I am learning more about Sidereal Astrology and JEs investment in this field. I couldn’t do it without the historical figures guiding me. Praise to the forefathers and current astrological believers!
JE is brilliant! My faith has fluctuated (Neptune, Pisces, Mars, in me!) over the years with any field I’ve studied! However, the fact that I haven’t abolished it and I still participate on this wonderful forum, says more about the pull towards truth itself.
Now that I am older and wiser, astrology makes more sense and I do indeed confirm it has truth (Read my “One in Same”).
Capricorn is indeed “wild” in a sense. And probably the most prone to display it! , more so than many signs (maybe Mars). Scorpio is wild too perhaps. Aries too perhaps. Gemini seems wild too. So, contrary to Jupiter?!
Anyways, I chose my title post in response to the main subject thread. I discover it to be true.
As a Sag, I do stive for perfection! That being said, I believe the archetypes of Fertility, Egalitarian, Enigma, and Imperial , makes much relative sense in discovering one’s birth sign(s).
Though, I don’t want to place more importance on it than is necessarily. But it seems to me just as relevant as Hub, spoke and Rim.
My Leo friends, very imperial. “Top dogs”. In reality, this doesn’t mean we are better, or right!
My Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces Sun friends, are definitely more enigmatic.
My Libra and Gemini (I don’t know many Aquarius Suns) friends are definitely more egalitarian. And all my known Fertile friends are confirmed to fit the bill!
My known family history of birth charts shows, I am a Sag Sun. Father and his father, a Sag Sun. Mother is Aries Sun. Brothers, Taurus and Virgo Sun, sister, Cap Sun.
I am very much Imperial! Mother is very much Imperial. Father too! More so than other family members.
On Archetypal Symbolism
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19571
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: On Archetypal Symbolism
I think each family has its own internal pattern of this sort. It's a little different in each family but quite distinctive when found. This is aside from Gauquelin's demonstration that the planets he found significant for professions and character distinctions (Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn) had a statistical high tendency to be inherited; e.g., in my family, Mom had Moon on an angle and four of the five kids had Moon on an angle.James Condor wrote: Sat Mar 02, 2024 5:53 am My known family history of birth charts shows, I am a Sag Sun. Father and his father, a Sag Sun. Mother is Aries Sun. Brothers, Taurus and Virgo Sun, sister, Cap Sun.
I am very much Imperial! Mother is very much Imperial. Father too! More so than other family members.
My family tended to build its pattern on Sun midpoints more than exactly on signs. Mom was born September 28 and Dad on October 22. I (firstborn) was born October 10, 12 days after Mom's birthday and 12 days before Dad's. My first brother was born April 3 with Sun almost exactly mine (on the same axis). My sister was born October 4, six days after Mom and six days before me. My second brother was born January 1 with Sun approximately halfway between mine and brother 1. My final brother was born October 24, Sun conjunct Dad.
This geometry has always interested me more than the actual signs, but there is some repetition there also. If you knew the relationships - who was most like whom, polarizations of temperament, who seemed more in the pack vs. outside the pack - it would be even more obvious.
Gem - Dad's Moon
Sag - B2 Sun, B3 Moon
Cap - Mom's Moon
Leo - B2 Moon
Aqu - My Moon
Vir - Mom's Sun, my Sun, Sister's Sun, Sister's Moon
Pis - B1 Sun
Lib - Dad's Sun, B3 Sun
Ari B1 Moon
My longest-term mate came from a family of stellia, but only running through the female line. She's the example gave in the stellium article as "one branch of my family." Her mother had a Sagittarius stellium. She had a Scorpio stellium and her sister a Virgo stellium (brother none). Her daughters were a Libra stellium and a Virgo stellium. Her sister's daughter was a Libra stellium (son had no stellium). My mate's granddaughter had an Aquarius stellium. Notice that the signs aren't at all matched as a rule, but the persistence of the stellium characteristic moved through women in each generation.
Jim Eshelman
- Zodiac Member
- Posts: 418
- Joined: Mon May 08, 2017 10:47 am