Donald Trump & his mother

Q&A and discussion about Synastry, i.e., relationship analysis through the comparison of two horoscopes.
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Jim Eshelman
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Donald Trump & his mother

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Donald Trump was born June 14, 1946, 10:54 AM, Jamaica, NY. His mother, Mary Anne Trump (neé MacLeod), was born May 10, 1912, 4:00 AM GMT, Tong, Scotland (58N14'38", 6W20'56"). Both are AA (birth record) data.

One occasionally hears that Trump "has mother issues" of different kinds. While astrologers historically have claimed to read this sort of thing from the child's nativity, the stronger showing is to read it from the synastry of his chart with those of his parents.

Without further comment, I leave you to explore this on your own and comment here if you choose.

Fred Trump, his father, was born October 11, 1905, Bronx, NY, time unknown. Nonetheless, the lineup of father's Saturn conjunct mother's Moon, with both opposed child's Mars (all partile) is noteworthy. If Fred was born before about sunrise, his Moon would be in the same sign (though at opposite ends of the sign) as Mary Anne, though I think a Virgo-Aquarius (which this would make him) would not have used the business practices he is known to have used. From what we know without his birth time, the parents' synastry was quite severe.
Jim Eshelman
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