Jim, with both my wife’s and I health problems of late, my April 26 2024 SLR has me somewhat concerned with:
Azi Mars 269,07
Azi Saturn 270,36
Azi Neptune 268,51
Hoping the partile Jup-Ur cnj partile t my r Horizon offers some benefic support.
Let's look at it more conventionally. I see why you are concerned: At the very least there is a foreground Mars and Neptune with both aspecting your Sun.
Here's the conventional breakdown I get - everything is close:
r Venus on Asc -2°25'
t Neptune on WP-a +0°24' [or Dsc +1°13']
r Sun on Asc +1°53'
r Uranus on MC +2°40'
t Mars on Dsc 2°54'
t Mars sq r Uranus 0°05'
t Neptune op r Sun 0°39' M r Sun-Uranus sq 0°44'
t Mars op r Sun 0°49'
t Neptune sq r Uranus 1°27' M
t Mars-Neptune co 1°41' M
Health concerns are always a consideration with transiting Mars-Neptune (and, in this case, it opposes your Sun). With Uranus' involvement, a physical accident is possible, perhaps a slip-and-fall. If you were out in the world more, it could be some other kind of attack on you personally.
Remembering that bad charts are almost never as extremely bad as they look (and good charts are almost never as extremely good as they look), this chart at least warrants exercising extra care, looking proactively for risky places (weakened boards, icy or wet surfaces, etc.).
That's the conventional read.
Then, on top of that, you have a lineup along the prime vertical at the east-west azimuth line. We've seen some suggestive charts with this sort of thing, but - let's remember - we don't yet have enough solid evidence to say that these aspects DO work. They might; or they might not.
I think, bottom line, I wouldn't read the chart WITH these aspects any differently than I'd read it without them. It's scarier to see even more malefics piled on but - really - would it significantly change the words you'd use to talk about it. For the record, here is the Vertex axis picture. (I'm not bothering to calculate the PVP aspects separately because they're just going to be the same planets with different orbs.
87°24' - r Mercury
88°08' - r Venus
268°53' - t Neptune
269°09' - t Mars
90°15' - r Sun
90°28' - r Pluto
270°38' - t Saturn
All of those are within a total of 3°14', the seven planets creating 21 separate aspects.
I think you need to be careful. Also, given your Sun involvement, I think it's about you personally - your ego or body - and not about Gayle. (At least, as far as this one chart goes.) Be careful, stay in touch, and remember that most nasty charts are less nasty in reality than in our understandable fantasies.
Gayle's April 5 SLR shows a potentially rough month leading up to that point, The whole of her angularities are two Plutos. There are no foreground aspects. Neptune opposes her Saturn 0°08' (mundo) but not foreground and that transit would operate regardless. She seems deeply stressed by something she cares about. (We haven't heard from you about the Western Front lately.)
Her April 19 Demi-SLR is a little kinder (e.g., there is some Venus involved) but is also impactful with a partile Sun-Pluto conjunction aspecting natal Sun, these being the three most closely angular planets.
So I'd say that whether evens are more about you or about her directly, she's being pretty stressed, impacted by evens, and facing some hard truths.
Beginning with the May 3 SLR, the threat comes to her directly. (BTW, I forgot to mention above that another risk from these planets is a fire.) Here is Gayle's My 3 SLR: You both have Mars-Neptune for an overlapping week:
r Mars on Asc -3°22'
t Mras on IC -0°56'
t Saturn on N -0°28'
t Neptune on IC +2°15'
r Saturn on MC +2°59'
t Neptune op r Saturn 0°44' M
t Saturn sq r Mars 2°17'
t Mars sq r Mars 2°26' M
t Mars-Neptune co 2°55'
t Mars op r Saturn 3°55' M
Her May 16 Demi-SLR is also led me malefics, this time with t Saturn sq r Mars 1°16' very close to angles and, again, Neptune opposite her Saturn foreground. - Your May 9 Demi-SLR looks like very deep personal sadness connected to loss.
(We haven't heard from you about the Western Front lately.)
Jim, it is still going on big time. It is so bad Gayle is doing her best to avoid this front. Dee (her friend/second mother) called on Super Bowl night 3 times but Gayle would not answer the phone, but called her later and Dee pleaded with her to visit. Dee wanted Gayle to temporary move in with her. Dee and her two daughters are fighting bid time, it’s a huge mess Jim.
Thanks Jim for the heads-up on the other lunars. Right now the most pressing situation with Gayle & I are our physical health. Our spirits are OK but poor physical health condition. Note t Saturn on her r Moon.