Will my son get a job?
Will my son get a job?
My son was born July 19, 1997 @10am in Bloomington, Indiana. He is graduating at the end of April 2024. He’s now looking for a job. It breaks my heart to see him trying so hard, but kept failing. It took him 9 years to get his undergraduate degree. In the past 4 years, the university required him to do internship. He applied for 80 companies. Got no internship offered. Now he is graduating and looking for a real job. Sent out resume to more than 100 companies. Up till now, no interview. Receiving only reject letters. You can imagine the boy’s self esteem is down on the ground. He considers himself a failure. He has no friends because he is embarrassed to contact them.
As a mother, I hope he at least pin down a job. That would help him pick himself up and can look people in the eye. So my questions are: Would he ever get a job and how soon? Will it take him another 9 years to get one? 🥲🥲🥲
As a mother, I hope he at least pin down a job. That would help him pick himself up and can look people in the eye. So my questions are: Would he ever get a job and how soon? Will it take him another 9 years to get one? 🥲🥲🥲
Re: Will my son get a job?
Hi Parporna,
I'm sorry to hear that your son is having such a hard time
What sort of career is he trying to break into?
The job market is pretty tight at the moment, and I'm hearing this story from a lot of people. (Especially if he's in tech; trying to break into the software industry right now is brutal. But it will open back up again; it always does.)
Your son has an exact Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, but it's in the acute background of his chart, so it feels blocked, repressed, or denied. (Venus is also in the moderate background.) That looks to me like someone who feels like he should be able to succeed in commerce, and he could be just as lucky as anyone else, but always seems to get unlucky, have trouble communicating, and generally just not get the opportunities or the recognition that others do.
Other than that, he’s a Cancer-Sagittarius. Sun in Cancer typically shows up for someone who is good at taking others’ ideas, refining them, and manifesting them. It is also a natural sign placement for an entertainer or a showman.
Both Cancer and Sagittarius are Jupiterian. He has really, really high standards for himself, and definitely a recurring theme of feeling like he’s not good enough. His very close Moon-Saturn square also indicates a tendency towards both self- and other-distrust, emotional caution, and generally spiraling when the going gets tough - but it also suggests he has a very strong work ethic, and is capable of getting some really serious work done. Still, I can see that he does not willingly ask for help very easily.
Let’s take a look at what sort of long-term trends he’s in right now…
Assuming that he was in Bloomington, IN for his last birthday:
This Solar Return looks quite good, with transiting Jupiter on Eastpoint-a. Natal Uranus is on the Midheaven, moderately square transiting Uranus on Ascendant. Solar Moon has great aspects, including aspects to both natal and Solar Venus, Solar Uranus, and natal Mercury-Jupiter.
In general, this chart looks like recognition, breakthrough, surprise, and success, along with friendship and a better connection than he usually has to his Mercury-Jupiter.
Pluto conjoins natal Neptune in this chart regardless of where he was for his last birthday. This is a very private transit that suggests his whole sense of reality, and his wishes and dreams related to it, are being transformed. I have no idea in what direction that might be going, but it can be very private and internal.
Saturn octile natal Sun - enormously heavy, frustrating; poor health, probably lack of success, at least until this transit is over. But he can grow significantly from this period. This continues on and off through December 2024.
Uranus square natal Mercury-Jupiter - revolution in his lines of thought and philosophy, discarding the old. Finding new interests and new aspirations. This looks really positive for him, if hard to necessarily deal with, given that this aspect is background.
Neptune octile solar Jupiter - this is exact today. Ordinarily, I would expect this transit to be very optimistic, possibly unrealistically so, and possibly with the effect of stretching or bending his sense of morality. Hiis mind is more oriented towards lofty, abstract ideals more so than concrete goals. Does that seem like the headspace he’s in currently?
Something interesting I notice, that I will have to wait on more experienced astrologers to weigh in on…
Currently, his progressed Saturn exactly conjoins his natal Saturn. It looks like it left 1* orb and then returned to it again over the course of his life. I personally haven’t seen this yet and am not sure if it’s valid, but if so,, I would expect the meaning to be roughly along the lines of “feeling really down and depressed until he manages to take full ownership over his state in life.”
Progressed Solar Moon conjoins progressed Solar Ascendant exactly today, if I set up the chart correctly (and if he was home for his 2023 birthday). That would seem to me like some kind of contact or attention showing up for him right about now, probably something he deems important.
In general, though, I suspect his difficulties are with his own natal chart, and not with the ebb and flow of other factors like transits.
Assuming you are both still living in Bloomington, one of the best long-term steps he could take would be to move somewhere where his background Mercury-Jupiter aspect comes into the foreground.
Here are some places in the US where this happens:
San Fransisco, CA (which is not in the healthiest or most affordable part of its lifecycle right now, but maybe in the future…)
Everything at the longitude of 115W; for example, Las Vegas, NV (these are squares to midheaven in longitude)
Everything at the longitude of 110W; for example, Tucson, AZ (these are squares to midheaven in right ascension)
We should also look at good locations for his next Solar Return (his upcoming birthday this July), preferably selecting somewhere that has one or both Jupiters on angles, to give him the best chance for success possible. I’ll take a look at that and respond in a separate post.
I'm sorry to hear that your son is having such a hard time

The job market is pretty tight at the moment, and I'm hearing this story from a lot of people. (Especially if he's in tech; trying to break into the software industry right now is brutal. But it will open back up again; it always does.)
Your son has an exact Mercury-Jupiter conjunction, but it's in the acute background of his chart, so it feels blocked, repressed, or denied. (Venus is also in the moderate background.) That looks to me like someone who feels like he should be able to succeed in commerce, and he could be just as lucky as anyone else, but always seems to get unlucky, have trouble communicating, and generally just not get the opportunities or the recognition that others do.
Other than that, he’s a Cancer-Sagittarius. Sun in Cancer typically shows up for someone who is good at taking others’ ideas, refining them, and manifesting them. It is also a natural sign placement for an entertainer or a showman.
Both Cancer and Sagittarius are Jupiterian. He has really, really high standards for himself, and definitely a recurring theme of feeling like he’s not good enough. His very close Moon-Saturn square also indicates a tendency towards both self- and other-distrust, emotional caution, and generally spiraling when the going gets tough - but it also suggests he has a very strong work ethic, and is capable of getting some really serious work done. Still, I can see that he does not willingly ask for help very easily.
Let’s take a look at what sort of long-term trends he’s in right now…
Assuming that he was in Bloomington, IN for his last birthday:
This Solar Return looks quite good, with transiting Jupiter on Eastpoint-a. Natal Uranus is on the Midheaven, moderately square transiting Uranus on Ascendant. Solar Moon has great aspects, including aspects to both natal and Solar Venus, Solar Uranus, and natal Mercury-Jupiter.
In general, this chart looks like recognition, breakthrough, surprise, and success, along with friendship and a better connection than he usually has to his Mercury-Jupiter.
Pluto conjoins natal Neptune in this chart regardless of where he was for his last birthday. This is a very private transit that suggests his whole sense of reality, and his wishes and dreams related to it, are being transformed. I have no idea in what direction that might be going, but it can be very private and internal.
Saturn octile natal Sun - enormously heavy, frustrating; poor health, probably lack of success, at least until this transit is over. But he can grow significantly from this period. This continues on and off through December 2024.
Uranus square natal Mercury-Jupiter - revolution in his lines of thought and philosophy, discarding the old. Finding new interests and new aspirations. This looks really positive for him, if hard to necessarily deal with, given that this aspect is background.
Neptune octile solar Jupiter - this is exact today. Ordinarily, I would expect this transit to be very optimistic, possibly unrealistically so, and possibly with the effect of stretching or bending his sense of morality. Hiis mind is more oriented towards lofty, abstract ideals more so than concrete goals. Does that seem like the headspace he’s in currently?
Something interesting I notice, that I will have to wait on more experienced astrologers to weigh in on…
Currently, his progressed Saturn exactly conjoins his natal Saturn. It looks like it left 1* orb and then returned to it again over the course of his life. I personally haven’t seen this yet and am not sure if it’s valid, but if so,, I would expect the meaning to be roughly along the lines of “feeling really down and depressed until he manages to take full ownership over his state in life.”
Progressed Solar Moon conjoins progressed Solar Ascendant exactly today, if I set up the chart correctly (and if he was home for his 2023 birthday). That would seem to me like some kind of contact or attention showing up for him right about now, probably something he deems important.
In general, though, I suspect his difficulties are with his own natal chart, and not with the ebb and flow of other factors like transits.
Assuming you are both still living in Bloomington, one of the best long-term steps he could take would be to move somewhere where his background Mercury-Jupiter aspect comes into the foreground.
Here are some places in the US where this happens:
San Fransisco, CA (which is not in the healthiest or most affordable part of its lifecycle right now, but maybe in the future…)
Everything at the longitude of 115W; for example, Las Vegas, NV (these are squares to midheaven in longitude)
Everything at the longitude of 110W; for example, Tucson, AZ (these are squares to midheaven in right ascension)
We should also look at good locations for his next Solar Return (his upcoming birthday this July), preferably selecting somewhere that has one or both Jupiters on angles, to give him the best chance for success possible. I’ll take a look at that and respond in a separate post.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: Will my son get a job?
Parporna, where does he live? Did you remain in Indiana and perhaps he's at IU? Or is he somewhere else?
What's his degree in?
He's at an interesting time in his life, with Uranus aspecting his Mercury-Jupiter - it could be a pretty amazing breakthrough year. But he has some hard stuff to get through - perhaps emotional hard stuff - especially as Saturn finishes aspecting his Sun-Neptune. This will be over after April (though with a revisit at the end of the year).
One real point of breakthrough success is in almost exactly two years. I doubt he has to wait that long for a job, since it's the kind of success marker that would suggest he'd worked up to it for a while - which also suggests some success well ahead of that.
To help narrow that - especially so that Mike can look at the return charts he wants to check - can you please confirm where he lives?
What's his degree in?
He's at an interesting time in his life, with Uranus aspecting his Mercury-Jupiter - it could be a pretty amazing breakthrough year. But he has some hard stuff to get through - perhaps emotional hard stuff - especially as Saturn finishes aspecting his Sun-Neptune. This will be over after April (though with a revisit at the end of the year).
One real point of breakthrough success is in almost exactly two years. I doubt he has to wait that long for a job, since it's the kind of success marker that would suggest he'd worked up to it for a while - which also suggests some success well ahead of that.
To help narrow that - especially so that Mike can look at the return charts he wants to check - can you please confirm where he lives?
Jim Eshelman
Re: Will my son get a job?
Hi Parpona,
I just wanted to add a loud and cheery CONGRATULATIONS to the both of you!! I hope that between now and graduation you two really celebrate the long hard work it took to get a Master's degrees! As a mother I would be beaming with pride at such an accomplishment. Not many people can claim such a great achievement and he should be proud that he can claim such a reward.
They say it takes often 6 to 8 weeks of serious job hunting to succeed.I encourage you and him to use his Alma Maters resources, career counseling, student services and libraries to help. It is part of a Institutes mission to help secure employment for its graduates, it reflects very poorly on them if they out turn students who cannot get a job. They have people to help with resumes, cover letters, references, even clothes and style advice to help the student get gainful employment.
Congratulations again on your wonderful achievement!
I just wanted to add a loud and cheery CONGRATULATIONS to the both of you!! I hope that between now and graduation you two really celebrate the long hard work it took to get a Master's degrees! As a mother I would be beaming with pride at such an accomplishment. Not many people can claim such a great achievement and he should be proud that he can claim such a reward.
They say it takes often 6 to 8 weeks of serious job hunting to succeed.I encourage you and him to use his Alma Maters resources, career counseling, student services and libraries to help. It is part of a Institutes mission to help secure employment for its graduates, it reflects very poorly on them if they out turn students who cannot get a job. They have people to help with resumes, cover letters, references, even clothes and style advice to help the student get gainful employment.
Congratulations again on your wonderful achievement!
Re: Will my son get a job?
Jim wrote:
I want you and other members to see a picture of the great Solar Arc cycle your son has coming-up beginning in 2-3 years (link below). You or your son will not understand the planetary symbolism involved, but trust us the symbolism he has ahead of him is some of the best planetary symbolism he was born with. It’s a huge “once in a lifetime” cycle which will allow him to achieve his career objectives. “Timing is Everything.” When this time arrives beginning in late 2026 and building to a crest in late 2027, if your son has different location choices before him, be sure and get back in touch with Jim/Mike for his best location choices. Thanks for posting Parporna! Allows us to see one of most “outstanding” benefic Solar Arc planetary pictures I have ever witness.
Parporna, I want you to know and realize there is much wisdom and timing truth in Jim’s above words. No matter how difficult things are now for your son, please get him to read this entire thread if you have no problems with discussing astrology with him.One real point of breakthrough success is in almost exactly two years. I doubt he has to wait that long for a job, since it's the kind of success marker that would suggest he'd worked up to it for a while - which also suggests some success well ahead of that.
I want you and other members to see a picture of the great Solar Arc cycle your son has coming-up beginning in 2-3 years (link below). You or your son will not understand the planetary symbolism involved, but trust us the symbolism he has ahead of him is some of the best planetary symbolism he was born with. It’s a huge “once in a lifetime” cycle which will allow him to achieve his career objectives. “Timing is Everything.” When this time arrives beginning in late 2026 and building to a crest in late 2027, if your son has different location choices before him, be sure and get back in touch with Jim/Mike for his best location choices. Thanks for posting Parporna! Allows us to see one of most “outstanding” benefic Solar Arc planetary pictures I have ever witness.
Re: Will my son get a job?
That's most excellent information Steve! I haven't looked at the charts yet but that is encouraging news! So it sounds like staying persistent and focused on his long term objectives, continuing to strive and work hard and not give up will really culminate into personal satisfaction in one of the meaningful cycles her son will live through. Love it when things come around!SteveS wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:11 am Jim wrote:Parporna, I want you to know and realize there is much wisdom and timing truth in Jim’s above words. No matter how difficult things are now for your son, please get him to read this entire thread if you have no problems with discussing astrology with him.One real point of breakthrough success is in almost exactly two years. I doubt he has to wait that long for a job, since it's the kind of success marker that would suggest he'd worked up to it for a while - which also suggests some success well ahead of that.
I want you and other members to see a picture of the great Solar Arc cycle your son has coming-up beginning in 2-3 years (link below). You or your son will not understand the planetary symbolism involved, but trust us the symbolism he has ahead of him is some of the best planetary symbolism he was born with. It’s a huge “once in a lifetime” cycle which will allow him to achieve his career objectives. “Timing is Everything.” When this time arrives beginning in late 2026 and building to a crest in late 2027, if your son has different location choices before him, be sure and get back in touch with Jim/Mike for his best location choices. Thanks for posting Parporna! Allows us to see one of most “outstanding” benefic Solar Arc planetary pictures I have ever witness.
Re: Will my son get a job?
V wrote:

Me too V.Love it when things come around!

Re: Will my son get a job?
Thank you so, so much for all your readings. I haven’t finished reading and digesting all the comments. But I think I should first provide the answers to your questions.
1. My son lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.
2. He is graduating with a product design degree.
My son is very stubborn, has trouble communicating, doesn’t present himself well, has difficulty seeing things straight, and definitely doesn’t ask for help. He is lack of confidence, but can be aggressive at time. He seems to be improving. But it sure takes him a long, long time to mature. I think it could be my fault on how I raise him. Does his chart says that his mother is overly protective of him?
1. My son lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.
2. He is graduating with a product design degree.
My son is very stubborn, has trouble communicating, doesn’t present himself well, has difficulty seeing things straight, and definitely doesn’t ask for help. He is lack of confidence, but can be aggressive at time. He seems to be improving. But it sure takes him a long, long time to mature. I think it could be my fault on how I raise him. Does his chart says that his mother is overly protective of him?
Last edited by Parporna on Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Will my son get a job?
Thank you for your kind words.
Thank you for your kind words.
My son spent 9 years to get his bachelor degree, not master. 🥲 No matter how he is, the boy is persistent.I hope that between now and graduation you two really celebrate the long hard work it took to get a Master's degrees!
Last edited by Parporna on Fri Mar 15, 2024 8:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Will my son get a job?
What you said about him was true.
What you said about him was true.
He is designing one product for his final project. He told me all the time that his product would be revolutionary and would be the best design in 50 years. I’d like to believe that, but I’m more realistic than he is.Hiis mind is more oriented towards lofty, abstract ideals more so than concrete goals. Does that seem like the headspace he’s in currently?
Re: Will my son get a job?
There is something for me to look forward to. I hope he becomes a top designer. He is persistent enough and, like Mike said, has lofty ideas, at least for the time being. I really hope he is successful in life and overcomes his Moon-Saturn square that is haunting him in both natal and progressive charts.One real point of breakthrough success is in almost exactly two years. I doubt he has to wait that long for a job, since it's the kind of success marker that would suggest he'd worked up to it for a while - which also suggests some success well ahead of that.
Re: Will my son get a job?
Please be kind to my shallow astrology knowledge. If you don’t mind, please explain more on the “breakthrough” that you and Jim talked about.
On the chart attached by you, I saw Mercury conjunct Asc and opposite Jupiter. Also, Moon conjunct Jupiter opposite Mercury. If his Asc is Leo, the 10th house would be Taurus (Venus), not Gemini (Mercury). The 6th house would be Capricorn (Saturn), not Sag (Jupiter). Why Mercury opposite Jupiter represents a breakthrough in his career?
Please be kind to my shallow astrology knowledge. If you don’t mind, please explain more on the “breakthrough” that you and Jim talked about.
On the chart attached by you, I saw Mercury conjunct Asc and opposite Jupiter. Also, Moon conjunct Jupiter opposite Mercury. If his Asc is Leo, the 10th house would be Taurus (Venus), not Gemini (Mercury). The 6th house would be Capricorn (Saturn), not Sag (Jupiter). Why Mercury opposite Jupiter represents a breakthrough in his career?
Re: Will my son get a job?
Parporna wrote:

Hi Parporna, I think I see the main “breakthrough” Jim is mentioning with the methodology of Solar Arcs which define the timing of major life events. Since Jim first saw the timing of this “breakthrough” he would be much better than me synthetizing the symbolism for this major life cycle for your son Parporna. I do know it will be a very benefic major life cycle and a “once in a lifetime event.”SteveS: Please be kind to my shallow astrology knowledge. If you don’t mind, please explain more on the “breakthrough” that you and Jim talked about.

Re: Will my son get a job?
A Sidereal Solar Return (SSR) is a chart that activates when the sun returns to the point it was at for one's birthday, and is a primary predictive chart for the 12 months until the next one activates.
Here is your son's SSR for Cincinnati, Ohio:
R. Jupiter WP 0*15’ (also Dsc +6*21’)
T. Uranus Zenith 0*17’ (also MC -6*29’)
R. Venus Asc +1*06’
T. Mercury Asc +1*51’’
R. Mercury EP 1*32’ (also Asc +6*24’)
T. Mars Zenith 2*55’ (also MC -9*17’)
R. Sun background 3*01’
T. Moon square t. Neptune 2*50’
T. Pluto conjunct r. Neptune 0*13’ M
T. Mercury conjunct r. Venus 0*45’ M
T. Uranus square r. Venus 0*50’
(also, t. Eris square r. Neptune 0*11’ M, whatever that means)
Actually… This is really pretty amazing. It’s so good that there’s not much point in traveling anywhere, though we may be able to pinpoint a nearby location that is slightly more positive.
Primarily, natal Mercury-Jupiter is on angles (Jupiter much closer than Mercury), unaspected by any transiting planets. Transiting Uranus is also incredibly close to Zenith, and natal Venus very close to Ascendant, conjoined by transiting Mercury.
This looks first and foremost like a really great 12 months for all of his business endeavors (double Mercury). Lots of communication will happen in both directions; it will be relentlessly busy, but I suspect he will really love it, with natal Jupiter and Venus mixed in. Life pulls him in new directions (transiting Uranus), drawing his attention to new lines of thought, new opportunities, and a refreshing sense of liberty and excitement.
Natal Jupiter shows him feeling like his best self, optimistic and feeling recognized, even lucky. Natal Venus shows strong feelings coming easily to the surface; as it closely conjoins transiting Mercury, we can guess that the incoming communication will be generally pleasing to him. Transiting Uranus square natal Venus suggests an overhaul in his sense of aesthetics, pursuit of pleasure, and new friendships and/or romantic interests. (I have this transit on angles in my current Solar Return too! Highly recommended.)
Transiting Moon’s only aspect is to transiting Neptune. It’s a dramatic year, and emotional excitement surrounds him, pulling him into it. He is sensitized; given how positive the rest of the chart is, I suspect he will be feeling overjoyed rather than full of worry or despondent - although his dreams may soar so high that they cross the line into being unrealistic. (But that doesn't sound like it would be unusual for him anyway!)
Natal Sun is in the background of the chart. Despite the immensely positive messages in this chart, this isn’t a year that necessarily leaves him feeling in the driver’s seat in life, or unfolds his primary goals in a noticeable way. His physical health is likely to be on the weak side this year.
By way of transits locked into the chart, we already talked about Mercury-Uranus to Venus. He also has Pluto conjoining natal Neptune, which I think we talked about in this thread already; that huge shift in his sense of life, of his reality itself, continues.
I’ll do some math (really, write some more code) and see if I can pinpoint specific nearby locations that might be even more beneficial for him.
Here is your son's SSR for Cincinnati, Ohio:
R. Jupiter WP 0*15’ (also Dsc +6*21’)
T. Uranus Zenith 0*17’ (also MC -6*29’)
R. Venus Asc +1*06’
T. Mercury Asc +1*51’’
R. Mercury EP 1*32’ (also Asc +6*24’)
T. Mars Zenith 2*55’ (also MC -9*17’)
R. Sun background 3*01’
T. Moon square t. Neptune 2*50’
T. Pluto conjunct r. Neptune 0*13’ M
T. Mercury conjunct r. Venus 0*45’ M
T. Uranus square r. Venus 0*50’
(also, t. Eris square r. Neptune 0*11’ M, whatever that means)
Actually… This is really pretty amazing. It’s so good that there’s not much point in traveling anywhere, though we may be able to pinpoint a nearby location that is slightly more positive.
Primarily, natal Mercury-Jupiter is on angles (Jupiter much closer than Mercury), unaspected by any transiting planets. Transiting Uranus is also incredibly close to Zenith, and natal Venus very close to Ascendant, conjoined by transiting Mercury.
This looks first and foremost like a really great 12 months for all of his business endeavors (double Mercury). Lots of communication will happen in both directions; it will be relentlessly busy, but I suspect he will really love it, with natal Jupiter and Venus mixed in. Life pulls him in new directions (transiting Uranus), drawing his attention to new lines of thought, new opportunities, and a refreshing sense of liberty and excitement.
Natal Jupiter shows him feeling like his best self, optimistic and feeling recognized, even lucky. Natal Venus shows strong feelings coming easily to the surface; as it closely conjoins transiting Mercury, we can guess that the incoming communication will be generally pleasing to him. Transiting Uranus square natal Venus suggests an overhaul in his sense of aesthetics, pursuit of pleasure, and new friendships and/or romantic interests. (I have this transit on angles in my current Solar Return too! Highly recommended.)
Transiting Moon’s only aspect is to transiting Neptune. It’s a dramatic year, and emotional excitement surrounds him, pulling him into it. He is sensitized; given how positive the rest of the chart is, I suspect he will be feeling overjoyed rather than full of worry or despondent - although his dreams may soar so high that they cross the line into being unrealistic. (But that doesn't sound like it would be unusual for him anyway!)
Natal Sun is in the background of the chart. Despite the immensely positive messages in this chart, this isn’t a year that necessarily leaves him feeling in the driver’s seat in life, or unfolds his primary goals in a noticeable way. His physical health is likely to be on the weak side this year.
By way of transits locked into the chart, we already talked about Mercury-Uranus to Venus. He also has Pluto conjoining natal Neptune, which I think we talked about in this thread already; that huge shift in his sense of life, of his reality itself, continues.
I’ll do some math (really, write some more code) and see if I can pinpoint specific nearby locations that might be even more beneficial for him.
Re: Will my son get a job?
Cleves, Ohio gives the following version of the chart:
R. Jupiter WP 0*00’ (15' closer)
T. Uranus Zenith 0*28’ (09' further)
R. Venus Asc +0*56’ (10' closer)
R. Mercury EP 1*07’ (25' closer)
T. Mercury Asc +1*41’ (10' closer)
T. Mars MC -9*31’ (14' further)
r. Sun background 3*13' (12' less background)
Plus the other stuff is basically the same.
It's not mission critical, but yeah, I would definitely suggest that he travel 17ish miles from Cincinnati to Cleves to optimize this chart. While slight, it's a strictly better version of the chart.
This chart sets up at 8:57am on July 19, 2024. He only needs to be in Cleves from 8:56am to 8:58am to ensure that he gets this version. (But to be safe, might as well make it 8:50 to 9:00
R. Jupiter WP 0*00’ (15' closer)
T. Uranus Zenith 0*28’ (09' further)
R. Venus Asc +0*56’ (10' closer)
R. Mercury EP 1*07’ (25' closer)
T. Mercury Asc +1*41’ (10' closer)
T. Mars MC -9*31’ (14' further)
r. Sun background 3*13' (12' less background)
Plus the other stuff is basically the same.
It's not mission critical, but yeah, I would definitely suggest that he travel 17ish miles from Cincinnati to Cleves to optimize this chart. While slight, it's a strictly better version of the chart.
This chart sets up at 8:57am on July 19, 2024. He only needs to be in Cleves from 8:56am to 8:58am to ensure that he gets this version. (But to be safe, might as well make it 8:50 to 9:00

Re: Will my son get a job?
You wouldn’t know how much your reading had made my day!!
In the past 3 days, my son has applied for close to a hundred jobs all over the US. Some, like P&G, have already rejected him. I will tell him to keep trying. If his 2024 SSR is so good, he should be able to pin down at least 1 job and start working in or after July. That will be so good for his self-esteem. I can finally stop worrying about him.
And if the breakthrough success happens two years from now, he would be on top of the World.
If we’re still in Cincinnati, we will make sure to have breakfast in Cleves around 8-10am on his birthday.
I will keep all of you posted when he gets a job and when he has a breakthrough in his career.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! 🥰🥰🥰
You wouldn’t know how much your reading had made my day!!
In the past 3 days, my son has applied for close to a hundred jobs all over the US. Some, like P&G, have already rejected him. I will tell him to keep trying. If his 2024 SSR is so good, he should be able to pin down at least 1 job and start working in or after July. That will be so good for his self-esteem. I can finally stop worrying about him.
And if the breakthrough success happens two years from now, he would be on top of the World.
If we’re still in Cincinnati, we will make sure to have breakfast in Cleves around 8-10am on his birthday.
I will keep all of you posted when he gets a job and when he has a breakthrough in his career.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! 🥰🥰🥰
Re: Will my son get a job?
Today is my son’s birthday. We went to Cleves, Ohio, as suggested.
Sadly, he still has not got a job - no matter how hard he tried.
Sadly, he still has not got a job - no matter how hard he tried.