The last man I was dating

Q&A and discussion about Synastry, i.e., relationship analysis through the comparison of two horoscopes.
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Sidereal Field Agent
Sidereal Field Agent
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The last man I was dating

Post by Venus_Daily »

He is a physician from the middle East. Born 1/10/1984.

First thing. His Sun is at 25 degrees Sag, which is obviously conjoined to my Moon. Loosely by position but strengthened by sign.

Second, his Venus/Uranus Conj is Square my Sun and conjoined my natal Mars/Uranus

Third, he has a three point pile up of Jupiter, Neptune, and Mercury over my Neptune/Jupiter

Negatives: He has a Mars/Pluto conjunction over my Natal Pluto, and his Natal Saturn is conjunct my Sun/Moon midpoint, also squaring my Mc.
He is also a Pisces moon, but I don't have a reliable time.

Pretty strong synastry until he ghosted me, and I found out he was married.
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