Planets to local angles?

Q&A and discussion about Synastry, i.e., relationship analysis through the comparison of two horoscopes.
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Ember Nyx
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Planets to local angles?

Post by Ember Nyx »

I had a thought, and I'm curious... Is there any synastric validity to, say, a partner's Venus conjunct my local Descendant, while not conjoining any natal angles? Is there perhaps a notion of "this effect only occurs if we're involved with each other in this location?"

I guess, for long-distance interactions (cross-continent business partnerships, for example), both parties would potentially have local angles that differ from their natal angles.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Planets to local angles?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Local and natal angles are interchangeably valid. I've never looked at charts for people in different locations.

For an example, look at Marion's and my charts to each other both local and natal.
Jim Eshelman
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