Change in Vertex Treatment

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Jim Eshelman
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Change in Vertex Treatment

Post by Jim Eshelman »

TMSA already allows the user to display the Vertex or not (default is off).

I am completely persuaded that Vertex-Antivertex contacts only exist mundanely. (It's true of every other "defined by a great circle" angle - why not this?) I'm uncomfortable with displaying Vertex and letting it be implied that the contact is ecliptical: It should be measured in azimuth and, of course, azimuth is already given on the report. (Most of the time, I scan the azimuth column on my first look at a chart.)

Second, I'm quite ambivalent about whether Vx contacts act in any ordinary sense like angularity in the "foreground" sense. (My evolving opinion is complicated and doesn't need to be detailed here but, in brief: It's completely clear they do not act "angular" in ingresses, I'm almost as sure that they are worthless in solunars, but I strongly suspect they are valid in nativities at least when there isn't much other angularity. But I don't want to ask you to code different kinds of charts to behave differently in this regard, especially on a fickle and changing landscape.)

With these two considerations, I now think:
  • If the user turns on Vertex, then a Vx or Av should be in the G column if the planet's azimuth is within Minor Angle orb of 90° or 270°.
  • This should not affect the strength score.
I'm not sure about the structure of your code for building the data table, but it seems to me the approach is:
  1. Calculate all the other angularity, ground, and strength details. Then, if Vertex is enabled...
  2. If a planet not already marked as an angle has azimuth within Minor Angle orb of 90/270, add the Vx or Av marker, overwriting a b but not overwriting an angle.
If I haven't misjudged, this is only or three lines of code.

This scenario presumes that the Vertex axis matters enough to an individual user that they have gone to turn it on. (It leads to the next obvious question of whether Np and Sp get added similarly, using ecliptic longitude.)
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Change in Vertex treatment

Post by mikestar13 »

This is indeed about three lines of code and could indeed be in the upcoming release, and a couple more for Np and Sp, which likewise would override background but not angularity, and would not affect strength.
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