Englands volatile July SLR

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Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Sharla »

July has been a very volatile month for England. The new SLR on 6th July started just after the elections.
Foreground Mars/Pluto and Mercury.

It started with this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuVjhRT3ybs

Then this happened https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Southport_stabbing

And ended on this https://metro.co.uk/2024/08/03/map-show ... -21353399/

Code: Select all

Mo 27Ge28'13"  4N54 +12°56' 115°15' 26N23 218°32' +60°43'  54°22' 250°45'  28%   
Su 19Ge54'19"  0N 0 +57'14" 106°16' 22N36 228°34' +53°31'  41°50' 241° 0'   0%  b
Me 11Cn37'47"  1N28 + 1°35' 129°30' 20N 1 190° 5' +58°13'  57°49' 263°48'  90% M 
Ve 28Ge39'20"  1N 5 + 1°14' 115°49' 22N25 214°30' +57°19'  52° 6' 250° 2'  25%  b
Ma 24Ar52'49"  0S54 +42'46"  47°46' 16N52 278°42' +14°45' 177°43' 194°54'  80% Wa
Ju 14Ta19'50"  0S42 +12'41"  67°51' 21N11 266°13' +30°27'   2°13' 210°31'  40%   
Sa 24Aq18'28"  2S 0 - 0'41" 351° 2'  6S 3 314° 5' -35°44' 206°35' 134°58'  15%  b
Ur  0Ta53' 2"  0S16 + 2'33"  53°42' 19N 0 275°38' +20° 2' 177°57' 200° 7'  58%   
Ne  4Pi50'43"  1S17 - 0' 8"   0°27'  1S12 307° 4' -27° 1' 197° 5' 147°25'   0%  b
Pl  6Cp10'33"  3S12 - 1'21" 304°15' 23S 0  20°32' -60°18' 238°39'  78°41'  99% N 
Er  0Ar23'33" 10S50 + 0' 9"  27°32'  0S15 283°47' -11° 3' 182°40' 168°38'  69%   
                                 Radical Planets                                 
Mo 27Ge28'13"  4N58 +11°58' 115°16' 26N27 218°34' +60°47'  54°25' 250°47'  29%   
Su 18Sg13'11"  0N 0 + 1° 1' 284°27' 22S46  51° 7' -52°49' 219°36'  59°26'   0%  b
Me 25Sc36' 3"  1N42 + 1° 5' 259°59' 21S25  76° 6' -38° 6' 190°40'  38°56'  27%   
Ve 24Cp34'41"  1S49 + 1°13' 322°40' 16S39 347°27' -54°39' 233°59'  98°46'  80% I 
Ma 19Ar48' 0"  1N39 +13'25"  41°55' 17N52 283°46' +11°56' 177° 7' 192°17'  85% W 
Ju  9Cn53'50"  0N32 - 7' 0" 127°28' 19N32 193°32' +57°29'  56°45' 261°31'  82% M 
Sa  1Le24'30"  1N14 - 2'51" 149° 9' 13N51 158°12' +50°42'  48°36' 286°55'  64%   
Ur  9Vi56' 6"  0N45 + 0'18" 184°54'  1S18 124°14' +22°36'  13°11' 333°17'   3%  b
Ne 26Li46'26"  1N44 + 1'34" 229°54' 16S33  96°52' -15°49' 358° 4'  15°56'  66%   
Pl 10Aq44'53" 12S23 + 1' 6" 342°28' 20S51 314°56' -52°42' 222°50' 118°21'  44%   
Er  7Cp47'46" 43S24 + 1'15" 324° 0' 60S49 204°16' -79°28' 281°32'  94°22'  95% N

tMo co tVe  0°43' 99% M                                                 
tMo sq tEr  2°55' 84%                                                   
tVe sq tEr  1°44' 94%                                                   
tPl sq tEr  0° 3'100% M                                                 
tSu op rSu  1°34' 95% M                                                 
tSu sq rUr  2°17' 90% M                                                 
tMe co rJu  1°44' 94%                                                   
tVe co rMo  0°45' 99% M                                                 
tMa sq rVe  0°18'100%                                                   
tMa co rMa  2°38' 87% M                                                 
tMa sq rSa  2° 0' 92% M                                                 
tMa op rNe  1° 1' 98% M                                                 
tJu sq rPl  2°10' 91% M                                                 
tSa sq rMe  1°18' 97%                                                   
tUr sq rSa  0°31' 99%                                                   
tNe sq rSu  2° 1' 92% M                                                 
tPl op rJu  2°50' 85% M                                                 
tPl co rEr  1°37' 95%                                                   
tEr sq rMo  2°55' 84%                                                   
tEr sq rJu  2°53' 84% M
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

It took me a while to realize which birth chart for Great Britain you are using: This is based on the January 1, 1801 United Kingdom chart, yes? That chart suggests volatility by other methods, too. For example, the UK has had two years of solar arc Sun square natal Neptune (almost expired) and has recently entered its two-year run of directed Uranus conjunct natal Mars. Various transits show increased tensions and, for the periods you mentioned, transiting Mars opposed natal Neptune. That Mars-Neptune opposition fell across the SLR angles (just to take the most obvious feature).

That's a pretty good showing for what I've tended to consider an interim chart (but perhaps referring more specifically to the "United Kingdom" aspect of the land.)

I've always been fondest of the December 24, 1066 chart for the initial forging of Great Britain. Coincidentally, that chart also has directed/progressed Sun square natal Neptune though it also has the very positive directed Ascendant square natal Jupiter - these are longer term trends. In July it had a progressed Moon-Saturn opposition, singling out a month (exact July 17), showing an unusually dire month before and after that date. For transits, besides the long-term Pluto conjunction with natal Mercury, Neptune has been opposing natal Saturn.

Both charts are volatile, but the one you used - 1801 - is the only one that has obvious Mars for the violence. The 1066 chart plays up elements of grief and loss.
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Sharla »

Yes that's the chart I'm using, I also thought that was the only chart England had.
I forgot to look at the larger background transits. It's interesting that directed Uranus has now started to conjunct Mars, which I expect has added to the July SLR volatile Mars/Pluto energy. I was puzzled why it had been so volatile this month when Mars was not even highly angular in the SLR.
I've always been fondest of the December 24, 1066 chart for the initial forging of Great Britain.
I never knew about this chart up until now. What would be the time used for this chart?
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Sharla wrote: Sat Aug 03, 2024 9:19 am Its not quoting properly for some reason, so i'll have to reply like this.
I deleted the quote previously. There was no reason to repeat exactly what was above it, since we know what you're responding to. (I keep working to keep our site data base from reaching capacity with unnecessary content. Space in the sky may be infinite, but space in the data base isn't :) One day it will run out and I'll have to go through and purge large blocks of historic content. I'd rather not do that any sooner than necessary.) - I've deleted this again in the post above just to conserve space.
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Sharla wrote: Sat Aug 03, 2024 9:19 am
I've always been fondest of the December 24, 1066 chart for the initial forging of Great Britain.
I never knew about this chart up until now. What would be the time used for this chart?
William the Conqueror spent most of a year establishing his dominion over all the smaller kingdoms across the land, forming a united Great Britain for the first time. He was crowned at the moment of sundial noon December 26, 1066 at Westminster Abbey, 51N29'58" 0W07'36". You can enter this in Solar Fire as 12:00 LAT and it will calculate the time correctly. In Time Matters, you need to enter it as 12:05:17 PM LMT.
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by SteveS »

Sharla, when you find the time this thread may interest you.

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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Sharla »

SteveS wrote: Sat Aug 03, 2024 10:59 am Sharla, when you find the time this thread may interest you.

Thankyou Steve ill take a look.
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Sharla »

Jim or anybody else. Can you decipher anything from the England chart/s right now, with regards to these current riots, turning into a Muslim hate campaign? As of now Muslim people are being targeted by EDL (English Defence League) and Muslim guys are now gathering in groups in certain cities to fight back. This has all escalated very quickly.

This shouldn't even be about Muslims, the current protests should have been about stopping undocumented immigrants into the country (We currently have a line of tractors from farmers all along the Dover coast to try and stop them as the government are doing nothing about it). But it's escalated into Islamophobia with mosques being set alight, Asian shops being set alight and random Muslim people being attacked. Today in Birmingham Uk some Muslim guys had a stall set up giving away English translation Qurans to people. But then a yob of white guys turned up and smashed up their stall.

This is all getting out of hand.
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

There's a lot of this in the world right now... and, of course, we should be able to see that. For England it's not recent, though: As far as I can tell, these were the main emotional motivations behind Brexit in the first place, which takes us back at least five years.

There aren't a lot of astrological factors that spread over a five-year period, but secondary progressions can do that. While the most recent twist on this is almost certainly the potentially hateful, unwelcoming progressed Moon-Saturn opposition (mid-June through mid-August, roughly), the unwillingness to communicate of the slow progressed Mercury conjunct natal Saturn, the xenophobic progressed Sun square natal Neptune (which means progressed MC on natal Neptune) and progressed Ascendant square natal Mars... this is certainly volatile right now even though it hasn't lasted five years. (More concentrated on now.)

Mosty of that time, there has been a progressed Mars-Jupiter square. This is known for everything from enthusiasm to evangelizing personal beliefs. It can take a specific form of "religious war" or "religious conflict." But it is past a year or so ago. Perhaps it "handed off" the issue to more recent progressions?

It's certainly concentrated right now.

Here's the 1066 chart on a 90° dial with secondary progressions for early July. (I'll come back and delete it later.) All the major contacts are easy to see.

UK progs.png
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Sharla »

Jim don't delete anything too quickly as I want to return to your reply tomorrow to do some research.
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by SteveS »

FWIW, I see the current SLR for the 1066 chart with Eris partile 90 SLR MC for the Chaos. Also, SLR PL partile conjunct 1066 Mercury and angular, a slow moving “outstanding incident” SLR Pl conjunction r Mercury.
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Arena »

How do any of you know exactly what's going on?

Didn't a Muslim immigrant attack little children and actually killed three of them? And the media tried to cover up the fact that he was indeed a Muslim immigrant? If that's the case, wouldn't you understand that this kind of behavior evokes anger in the community that took in this immigrant? How would it not?

Jim, please don't make Brexit about this issue. That would be distortion of historical facts. Brexit was not about this. It was purely economics.
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Arena wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2024 4:55 am Jim, please don't make Brexit about this issue. That would be distortion of historical facts. Brexit was not about this. It was purely economics.
I'm shocked (though you may be in a better place to know than I). The news we were getting here is that Brexit was fundamentally about the UK being able to stop the pace of immigration (with some economics-related speeches in Parliament to go with it). From this side of the pond, Brexit seemed utterly about growing xenophopbia.
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Arena »

Well, that goes to show how critical you need to be of the news, in particular the main stream news in your country. The media over there have an agenda and they often distort the news and sometimes they even lie. You may be able to get some more honest reporting from independent sources.

Brexit's main emphasis was because the UK had to pay an enormous amount of money to the EU and they also felt they wanted more autonomy about their own matters. There may have been some MP's worried about immigration - but that was not the biggest issue during this transition.
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Sharla »

Arena wrote: Sun Aug 04, 2024 4:55 am How do any of you know exactly what's going on?

Didn't a Muslim immigrant attack little children and actually killed three of them? And the media tried to cover up the fact that he was indeed a Muslim immigrant? If that's the case, wouldn't you understand that this kind of behavior evokes anger in the community that took in this immigrant? How would it not?

Jim, please don't make Brexit about this issue. That would be distortion of historical facts. Brexit was not about this. It was purely economics.
The riots were originally sparked by the killings of three young girls and many more injured. False rumours spread online that the suspect was a Muslim asylum seeker. In reality the suspect charged with the murders is a 17 year old, born in Cardiff Uk to Rwandan parents. He is a roman catholic.
But the attack was perceived as an Islamic extremist terrorist attack, like we've experienced many of in the Uk in the past.
So Muslims were getting targeted thinking he was Muslim and then Immigrants who have been put up in hotels were getting targeted yesterday thinking the attacker was an immigrant. But he was infact born here.
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Arena »

A second generation immigrant.
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Sharla »

Arena wrote: Mon Aug 05, 2024 7:18 am A second generation immigrant.
But his parents came over to the Uk in the 90's (so I've heard), which would make him a first generation immigrant.
The second generation immigrants would be his kids.
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

Sharla, if he's a first generation immigrant, that would mean he wasn't born here.

That's the practical question: Is he an immigrant or native-born? (I thought you were saying he is native-born.)

Not that I think this should make a difference: Painting an entire group (immigrant, descendant of recent immigrants, non Angle-Saxon) on the basis of one person's actions is off the rails.
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Re: Englands volatile July SLR

Post by Jim Eshelman »

National charts aside, the current ingresses for London are quite descriptive of the present events.

The Cansolar (Sun's Cancer ingress) July 17 has Sun and Pluto closest to angles in London (with a little Saturn and Neptune). This gives a foreground Sun-Pluto conjunction. Additionally, though Moon's aspects to Mars and Uranus are too wide for the rest of the world, in London their mundane aspects are close. As for most ethnic-themed outbreaks, there is a Jupiter element as well (a PVP aspect):

Moon-Uranus op 0°43' M
Moon-Mars op 1°44' M
Sun-Pluto op 2°23' M
-- Sun-Jupiter sq 1°36' p
-- Jupiter-Pluto sq 2°48' p

Even though these outbreaks began earlier in the month, the ingresses (especially lunar) remained benign until later in July. The Cansolar above started the cycle. Then, July 21 it was compounded by a new Month chart, the Caplunar (Moon's Capricorn ingress) that was vicious.

Moon-Saturn co 0°05' M
Moon on Dsc 0°20'
Saturn on MC 0°25'

another Sun-Pluto opposition occurred (mundane), about a degree wide and widely foreground. The Moon-Saturn was the horrible main point. This chart lasts four weeks.

The July 27 Arilunar (a one-week chart) had Saturn most angular (0°11') with Neptune and Jupiter supporting it. The August 3 Canlunar had a foreground Mars-Jupiter conjunction with Mars most angular (0°48'), letting violence lead and ethnic or religious zeal and violence be the broader theme.

There's a good chance this will calm down by the end of this week. The July 14 Liblunar has Venus 0°03' from London's Ascendant. It's Venus opposite Pluto (still community confrontation and experience of personal loss) but the chart turns decidedly more benefic. With a Sun-Moon square worldwide and in London Sun foreground and Moon much weaker, this calming is likely to involve a stronger, overpowering presence of the authorities (the government or crown in some form).
Jim Eshelman
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