My July SLR

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My July SLR

Post by Sharla »

SLR start date 7/2/2024. I won't say what's happened yet if anyone wants to try their hand at how this has come to pass. 7/8/24 was when it was triggered.

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA     Decl   Azi     Alt      ML     PVL    Ang G
Mo  9Ta30'46"  4N 2 +13°43'  61°49' 25N 1  32°30' - 6°18' 185°20'  11°37'  73%   
Su 16Ge28'54"  0N 0 +57'13" 102°34' 22N56 355°35' -14°26' 194°23' 106°38'  64%   
Me  5Cn42'32"  1N45 + 1°43' 123°25' 21N41 335°50' -12°32' 191°28' 151°30'   1%  b
Ve 24Ge14'38"  0N59 + 1°14' 111° 4' 23N 1 347°34' -13°36' 193°17' 131°40' 100% N 
Ma 22Ar18'47"  0S56 +43' 3"  45°12' 16N 8  50°29' - 7°40' 184°54'   9°54'  75% A 
Ju 13Ta33'55"  0S42 +12'53"  67° 2' 21N 3  29°18' -11°39' 190°12'  22°52'  54%   
Sa 24Aq20'16"  1S59 - 0'19" 351° 4'  6S 1 107° 6' + 5°18'   1°34' 354°27'  92% A 
Ur  0Ta43'41"  0S16 + 2'40"  53°33' 18N57  42° 2' - 8°50' 186°35'  13° 3'  70%   
Ne  4Pi51' 0"  1S17 - 0' 1"   0°27'  1S12  96°41' + 3°35'   0°25' 356°23'  96% A 
Pl  6Cp15'20"  3S11 - 1'19" 304°20' 22S58 155°21' +11° 4'  10° 5' 334°52'   6%  b
Er  0Ar22'56" 10S49 + 0'11"  27°32'  0S15  74°22' -11°58' 183°16'  12°25'  71%   

Mo  9Ta30'46"  4S49 +12°17'  63°33' 16N19  34° 8' -15° 1' 192°31'  25°32'  49%   
Su  7Le39'29"  0S 0 +57'53" 154°42' 10N30 303°13' -10°34' 185°50' 167°26'  63%   
Me 26Cn28'34"  2S59 -22'38" 142°57' 11N29 314° 4' -15°16' 190°45' 159°12'  21%  b
Ve 23Vi41'28"  1S46 +59'21" 196°38'  9S 0 257°39' - 1°54' 359°36' 178° 4'  99% D 
Ma 18Vi59'43"  0N15 +38'35" 193° 3'  5S19 262°42' - 1° 7' 359°51' 178°52' 100% D 
Ju  3Cn26'48"  0N13 +12'12" 120°42' 20N40 338° 5' -14°10' 193°11' 145°56'   1%  b
Sa  9Le17'18"  1N27 + 7'36" 156°47' 11N16 301°51' - 8°50' 184°42' 169°37'  73%   
Ur 18Li24'25"  0N22 + 1'47" 221° 9' 15S33 234°11' + 6°13'   3°39' 187°40'  85% D 
Ne 21Sc 6'19"  1N27 - 0' 5" 255°10' 21S17 201°47' +13°34'  12°38' 213° 3'  36%   
Pl 20Vi29'16" 16N43 + 1'51" 200°47'  9N18 265°29' +15°10'   1°13' 195°13'  67%   
Er 20Pi 7'56" 19S40 - 0'26"  21°39' 12S 9  86°38' -17°56' 181° 5'  17°58'  62%  

    Class 1 Aspects         Class 2 Aspects         Class 3 Aspects     
Mo oc Ve  0°16' 99%      Mo sx Me  3°48' 72%       Su co Ve  7°46' 37%  
Mo co Ma  1°43' 94% M    Mo co Ju  4° 3' 82%       Ve sx Ur  6°29' 23%  
Mo co Ur  1°26' 96% M    Mo sx Ne  4°40' 59%       Ve sq Er  6° 8' 31%  
Mo co Er  0°48' 99% M    Mo tr Pl  3°15' 80%       Ma co Ur  8°25' 27%  
Su oc Ur  0°45' 90%      Su sx Ma  5°50' 37%       Ju tr Pl  7°19'  5%  
Me tr Ne  0°52' 99%      Me sx Ur  4°59' 54%       Sa sx Ur  6°23' 26%  
Me op Pl  0°33'100%      Me sq Er  5°20' 47%                            
Ve sx Ma  1°56' 93%      Ju oc Er  1°49' 45%                            
Ve tr Sa  0° 6'100%      Ur sx Ne  4° 7' 68%                            
Ma sx Sa  2° 1' 92%      Ur tr Pl  5°32' 43%                            
Ma co Er  2°31' 88% M    Pl sq Er  5°52' 36%                            
Sa co Ne  1°56' 93% M                                                   
Ur co Er  0°38' 99% M                                                   
Ne sx Pl  1°24' 96%        

As Pi    |    Pl/Mc 11'i      Me/Mc 27'd      Su/Er 59'i   
Mc Sg    |    Sa/Er  9'i      Ma/Ur 41'i   
Angle    |    Sa/Ne 59'M   
Ve Ge  B | Mo Ta+
         | tr Sa  0° 6'    oc Mo  0°16'    sx Ma  1°56'    co Su  7°46'    
         | sq Er  6° 8'    sx Ur  6°29'    
         |    Pl/Mc  1'd      Me/Mc 17'i      Su/Er 49'i      Ma/Sa 55'i   
Sa Aq  F | tr Ve  0° 6'    co Ne  1°56'M   sx Ma  2° 1'    sx Ur  6°23'    
         |    Ju/Ne  8'i      Su/Ur 44'i      Ma/As 59'i 

I've just included the angle midpoints and F planet midpoints.
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: My July SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

First, let's trim this down. You apparently didn't use the Default Return options because you've included dozens of aspects that are completely irrelevant to return charts. Let's start with this simplification, and it seems you've excluded all the transit to natal and natal to natal aspects. (LOL, I'm not sure how you did that, if I can find time I may experiment to see how I can get this result.)

I'm going to have to manually reconstruct the aspectarian before I can do anything with this. But first, let's get rid of stuff that never have any use in a return chart. (This would be way simpler if you just provided your birth data and current location.)

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA     Decl   Azi     Alt      ML     PVL    Ang G
Mo  9Ta30'46"  4N 2 +13°43'  61°49' 25N 1  32°30' - 6°18' 185°20'  11°37'  73%   
Su 16Ge28'54"  0N 0 +57'13" 102°34' 22N56 355°35' -14°26' 194°23' 106°38'  64%   
Me  5Cn42'32"  1N45 + 1°43' 123°25' 21N41 335°50' -12°32' 191°28' 151°30'   1%  b
Ve 24Ge14'38"  0N59 + 1°14' 111° 4' 23N 1 347°34' -13°36' 193°17' 131°40' 100% N 
Ma 22Ar18'47"  0S56 +43' 3"  45°12' 16N 8  50°29' - 7°40' 184°54'   9°54'  75% A 
Ju 13Ta33'55"  0S42 +12'53"  67° 2' 21N 3  29°18' -11°39' 190°12'  22°52'  54%   
Sa 24Aq20'16"  1S59 - 0'19" 351° 4'  6S 1 107° 6' + 5°18'   1°34' 354°27'  92% A 
Ur  0Ta43'41"  0S16 + 2'40"  53°33' 18N57  42° 2' - 8°50' 186°35'  13° 3'  70%   
Ne  4Pi51' 0"  1S17 - 0' 1"   0°27'  1S12  96°41' + 3°35'   0°25' 356°23'  96% A 
Pl  6Cp15'20"  3S11 - 1'19" 304°20' 22S58 155°21' +11° 4'  10° 5' 334°52'   6%  b
Er  0Ar22'56" 10S49 + 0'11"  27°32'  0S15  74°22' -11°58' 183°16'  12°25'  71%   

Mo  9Ta30'46"  4S49 +12°17'  63°33' 16N19  34° 8' -15° 1' 192°31'  25°32'  49%   
Su  7Le39'29"  0S 0 +57'53" 154°42' 10N30 303°13' -10°34' 185°50' 167°26'  63%   
Me 26Cn28'34"  2S59 -22'38" 142°57' 11N29 314° 4' -15°16' 190°45' 159°12'  21%  b
Ve 23Vi41'28"  1S46 +59'21" 196°38'  9S 0 257°39' - 1°54' 359°36' 178° 4'  99% D 
Ma 18Vi59'43"  0N15 +38'35" 193° 3'  5S19 262°42' - 1° 7' 359°51' 178°52' 100% D 
Ju  3Cn26'48"  0N13 +12'12" 120°42' 20N40 338° 5' -14°10' 193°11' 145°56'   1%  b
Sa  9Le17'18"  1N27 + 7'36" 156°47' 11N16 301°51' - 8°50' 184°42' 169°37'  73%   
Ur 18Li24'25"  0N22 + 1'47" 221° 9' 15S33 234°11' + 6°13'   3°39' 187°40'  85% D 
Ne 21Sc 6'19"  1N27 - 0' 5" 255°10' 21S17 201°47' +13°34'  12°38' 213° 3'  36%   
Pl 20Vi29'16" 16N43 + 1'51" 200°47'  9N18 265°29' +15°10'   1°13' 195°13'  67%   
Er 20Pi 7'56" 19S40 - 0'26"  21°39' 12S 9  86°38' -17°56' 181° 5'  17°58'  62%  

    Class 1 Aspects         
Mo co Ma  1°43' 94% M
Mo co Ur  1°26' 96% M
Mo co Er  0°48' 99% M
Me op Pl  0°33'100%
Ma co Er  2°31' 88% M
Sa co Ne  1°56' 93% M                                                   
Ur co Er  0°38' 99% M                                                   
But I still have a lot of work to get a useful aspectarian. Give me a bit. (Argh, and I have hours of other work to do this morning.)
Jim Eshelman
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Re: My July SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

First, we strip our all the planets that aren't foreground.

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA     Decl   Azi     Alt      ML     PVL    Ang G
Ve 24Ge14'38"  0N59 + 1°14' 111° 4' 23N 1 347°34' -13°36' 193°17' 131°40' 100% N 
Ne  4Pi51' 0"  1S17 - 0' 1"   0°27'  1S12  96°41' + 3°35'   0°25' 356°23'  96% A 
Sa 24Aq20'16"  1S59 - 0'19" 351° 4'  6S 1 107° 6' + 5°18'   1°34' 354°27'  92% A 
Ma 22Ar18'47"  0S56 +43' 3"  45°12' 16N 8  50°29' - 7°40' 184°54'   9°54'  75% A 

Ma 18Vi59'43"  0N15 +38'35" 193° 3'  5S19 262°42' - 1° 7' 359°51' 178°52' 100% D 
Ve 23Vi41'28"  1S46 +59'21" 196°38'  9S 0 257°39' - 1°54' 359°36' 178° 4'  99% D 
Ur 18Li24'25"  0N22 + 1'47" 221° 9' 15S33 234°11' + 6°13'   3°39' 187°40'  85% D 
I'll reconstruct the aspectarian by making two 90° sorts - one in longitude and one in PVL - of the foreground planets:

24°20' Aqu - t Saturn
4°51' Pis - t Neptune
19°00' Vir - r Mars
23°41' Vir - r Venus
24°14' Gem - t Venus
18°24' Lib - r Uranus
22°19' Ari - t Mars

11°40' H5 - t Venus
24°27' H12 - t Saturn
26°23' H12 - t Neptune
28°04' H6 - r Venus
28°52' H6 - r Mars
7°40' H7 - r Uranus
9°54' H1 - t Mars

These lists let me identify the following aspects:

r Venus-Mars co 0°48'
t Venus op r Venus 0°33'
t Neptune op r Venus 1°41'
t Saturn-Neptune co 1°56' M
t Mars op r Uranus 2°14'
t Neptune op r Mars 2°29'
t Saturn op r Venus 3°37'
t Mars op r Uranus 3°55'
Jim Eshelman
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Re: My July SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

So, finally, lets break this out into exactly the data we need. Since we don't have the whole chart, I'm guessing at some of this. [STILL WORKING ON THIS]

t Mars on Asc -9°54'
r Uranus on Dsc -7°40'

t Venus on N [orb unknown but 100% strength]
r Mars on Dsc +1°08'
r Venus on Dsc +1°56'
t Neptune on Asc +3°37'
t Saturn on Asc +5°33'

r Venus-Mars co 0°48'
t Venus sq r Venus 0°33'

t Neptune op r Venus 1°41'
t Saturn-Neptune co 1°56' M
t Mars op r Uranus 2°14' M
t Neptune op r Mars 2°29'
t Saturn op r Venus 3°37'

This is a really interesting example. On first impression, it is clearly a Venus-themed event. The two Venuses dominate the foreground. Yet there are also starkly toxic aspects in the foreground that seem almost tragic on their own and particularly impact the Venus. Benefic-malefic balance (orbs being taken into consideration) is exactly even - the event is "mixed" on good-bad, or too many competing feelings and other elements to tip the scales one way or the other. On the other hand, there are no dignity planets and very strong indignity markers, so - while not "bad" in other ways - I would expect this month to take a bite out of your dignity.

Some of the most interesting return charts (from both theoretical and practical perspectives) are those in which benefics are really strong - easily the strongest factors - but are afflicted. Do you interpret this as "benefics are stronger, so it's good: you win," or as "the benefic planet only sets the theme and its conditions are hurt." In this case, that boils down to, "Is this a clear, strong Venus period, or is it a period hurtful to Venus?" I find the answer is usually somehow BOTH at the same time.

So, with all that preamble... The main themes of the month affect Venus areas of your life - they're very much in the forefront - including pleasure, romance, sexual themes in particular, elements of your femininity in the broadest sense in particular, and wider circles out from that like affiliation-connection, esthetics, fun, etc.

The sex theme - or perhaps, instead, matters affecting sexual anatomy - really lead the picture with your natal Venus-Mars conjunction squeezed into a partile aspect mundanely and with Venus square on Nadir square your Venus.

But - just a little farther from the angles, and quite close - there is that close Saturn-Neptune conjunction (mundane). Both Saturn and Neptune oppose your Venus ("bad for Venus" in general, with specific tensions between fantasies and reality).

The TYPE of event - this may not be the actual event, but something matching in general themes and, especially, emotional tone - probably one was one of two things, both of which involve both your Venus being very strong and active AND it being diminished or hurt, perhaps in a way to stir grieving: (1) An important loving or romantic relationship dominated your attention and was seriously wounded if not grievously ended. (2) You had a miscarriage.

In other charts, I could have taken that Saturn-Neptune-to-Venus a different direction: It can show renunciation-for-love as in (e.g.) sacrificing personal pleasure to care for a loved one. In this case, though, the remaining aspects don't go that direction. Transiting Mars to your Uranus is abrupt, disruptive - spilling blood or the psychological equivalent - certainly firing your tendency to break out, be free, erupt under too much stress, or the like. (Were it not for the Saturn-Neptune, it would look like dramatically aggressive sex. This chart doesn't look that pleasant.) Neptune to Mars is toxic and weakening - often either physically or emotionally toxic and prone to emotional drama.

So that's my read. If I'm anywhere near right, I hope you're OK.
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Re: My July SLR

Post by Sharla »

Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:16 am This is a really interesting example. On first impression, it is clearly a Venus-themed event. The two Venuses dominate the foreground. Yet there are also starkly toxic aspects in the foreground that seem almost tragic on their own and particularly impact the Venus. Benefic-malefic balance (orbs being taken into consideration) is exactly even - the event is "mixed" on good-bad, or too many competing feelings and other elements to tip the scales one way or the other. On the other hand, there are no dignity planets and very strong indignity markers, so - while not "bad" in other ways - I would expect this month to take a bite out of your dignity.

Some of the most interesting return charts (from both theoretical and practical perspectives) are those in which benefics are really strong - easily the strongest factors - but are afflicted. Do you interpret this as "benefics are stronger, so it's good: you win," or as "the benefic planet only sets the theme and its conditions are hurt." In this case, that boils down to, "Is this a clear, strong Venus period, or is it a period hurtful to Venus?" I find the answer is usually somehow BOTH at the same time.

So, with all that preamble... The main themes of the month affect Venus areas of your life - they're very much in the forefront - including pleasure, romance, sexual themes in particular, elements of your femininity in the broadest sense in particular, and wider circles out from that like affiliation-connection, esthetics, fun, etc.

The sex theme - or perhaps, instead, matters affecting sexual anatomy - really lead the picture with your natal Venus-Mars conjunction squeezed into a partile aspect mundanely and with Venus square on Nadir square your Venus.

But - just a little farther from the angles, and quite close - there is that close Saturn-Neptune conjunction (mundane). Both Saturn and Neptune oppose your Venus ("bad for Venus" in general, with specific tensions between fantasies and reality).

The TYPE of event - this may not be the actual event, but something matching in general themes and, especially, emotional tone - probably one was one of two things, both of which involve both your Venus being very strong and active AND it being diminished or hurt, perhaps in a way to stir grieving: (1) An important loving or romantic relationship dominated your attention and was seriously wounded if not grievously ended. (2) You had a miscarriage.

In other charts, I could have taken that Saturn-Neptune-to-Venus a different direction: It can show renunciation-for-love as in (e.g.) sacrificing personal pleasure to care for a loved one. In this case, though, the remaining aspects don't go that direction. Transiting Mars to your Uranus is abrupt, disruptive - spilling blood or the psychological equivalent - certainly firing your tendency to break out, be free, erupt under too much stress, or the like. (Were it not for the Saturn-Neptune, it would look like dramatically aggressive sex. This chart doesn't look that pleasant.) Neptune to Mars is toxic and weakening - often either physically or emotionally toxic and prone to emotional drama.

So that's my read. If I'm anywhere near right, I hope you're OK.
So, like I said this was triggered on the 8th. What happened was my partner came over to mine (we don't live together). I've recently been doing work in my home and my partner has been helping me out with things. He's an electrician so he's been putting new plug sockets in, or moving them to more suitable locations etc. A couple of weeks ago he put me some gold sockets in (which were some old ones he had retrieved from a house he had been doing work in). Everything has been fine with them up until the 8th.

I was upstairs and heard his car pull up on the the drive, at exactly the same time as he pulled up my electrics tripped and everything went out. I was shocked that it happened just as soon as he arrived. When he opened the door I was stood at the top of the stairs in shock and said "Just as you've pulled up the electrics tripped out". The fuse box is next to the front door, so he immediately opened it to check. But it just constantly kept tripping back out. He's now getting very frustrated as he wasn't expecting this as soon as he walked in. He then had to go all around the house to check what was causing it...anyway, after about half an hour it turned out to be one of the gold sockets he'd put me in a couple of weeks before. It then took him approximately another hour to change that socket to another one. Luckily he had one in his van. But during the process, he's not happy as he'd been busy all day and wanted to relax, anything I said or tried to do was annoying him.

I was then also getting stressed out with the situation and tension in the air. I had some wine left in the fridge so in the process ended up drinking that. He's now finished the socket and wanted some intimate time, but I just wasn't in the mood after everything. He then hung around for a bit but because of how I was being he ended up saying he was leaving. So I said, "Right okay if you're going to be like that I'm blocking you". He'd not even left the house and I'd already blocked him. He's still blocked now.

The Mars/Uranus was how quickly it all spiralled out of control and unexpected. Everything was fine with us until that date. Before I said I was blocking him, it's not like I was thinking about doing it, I just blurted it out, out of anger. And the fact that id had some wine didn't help.
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Re: My July SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Sharla wrote: Tue Jul 16, 2024 4:53 am
Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Jul 14, 2024 8:58 am First, we strip our all the planets that aren't foreground.
Hi Jim, how do I strip out the planets that aren't foreground?
It's a text file. The foreground planets have an angle specified in the G column (for "ground") at the end of each row. Since Time Matters creates the chart as a text file, I just deleted all the li es that had nothing in the G column, and rearranged them by relative strength (from the Ang column).
And I'm sorry for the confusion, I think the data I posted was from the tip you told me on how to include midpoints in a return chart, changing it to default natal. My birth data is 25th August 1978, 17.13pm. Current location Nuneaton, United Kingdom.
Thank you :) Were you born a Nuneaton also?

Code: Select all

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA     Decl   Azi     Alt      ML     PVL    Ang G
Ve 24Ge14'38"  0N59 + 1°14' 111° 4' 23N 1 347°34' -13°36' 193°17' 131°40' 100% N 
Ne  4Pi51' 0"  1S17 - 0' 1"   0°27'  1S12  96°41' + 3°35'   0°25' 356°23'  96% A 
Sa 24Aq20'16"  1S59 - 0'19" 351° 4'  6S 1 107° 6' + 5°18'   1°34' 354°27'  92% A 
Ma 22Ar18'47"  0S56 +43' 3"  45°12' 16N 8  50°29' - 7°40' 184°54'   9°54'  75% A 

Ma 18Vi59'43"  0N15 +38'35" 193° 3'  5S19 262°42' - 1° 7' 359°51' 178°52' 100% D 
Ve 23Vi41'28"  1S46 +59'21" 196°38'  9S 0 257°39' - 1°54' 359°36' 178° 4'  99% D 
Ur 18Li24'25"  0N22 + 1'47" 221° 9' 15S33 234°11' + 6°13'   3°39' 187°40'  85% D 
Jim Eshelman
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Re: My July SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

What a crazy night. Glad it wasn't as traumatic as I worried it might have been.

So the basic interpretation and expectation was right. As usual, it's hard to get scale - events are rarely as bad as they seem or as good as they seem. Perhaps because the Saturn-Neptune (though close) wasn't as close to the angles softened the grievous elements; but the basic idea was right:
Jim Eshelman wrote: Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:16 am The main themes of the month affect Venus areas of your life - they're very much in the forefront - including pleasure, romance, sexual themes in particular, elements of your femininity in the broadest sense in particular...

The sex theme... really leads the picture... [T]here is that close Saturn-Neptune conjunction (mundane). Both Saturn and Neptune oppose your Venus ("bad for Venus" in general, with specific tensions between fantasies and reality).

... (1) An important loving or romantic relationship dominated your attention and was seriously wounded if not grievously ended...
Is it ended? Or only "seriously wounded"?

And yes, the electrical thing is weird and perhaps the way Mars-Uranus showed other than other kinds of fireworks.
Jim Eshelman
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