Add Vertex/Antivertex markers to G

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Jim Eshelman
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Add Vertex/Antivertex markers to G

Post by Jim Eshelman »

(I'm retyping this because it looks like I deleted the prior post on it.)

Please show Vertex or Antivertex mundane contacts in the planetary data table in the G ("Grounds") column.
  1. Use the ORB already selected for Minor Angle Class 3 in the current Chart Options.
  2. If the planet is already angular (already has an angle value in the "G" field), do nothing.
  3. If a planet's azimuth is within ORB of 270°, put Vx in the "G" field. If within ORB of 90°, put Av in that column.
  4. This has the not entirely desirable effective of wiping out background (b) indicators also. Perhaps we should debate whether this is an issue. While the G column could have an extra space or two added to all rows to make this work, I'm not sure the b would look good (be as eye-catching) in the majority of cases if were done.
Jim Eshelman
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