Israel's National Chart

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Israel's National Chart

Post by SteveS »

Jim, it appears Israel chart you referenced with your research is close or right-on for an accurate time. Below is a link for Israel’s Solar Arcs today (outside chart) to the Radical Chart (inside chart).

Very important notables:
r ASC 02,12 Lib
r MC 04,36 Can
d Pluto 01,13 Lib
d Saturn 04,59
d MC 17,11 Vir
r Neptune 16,33 Vir

If we compute directions for the Hamas (Iran) Oct 7 2023 attack on Tel Aviv, d MC was 8 minutes for exact cnj to r Neptune. Tweaking we may want rectify slightly d MC exact cnj r Neptune for Oct 7 2023.
Ebertin (COSI) tones for Solar Arc Saturn/Pluto cnj forming a direct midpoint with r ASC are:
Being placed in cumbersome and difficult circumstances. Separation, mourning and bereavement.
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Re: Israel's National Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

:) I mentioned those in the other thread. Timing was closer for the October 7 attack that started all of this.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:09 am ...At the time the Hamas attack was launched:

1°34' Lib - t Mars
2°13' Lib - possible r Asc
2°50' Cap - t Pluto

This does suggest the time is pretty darn close. Also, SSR Mars was 2°12' Cancer. [...]

Solar arcs for this time have two solid hits EXCEPT there are multiple theoretical angles in the neighborhood and other alignments are possible. Nonetheless, the two seeming clean hits are:

4°29' Lib - d Saturn [-9']
4°38' Can - r MC

16°34' Vir - r Neptune [+7']
16°41' Vir - d MC

Notice that Saturn to MC at the same time as MC to Neptune tells us (without looking) that the natal has MC = Saturn/Neptune and this was activated. Sure enough, on checking, natal Sa/Ne is 19°29' Leo, aspecting 4°29' Virgo, 9' from the chart's MC.
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Re: Israel's National Chart

Post by SteveS »

Jim, I agree, pretty sure we have an accurate timed national chart. We are seeing very important malefic “Life Development” Solar Arcs firing – off.
Jim wrote:
Notice that Saturn to MC at the same time as MC to Neptune tells us (without looking) that the natal has MC = Saturn/Neptune and this was activated. Sure enough, on checking, natal Sa/Ne is 19°29' Leo, aspecting 4°29' Virgo, 9' from the chart's MC.
Yes, good point Jim. And we know the potential malefic consequences for MC = Saturn/Neptune. We just don’t yet if the worst is over, I kind of doubt it. Also, we see d Pluto entering partile cnj to r ASC, and I think an important midpoint structure for Israel’s Natal Pluto is Pluto = Mars/MC (0,47) which is obviously going to be tested malefically or beneficially for their Nation.

I agree with you Jim, we can't depend consistently on the SSR for National Charts. I only pay close attention to em when I see "outstanding incident" SSRs, and I will look to see if any important aspects are going to happen with sp SSR Moon or outer planet transits to SSR Moon. I note in June---t Saturn partiles cnj Natal Moon.
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Re: Israel's National Chart

Post by SteveS »

Jim, I have not yet figured out how to exactly get what I need computerized for Bradley’s Dasa-Bhukti calculations. Is Israel in a Moon-Mars period? If so when did it start and will end?
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Re: Israel's National Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 3:56 pm Jim, I have not yet figured out how to exactly get what I need computerized for Bradley’s Dasa-Bhukti calculations. Is Israel in a Moon-Mars period? If so when did it start and will end?
Interesting ideas to try this on national charts. - You confused me with Moon-Mars, because it's really Mars-Moon (Moon subperiod of Mars major period).

Israel was born May 14, 1948, and for the 4:15 PM time we're using, Moon is 10°29'13" Cancer. They were in a MARS major period 3/8/16 to 1/31/23 - not very recently.

On January 31, 2023, Israel entered the 17-year URANUS major period and has been in URANUS-Uranus ever since (almost a three-year period). Here are the dates.

Code: Select all

URANUS	Uranus	972	January 31, 2023
URANUS	Jupiter	864	September 29, 2025
URANUS	Saturn	1026	February 10, 2028
URANUS	Mercury	918	December 2, 2030
URANUS	Neptune	378	June 7, 2033
URANUS	Venus	1080	June 20, 2034
URANUS	Sun	324	June 4, 2037
URANUS	Moon	540	April 24, 2038
URANUS	Mars	378	October 16, 2039

JUPITER	Jupiter	768	October 28, 2040
I see why you asked the question, though. By the 365-day Vedic model, Israel was still in Moon-of-Mars (MARS-Moon) for the attack last October. It lasted 8/4/23-3/4/24.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Israel's National Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Since we're doing this for Israel, I might as well do it for the United States, which was born with 15 days left in a MARS-Neptune period. We have two problems in the calculation, though: Excel doesn't go back as far as 1776 and the U.S. is much more than 120 years old (the full cycle). So, we have to do a little extra work:

120 years of 360-day each is 43,200 days. Adding this to July 4, 1776 using Julian Date numbers:

2,369,916 (7/4/1776)
2,413,116 = 1894 Oct 13
2,456,316 = 2013 Jan 20

So, the United States had completed two complete 120-year cycles (of 360-day years) on January 20, 2013 - coincidentally, the day Pres. Obama was sworn in for his second term - and returned to the exact same place it was in the Dasa cycle when the nation started. We can, therefore, use 1/20/2013 as the starter date in the spreadsheet.

On that date, the U.S. had been in the 7-year MARS dasa about five years - since 2008, therefore (note the date for stock market reasons, Steve). The rest of that cycle went as follows:

Code: Select all

MARS	Venus	420	February 4, 2013
MARS	Sun	126	March 31, 2014
MARS	Moon	210	August 4, 2014
Then things got interesting. As the 2016 election warmed up, candidates started announcing themselves in 2015 when we entered the URANUS major period which will continue until after the presidential election in 2032. Here is the breakdown:

Code: Select all

URANUS	Uranus	972	March 2, 2015
URANUS	Jupiter	864	October 29, 2017
URANUS	Saturn	1026	March 11, 2020
URANUS	Mercury	918	January 1, 2023
URANUS	Neptune	378	July 7, 2025
URANUS	Venus	1080	July 20, 2026
URANUS	Sun	324	July 4, 2029
URANUS	Moon	540	May 24, 2030
URANUS	Mars	378	November 15, 2031

JUPITER	Jupiter	768	November 27, 2032
So far, we have Trump's election in URANUS-Uranus. We are currently in URANUS-Mercury - presuming there is anything to all of this.
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Re: Israel's National Chart

Post by SteveS »

Jim wrote:
So far, we have Trump's election in URANUS-Uranus.
Definitely a ‘sudden unexpected revolutionary’ (Uranus) election result happening to DC politics as a whole.
Jim wrote:
We are currently in URANUS-Mercury - presuming there is anything to all of this.
I understand Jim. Maybe for the rapid development for AI during this time period? And, if we have a possible ‘sudden unexpected’ disruption in election communication systems with the upcoming Prez election, per your thoughts about the sporadic hacking happening in the country now?

Thanks Jim.
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Re: Israel's National Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 4:57 am
We are currently in URANUS-Mercury - presuming there is anything to all of this.
I understand Jim. Maybe for the rapid development for AI during this time period?
That's too narrow a time period (and too limited to the U.S.); and, in any, the AI eruption is clearly Saturn in Aquarius: Its timing, how long it's lasting, and the fact is that this is exactly how Saturn in Aquarius acted in prior periods.
And, if we have a possible ‘sudden unexpected’ disruption in election communication systems with the upcoming Prez election, per your thoughts about the sporadic hacking happening in the country now?
Maybe. That doesn't feel Mercury-Uranus to me (more Mercury-Pluto).
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Re: Israel's National Chart

Post by SteveS »

I see your points Jim. It’s difficult to read this methodology for a National Chart, its like something is missing or they can’t be applied to a National Chart. When I read this methodology with my Natal using Solarfire’s Vedic Dasas, I see some excellent hits particular with my Node axis with Saturn with loss of my Sister in a tragic death, and sudden loss of my best friend Brock, but Sidereal Astrology methodology explained these two deaths in more of a sharper symbolic way.

How do you have access to AI asking it some questions you posted about?
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Re: Israel's National Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2024 9:54 am When I read this methodology with my Natal using Solarfire’s Vedic Dasas, I see some excellent hits particular with my Node axis with Saturn with loss of my Sister in a tragic death, and sudden loss of my best friend Brock, but Sidereal Astrology methodology explained these two deaths in more of a sharper symbolic way.

First, remember these aren't the nodes. They especially aren't the nodes as you are used to thinking about them. If we trust the Hindu classic system, north and south lunar nodes are, respectively, like Mars and Saturn. However, I don't think they have anything to do with Moon's nodes at all but, simply, were early "placeholders" for the characteristics of Uranus (Rahu) and Neptune (Ketu) before those planets were known.

Second, the Solar Fire version will have quite wrong days - they will e 5.25 days too late for every year of your life, that's more than one year in error (just over 400 days late). I recommend you use my Excel spreadsheet or use the Planetary Periods feature of AstroVisor with the 360-day year selected.

How do you have access to AI asking it some questions you posted about?
The easiest way is to use Copilot, which is built into all versions of Windows with recent updates. Or, for the same result, if you open the Bing browser to a default page and use the search field, you will get it.
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Re: Israel's National Chart

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim for the AI instructions. Do you have any idea why AstroVisor uses Bradley's Dasa-Bhukti calculations?
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Re: Israel's National Chart

Post by Jim Eshelman »

SteveS wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 4:17 am Thanks Jim for the AI instructions. Do you have any idea why AstroVisor uses Bradley's Dasa-Bhukti calculations?
It's only one option, not the only one they offer. No, I don't know who they got the idea from. (Maybe from right here on <g>.)

I never asked Don his reasoning on insisting on 360-day years - which he specifically referred to as "360-day Egyptian years." I probably assumed at the time that he thought the system originated in Egypt, but I doubt that's the case since there simply isn't any evidence of anything similar in the Egyptian astrological records. On the other hand, during the Classical period, Indian astrology was guided closely by the Alexandrian schools - Egyptian teachers under strong Greek influence - so the persistence of the standard 360-day Egyptian year could easily have entered into the matter. However, this is all speculation - I really don't know the path of development, though I do know that the classical system has occasional hits, lots of misses, and does well with younger people - while the polished system (using the 360-day basis for what it calls "years") has many more eyebrow-raising hits.

The Hindu texts that most anciently describe the system are quite emphatic that the system is based on sidereal years - full Earth orbits. This appears to be wrong, though.
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Re: Israel's National Chart

Post by SteveS »

In my mind—lots of lost original knowledges in astrological Hindu systems have been lost. I leaving now to go to Verizon store to try and get my I-phone to purchase AstroVisor. I want to test the Bradley's Dasa-Bhukti calculations with my family/friends, but I need this method on my I-phone when I am with em in a causal atmosphere. I suspect my I-Phone is so old they are going to tell me I need a new phone, but my old one is still serving me with my few objectives. I will let you know because I am sure I will need some of your help with AstroViser.
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