Did Jupiter save Trump?

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Did Jupiter save Trump?

Post by Sharla »

If I've calculated this correctly, Trump's LQ SLR has Tr Mar/Uranus AND Jupiter foreground. If Jupiter wasn't foreground would this have been a much more tragic outcome? Pluto is the only radical planet in the foreground, which makes sense given the recent attempt on Trump's life, should he decide to go into hiding for a short while.

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+------------- 5Aq16-----------15Cp13-----------29Sg47--------------+
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |tPl  6Cp 4 12°24|                |
 |tSa 24Aq14 19°38|                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |tNe  4Pi50 26°07|                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |      Transiting (t) Chart       |                |
 |                |          Donald Trump           |                |
 |                |    Last Quarti-Lunar Return     |                |
 |                |     11 Jul 2024  6:28:24 UT     |                |
 |                |    City Of New York, NY USA     |                |
 |                |      40N42'46"  74W 0'22"       |                |
 |                |           UT  6:28:24           |rMo 25Sc14 12°28|
 |tEr  0Ar24 18°31|         RAMC 312°45'18"         |                |
 |   tEp 20Ar 8   |          OE 23°26'19"           |                |
 |                |         SVP  4Pi55' 4"          |                |
 |tMa 28Ar12 24°18|         Sidereal Zodiac         |                |
 |rEr 12Pi42 24°28|         Campanus Houses         |                |
 |tUr  1Ta 5 25°26|                                 |                |
  8Ta54-----------+                                 +----------- 8Sc54
 |                |        Radical (r) Chart        |                |
 |                |          Donald Trump           |                |
 |tJu 15Ta19 05°03|              Natal              |                |
 |                |    14 Jun 1946 10:54:00 EDT     |                |
 |                |    City Of New York, NY USA     |                |
 |rUr 23Ta54 11°06|      40N42'46"  74W 0'22"       |                |
 |                |           UT 10:54:00           |                |
 |rSu 28Ta47 15°36|         RAMC 351°37'42"         |                |
 |                |          OE 23°26'47"           |                |
 |                |         SVP  6Pi 0'45"          |                |
 |                |         Sidereal Zodiac         |                |
 |                |         Campanus Houses         |rJu 23Vi28 06°41|
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |                                 |                |
 |                |                                 |rNe 11Vi51 00°29|
 |                |rSa 29Ge49 00°01|                |                |
 |rMe 14Ge34 02°21|rVe  1Cn33 02°57|                |                |
 |                |                |rPl 16Cn 3 05°46|                |
 |                |                |tMe 18Cn40 06°45|                |
 |                |tVe  4Cn25 08°58|                |tMo 25Le14 20°04|
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |tSu 24Ge22 19°59|                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |                |                |
 |                |                |rMa  2Le42 28°09|                |
 +-------------29Ge47-----------15Cn13----------- 5Le16--------------+

Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA     Decl   Azi     Alt      ML     PVL    Ang G
                               Transiting Planets                                
Mo 25Le14'25"  1N42 +11°52' 171°47'  5N24 312°34' -31°39' 202°38' 140° 4'   7%  b
Su 24Ge22'27"  0N 0 +57'13" 111° 4' 22N 2  22° 3' -24° 6' 202°31'  49°59'   7%  b
Me 18Cn39'40"  0N56 + 1°25' 136°29' 17N35 355°49' -31°36' 211°32'  96°45'  88% I 
Ve  4Cn24'50"  1N12 + 1°14' 121°56' 21N26  11°19' -27° 3' 206°35'  68°58'  20%  b
Ma 28Ar12'19"  0S51 +42'23"  51° 7' 17N47  71° 9' + 5°24' 178°15' 354°18'  91% A 
Ju 15Ta18'35"  0S42 +12'23"  68°53' 21N19  57° 0' - 4°14' 182°19'   5° 3'  93% A 
Sa 24Aq14'12"  2S 2 - 1' 8" 350°59'  6S 5 133°48' +31°32'  23° 0' 319°38'   7%  b
Ur  1Ta 4'34"  0S16 + 2'23"  53°54' 19N 2  68°26' + 4°15' 178°26' 355°26'  94% A 
Ne  4Pi49'42"  1S17 - 0'17"   0°26'  1S13 121°38' +29°46'  16°41' 326° 7'   1%  b
Pl  6Cp 4' 8"  3S12 - 1'23" 304° 8' 23S 2 188°48' +25°45'  25°30' 252°24'  37%   
Er  0Ar24'10" 10S50 + 0' 6"  27°33'  0S15 100°15' +11°18'   2° 2' 348°31'  68%   
                                 Radical Planets                                 
Mo 25Sc14'25"  0N 9 +11°51' 259°29' 22S56 228°26' + 9°24'   6°16' 192°28'  71%   
Su 28Ta46'54"  0S 0 +57'17"  83°19' 23N18  45°21' -11°14' 187°57'  15°36'  66%   
Me 14Ge33'35"  2N 0 + 1°52' 100°39' 25N 5  30°21' -17°45' 195°27'  32°21'  37%   
Ve  1Cn33' 8"  1N51 + 1°11' 119° 3' 22N39  14° 1' -25°22' 204°42'  62°57'   2%  b
Ma  2Le41'43"  1N16 +33'28" 150°24' 13N26 339°18' -33°26' 211°42' 118° 9'  45%   
Ju 23Vi27'53"  1N23 - 0' 3" 197°38'  6S 0 282°18' -22°50' 185° 7' 156°41'  12%  b
Sa 29Ge48'31"  0N 9 + 7' 2" 116°51' 21N18  16°32' -26°15' 205°18'  60° 1'   0%  b
Ur 23Ta53'44"  0N 3 + 3'32"  78° 1' 23N 2  49°27' - 8°29' 185°32'  11° 6'  73%   
Ne 11Vi51'17"  1N30 - 0' 6" 186°58'  1S23 294° 7' -27°19' 191°55' 150°29'   0%  b
Pl 16Cn 3' 3"  6N22 + 1'17" 135°29' 23N33 357°13' -25°42' 205°40'  95°46'  91% I 
Er 12Pi41'45" 25S 9 + 0'13"  17°25' 19S57 121°31' + 4°43'   2°28' 354°28'  92% A 
    Class 1 Aspects      Other Partile Aspects                          
tMo sq tSu  0° 5'100% M                                                 
tMo op tSa  0°25'100% M                                                 
tSu sq tSa  0°21'100% M                                                 
tMe sq tJu  1°43' 94% M                                                 
tVe op tPl  1°39' 95%                                                   
tMa co tUr  1° 8' 98% M                                                 
tMo sq rUr  1°21' 96%                                                   
tSu sq rJu  0°55' 98%                                                   
tMe co rPl  1° 0' 98% M                                                 
tVe co rVe  2°52' 84%                                                   
tVe sq rJu  2°17' 90% M                                                 
tMa co rEr  0°10'100% M                                                 
tJu sq rPl  0°43' 99% M                                                 
tSa sq rMo  1° 0' 98%                                                   
tSa sq rUr  0°20'100%                                                   
tUr sq rMa  1°37' 95%                                                   
tUr co rEr  0°58' 98% M                                                 
tEr sq rVe  1° 9' 97%                                                   
tEr sq rSa  0°36' 99%                                                   
rMo op rUr  1°21' 96%                                                   
rMe sq rNe  2°42' 86%                                                   
rMe sq rEr  1°52' 93%                                                   
rVe co rSa  1°45' 94%                                                   
rVe sq rNe  2°28' 88% M                                                 
rSa sq rNe  0°29'100% M                                                 
rNe op rEr  0°50' 99%                                                   
                                  Cosmic State                                   
                               Transiting Planets                                
Mo Le   | sq tSu  0° 5'M   op tSa  0°25'M   sq rUr  1°21'    
Su Ge   | sq tMo  0° 5'M   sq tSa  0°21'M   sq rJu  0°55'    
Me Cn   | co rPl  1° 0'M   sq tJu  1°43'M   
Ve Cn   | op tPl  1°39'    sq rJu  2°17'M   co rVe  2°52'    
Ma Ar   | co rEr  0°10'M   co tUr  1° 8'M   
Ju Ta   | sq rPl  0°43'M   sq tMe  1°43'M   
Sa Aq   | sq rUr  0°20'    sq tSu  0°21'M   op tMo  0°25'M   sq rMo  1° 0'    
Ur Ta   | co rEr  0°58'M   co tMa  1° 8'M   sq rMa  1°37'    
Ne Pi+  |
Pl Cp   | op tVe  1°39'    
Er Ar   | sq rSa  0°36'    sq rVe  1° 9'    
                                 Radical Planets                                 
Mo Sc-  | sq tSa  1° 0'    op rUr  1°21'    
Su Ta   |
Me Ge+  | sq rEr  1°52'    sq rNe  2°42'    
Ve Cn   | sq tEr  1° 9'    co rSa  1°45'    sq rNe  2°28'M   co tVe  2°52'    
Ma Le   | sq tUr  1°37'    
Ju Vi   | sq tSu  0°55'    sq tVe  2°17'M   
Sa Ge   | sq rNe  0°29'M   sq tEr  0°36'    co rVe  1°45'    
Ur Ta   | sq tSa  0°20'    sq tMo  1°21'    op rMo  1°21'    
Ne Vi-  | sq rSa  0°29'M   op rEr  0°50'    sq rVe  2°28'M   sq rMe  2°42'    
Pl Cn   | sq tJu  0°43'M   co tMe  1° 0'M   
Er Pi   | co tMa  0°10'M   op rNe  0°50'    co tUr  0°58'M   sq rMe  1°52'    
Created by Time Matters 0.5.6 (16 Jul 2024)
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Jim Eshelman
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Re: Did Jupiter save Trump?

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Sharla wrote: Tue Jul 16, 2024 6:51 am If I've calculated this correctly, Trump's LQ SLR has Tr Mar/Uranus AND Jupiter foreground. If Jupiter wasn't foreground would this have been a much more tragic outcome? Pluto is the only radical planet in the foreground, which makes sense given the recent attempt on Trump's life, should he decide to go into hiding for a short while.
This is good thinking on symbolism. There are a couple of problems.

1. Minor problem that doesn't matter for the return chart. You used New York City for Trump's birth. It should be Jamaica, NY (which is in Queens, which, yes, is a borough of NYC). It makes it a little better for analyzing the natal.

2. Main problem for this chart: You calculated the return chart for NYC also. Trump wasn't in NYC for either the chart setup or the event. The event was in Butler, PA. (I think he was in Mar-a-Lago just before.)

3. Probably a problem: I've long lost confidence in quarti-lunars. Of course, I could be wrong about that, but that's my view FWIW. In this case the Quarti-SLR was indeed interesting for Butler, PA with natal Sturn 0°06' from Ascendant, natal Venus 0°51' from Asc, and therefore, of course, the telltale "disfigurement" Venus-Saturn exactly conjunct, exactly on Asc. Natal Neptune was only 0°05' from Asc, making it in exact mundane square to Venus-Saturn. Several other planets were foreground, but these stand out the most. Far better than most quarti-lunars I've ever seen.

I think you got the symbolism right, though. His July 4 demi-lunar, relocated to Butler, has all the explosive bad stuff plus a modest edge of Jupiter:

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Pl Longitude   Lat   Speed    RA     Decl   Azi     Alt      ML     PVL    Ang G
                               Transiting Planets                                
Ur  0Ta47' 7"  0S16 + 2'37"  53°36' 18N58  66°25' + 1°59' 179°12' 357°50'  99% A 
Ma 23Ar14'44"  0S55 +42'57"  46° 8' 16N24  73° 6' + 5°34' 178°23' 354°11'  91% A 
Ju 13Ta50'39"  0S42 +12'49"  67°20' 21N 6  55°45' - 5°35' 183° 9'   6°44'  90% A 
Me  7Cn54'28"  1N40 + 1°40' 125°41' 21N 6   3°42' -27°57' 207°54'  83° 4'  88% I 
                                 Radical Planets                                 
Ma  2Le47'18"  1N16 +33'29" 150°30' 13N24 335°18' -32°16' 209°50' 123°30'  88% N 
    Class 1 Aspects
tMe sq tMa  1° 7' 98% M 
tMa co tUr  3°39' 86% M 
tUr sq rMa  2° 0' 92%   
Jim Eshelman
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