When will Israel retailate against Iran?
When will Israel retailate against Iran?
My best guess is when transiting Mars enters Aries June 3, or as Mars transits through Aries ending in early July we could see significant escalations in this regional war. Check out the contrasting June 3 Arilunars for Israel and Iran. On June 3 Arisolar Moon is partile cnj Mars, a deadly combo in war type situations, particularly with Mars entering Aries.
Re: When will Israel retailate against Iran?
Interesting Steve, have you looked at the synastry between the two leaders? My friend once said that it seemed that those two had an almost personal vendetta against each other.
My uncle said once that he thought the wars were baloney, that the people their loved their bit of Earth so much and didnt want outsiders to come and settle so they always act as if they despise each other, because who in their right mind would want to move to a place that is war riddled. I was a bit aghast at this, being so young when I heard this and my heart was with the poor common folk who get the brunt of wagging the dog so to speak.
My uncle said once that he thought the wars were baloney, that the people their loved their bit of Earth so much and didnt want outsiders to come and settle so they always act as if they despise each other, because who in their right mind would want to move to a place that is war riddled. I was a bit aghast at this, being so young when I heard this and my heart was with the poor common folk who get the brunt of wagging the dog so to speak.
- Jim Eshelman
- Are You Sirius?
- Posts: 19572
- Joined: Sun May 07, 2017 12:40 pm
Re: When will Israel retailate against Iran?
I'm not sure Israel will retaliate against Iran at all. While other violence is surely ahead (based on the charts), I think this is probably open and closed.
Iran's attack was the retaliation - for Israel killing a senior Iranian military figure the week before. Iran gauged this carefully to make the attack large enough to show their force even though they surely knew they would get shot out of the sky. Biden and other world leaders have argued that the successful resistance was response enough and should be touted as a military victory.
Israel slapped Iran. Iran slapped Israel back. Israel responded with, "Oh, but i didn't feel your slap because I'm so strong!" End of the cycle (one can hope).
Iran's attack was the retaliation - for Israel killing a senior Iranian military figure the week before. Iran gauged this carefully to make the attack large enough to show their force even though they surely knew they would get shot out of the sky. Biden and other world leaders have argued that the successful resistance was response enough and should be touted as a military victory.
Israel slapped Iran. Iran slapped Israel back. Israel responded with, "Oh, but i didn't feel your slap because I'm so strong!" End of the cycle (one can hope).
Jim Eshelman
Re: When will Israel retailate against Iran?
Good points Jim, I hope this is the case.