We've known since 2020 that we need to keep an eye on Joe Biden's health. Since then, he's lived through some terrible astrological patterns and thrived in some great ones. We keep watching his chart, making note when things look severe. Maybe it's time to look at the mundane charts to see what pops up.
This topic is covered, of course, in Chapter 21, "Deaths of Leaders," of Sidereal Mundane Astrology. The general profile for such events is angular malefics and Pluto plus Sun - for the leadership element. Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus are rarely angular. Ingresses have more Moon-Mars, Moon-Pluto, and Moon-Sun aspects, and few Moon-Jupiter aspects. Mars-Neptune aspects are easily the most common foreground aspects, with Mercury-Uranus close. Second-tier aspects include Venus-Pluto and Uranus-Pluto.
My summary from that chapter, in part:
Simplicity marks the pattern fo
r this category of events. Sun and the three malefics (Mars, Saturn, Neptune) mark them, plus a strong, decisive, separating Pluto.
In the events following, all three malefics are directly involved in the pattern of nearly every case. Yet, Sun is fundamental to the signature in the way that Mercury is basic to transportation disasters. Sun can appear at any level of the stack and need not appear often for a given event.
Mars, the clear leader, engages heavily with the solar ingresses (where it leads), lunar ingresses (where it is second only to Saturn), and daily timing (where it is second to Saturn and Neptune).
Neptune, which seems as basic as Mars, forms the Bridge for five presidents who died in office. Saturn displays an association with death, being significantly involved in each presidential example except Reagan, Ford, and Nixon, the three who did not die, for whom Saturn only appears as a garnish.
Pluto lags only a little behind Sun and the malefics, playing a role in over half the examples. Among presidents who died in office, Pluto distinguished the assassinations (Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy, plus the attempt on Reagan). The only other name on the Pluto list is Richard Nixon.
Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus are least involved (angular or aspecting Moon in these charts). Venus is infrequently angular (and usually afflicted).
Moon aspects are unusually active in these astrologically rich charts. The second diagram displays their frequency, with Moon-Mars, Moon-Pluto, and Moon-Sun aspects leading. Notice the near absence of Moon-Jupiter aspects.
To get a feel of what these look like in practice, let's walk through the eight historic examples:
William Henry Harrison
Probably the closest analogy to Biden: A long-serving admired figure who was the oldest president of his time, caught pneumonia or something similar, and died (in his case) a month after inauguration.
Year (Capsolar):(Dormant.) Moon-Sun. Year (Cansolar, +1): Sun Venus Neptune (Moon). Moon-Sun Sun-Venus (Sun-Pluto Ve-nus-Pluto). Bridge (+2): Jupiter Saturn (Cap). Neptune (Can). Month (+1): Sun Mercury Uranus (Saturn). Sun-Mercury-Uranus Mercury-Saturn Mercu-ry-Uranus (Jupiter-Uranus). Week (+2): Mars Neptune. Moon-Pluto Day (Capsolar): Neptune (CapQ, +2). Venus Jupiter Moon-Saturn (transits, +1). Day (Cansolar, +2): Mars (CanQ). Neptune (transit).
Not an especially strong set of charts. The Capsolar gives us a solar focus though the Cansolar is the Yer chart - again, solar with the afflicted Venus we'll see in several. The Bridge told most of the story with Saturn and Neptune transiting angles (and Jupiter transits seem not to stop these events). The month is weak except for the solar influence. The Week chart (Canlunar) is the champ for death from fever etc. with Mars closely rising, Neptune wider, and a Moon-Pluto square. The Bridge concentrated on the day with Saturn transiting Capsolar Moon (with a couple of benefic transits but Neptune for the CapQ) and Neptune transiting a Cansolar angle (and Mars on the CanQ). SUMMARY: Keep the solar indications flowing, then the week chart and daily timing nailed it.
Zachary Taylor Year (+2): Mars Jupiter (Saturn). Moon-Sun Moon-Uranus Moon-Pluto Jupiter-Neptune. Bridge (+2): Jupiter (Cap). Mars Neptune (Can). Quarter (+2): Mars Saturn (Mercury). Moon-Pluto Sun-Mercury-Saturn Sun-Venus Mercury-Uranus Venus-Uranus Mars-Saturn Saturn-Uranus. Month (+2): Moon Pluto (Saturn Uranus). Moon-Saturn-Pluto Saturn/Pluto Uranus-Pluto. Week:(Dormant.) Moon-Saturn. Day (Capsolar, +1): Mars Jupiter Neptune Mars-Neptune (CapQ, +2). Jupiter (transit, -1). Day (Cansolar, +2): Moon-Neptune (CanQ). Mercury Mars Moon-Venus (transits).
Overall, the charts are much stronger. The Arisolar (Quarter) has an exact Mars-Saturn square angular plus Moon-Pluto and Moon-Uranus. The Bridge had Jupiter (which for this purpose seems not to interfere) but concentrates Mars and Neptune on the Cansolar. The Caplunar has Moon at MC aspecting Saturn and Pluto and a 0°00' Uranus-Pluto conjunction that's hard to miss. While the Cansolar ripened progressed Moon-Neptune plus Mars transiting IC, the CapQ put two-directional Mars-Neptune transits on angles.
Abraham Lincoln Year (+2): Moon, Sun (Saturn). Moon-Uranus. Bridge (+3): Saturn (Cap). Mars Neptune (Can). Quarter (+1): Venus Pluto (Moon, Mercury). Moon-Mercury-Pluto Mars-Pluto. Month (+2): Mercury Neptune (Sun Mars Jupiter Uranus). Moon-Mercury Sun-Uranus Mercury-Neptune Mars-Jupiter-Uranus. Week (+1): Mercury. Moon-Sun (Mercury-Pluto). Day (Capsolar, +3): Sun x2 Saturn (CapQ). Sun Saturn (transits). Day (Cansolar, +2): Mars Neptune Mars-Neptune (CanQ). Mars Neptune Mars-Neptune (transits).
This one is remarkable - it has a few political spins but is mostly simply malevolent. The Arisolar (Quarter) shows mind-bending shock and violence. The Bridge really brings it home with all three malefics. The Month only shows strange psychological states and political turmoil. Then, with Saturn square Capsolar MC, Sun joins it, while Sun and Saturn also hit the CapQ angles; and Mars and Neptune transit Cansolar angles with the same two planets on CanQ angles. This one was pretty much the Bridge brought to a climax with nothing else in the way.
James A. Garfield
His shooting and death were months apart. Once more the Bridge was the real star, at least for the shooting.
Year (+1): Venus (Uranus Pluto). Moon-Mars, Venus/Uranus. Bridge (+3): Uranus (Cap). Mars Saturn Neptune (Can). Quarter (+2): Mercury (Moon). Moon-Mercury-Mars-Uranus. Month (+2): Sun (Pluto). Moon-Mars Sun-Jupiter-Neptune. Week (+2): Saturn Pluto (Mercury). Moon-Venus Uranus-Pluto (Sun-Saturn). Day (CapQ, +1): Venus Pluto. Venus-Pluto. Day (Cansolar, +3): Jupiter Saturn Neptune (CanQ). Mars Saturn Neptune (transits).
While both solar ingresses had Moon-Mars aspects, the Bridge stands out with Mars, Saturn, and Neptune all involved. The Month is solar with more Moon-Mars. The Week has Saturn and Pluto closely angular. Then, with Neptune and Saturn in long-term transit to Cansolar angles, transiting Mars conjoined Saturn to complete the trio on a day Saturn and Neptune (with Jupiter) were also on CanQ angles. (CapQ brought mournful Venus-Pluto.)
William McKinley Year (0): Mercury (Sun Saturn). Quarter (+2): Mars Neptune (Jupiter). Mars-Neptune. Bridge (+2): Mars Jupiter Neptune (Can). Month (+2): Sun Mercury Pluto (Uranus). Sun-Mercury Uranus-Pluto. Day (Cansolar, +1): Venus. Moon-Mars (CanQ). Moon Jupiter Neptune Moon-Neptune Mars-Neptune (transits). Day (CapQ, +2): Moon Jupiter Uranus Neptune. Moon-Neptune Mars-Uranus Jupiter/ Neptune.
The Cansolar brought Mars-Neptune square to the angles. The Bridge had Mars and Neptune (plus Jupiter). The Month had Sun and Pluto. Neptune and Mars transits to the Cansolar MC and Moon narrowed to a few days, with CapQ bringing a Neptune (but other confusing signals). - His death occurred a few days later when CapQ brought Saturn and Pluto to angles.
Warren G. Harding Year (+2): Moon Venus Uranus. Moon-Mars Venus-Uranus. Bridge (+2): Neptune (Can). Quarter (+2): Neptune. Month (-3): Moon Mercury Jupiter (Venus Mars). Moon-Venus Moon-Jupiter Mercury-Mars-Jupiter. Day (Cansolar, +2): Moon (CanQ). Neptune (transit). Day (CapQ, +1): Uranus.
The Capsolar has Moon-Mars but isn't clear. The Quarter chart has Neptune, with the Bridge also bringing Neptune. The month chart was quite bad (entirely unacceptable). Harding has always been a terrible example and, in this case, it really only had Neptune to anchor the event by that one transit to the Cansolar.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Year (+2): Sun Mars Saturn Neptune (Mercury). Mars-Saturn-Neptune (Mercury-Jupiter). Month (+2): Sun Venus Saturn Neptune (Mercury Jupiter). Sun-Mercury-Venus Sun/Neptune Venus/Neptune Saturn-Neptune. Week (+2): Mars (Jupiter Saturn). Moon-Sun-Mercury Mars-Saturn (Saturn-Neptune). Day (CapQ, -1): Venus. Day (CanQ, +2): Sun Mercury Saturn.
In this terrible year when so much happened, the Capsolar did clearly nail the event with Sun and three malefics (in T-square right on the angles) defining the year. This time there was no Bridge contribution. The Caplunar (Month) was also Sun and two malefics closely angular. The Arilunar (Week) had Mars closest and Mars-Saturn specifically. The CanQ brought Sun and Saturn to angles together.
Notice that the murders are much more dramatic than the natural deaths. For the most part, the Bridge has carried us, but this time it wasn't there so the lunar ingresses did the deed.
John F. Kennedy Year (+2): Pluto (Moon Jupiter). Moon-Mars-Uranus Jupiter-Pluto (Venus-Jupiter Venus-Pluto Uranus-Pluto). Bridge (+2): Mars (Cap). Saturn Uranus (Can). Quarter (+2): Pluto (Uranus). Uranus-Pluto. Month:(Dormant.) Week (Liblunar, +2): Jupiter Pluto (Moon). Jupiter-Pluto (Mars-Pluto). Day (Capsolar, +2): Sun (CapQ). Mars (transit). Day (Cansolar, +2): Moon Mercury Uranus Pluto, Moon-Mercury-Uranus-Pluto (CanQ). Sun Saturn Moon-Uranus (transits).
Dallas is more violent, but to be consistent we should look at this for Washington. The Capsolar set the tone with Pluto most angular, Moon-Mars-Uranus aspects, and coup d'etat Jupiter-Pluto foreground. The Libsolar (Quarter) had a Uranus-Pluto conjunction angular. The Bridge brought Saturn (plus Uranus) from one direction and Mars from another. The Week repeated Jupiter-Pluto (plus Mars-Pluto).
For final timing, Saturn was in extended transit of Cansolar WP and joined by Sun. (CanQ for the day was emotionally shocking.) Within this, Mars squared Capsolar Ascendant (as CapQ brought Sun to an angle). All the pieces fell together.
So now we can apply what we've learned to the next seven months. We do not expect Pres. Biden to be assassinated but want to know if he may die from natural causes while in his first term, so we do not expect as commanding, dramatic a set of charts - though they should be precise
Notice that the solar ingresses often were representative but not always. This year's Capsolar shows none of the primary indications of a president's death. The Arisolar (active through October) does have Saturn as the most exactly angular planet (0°08'), and the Saturn conjoins a widely angular Mars. This meets minimal qualifications. October's Libsolar is complex but does, among other things, have Pluto at MC (which could just mean a turn-over in the office of president) with a Moon-Sun-Pluto T-square. This is even more fitting. Minimal conditions for a president's death are met by either of the Quarter charts from now until the end of the year. (The Cansolar, though dormant, has Moon aspecting Mars-Uranus. If there is to be a violent act it will be before mid-October, though I'm not expecting violence.)
Now for the hard part (since we don't have an automated way to produce this): Are there Bridge elements consistent with this? (I would expect this to be the most important.)
Neptune transits CapQ Moon May 16 to July 19, when we expect a weakening of the president as one result. I don't expect a final event during this time (I expect other events). There are no other outer planet transits to angles or Moons during the next seven months - it's all about the Mars transits.
Mars transits across Capsolar or Cansolar angles during the following dates:
Jun 14-26 (Cap)
Jul 13-19 (Cap)
Sep 15-22 (Can)
Sep 27-Oct 5 (Can)
Nov 17-Dec 25 (Cap)
Look at that last long period post-election: Mars enters 2° orb of Capsolar IC November 17 and doesn't leave until December 25 - more than a month - making exact contacts Nov 219 and Dec 13. Does anyone doubt that this will be a volatile, dangerous time?
Mars transits Capsolar or Cansolar ingress or progressed Moons during the following dates (we didn't see many cases of this above, but I want to record them):
Jul 21-24 (Can)
Aug 23-26 (Cap: immediately after the DNC)
Sep 7-11 (Cap)
CapQ Moon enters partile orb of square ingress Mars January 1.
I think I will run just with the Mars transit periods, and now check against lunar ingresses plus the lunar progression.
Jim Eshelman wrote: Sat Jun 29, 2024 2:22 pm
Mars transits across Capsolar or Cansolar angles during the following dates:
Jun 14-26 (Cap)
Jul 13-19 (Cap)
Sep 15-22 (Can)
Sep 27-Oct 5 (Can)
Nov 17-Dec 25 (Cap)
Jan 1-15 (CapQ Moon-Mars)
First, the Caplunars:
Jul 21: Neptune and some Saturn. Moon-Sun opposition. A leader is hurt or impaired though the Bridge isn't triggered during this time.
Aug 17: Neptune angular exactly PVP square Saturn. This is a bad time! There are no Bridge triggers, but it will still be a dark, troubled time.
Sep 13: Saturn and Neptune straddle Asc, sun opposes Saturn, Moon conjoins Pluto. The September 15-22 period and Sep 27-Oct 5 are high risk times for the president.
Oct 11: Dormant, but with a wide Moon-Mars. I don't think of this as a high-risk chart.
Nov 7 (just after the election): Saturn precisely angular and Neptune nearly as close. Moon conjoins Pluto and opposes Mars among other things. Very high risk especially after November 17 (Mars transit).
Dec 4: Pluto exactly angular. Venus-Pluto conjunction foreground (but not a close aspect).
The raw number of these that fits so severe an outcome is staggering. Nearly every month is put on alert. I don't take any of them seriously until September, and I don't think the October 11 Capsolar is a high risk of this sort - so I'll reduce the list to this:
Sep 13: Saturn and Neptune straddle Asc, sun opposes Saturn, Moon conjoins Pluto. The September 15-22 period and Sep 27-Oct 5 are high risk times for the president.
Nov 7 (just after the election): Saturn precisely angular and Neptune nearly as close. Moon conjoins Pluto and opposes Mars among other things. Very high risk especially after November 17 (Mars transit).
Dec 4: Pluto exactly angular. Venus-Pluto conjunction foreground (but not a close aspect). Bridge remains risky until Dec 25.
Continuing, let's check the weekly charts during these periods.
Canlunar 9/26: Venus closest, some Pluto, Moon-Pluto wide opposition. Low risk as these go but Bridge fires up beginning Sep 27.
Arilunar 11/13: More political danger than physical though there is a Moon-Mars 0°09' M. Most of the right planets are there they aren't very close.
Canlunar 11/20: Mostly Sun-Uranus opposition closely angular. Might be a political overthrow but doesn't seem risk to life.
Arilunar 12/11: Moon-Pluto square tightly angular. Other conditions speak more of conflict than anything else, though. Disruptive but probably not life threatening.
Canlunar 12/17: An amazing Moon-Uranus-Pluto mundane T-square, all very close. This is a big-deal week! We can really say that everything changes this week in significant ways. There is also emotional volatility.
Sep 13: Saturn and Neptune straddle Asc, sun opposes Saturn, Moon conjoins Pluto. The September 15-22 period and Sep 27-Oct 5 are high risk times for the president.
Nov 7 (just after the election): Saturn precisely angular and Neptune nearly as close. Moon conjoins Pluto and opposes Mars among other things. Very high risk especially after November 17 (Mars transit).
Dec 4: Pluto exactly angular. Venus-Pluto conjunction foreground (but not a close aspect). Bridge remains risky until Dec 25.
Canlunar 9/26: Venus closest, some Pluto, 2Moon-Pluto wide opposition. Low risk as these go but Bridge fires up beginning Sep 27.
Arilunar 11/13: More political danger than physical though there is a Moon-Mars 0°09' M. Most of the right planets are there they aren't very close.
Canlunar 11/20: Mostly Sun-Uranus opposition closely angular. Might be a political overthrow but doesn't seem risk to life.
Arilunar 12/11: Moon-Pluto square tightly angular. Other conditions speak more of conflict than anything else, though. Disruptive but probably not life threatening.
Canlunar 12/17: An amazing Moon-Uranus-Pluto mundane T-square, all very close. This is a big-deal week! We can really say that everything changes this week in significant ways. There is also emotional volatility.
There are many times (even stretches of months) when there are great threats in the air, but it's hard to pin down a time when that thread seems to be to a president's life specifically. I will single out these to check further:
Week of the Sep 13 Caplunar, especially beginning 9/15.
Week of the 9/26 Canlunar, especially beginning 9/27.
Week of the 11/13 Anlunar: The Anlunar itself isn't very strong but it reinforces the strong, specific indications of the Caplunar. Bridge fires up 11/17.
Week of the Sep 13 Caplunar, especially beginning 9/15.
While there will be volatility with Uranus' transit of Capsolar Asc, Jupiter on a major angle opposite ingress Venus 9/15 seems to heavily outweigh the Mars angularity.
Week of the 9/26 Canlunar, especially beginning 9/27.
Nothing in the CapQ. CanQ, though, has MC conjunct ingress Saturn 9/27; then transiting Mars enters orb of CanQ Asc 10/2, the day after it squares Cansolar Asc (in orb of both).
Week of the 11/13 Anlunar: The Anlunar itself isn't very strong but it reinforces the strong, specific indications of the Caplunar. Bridge fires up 11/17.
November 17, CapQ MC squares transiting Saturn. On November 20 (Biden's birthday), transiting Saturn is on CapQ EP-a and ingress Saturn is on Ascendant as transiting Mars crosses Capsolar IC. THIS IS A SERIOUS THREAT DAY IN WASHINGTON and it doesn't go well.
Week of 12/11 Arilunar: But it's more likely political confrontation than physical risk.
CapQ Zenith crosses ingress Mars 12/11; MC crosses it 12/16. Also on 12/16, CanQ Asc opposes transiting Saturn (though ingress Jupiter is also angular).
Week of 12/17 Canlunar: An amazing Moon-Uranus-Pluto mundane T-square, all very close. Everything changes this week in significant ways.
December 17 (like the 16th) is probably the most concentrated Mars date, with CapQ MC still on ingress Mars and transiting Mars on Capsolar IC (and transiting Saturn on CanQ Dsc). Something will erupt.
These, then, are the highest risk dates. I'm unclear that any of them signal a president's death, though many of them show extreme volatility and significant threat.
First Lady Jill Biden has directed Saturn to natal Moon this month. It's her major solar arc of the year. More vaguely, she has Saturn going back and forth across her Nadir between now and the end of the year.
Her June 3, 2024 SSR for Wilmington has natal Saturn 1°19' from Ascendant and - even closer - 0°17' from Eastpoint. Transiting Neptune 2°00' from Descendant is opposite the rising natal Saturn.
This will be an unusually sad, mournful year for her - taking the year as whole. This could, of course, be a political matter, but she's politically savvy enough that I don't believe she doesn't already know the various ways the election could go. This chart doesn't look like that. It looks like a more personal cause of demoralizing grief.
If PVP aspects are valid in solar returns, it looks worse (but this is a speculative use). Here are four Meridian Longitudes:
29°52' - t Saturn
29°55' - r Saturn
0°07' - t Neptune
0°42' - r Pluto
Remember, it isn't clear that these aspects work in SSRs or, if so, which of them we should be considering. Nonetheless, without, we have transiting Neptune opposite natal Saturn with both of them closely angular.
Jill Biden's December 14 SLR has Saturn closely setting square natal Sun and, especially, Mars. It is probably a sad time and certainly a difficult, burdensome, angry time. This could be for many reasons.
Along the way, two Neptunes and a Saturn mark the angles of her September 10 Demi-SLR with Neptune opposite her Saturn along the meridian (as it does across the horizon in her SSR).
In her October 7 Demi-SLR, transiting Pluto (0°14' from IC) opposes her Venus (2°00' from MC).
Her November 3 Demi-SLR - immediately before the election - looks violent. transiting Pluto, Uranus, and Mars are on angles with natal Venus and Pluto. Foreground aspects involve Mars-Uranus-Pluto (Mars opposite Pluto, both mundanely square Uranus).
Her December 1 Demi-SLR is again grievous: Natal Saturn is 0°03' from IC, transiting Neptune 0°09' from MC, and Neptune's opposition to her Saturn is 0°06'. This Demi-SLR is a clear climax of the most significant factor in her SSR at its greatest strength.
Her December 28 Demi-SLR is significant but not exactly in the same vein but it intense: A 0°01' Venus-Uranus conjunction aspects natal Mercury-Pluto near angles.
Within the seemingly climactic December 1 Demi-SLR, transiting Neptune's opposition to natal Saturn crosses SNQ horizon December 5. SSR Saturn crosses SQ Ascendant December 1, with Neptune opposite SQ Saturn crossing SQ angles December 4 and 6 (i.e., centered on the 5th). I think that that December 5 (give or take a day) will be one of the most sorrowful days of her life with Neptune opposite natal Saturn closely angular in the SSR and Demi-SLR and exactly crossing angles of her SNQ and SQ. With transiting Saturn square natal Sun during the same period, the cause of the grief will involve her husband. (Transiting Sun triggers Saturn to his Sun the same day, which is the day of her demi-solar.)
Notice that December 5 was also one of the (many) dates identified above by purely SMA methods.