Trying to sell dead mother's house. When will it sell?

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Trying to sell dead mother's house. When will it sell?

Post by billy77 »

Born Liverpool, England 30th January 1969.

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Re: Trying to sell dead mother's house. When will it sell?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

I forget, Billy, do you still live in Liverpool? (We need to know where you live.)

I don't know any practical details about the house, but, for the moment, let's assume there are no unusual market conditions in your area, that homes are selling reasonably well, and that the house is in good condition and sale-worthy so that it could normally expect to sell in a six-month period. I'm also assuming that selling this is a good thing for you and that your motive is profit. - With this, we can see what chart factors we run into.

If yo're not in Liverpool or the expected selling window is different from about six months, please let me know.

Starting with a broad look: Your longest-term forecasting factor, solar arc directions, suggest this is a stage of life for profit, advantage, and esteem with directed Sun opposite natal Jupiter (operative now, exact in two months, and continuing for several months after). With this are also indications of anxiety and emotionally confusing factors with directed Sun square your Neptune this year.

I'm wondering if perhaps your mother recently died (which could explain the Moon-Neptune). I see your secondary progressions have a Venus-Saturn conjunction which usually means a period of emotional loss.

Transits are difficult over the summer. Though Jupiter to natal Saturn queues up the idea of successful real estate involvement, Saturn squares your Ascendant (crosses the Nadir over the summer and doesn't fully clear until next February. If that seems a reasonable length of time (given your understanding of circumstances), or if there is significant work that has to be done, or if I'm wrong ab out the state and selling the house would be more of a feeling of loss than of gain for you, then February or just after would be the answer (i.e., when the restrictions lift). I'm going to assume for the moment, though, that those circumstances refer to something else - that nine3 or ten months is unrealistically long and the sale would be a positive, happy event for you.

In that case, just based on transits, the most likely time is at the end of August or start of September. At that point, there will have been a Jupiter-Saturn square in space referring to movements in the re4al estate market are likely.; Saturn will have just temporarily left orb of your Ascendant (restrictions and delays ease); and Jupiter will then cross your Descendant (success). If your 6 AM birthtime is exact, Jupiter exactly crosses your Descendant August 28. (Venus opposes your Venus the same day: Reason to celebrate.)

I'll also run your lunar returns for the period but, at the moment, based on the general tone of your chart and using transits, it looks like the sale is around August 28.
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Re: Trying to sell dead mother's house. When will it sell?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Checking your lunar returns between now and the end of the year continues to point to August as the sale time. That is, nothing in the lunars suggests otherwise, and the charts shift significantly around the start of September.

Most of your lunar returns from now through August are quite positive Beginning in September, most of them are difficult, with the last months of the year seeming unusually difficult for you. Since transits point to the end of August as the most likely time, my conclusion is: The sale will occur at the end of August or, if it does not, then enormous difficulties arise that dominate your attention until at least March.

A summary:

Your SLR July 5 has Sun and Jupiter closest to angles, with Venus more widely angular. All good.

Your August 1 SLR has your natal Jupiter-Uranus conjunction angular. I would prefer transiting planets, but these two planets are quite positive and show a good (and perhaps very profitable) month, drawing on your ingenuity.

Your Demi-SLR August 16 has your natal Moon-Jupiter square on the angles, which continues the trend of the month. It's also at the time that Jupiter aspects your Saturn. I think the sale will occur in the two weeks beginning August 15 or 16.

Your August 28 SLR is strange. It's not exactly negative; I think it shows mixed emotions. An exact Venus-Neptune opposition dominates the angles. Venus, Mars, and Neptune aspect your own Venus. This is unusually complicated, perhaps shows social embarrassment (though I've seen that social embarrassment simply mean being too drunk at your own party, so this can go either way). I'd rather not pin this one down to narrowly. It marks the transiting from the charts before August 28 to the charts after.
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Re: Trying to sell dead mother's house. When will it sell?

Post by billy77 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:34 am I forget, Billy, do you still live in Liverpool? (We need to know where you live.)
House and I are about 10 or so miles from Liverpool Jim. thanks. Mother passed away November 2023. Bureaucratic realities meant we could only try to sell it this year on 29th May 1300 hours..
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Re: Trying to sell dead mother's house. When will it sell?

Post by billy77 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:34 am If your 6 AM birthtime is exact, Jupiter exactly crosses your Descendant August 28. (Venus opposes your Venus the same day: Reason to celebrate.)

I'll also run your lunar returns for the period but, at the moment, based on the general tone of your chart and using transits, it looks like the sale is around August 28.
After some back and forth difficulties and disappointments the deal was sealed (deposit was paid to the agent) Friday 23rd August! :)
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Re: Trying to sell dead mother's house. When will it sell?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

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Re: Trying to sell dead mother's house. When will it sell?

Post by billy77 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2024 5:07 pm Congratulations.
Thanks Jim! :) 5 days out but yeah that's incredibly close. Good work.👍
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Re: Trying to sell dead mother's house. When will it sell?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

If you read further in the thread, my final statement was it would be in the two weeks beginning August 16.
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Re: Trying to sell dead mother's house. When will it sell?

Post by billy77 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Aug 25, 2024 6:51 pm If you read further in the thread, my final statement was it would be in the two weeks beginning August 16.
Ah yes, excellent, thanks.
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Re: Trying to sell dead mother's house. When will it sell?

Post by billy77 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:02 am Your August 28 SLR is strange. It's not exactly negative; I think it shows mixed emotions. An exact Venus-Neptune opposition dominates the angles. Venus, Mars, and Neptune aspect your own Venus. This is unusually complicated, perhaps shows social embarrassment (though I've seen that social embarrassment simply mean being too drunk at your own party, so this can go either way). I'd rather not pin this one down to narrowly. It marks the transiting from the charts before August 28 to the charts after.
I mean there was an unusually red-faced moment , i was taken by surprise by a totally packed cafeteria in work and had to struggle a bit to find a seat. No major problem, though, that's the only 'social embarrassment' event I can think of for 28th August.
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Re: Trying to sell dead mother's house. When will it sell?

Post by billy77 »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Jun 23, 2024 8:02 am

Your August 28 SLR is strange. It's not exactly negative; I think it shows mixed emotions. An exact Venus-Neptune opposition dominates the angles. Venus, Mars, and Neptune aspect your own Venus. This is unusually complicated, perhaps shows social embarrassment (though I've seen that social embarrassment simply mean being too drunk at your own party, so this can go either way). I'd rather not pin this one down to narrowly. It marks the transiting from the charts before August 28 to the charts after.
Actually yes.'mixed emotions', i denied authority in work by arguing a point, i eventually did the task but it left an uncomfortable atmosphere. Some denied emotion the next day was getting to me, something 'wasn't right', I accidentally cut my hand (nothing major) and had to get colleagues to help with first aid.
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