May 2024 events

Analyses of distinct mundane events, using the methods of Sidereal mundane astrology
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Jim Eshelman
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May 2024 events

Post by Jim Eshelman »

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Re: May 2024 events

Post by Veronica »

"New York has now eliminated insulin cost-sharing for residents who are on a state-regulated health insurance plan. The measure was signed by the governor as part of the new fiscal year budget and effectively caps any insulin copays at $0."

copied from news.....

This was in my news feed yesterday. Very big news for many people in NY. I dont have a time of the signing. This feels a blessing in a way, yet I have my reservations about the long term. I worry that this is not a Saturn financial achievement but more in line with a Jupiter slush of spending money, ie people now able to frivolously spend and not use this break to build up secure foundations for themselves. I do hope for the best and think that many on state regulated healthcare will feel an enormous relief. With Mars in Aquarius right now this does seem to express characteristics that are not easily understood as helpful or hurtful.
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Re: May 2024 events

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Mars is in Pisces.

Regrettably, without a time (or even date) of the event, we don't have a way to study it astrologically. We might not even be sure what "the event" was, i.e., a chart for the moment of the signing (which mixes it with every other budget detail) or some wave or trend passing through the legislature at the time this part of the budget was voted.

I don't know what this program is that ended, so I'm not able even to have an opinion on it
Jim Eshelman
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Florida deadly bus crash

Post by Jim Eshelman »

May 14, 2024, about 6:35 AM EDT, about 15 miles west of Ocala, FL (approx 29N11, 82W23)

A bus, carrying migrant farm workers, has crashed in Florida killing eight people and injuring 45 others. Additional deaths are anticipated. The driver who struck the bus was has been arrested for eight counts of DUI manslaughter.

For perspective, the two worst bus crashes known to me had around 30 deaths. Nonetheless, this is a sad event. The accident occurred as a Sun-Uranus conjunction was about to rise, though accompanied by benefics. If the time and place are right, Pluto was precisely on the Zenith.

Year: Capsolar has Pluto 0°17' from MC, Uranus and Jupiter closely angular, and the same Moon-Venus-Neptune as the rest of the world - plus Moon square Mars mundo. It's definitely mixed messages.

Quarter: The Arisolar is similar positive by angularities (Jupiter-Uranus in half degree conjunction on EP-a) yet with Moon's mundane aspects to Mars-Saturn. This makes it one of the worst places in the world for the quarter, but it's not exactly a bad chart.

Caplunar is dormant. The Canlunar has a very closely angular Saturn for the week (the week chart usually nails it!).

Day: Transiting Pluto remains within orb of MC. Then, for the exact day, CapQ Asc opposes ingress Saturn. It's the Saturn day within the Saturn week.

Meanwhile, transiting Neptune was conjunct Cansolar IC as transiting Saturn exactly squared Cansolar Asc! It's a grievous combination.
Jim Eshelman
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Comet Fragment Penetrates Atmosphere

Post by Jim Eshelman »

May 18, 2024, 11:46 PM GMT. somewhere over Spain and Portugal

A fireball streaking across the sky over parts of Spain and Portugal, "leaving a smoldering trail f incandescent graffiti in its wake" (NYT), was an icy fragment of a comet (not yet identified) travelling about 100,000 mph (about twice the speed of a typical asteroid entering Earth's atmosphere).

I don't have a location to use - there was no landing impact - but I'll note this here in case we get the chance to check later. Otherwise, we might use, say, Lisbon for a same spot and see if there are planet lines streaking across Portugal and Spain that describe the event.

It was likely a pleasant and wondrous-looking scene in the near-midnight sky. It seems to have occurred on those areas about the time Venus-Uranus was approaching or crossing IC. I'm not sure how a single target location could be identified.
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Re: May 2024 events

Post by SteveS »

Thanks Jim, for the last couple of years I have been reading material about the potential danger of these type events for a local area, has the potential to wipe out a city. Fortunately no severe shock wave explosion for any of the localities, just a normal burn—off for this comet fragment mass.

Here is a 1 minute-30 second link for this light show:
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