ARISOLAR (2024 Apr 14)
Effective Apr 14 to Oct 17.
With next July's Cansolar dormant, Sun's Aries ingress becomes a six-month chart, describing (in combination with the Capsolar) the primary circumstances of Washington and the United States overall until mid-October. This, of course, is the season of a potentially explosive U.S. presidential campaign. We do not need astrology to tell us this much; and much of what the Arisolar describes also seems evident without the help of astrology. Nonetheless, interpreting the chart gives us a more exacting window through which to describe the times.
The chart is simple in that it reduces to two factors that, however, are mostly opposite in nature. One is Mars conjunct Saturn on the Arisolar's Zenith. The other is Jupiter conjunct Uranus on its Eastpoint. The Jupiter-Uranus aspect is closer (0°14') than Mars-Saturn (2°02'), but Saturn is the more exactly angular planet. (Saturn and Uranus are both within half a degree of an angle.)
Mars conjunct Saturn is easier to understand: It's bad, meaning harsh, hateful, hurtful, and destructive. The aspect does not specialize in any one type of event but, rather, incites destruction and hardship through any available form, such as (to name a few) declared wars, undeclared warring, murderous shootings, explosions, fiery disasters, and the spewing and spreading of hate and violence.
Jupiter conjunct Uranus is more nuanced. Though fundamentally a positive aspect, that positivity isn't invariable and often comes about through difficult circumstances. For example, it especially means ideological rebellion, which can be either peaceful or violent (and with Mars-Saturn is likely to be more violent). It signifies mass-mind desire to remap the larger social contract, primarily (but not exclusively) through liberal social and political agendas demanding wider horizons, expanded opportunities, civil liberties, and enhanced diversity; yet it also brings the recoil of strong (often violent) push-back against those agendas. At best, it signifies collective optimism and anticipation of good change. However - being consistent with radical nationalism - the aspect also has been active during the rise and growth of fascism.
Therefore, what we must expect from it is heightened activism toward (and mass interest in) ideological rebellion and extreme reframing of the social and governmental contract. Given Mars-Saturn's presence, this will not be just one ideological wave swamping its opposite. Rather, it will be savage conflict between opposing ideologies each correctly sensing that we are at a tipping point when an ideology will emerge that will determine the shape of the near (and perhaps far) future. Both sides will believe that it is "their hour," the time to fight for and secure a permanent new direction.
This will all occur in the larger context of the four outer planets' sign passages. Pluto in Capricorn means now and the next dozen-plus years as a time that people will be deciding anew how they want to be governed. Neptune, newly in Pisces, shows being swamped by waves of powerful emotion centered on people's commitment to form and hold their own reality regardless of anyone else's view. Uranus will remain in Aries nearly all campaign season, marking polarization and a favoring of strong, authoritarian government, a "strong, controlling daddy" in absolute command being favored over collective participation. In partial contrast, Saturn in Aquarius demands democratizing power with rebellion against restrictions and willingness to fight for freedom and overthrow tyranny.
That's the battle. We last saw this combination of Mars-Saturn and Jupiter-Uranus the month of Donald Trump's inauguration as president (January 2017) and in the Capsolar that set the tone of that entire year. It marked hardship and conflict, and yet the strongest, most enduring liberal activism to arise in this country in half a century. Something like that will mark the next six months, from mid-April to mid-October. This chart does not show the outcome: It defines the domestic battlefield.
Along the way, other kinds of futurism will flourish. Inventiveness, new technology and tech vision, as variations of “good science,” will engage the popular imagination. Leaps forward in the technologies of computers, space travel, and medicine are the most likely.
2024 Arisolar
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
2024 Arisolar
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Where is Mars-Saturn angular worldwide?
Midheaven: Mostly inland Brazil, passing through Surinam on the north coast of Sout America and exiting in the band between Porto Allegre and Buenos Aires.
Descendant: Eastern Europe (e.g., Mars through Kyiv and Ankara, both lines straddling Minsk, Saturn through Riga and Istanbul), then through critical areas in the Middle East with Saturn most exact through Cairo and Mars skirting the coast of Gaza near Israel. The lines then continue down eastern Africa with Kenya seeming especially in their headlights (but also areas immediately north an south).
Lower Heaven: West-central Australia, Philippines, the Korean peninsula (Seoul between them, Pyongyang closer to Saturn), and a bit of eastern China.
square Midheaven: Eastern edge of Alaska. Westernmost Russia. Central Turkey (straddling Ankara). Straddling Suez affecting Egypt, and with Mars exactly through Jerusalem. Down through eastern African nations.
square Ascendant: In addition to the U.S. eastern states (where it uniquely intersects Jupiter-Uranus, all angular in Washington and seeming to form a box around Pennsylvania), it swoops down through central Brazil including the capital, then up across Indonesia and the Philippines.
Descendant: Eastern Europe (e.g., Mars through Kyiv and Ankara, both lines straddling Minsk, Saturn through Riga and Istanbul), then through critical areas in the Middle East with Saturn most exact through Cairo and Mars skirting the coast of Gaza near Israel. The lines then continue down eastern Africa with Kenya seeming especially in their headlights (but also areas immediately north an south).
Lower Heaven: West-central Australia, Philippines, the Korean peninsula (Seoul between them, Pyongyang closer to Saturn), and a bit of eastern China.
square Midheaven: Eastern edge of Alaska. Westernmost Russia. Central Turkey (straddling Ankara). Straddling Suez affecting Egypt, and with Mars exactly through Jerusalem. Down through eastern African nations.
square Ascendant: In addition to the U.S. eastern states (where it uniquely intersects Jupiter-Uranus, all angular in Washington and seeming to form a box around Pennsylvania), it swoops down through central Brazil including the capital, then up across Indonesia and the Philippines.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Where is Jupiter-Uranus angular worldwide?
Midheaven: Switzerland, westernmost Germany, the French-Italian border areas. Algeria, Niger, Nigeria.
Ascendant: Through the central United States (primarily the Plains) from western North Dakota to the Texas-Louisiana border (where, however, it may mean storms and heavy floods). Yucatan, Belize, Honduras. Nipping the coast of Peru, then passing through Santiago (where I expect a strong political and social reaction) and across central Argentina.
Descendant: Southeast Asia (Thailand, Laos, Hanoi, then up across China (including Beijing where both are strong but Uranus is stronger).
square Midheaven: Southeast Asia, especially Laos, Thailand, the capital area of Malaysia, Sumatra (ha! maybe they'll finally find that missing airplane). Cuba, Peru, Ecuador, coastal Colombia (and the eastern U.S.).
square Ascendant: Ireland, Spain, Algeria, and down through the central and southern African west coast through South Africa.
Ascendant: Through the central United States (primarily the Plains) from western North Dakota to the Texas-Louisiana border (where, however, it may mean storms and heavy floods). Yucatan, Belize, Honduras. Nipping the coast of Peru, then passing through Santiago (where I expect a strong political and social reaction) and across central Argentina.
Descendant: Southeast Asia (Thailand, Laos, Hanoi, then up across China (including Beijing where both are strong but Uranus is stronger).
square Midheaven: Southeast Asia, especially Laos, Thailand, the capital area of Malaysia, Sumatra (ha! maybe they'll finally find that missing airplane). Cuba, Peru, Ecuador, coastal Colombia (and the eastern U.S.).
square Ascendant: Ireland, Spain, Algeria, and down through the central and southern African west coast through South Africa.
Jim Eshelman
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Where is Venus angular worldwide?
With a close Moon-Venus square, where does this Venus land near the angle?
Ascendant: U.S. northeast, on a line from San Francisco through Vancouver.
Lower Heaven: Western Australia including Canberra.
Descendant: Through the -stan countries, including Iran's eastern border with Pakistan and Afghanistan, then up through Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
square Midheaven: U.S. west on a line passing through Los Angeles and due north (inland Oregan and Washington). The same -stan countries mentioned under Descendant.
square Ascendant: Central Australia. Otherwise, mostly uninhabited places.
Ascendant: U.S. northeast, on a line from San Francisco through Vancouver.
Lower Heaven: Western Australia including Canberra.
Descendant: Through the -stan countries, including Iran's eastern border with Pakistan and Afghanistan, then up through Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
square Midheaven: U.S. west on a line passing through Los Angeles and due north (inland Oregan and Washington). The same -stan countries mentioned under Descendant.
square Ascendant: Central Australia. Otherwise, mostly uninhabited places.
Jim Eshelman