I really liked This Guy, but...

Q&A and discussion about Synastry, i.e., relationship analysis through the comparison of two horoscopes.
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Sidereal Field Agent
Sidereal Field Agent
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I really liked This Guy, but...

Post by Venus_Daily »

Being a Leo Sun, I am naturally attracted to men who personify Sagittarius and Aries Suns, but Aries Suns moreso. So, to finally meet one, who at first I thought be attracted to me was amazing. On Jul 5th, we go out on a nice day, and we spend the night together, no sex...just once again really passionate. I never hear from him again despite him saying he really wants to make plans.

His birth info, 5/13/84.

His Mars is exactly on my WP in Libra exactly octile my Venus. His Venus is exactly opposite my Sun Moon/Midpoint yet opposite both or Saturns. His Mercury opposite both our Plutos.
His Jupiter is conjunct my moon. He reached out to me, I did not reach out to him. His Novien Mars/Pluto square my Moon.

Secondary Progressed for the night we spent together had his sun exactly opposite my Venus exactly on my SQ Natal ASC with Progressed Venus on the Descendant.

He spent the entire night trying to get us to know eachother and kept telling me how feminine and exotic I seemed to him, which for some reason most men do. Then after he left..nothing. I texted him letting him know that I know maybe he just wasn't attracted to me physically, and I would love to keep the door open to us just being friends, and nothing.

It's really disheartening, and I'm just wondering if it's me. I really hope my SSR charges things, but with all this going with men, who present themselves with nothing but lies, I find it hard to believe.
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Re: I really liked This Guy, but...

Post by Veronica »

I wouldn’t use the text option if you have a legit number to call. I’ve heard you mention before following up after a date that you texted the person. I’m not a fan of texting unless it is the only way, texting was created to send short statements or information quickly. It is not a good form of interpersonal communication and does more damage than good from what I’ve seen and personally experienced. There is too much room for error and miscommunication and misunderstandings. It also can come across as impersonal, and that you don’t have, or want to give up, the time it takes to dial the number and have a two sided conversation. Texts are abrupt one sided communications that do not usually have the tone, nuances, and niceties that a living conversation has.
If you really do like anyone, I would recommend calling and leaving a nice message inviting a call back if they can’t answer at that moment.
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