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Post by sagegreen8 »

Hi! I’m traveling to LA & San Diego for the first time. I have gotten a brief blurb before months ago about what I can expect but I was wondering if someone could give a bit more information? I’ll be in LA for over a week and San Diego for 4 days from August 9th-20th. Also, would I find any luck in acting/film opportunities? I have always been interested in the industry and like creative pursuits in general. Right now I’m struggling to figure out what I wanna do with my career and film/acting seems unattainable but maybe I’ll give it a go. would consider even moving in the future there if career could look good there. I know I was told to avoid San Francisco but if there’s any other placements that look good in particular for California I’d be interested to know!

Birthday: 8/30/1999, 10:00am, Columbia MO
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Re: California

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Good-morning. That's pretty specific stuff for just a relocation look, and a short period of time to try to establish an acting career, though I wish you the best of luck. ("August 9th-20th" isn't four days, so there must have been a typo that makes it difficult to look at anything affecting that specific point in time.)

Here's what I wrote before about your chart for California, in response to specific questions about relocation (at least, it's all I found in the long thread):
Very-northern California (the latitude of Redding, more or less) would be the unhappiest: That's where the Venus-Saturn aspect concentrates (without the benefit of the angular Jupiter for NYC, which is about the same latitude). Below the Bay Area (latitude of Monterrey and Fresno) is interesting - not necessarily great, but a mix, and interesting - with Jupiter-Uranus (very positive) and Saturn-Neptune (very negative) influences. Los Angeles County (and the inland areas at the same latitude, essentially anything along U.S. 10 in California such as Riverside, Palm Springs, Joshua Tree, etc.) has a Mercury-Pluto paran: It would stimulate your mind enormously, perhaps be quite revelatory by confronting you with new ideas, blowing your mind a lot. San Diego is about the latitude of a Venus-Mars paran, which besides surging emotions of all sorts mostly means lots and lots of sex.
If the August 9-20 dates are correct, the first day or so is likely to be jet lag, body dragging, and lots of blocks and resistances - about August 9 every year is when Sun opposes your Saturn, one of the four "why is everything so hard today" dates we all have every year. But August 10-11 has Venus cross your Sun, so those will be a couple of happy days best suited for fun and drawing positive attention.

Let's see if anyone else has more specific answers to your questions above.
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Re: California

Post by sagegreen8 »

Haha yes, I wouldn’t be expecting to establish a career within that timeframe - more so was asking if an opportunity would arise. Or if my chart has anything that says I should try pursuing that industry. And I should’ve clarified: I’ll be in LA from Aug 9th-Aug 14th, San Diego 15th-18th, then back in LA the 18th and leaving the 20th! Thank you for your answer
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Re: California

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Your chart is not without support for some kinds of entertainment success. As a Leo-Pisces, I would expect the kind of sweeping dramatic gesticulation of Bernie Sander or Leonard Bernstein - they are actually much alike. (Or even Elvira or Lily Tomlin, Leo-Pices who also have your angular Moon.) Foreground Moon shows being natural for fields where empathy with your audience pays off, which usually means either service industry or some form on "on stage" drawing attention.
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Re: California

Post by Veronica »

My brother born Sept 1st lived in Los Angels for a few years and had a great job working for Disney that he loved everything about and another Job at BBB in retail(which is very much acting and entertaining) which he did not like. Disney theme parks will be looking for help in certain areas as August is when the temp summer student work force and interns go back to school.
Have a great time! I love Los Angels!!
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Re: California

Post by sagegreen8 »

Thank you!
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