Solar Arc activity, it is simply astounding IMHO, once in an entire lifetime for the history of this USA Radical Chart. It’s potentially a very dangerous malefic situation firing-off the Mars-Neptune aspect in this Chart. First, let us do exactly what Noel Tyl taught us to do with his book “Solar Arcs”—look for major life developments with 0 90 180 partile hits. I will use (d) for USA Solar Arc Directions; (r) for USA Radical Chart factors; (t) for transiting factors.

1: d MC 29,53 Aqu partile 90 r Mars 29,39 Tau
2: d MC 29,53 Aqu partile 180 r Neptune 00,47 Virgo
3: t Neptune 00,09 Pi partile cnj d MC
4: t Neptune 00,09 Pi 180 r Neptune 00,47 Virgo

Folks, this is by far the most Neptune action I have ever seen analyzing any chart. Right now it appears to me the Dems are trying to implement plans to take Trump out of this election before the people vote on this election, probably, mainly, because they already know they can’t win back Prez vs Trump with this 2024 election. For sure, this major Noel Tyl “Life Development” of Solar Arc MC in the mix with Radical Mars partile 90 Neptune will fire-off this Major Radical aspect. To what extent, only TIME knows.

5: Also, we have d Saturn 29,04 Tau partile conjunct r Mars 29,39 Tau.
This is a very dangerious potentialy deadly/malefic Mars-Saturn combo!
What we have here is a combo mix of Mars-Saturn-Neptune-MC, very nasty stuff.
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Re: USA Declaration of Independence Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

USA 2024 SSR (link below) features a prominent angular Mars-Uranus-Pluto planetary picture. Ebertin from COSI says about this combination:
Force, violent interventions.

The last time USA’s SSR featured an angular Mars-Uranus-Pluto combo was its 2001 SSR (link below) preceding 9/11/2001 terrorists attacks on the two New York trade buildings.

Mars RA 254,21
Pluto RA 253,00
WP RA 254, 37
Radical Uranus 1,01 180 SSR Pluto.

Combine USA’s 2024 malefic Solar Arc Mars-Saturn-Neptune-MC hits with this angular Mars-Uranus-Pluto 2024 SSR and we see possible dangerous symbolism for USA, could possibly be USA worse incidents in its history. Only TIME knows for sure.

One good indicator: DC 2024 Capsolar (Master Chart of the Year) shows no dangerious symbolism; whereas, DC's 2001 Capsolar showed harsh angular Venus-Saturn-Pluto symbolism.
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Re: USA Declaration of Independence Radical Chart

Post by SteveS »

One of the best examples of Firebrace methodology for taking Sidereal Mundane Astrology Ingress Charts and bi-wheeling em with the USA Radical Chart checking for important events in USA History, by far IMO, is seen with DC’s 1929 Capsolar (Master Chart of the Year) bi-wheeled with USA Chart for ushering in the Great Crash on Wall Street and the subsequent Great Depression.
Here are the “outstanding incidents” angular partile aspects:
1: Capsolar Pluto 23,25 Gem partile conjunct USA MC 23,59 Gem partile 90 USA Saturn 23,10 Vir. Saturn-Pluto configurations are well known for “burdensome” circumstances. The first time in USA’s history transiting Pluto was partile conjunct USA MC.
2: Capsolar Saturn 01,27 Sag partile conjunct Capsolar East Point—partile 90 USA Neptune 00,47 Virgo---partile conjunct Capsolar MC 01,21 Virgo.
3: Capsolar Moon 08,56 Aqu--Capsolar Neptune 07,10 Leo
4: Capsolar Mars 28,22 Tau
USA Mars 29,37 Tau
USA Neptune 00,47 Vir
Capsolar MC 01,21 Vir
5: A mundo partile Capsolar Mars 180 Capsolar Saturn on Capsolar East Point West Point axis.

When the serious mundane astrologer considers this profound mundane astrological methodology with its “outstanding incidents” angular aspects, he/she realizes that this Great USA Panic Crash/Depression was ordained/foretold with the Radical Birth of this USA Declaration of Independence Chart and with the precise equal 30 degree divisions of the Sidereal Zodiac marking a zero point at 0 degree Capricorn with the Capsolar being the Master Chart of the year. As I have often said: As an astrologer I am privileged to have learned this astrological methodology. Its the most awe inspiring mystery I have ever encountered in my life. Mysteries are indeed beholding to a mind.
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