Survival Paradox

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James Condor
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Survival Paradox

Post by James Condor »


I can reduce (almost) everything down to survival.
Astrologically, I think of Capricorn related to survival. Chronos. Is survival, knowledge, relations, and time, one and the same?
I not related to even the smallest living being, in time, relative to knowledge?
Must I trust the knowledge handed down to me in order to survive?
Will it behoove me. Am I obligated to obey my soul?

Is survival fixed? Is life fixed? Are we in a simulation? What determines free will? Does my dog obey my every boundary? Or does it make mistakes? Accidents.
Some animals can be trained. Can I train a fly? And to what extent, and why?

When I think of this term, survival, it can be both objective and subjective. The object, an object that is. The subject that is.
It can be simple or complex. The simplest life form must have started somewhere; assuming things have a beginning and end. Bacteria 🦠. Earth, Fire, Wind. Water. What or how has this happened?

It didn’t begin with me. It didn’t begin with you. And are humans responsible for our own awareness of this phenomenon?
Are we not both object, physical being, spiritual being, and subject, subjected to our environment, simultaneously?
Can an object create itself? Can a subject create itself?

Survival of what is; of life, of information, material, physical objects, like elements. Survival of the known and unknown, like energy, soul, physics. Can anything escape this term?

Maybe, without getting too detailed or strict epidemiologicallycan we as humans understand life? Yes. But how? Why? And only to the extent of our consciousnes? Only to the extent that is allowed for our survival?

And is ‘God’ survival? Is knowledge granted to us? Is life granted to us? Where was I before I was born? Am I exactly my parents? No. Are they exactly replicas of their ancestors? No.
Am I exactly a human? No

Is survival earned? Is life a trial and error? And how can we know with 100% accuracy? Is certainty and accuracy, one in the same, or is it distinguishable? Or both? ; like the object and subject.

And even then, we don’t live alone. Humans are social creatures. Organisms depend on one another for survival. People are alive in a sense? Even when deceased? Yes Microscopic organisms are living inside us all.

I will get to an astrological point now. As in to stick to the formula, forums purpose (even though astrology can be reduced to theology).

If humans cannot, or do not,come to terms of agreement, then what happens?
If I don’t agree with the clock on the wall, I can be early or late, and fail or get fired. Terminated.

The clock on the wall is not. real time. It’s a measurement of time. It’s a tool for us to survive. It’s 5 o’clock somewhere, but not everywhere at all times. Unless, the quantum realm reveals a paradox. And maybe it has.

And even then, by definition, we will survive, because we are not, only human. We are not, only a paradox. How do I believe this?

Must we be Ubermensch, in order to transcend our pitfalls?
And is this granted to us? Or is this earned by my will?

The survival paradox is in us all. From the beginning of what we call time. The expansion of time and it’s opposite, is knowledge. Whether certain or not. We can be certain that we are not certain. Because once we find Zero, to be equal to itself, we see how relatively connected the song is.
We all move to the same beat.
We are both fixed and free.
We will all survive.
We are eternal
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Re: Survival Paradox

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Good-morning, James. It seems Saturn has been holding your attention and is sending you on some deep thoughts :) Progressed Mercury has been spending a year or so squaring your natal Saturn (but that's been going on a while).

Or maybe it's more fundamentally existential: Pluto (currently at 5°51' Capricorn) is now starting the process of squaring your natal Pluto. This transit doesn't necessarily show outwardly at all, but it sure stirs things inwardly.
Jim Eshelman
James Condor
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Re: Survival Paradox

Post by James Condor »

Ah. Thanks Jim.
Definitely fundamental. Saturn, Pluto, Mercury for sure!

I can easily see Tropical and Sidereal being one and the same. I know you don’t want to hear that. I can be a Cap/Aries/Lib or a Sag/Pis/ Libra
I don’t think it matters.
But both branches of natal chart, work.

My family has really helped me out lately. They have changed for the better. I’ve never seen them so positive and intentional.

I’ve had too many repressed thoughts and feelings my entire known existence.
I’ve been weighted down by unnecessary chains. And I had to learn to listen, speak, act and break them.
My ego got the best of me. But yes I was cloudy, foggy (sounds like Neptune). Ofc the Neptune influence is natal

Jim you work hard and are very knowledgeable. You deserve allot of credit for being a scholar. I appreciate your work and this forum.
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Re: Survival Paradox

Post by SteveS »

James wrote:
Jim you work hard and are very knowledgeable. You deserve allot of credit for being a scholar. I appreciate your work and this forum.
Same here James. I studied astrology for years and it was not until I read a book by Jim did a-lot of astrology start making true sense to me.
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