Contemplating name change... because Time Matters

Discussion & announcements on Mike Nelson's "Time Matters" software, the most promising, important astrology software for Sidereal astrologers. Download a free copy, ask questions, and give your input for the on-going development of this important project (now managed by programmers).
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Contemplating name change... because Time Matters

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I am contemplating changing the name of this software when it moves to full version 1.0. I'm posting this to give everybody the opportunity to weigh in, express thoughts and feelings, etc.

When Mike Nelson picked the name Time Matters Sidereal Astrology aka TMSA, its two components had separate origins. The phrase Time Matters had great personal importance for Mike (you can still see it as his standard signature line on his posts). In the discussion of what to name it, I was thinking (perhaps wrongly) that the eventual product would be available on cell phones etc. through standard app stores and should be searchable by such terms as "sidereal astrology," so that should be in the name. Mike combined these two into the four-word name.

I think, though, that the long name Time Matters Sidereal Astrology is cumbersome, and not entirely of obvious meaning as a sentence or phrase.

I want to change the program name to simply Time Matters. As a simpler two-word phrase, I find it a compelling, powerful phrase (as Mike evidently did) with layers of nuanced meaning (is "matters" a noun or a verb?). For wider marketing, it should have a subtitle such as A Sidereal Astrology Toolkit (that seems descriptive and sets different expectations than most people have from "an astrology program that does charts").

So, once it hits the fully mature 1.0 version, I would like to rename it Time Matters: A Sidereal Astrology Toolkit, more casually called Time Matters. (Because it does... as Mike's life and ultimately all of our lives make clear.) - I see no reason for structural changes like altering the install location from the folder name tmsa.

The floor is open...
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Contemplating name change... because Time Matters

Post by Patrick Machado »

Yes, I've always had that opinion.
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Re: Contemplating name change... because Time Matters

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mike's program... I had no wish to interfere on whatever he wanted to call it.

I thought the name was cumbersome and I understood why he did it.

It's now my responsibility to do what i consider best for the program, its users, and its future, so... (But I'd like to know the Solunars community is in agreement on this.)
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Contemplating name change... because Time Matters

Post by FlorencedeZ. »

I think it's good Jim.
Imo it is still the same name but shorter.
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Re: Contemplating name change... because Time Matters

Post by Ember Nyx »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 8:27 am I think, though, that the long name Time Matters Sidereal Astrology is cumbersome, and not entirely of obvious meaning as a sentence or phrase.

I want to change the program name to simply Time Matters. [...]
So, once it hits the fully mature 1.0 version, I would like to rename it Time Matters: A Sidereal Astrology Toolkit, more casually called Time Matters.
I'm in agreement. We get to shorten it while still keeping his original intention intact. I can't think of anything more appropriate.
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Re: Contemplating name change... because Time Matters

Post by Jim Eshelman »

What do you think of the subtitle I proposed? It seems to me appropriate for this particular program, at least as it will exist for the foreseeable future.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Contemplating name change... because Time Matters

Post by Ember Nyx »

Part of me thinks it should be A Toolkit for Sidereal Astrology, but I'm not confident about that...

Time Matters: A Sidereal Astrology Toolkit
Time Matters: A Toolkit for Sidereal Astrology

I'll ponder it and see if I can come up with anything else that's interesting enough to mention, but I'm pretty satisfied with your phrasing. It's accurate and true to the original (full) title.
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Re: Contemplating name change... because Time Matters

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I know my mind is still wired to book titles seen on shelves of a physical bookstore. In that scenario, you want the eye to see "Sidereal Astrology" before it sees "toolkit." In writing, getting to the relevant word soonest is usually what matters.

However, I also know that when the access mode is a search engine, it doesn't matter where in the string of words the search term falls.

So I suppose that only leaves the matter of style and taste.
Jim Eshelman
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Re: Contemplating name change... because Time Matters

Post by Ember Nyx »

That's a good point I didn't consider. I can buy that, at least for the psychological impact.
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Re: Contemplating name change... because Time Matters

Post by Veronica »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 8:27 am I am contemplating changing the name of this software when it moves to full version 1.0. I'm posting this to give everybody the opportunity to weigh in, express thoughts and feelings, etc.

When Mike Nelson picked the name Time Matters Sidereal Astrology aka TMSA, its two components had separate origins. The phrase Time Matters had great personal importance for Mike (you can still see it as his standard signature line on his posts). In the discussion of what to name it, I was thinking (perhaps wrongly) that the eventual product would be available on cell phones etc. through standard app stores and should be searchable by such terms as "sidereal astrology," so that should be in the name. Mike combined these two into the four-word name.

I think, though, that the long name Time Matters Sidereal Astrology is cumbersome, and not entirely of obvious meaning as a sentence or phrase.

I want to change the program name to simply Time Matters. As a simpler two-word phrase, I find it a compelling, powerful phrase (as Mike evidently did) with layers of nuanced meaning (is "matters" a noun or a verb?). For wider marketing, it should have a subtitle such as A Sidereal Astrology Toolkit (that seems descriptive and sets different expectations than most people have from "an astrology program that does charts").

So, once it hits the fully mature 1.0 version, I would like to rename it Time Matters: A Sidereal Astrology Toolkit, more casually called Time Matters. (Because it does... as Mike's life and ultimately all of our lives make clear.) - I see no reason for structural changes like altering the install location from the folder name tmsa.

The floor is open...
I dont feel MikeN chose the name, any more then I chose my sons name or my mother chose my name.
I recall some posts in which the time the program was launched...was birthed to the world....was analyzed and compared to certain peoples charts, and the forums chart. It was a very interesting and telling exploration of charts, progressions and synastry.
I would like to see those charts, specifically TMSA explored in this thread.
MikeN bequeathed the program to you, with his love and trust.
If you are confident you are doing the very best for TMSA, then there is no need to open the floor to discussion.
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Re: Contemplating name change... because Time Matters

Post by Jim Eshelman »

TMSA's "birth chart" (for Mike's first announcement of it) is here, with a vintage "Astro 0.1" version of its output:
Jim Eshelman
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