I need to ask advice for another SSR for a different friend. I'm wondering if, in your opinions, the base chart here is worth dodging in favor of any of the relocation options below (or any others you're able to find):
Birth data:
July 14 1993 5:55pm
Ridgewood, NJ
Current location: Victor, NY
If they don't travel for their next birthday, this is the SSR they will get:
T. Mars on Dsc +0°23’
T. Uranus on Dsc -0°24’
R. Moon on Dsc -1°16’
T. Jupiter on WP +0°37’ (= about 1°50’)
R. Venus on WP -0°48’ (= about 2°25’)
R. Mars on MC -3°03’
T. Venus 4°33’
T. Pluto 5°36’
T. Eris 6°04’
T. Moon 6°36’
Aspects by Solar Moon:
T. Moon sqr t. Mercury 0°57’ M
T. Moon sqr t. Venus 1°07’
T. Moon sqr t. Pluto 1°43’
Aspects among foreground planets:
T. Uranus cnj r. Moon 0°10’
T. Mars cnj r. Moon 0°19’
T. Jupiter cnj r. Venus 0°59’
R. Moon sqr r. Mars 1°47’ M (i.e. a new mundane natal aspect)
T. Jupiter sqr r. Mars 2°00’
T. Uranus sqr r. Mars 2°39’ M
Other transits to natal
T. Saturn sqr r. Venus 0°34’ M
R. Saturn sqr r. Pluto 0°55’ M (i.e. a new mundane natal aspect)
This is pretty mixed and looks very painful. However, they are currently between jobs and are having difficulty securing the next one; I feel like, even though this is evidently a very harsh chart, it can be extremely constructive, given the double Mars and transiting Jupiter on angles.
The transiting Moon-Venus-Pluto thing concerns me as well. There are important but fragile relationships in their life that I feel like won't survive this combo plus foreground Uranus (not to mention transiting Saturn to natal Venus). However, that transiting cluster is in the moderate background in this chart - something that is generally lost when relocating. I know we can't avoid this cluster existing in the SSR, but I'm wondering if keeping it in the moderate background is preferable than moving it to the middleground or even foreground given those concerns. Of course, it is fair to say that this chart is pretty separative anyway, so maybe it's not going to matter.
I spent a long time trying to find other locations in the US to relocate this chart to that don't put more malefics on angles for even less gain. These are some of the few I could come up with, and I'm not sure any of them are really better than the base chart.
Gallup, NM
T. Venus on Zenith +0°02’
T. Moon on Asc +0°30’
R. Venus on WP -1°36’ (= about 4°30’)
T. Pluto on IC +6°30’
R. Saturn on IC -7°39’
T. Jupiter on WP -2°36’ (= about 7°40’)
T. Neptune background 5°29’
T. Uranus sqr r. Saturn 0°46’ M
R. Moon sqr r. Saturn 0°19’ M
This scores really, really well, and we do get double Venus - but it does mostly rotate Moon-Venus-Pluto into the foreground in order to do that.
Prescott, AZ
T. Pluto on Nadir 0°00’
T. Venus on MC +0°40’
T. Moon on Asc -2°15’
R. Saturn on IC -4°04’
T. Jupiter on WP +1°36’ (= about 4°40’)
T. Eris on Dsc +8°09’
For someone else who wants their world rocked, I would recommend something like this, but I don't think this friend is such a person.
Sacramento, CA
R. Sun on Zenith -0°05’
T. Eris on Dsc +0°40’
R. Mercury on Zenith -0°18’ (= about 54’)
T. Pluto on IC -5°34’
R. Uranus on IC +5°42’
R. Neptune on IC +6°24’
T. Venus on MC -8°11’
T. Eris sqr r. Sun 2°37’
This is basically the only location I could find that prioritized natal planets that doesn't also put horrendous aspects on angles. Is this better than Mars-Mars-Jupiter-Uranus for someone who needs some more career successes? (I suspect the answer is no.) Are any of these more likely to preserve existing relationships than the base SSR is? (I don't know.)
I'd love your thoughts.
Relocating a different friend's bad (?) SSR
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Relocating a different friend's bad (?) SSR
I would at least drop the word "very." Yes, Mars conjunct natal Moon (and foreground) is likely to sting somewhere (and could be a health issue, but less likely serious in someone young). Saturns and Neptunes are away from the angles, and Mars with benefics isn't all that bad. My first impression of this chart was "robust" and "gusto" (in the old beer commercial sense). That Jupiter conjunct natal Venus, exactly angular, isn't slight at all.
If I work out the numbers, it comes out:
Benefic = 14, Malefic = 9
Dignity = 6, Indignity = 0
Change = 6, Spotlight = 5
If I add Moon's aspects, it gets even better - Benefic/Malefic is 19 to 9, change ups a bit due to the Moon-Pluto.
My main impression is that this is an energetic, boisterous year and, sure, a scar or two resembling those that an athlete smiles at coming off the field or court after a great game. (Add t Jupiter to natal Venus-Mars plus natal Moon-Mars and Venus-Mars foreground for the sports analogy and also for [I'll use the word again] a robust sex life.) The chart is nearly jolly.
Transiting Jupiter partile conjunct natal Venus is exactly angular and the Jupiter itself is unafflicted. (It's unaspected in the SSR itself.) This looks like a great chart for getting a job - a fundamentally positive, benefic-dominated chart, absent Saturn and Neptune in particular, and with lots of energy and assertion.However, they are currently between jobs and are having difficulty securing the next one; I feel like, even though this is evidently a very harsh chart, it can be extremely constructive, given the double Mars and transiting Jupiter on angles.
You may have something on that point. This isn't a chart for fragile relationships. It's too robust, has too much passion, is likely to be a little reckless in the course of being self-expressive (transiting Uranus to natal Moon-Mars). Relationships are likely to be under reconsideration, re-evaluation. One positive: Moon is past the aspect to Pluto (won't reach it by progression), but will square Venus about a month after the birthday (but Pluto will transit to SSR Moon and Venus during the year I'm sure - those are the vulnerable times).The transiting Moon-Venus-Pluto thing concerns me as well. There are important but fragile relationships in their life that I feel like won't survive this combo plus foreground Uranus (not to mention transiting Saturn to natal Venus).
The thing is, the Moon aspects exist everywhere in the world. One can tip the overall focus of the chart positive or negative, but there is no getting away from Moon square the Venus-Pluto opposition. I think fragile relationships will be vulnerable in this rambunctious (ah, a new word) SSR. It really does seem that your friend is set loose in some sense and loving it.
The Venus is nice. The chart looses all its verve, passion, and "take on the world." What I actively don't like about this is that it puts the Moon-Venus-Pluto T-square exactly on the angles without the benefit of anything else. It's all about the "relationship shakeup" stuff, though it does lean toward sweet.Gallup, NM
I agree with most of the transiting planets, but this isn't what I get for the natal planets or transiting Jupiter at all. Natal Venus (15°03 Tau) isn't anywhere near the Gallup WP (13°27' Ari). Same with transiting Jupiter. (These are the current residence angularities for Venus and Jupiter.) Natal Saturn is nearly to the 5th cusp, not on IC at all. Here's the whole foreground-and-Moon breakdown for Gallup:T. Venus on Zenith +0°02’
T. Moon on Asc +0°30’
R. Venus on WP -1°36’ (= about 4°30’)
T. Pluto on IC +6°30’
R. Saturn on IC -7°39’
T. Jupiter on WP -2°36’ (= about 7°40’)
Code: Select all
Pl Longitude Lat Speed RA Decl Azi Alt PVL Ang G
Transiting Planets
Mo 7Li41'55" 1S58 +12° 2' 209°53' 14S17 108° 0' + 0°28' 359°30' 100% A
Ve 8Cn48'54" 1N17 + 1°14' 126°32' 20N32 195°41' +74°30' 265°43' 100% Z
Pl 5Cp59' 8" 3S13 - 1'24" 304° 3' 23S 3 27°33' -76° 9' 83°30' 89% I
Class 1 Aspects
tMo sq tVe 1° 7' 97%
tMo sq tPl 1°43' 92%
tVe op tPl 2°13' 93%
Again, if you are worried about fragile relationships, I wouldn't put the Moon-Venus-Pluto T-square right on the angles. - And, again, I get radically different natal planets and transiting Jupiter than you do, like a couple of charts got mixed together: that transiting Jupiter and natal Venus is for current residence, not this location at all, and natal Saturn is 26° from IC, i.e., nearly 5th cusp.Prescott, AZ
Repeating the opinion about putting Moon-Venus-Pluto angular (though less so) when it seemed the Moon-Venus-Pluto themes were the ones you were most worried about.Sacramento, CA
I'm wondering if you missed that current residence has transiting Jupiter partile conjunct natal Venus exactly angular.This is basically the only location I could find that prioritized natal planets that doesn't also put horrendous aspects on angles.
Two benefics plus the planet of energy and "go out and tackle the world"? Sounds fantastic to me. (Especially with the addition of Jupiter conjunct natal Venus right on an angle.)Is this better than Mars-Mars-Jupiter-Uranus for someone who needs some more career successes? (I suspect the answer is no.)
No. Given that Moon-Venus-Pluto per se means radical changes in relationships, closing old doors and opening new ones - what I like to call "divorce, elopement, or both" - putting them right on the angles and sweeping away all the other planets (including sweeping away the very pro-relationship-happiness angular Jupiter conjunction with natal Venus), these are quite the opposite.Are any of these more likely to preserve existing relationships than the base SSR is? (I don't know.)
And can you please check my math because your read and mine were so different I won't rule out that I'm looking at the wrong chart. Here's the SSR I have for current residence.
Code: Select all
+------------- 9Vi49-----------15Le44-----------15Cn15--------------+
| | | | |
|rJu 12Vi48 04°00|rMa 18Le 3 03°03| | |
| | | |tVe 8Cn49 25°27|
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | |rSu 27Ge47 15°53|
| | | |tSu 27Ge47 15°53|
| | | |rMe 28Ge 0 12°50|
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | |tMe 23Cn29 07°32| |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
2Li56-----------+----------------+----------------+----------- 6Ge51
| | | |
| | | |
| | Transiting (t) Chart | |
|tMo 7Li42 06°34| Friend | |
| | Solar Return | |
| | 14 Jul 2024 20:26:03 UT | |
| | Village Of Victor, NY USA | |
| | 42N58'57" 77W24'32" | |
| | UT 20:26:03 |tJu 16Ta 3 13°11|
|rPl 28Li10 19°51| RAMC 162°17'48" |rVe 15Ta 3 11°14|
| | OE 23°26'19" | |
| | SVP 4Pi55' 3" | |
| | Sidereal Zodiac | |
| | Campanus Houses |rMo 1Ta 3 01°16|
| | |tUr 1Ta13 00°24|
0Sc37-----------+ +----------- 0Ta37
| | Radical (r) Chart |tMa 0Ta44 29°37|
| | Friend | |
| | Natal | |
| | 14 Jul 1993 17:55:00 EDT | |
| | Ridgewood, NJ USA | |
| | 40N58'47" 74W 7'10" | |
| | UT 21:55:00 | |
| tEp 18Sc36 | RAMC 187°24'13" | |
| | OE 23°26'21" | |
| | SVP 5Pi20'43" | |
| | Sidereal Zodiac | |
| | Campanus Houses | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
6Sg51-----------+----------------+----------------+----------- 2Ar56
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | |tSa 24Aq 9 10°39| |
|rNe 25Sg 2 13°19| | | |
|rUr 25Sg28 14°25| | | |
| | | | |
| |rSa 4Aq44 18°57| | |
| | | | |
| | |tNe 4Pi48 23°39| |
|tPl 5Cp59 24°24| | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
+-------------15Cp15-----------15Aq44----------- 9Pi49--------------+
Code: Select all
Pl Longitude Lat Speed RA Decl Azi Alt PVL Ang G
Transiting Planets
Ur 1Ta12'52" 0S16 + 2'15" 54° 3' 19N 4 296° 9' + 0°21' 180°24' 100% D
Ju 16Ta 2'30" 0S42 +12' 8" 69°40' 21N25 287°41' +12°35' 193°11' 100% W
Ma 0Ta43'35" 0S48 +42' 5" 53°41' 18N26 295°58' - 0°21' 179°37' 100% D
Radical Planets
Mo 1Ta 2'36" 1N25 +12°33' 53°27' 20N40 297°40' + 1° 7' 181°16' 100% D
Ve 15Ta 3'28" 2S29 + 1° 6' 68°54' 19N30 286°42' +10°46' 191°14' 100% W
Ma 18Le 2'56" 0N54 +36' 1" 164°48' 7N27 175°44' +54°24' 273° 3' 97% M
Class 1 Aspects
tMo sq tMe 0°57' 97% M
tMo sq tVe 1° 7' 97%
tMo sq tPl 1°43' 92%
tMa co tUr 0°29'100%
tMa co rMo 0°19'100%
tJu co rVe 0°59' 99%
tJu sq rMa 2° 0' 89%
tUr co rMo 0°10'100%
tUr sq rMa 2°39' 81% M
rMo sq rMa 1°47' 91% M
rVe sq rMa 2°59' 75%
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Relocating a different friend's bad (?) SSR
I should add that, SSR aside, with transiting Uranus conjoining natal Moon over the next year, this is going to be a once-in-a-lifetime level of breaking loose, getting freedom, shaking off shackles - that transit is a big deal. It demands refreshment, the new, shaking things up, compelling the nervous system to have to assimilate and grok entirely new things. It's not a tame, quiet year (or, rather, it wouldn't likely be healthy to try to live tamely this year).
The Saturn return is just completed. There's a new dimension of life opening up, a new chance to redecide what was decided a decade ago. (And, since Uranus will transit square natal Saturn, it will come with "shaking up the givens.")
Progressed Moon conjoins progressed Venus in seven months which, fascinatingly, is about the August time that the new SSR Moon will progress to square SSR Venus. This typically shows as something like a brand new relationship - new love.
BTW, on the matter of a job, progressed Moon right now is exactly square natal Jupiter and, in five months, is square progressed Jupiter. Those are good windows for landing something great.
The Saturn return is just completed. There's a new dimension of life opening up, a new chance to redecide what was decided a decade ago. (And, since Uranus will transit square natal Saturn, it will come with "shaking up the givens.")
Progressed Moon conjoins progressed Venus in seven months which, fascinatingly, is about the August time that the new SSR Moon will progress to square SSR Venus. This typically shows as something like a brand new relationship - new love.
BTW, on the matter of a job, progressed Moon right now is exactly square natal Jupiter and, in five months, is square progressed Jupiter. Those are good windows for landing something great.
Jim Eshelman
Re: Relocating a different friend's bad (?) SSR
I am getting the same chart as you are for Victor, NY in TMSA.Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Jan 31, 2024 10:16 pm And can you please check my math because your read and mine were so different I won't rule out that I'm looking at the wrong chart. Here's the SSR I have for current residence.
Let's check Gallup, NM; hopefully this formats correctly...
Code: Select all
+-------------12Le 3-----------13Cn27-----------12Ge33--------------+
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | |tVe 8Cn49 25°43| |
|rMa 18Le 3 06°31| | | |
| | | | |
| |tMe 23Cn29 10°23| | |
| | |rSu 27Ge47 14°30| |
| | |tSu 27Ge47 14°30| |
| | |rMe 28Ge 0 13°02| |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | |tJu 16Ta 3 05°12|
| | | |rVe 15Ta 3 03°36|
| | | | |
9Vi48-----------+----------------+----------------+-----------10Ta 8
| | | |
|rJu 12Vi48 03°01| | |
| | Transiting (t) Chart |rMo 1Ta 3 22°02|
| | ---------------- |tUr 1Ta13 21°34|
| | Solar Return |tMa 0Ta44 20°55|
| | 14 Jul 2024 20:26:03 UT | |
| | Gallup, NM USA | |
| | 35N31'42" 108W44'38" | |
| | UT 20:26:03 | |
| | RAMC 130°57'42" | |
| | OE 23°26'19" | |
| | SVP 4Pi55' 3" | |
| | Sidereal Zodiac | |
| | Campanus Houses | |
|tMo 7Li42 29°30| | |
8Li47-----------+ +----------- 8Ar47
| | Radical (r) Chart | |
| | --------------- | |
| | Natal | |
| | 14 Jul 1993 17:55:00 EDT | |
| tEp 18Li20 | Ridgewood, NJ USA | |
| | 40N58'47" 74W 7'10" |tEr 0Ar24 18°53|
|rPl 28Li10 13°38| UT 21:55:00 | |
| | RAMC 187°24'13" | |
| | OE 23°26'21" | |
| | SVP 5Pi20'43" |rEr 23Pi39 11°09|
| | Sidereal Zodiac | |
| | Campanus Houses | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
10Sc 8-----------+----------------+----------------+----------- 9Pi48
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | |tNe 4Pi48 24°31|
| | | | |
| | | | |
| |rNe 25Sg 2 11°36| | |
| |rUr 25Sg28 12°25| | |
| | | | |
| | | |tSa 24Aq 9 13°06|
| | | | |
| | | | |
| |tPl 5Cp59 23°30|rSa 4Aq44 22°21| |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |
+-------------12Sg33-----------13Cp27-----------12Aq 3--------------+
Pl Longitude Lat Speed RA Decl Azi Alt PVL Ang G
Transiting Planets
Mo 7Li41'55" 1S58 +12° 2' 209°53' 14S17 108° 0' + 0°28' 359°30' 100% A
Su 27Ge47'25" 0S 0 +57'13" 114°42' 21N30 229°44' +70° 2' 254°30' 47%
Me 23Cn29' 6" 0N24 + 1°17' 141° 8' 15N39 152°51' +68° 8' 280°23' 74%
Ve 8Cn48'54" 1N17 + 1°14' 126°32' 20N32 195°41' +74°30' 265°43' 100% Z
Ma 0Ta43'35" 0S48 +42' 5" 53°41' 18N26 278°21' +20°43' 200°55' 57%
Ju 16Ta 2'30" 0S42 +12' 8" 69°40' 21N25 272°38' +35°11' 215°12' 33%
Sa 24Aq 9'30" 2S 2 - 1'29" 350°55' 6S 8 299° 8' -43° 2' 133° 6' 18% b
Ur 1Ta12'52" 0S16 + 2'15" 54° 3' 19N 4 278°44' +21°21' 201°34' 56%
Ne 4Pi48'28" 1S17 - 0'24" 0°25' 1S14 295°22' -32°47' 144°31' 2% b
Pl 5Cp59' 8" 3S13 - 1'24" 304° 3' 23S 3 27°33' -76° 9' 83°30' 89% I
Er 0Ar24'29" 10S50 + 0' 4" 27°33' 0S15 277°41' -11° 2' 168°53' 70%
Radical Planets
Mo 1Ta 2'36" 1N25 +12°33' 53°27' 20N40 280°31' +21°42' 202° 2' 55%
Su 27Ge47'25" 0N 0 +57'15" 114°42' 21N30 229°44' +70° 2' 254°30' 47%
Me 28Ge 0'21" 4S53 -39'21" 114° 4' 16N39 222°55' +65°52' 253° 2' 40%
Ve 15Ta 3'28" 2S29 + 1° 6' 68°54' 19N30 271° 3' +33°36' 213°36' 35%
Ma 18Le 2'56" 0N54 +36' 1" 164°48' 7N27 124° 2' +48°13' 306°31' 30%
Ju 12Vi48'27" 1N15 + 7' 1" 187°44' 1S59 112°30' +25°11' 333° 1' 2% b
Sa 4Aq43'48" 1S27 - 3' 7" 332°26' 12S54 314° 5' -60°13' 112°21' 55%
Ur 25Sg27'35" 0S29 - 2'25" 292°18' 22S21 55°59' -69° 4' 72°25' 37%
Ne 25Sg 2' 9" 0N41 - 1'37" 291°39' 21S15 54°57' -67°54' 71°36' 33%
Pl 28Li 9'51" 14N32 - 0'37" 234°29' 4S29 85°46' -13°36' 13°38' 69%
Er 23Pi38'55" 16S48 - 0' 0" 23°39' 8S13 273°19' -18°50' 161° 9' 30%
Class 1 Aspects Other Partile Aspects
tMo sq tVe 1° 7' 98% tMa co tUr 0°29'100%
tMo sq tPl 1°43' 94% ----------------------
tVe op tPl 2°13' 90% M tSu co rMe 0°13'100%
tMa co rMo 0°19'100%
tJu co rVe 0°59' 98%
tUr co rMo 0°10'100%
tUr sq rSa 0°46' 99% M
rMo sq rSa 0°19'100% M
rSu co rMe 0°13'100%
rMe op rUr 0°37' 99% M
rUr co rNe 0°25'100%
rNe sq rEr 0°28'100% M
Cosmic State
Transiting Planets
Mo Li | sq tVe 1° 7' sq tPl 1°43'
Su Ge | co rMe 0°13'
Me Cn |
Ve Cn | sq tMo 1° 7' op tPl 2°13'M
Ma Ta- | co rMo 0°19' co tUr 0°29'
Ju Ta | co rVe 0°59'
Sa Aq |
Ur Ta | co rMo 0°10' co tMa 0°29' sq rSa 0°46'M
Ne Pi+ |
Pl Cp | sq tMo 1°43' op tVe 2°13'M
Er Ar |
Radical Planets
Mo Ta+ | co tUr 0°10' co tMa 0°19' sq rSa 0°19'M
Su Ge | co rMe 0°13'
Me Ge+ | co tSu 0°13' co rSu 0°13' op rUr 0°37'M
Ve Ta+ | co tJu 0°59'
Ma Le |
Ju Vi |
Sa Aq | sq rMo 0°19'M sq tUr 0°46'M
Ur Sg | co rNe 0°25' op rMe 0°37'M
Ne Sg | co rUr 0°25' sq rEr 0°28'M
Pl Li- |
Er Pi | sq rNe 0°28'M
Created by TMSA (01 Feb 2024)
I did see it, but I gave too little weight to it relative to Mars-Mars-Uranus. I've been mentally multiplying orbs for minor angles by 3 to weigh them relative to the major angles, so Jupiter on WP 19' becomes more like Jupiter on (major angle) 57', and Venus on WP 41' becomes Venus on (major angle) 2*03' (roughly).I'm wondering if you missed that current residence has transiting Jupiter partile conjunct natal Venus exactly angular.
Comparing those values with t. Mars 23' and t. Uranus 24', I got overly caught up in wanting to avoid the difficult types of years I remember when I or other friends had these explosive double Mars foreground SSRs (but with much less pleasant other factors, going from memory).
Thanks for the corrections, and all of your guidance. I'm planning on advising him to stay at home after all, since I think he could really use these more enlivening influences, and there's not much to be done about trying to avoid Moon-Venus-Pluto.