My recommendation to Mike V is that we roll these out as new small versions (0.5, 0.5.1, etc.) as work is completed. This way, whatever is done will be available to people. (We lost so much because Mike N was holding everything back until he could unveil a finished 1.0 version.)
If there is anything anyone thinks I've missed, please say so. (It may be a matter of priority, with other items still left on the general Wish List thread.) If you want to request other future expansions, please start a new thread.
NOTE to Mike V: Here is the new Natal_Default file format Mikestar13 created to include expansions he had in mind: ... 846#p52001
- Add Novien table to bottom of chart page. Create toggle in Chart Options for whether to include it. [The entire thread is interesting for many dev reasons. Mike N was going to create an entire Novien setup page with many options. I think originally it can be one standard with an on-off toggle.]
- Add Sidereal Astrology Landmarks as an integrated page.
- Final edits of title page text.
- Can this be recompiled for MacOS? If it's just a matter of using a different compiler, we should do this (and talk about it compiling for Android and iOS). [This can wait until after 1.0 if necessary, we won't be evangelizing the program until then.]
- When these things are complete and stable, republish as 1.0.
- BUG/FEATURE FIX - Repair strength values for minor angles.
- FEATURE FIX - Remove auto-advance code from New Chart page and other input fields.
- Add Vertex/Antivertex markers to G field
- Add Meridian Longitude (ML) column after Altitude column.
- With ML available, allow Prime Vertical Parans display with a toggle in Chart Options.
- Amend naming conventions for Chart Options default files, e.g., change Default_Natal.opt to Natal_Default.opt. NOTE to Mike V: Here was Mike N's plan on how to make option files more stable.
- Add my new single-equation angularity formula ("Eureka") as a third option of angular rating (with selection option in Chart Options).
- Add the Needs Hierarchy initially excluding the (rarely relevant) Stationary characteristic.
- Add Planetary Stations. Include this characteristic in the Needs Hierarchy.
- Add angles to the data table Add lines for MC, As, EPa, and Vx to planet data table with only select columns showing for each. Vx only shown if Vx is enabled in Chart Options. - Concurrently remove the display if EP-a and Vx from the face of the chart.