Missing child found

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Missing child found

Post by Veronica »

A family was here in the park today and apparently a child and the father got in a fight and the boy ran off into the woods. I had been walking Patrick from 5pm to about 6:30 all over the trails and once we got home and I changed my shoes (still nursing my broken toe) I saw outside my house a police car and the police and a man were walking past my home. They asked me if I had seen a boy in a grey hoodie as he was lost in the woods for a few hours. I told them no and they said to call 911 if I did. I promptly went in and changed my shoes and went out to look for him as it was getting dark fast and starting to rain. I checked a few nooks I knew but didnt find him and when I came back the cops reinforcements had arrived in full force with dogs, drones, a huge foot squad and helicopters all with heat vision. My front yard turned into but of a circus for a while and I was so so sad and scared for the kid. Good news is that within an hour they had scanned the whole area and he was found! It was right about 9:15 ish. The Moon was square the MC which is exactly fitting. It wasvery very exciting for me . actually watch the drones and see inside the video Van's, and of course I'm a sucker for dogs. I was impressed at how fast they mobilized the search and descended on the park in full force, extremely professional and organized and found a needle in a mass of kettle bowls, thick woods and swamp. So yea yea for new technology. I was so afraid he wouldnt be found and that pack of wolves, coyotes, coydogs and feral dogs that live here would find him.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Missing child found

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Whew! The ongoing Sun-Venus conjunction squared Saturn today. That could have turned out differently.

I'm most taken with the drama and ultimate anxiety relief in your own chart: Today is almost exactly Jupiter's opposition to your Neptune. Then there is the sense of alarm of your recent Demi-Lunar with Mars square Pluto on angles.

Mendon's Capsolar Quotidian for today had Neptune on an angle exactly conjunct progressed Moon, all suitable for anxious emotions and the simple idea of "lost." Here they are for the time he was found:

4°12' Pis - CapQ Moon
4°42' Pis - t Neptune
5°54' Vir - CapQ Asc

Throw in a couple of angular Mercuries for all the "search and research" activities and you have the local picture in Mendon Center.
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Re: Missing child found

Post by Veronica »

I didnt even think of checking of my own chart. Yes that demi lunar sure describes my feelings. I was so worried and scared. As someone who has also run away from home after fights with my father I empathized deeply with the situation. I hope the child is safe, I worry about how the father will treat him after this, he could be so shamed by all the fuss that he beats the boy, my father used to beat his kids when he felt shamed and embarrassed.
It was very very loud with all the close helicopter action and the strange whirling noises of the drones, it certainly was disorienting to me and I found myself all wound up and not able to fall asleep until very late. It certainly stirred up a lot of memories I had of being a runaway and how cruel and thoughtless I was to my family to do such a thing to them just because dad was abusive. But I was still a child in many ways, and certainly ignorant of the world and its dangers, as well as being completely self absorbed and selfish and feeling I was self sufficient enough to be just fine without any help from anyone.
It's so weird that I had been worried about June 8th for some reason, it's like I could feel something brewing and knew something was going to happen, but I had no idea how the demi lunar would find expression. I'm grateful for the opportunity this event has given me to reflect on my past choices, hard violent uprooting and shocking choices that seem almost like an alien made them, not the Veronica I am today, but who ever that Veronica was who made those choices I know she did so not to try and hurt anyone but because she was deeply deeply hurting and was making the best choice she could in that moment with the tools and knowledge she had at the time. I forgive her and am grateful for all the bad choices and mistakes she made because with out them I wouldnt have grown up and been able to talk to my family and apologize for them and work through those thoughts and feelings.
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