WISH LIST - "Clear Temp" (cache) button

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Jim Eshelman
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WISH LIST - "Clear Temp" (cache) button

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mike the primary reason I ever exit TMSA is so wipe the Temporary files and get back to the default set of loaded/shown charts that I keep there by default.

My understanding is that the Temporary folder contents are purged on each program startup.

I thought that, once they're gone, they no longer show on the Select Chart page; but I just ran a bunch of temporary charts, backed out to the front screen, manually deleted the contents of the charts\temporary folder, clicked back in to Select Chart, and saw them still listed. (They produce an error message if you try to show them, of course.) I'm not sure the rule is on when they no longer appear there.

Obviously low priority, but I wonder if the front screen could have a "Purge Cache" or "Purge Temp" button that does the same initializations that would be done at startup. (Or is it faster just to exit the program and relaunch it?)
Jim Eshelman
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Re: "Clear Temp" (cache) button

Post by mikestar13 »

Good suggestion and it's simple, it may make it into 1.0. I've been thinking of a slight redesign of the opening page anyway. Perhaps shortening the initial description and making a fuller description available via an about button, which would let me reorganize the buttons and easily add this feature.

As it stands now the select chart page uses a recent charts file read on startup, and listings of temporary files are purged from the listing then. I can make this functionality available via button, without restart. I will make it require confirmation, so temporaries won't be deleted accidentally be clicking a wrong button.( But may have a program option to turn confirmation off for users that make few mistakes.)

After considerable contemplation, I have decided to remove autocomplete. I have some new forms and am designing more, and it's hurtful as often as helpful.
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Re: WISH LIST - "Clear Temp" (cache) button

Post by Jim Eshelman »

The program is so fast, there is no longer a need for this. The current build launches in 2 seconds instead of more than 30. Clearing the cache internally would be no faster than clicking the program closed and clicking to launch it again.

So I'm withdrawing this request. No need to bloat the code and take up button space. :)
Jim Eshelman
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